Monthly Notices of the RAS 381
November(I) 2007

The distance to SS433/W50 and its interaction with the interstellar medium
Lockman, Felix J.; Blundell, Katherine M. ; Goss, W.M.
Gemini GMOS/IFU spectroscopy of NGC 1569 - I. Mapping the properties of a young star cluster and its environment
Westmoquette, M.S.; Exter, K.M.; Smith, L.J. ; Gallagher III, J.S.
Gemini GMOS/integral field unit spectroscopy of NGC 1569 - II. Mapping the roots of the galactic outflow
Westmoquette, M.S.; Smith, L.J. ; Gallagher III, J.S. ; Exter, K.M.
Alignment and signed-intensity anomalies in Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data
Vielva, P.; Wiaux, Y.; Martínez-González, E.; Vandergheynst, P.
Near-infrared surface photometry of a sample of barred galaxies
Gadotti, D.A.; Athanassoula, E. ; Carrasco, L. ; Bosma, A. ; de Souza, R.E. ; Recillas, E.
The properties and evolution of a K-band selected sample of massive galaxies at z ∼ 0.4-2 in the Palomar/DEEP2 survey
Conselice, C.J.; Bundy, K.; Trujillo, I. ; Coil, A.; Eisenhardt, P. ; Ellis, R.S. ; Georgakakis, A. ; Huang, J. ; Lotz, J. ; Nandra, K. ; Newman, J. ; Papovich, C.; Weiner, B. ; Willmer, C.
The dynamics of tidal tails from massive satellites
Choi, Jun-Hwan; Weinberg, Martin D.; Katz, Neal
High-frequency modes in solar-like stars
Karoff, C.
Self-regulated gravitational accretion in protostellar discs
Vorobyov, E.I.; Basu, Shantanu
Optimal surveys for weak-lensing tomography
Amara, Adam; Réfrégier, Alexandre
Detection of 6-cm radio-continuum emission from an EB (β-Lyrae type) variable star - HIP 68718
Anderson, M.W.B.; Filipovic, M.D.
Simple potential-density pairs for flat rings
Letelier, Patricio S.
2007MNRAS.381.1035S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/381/1035)
A deep AAOmega survey of low-luminosity galaxies in the Shapley supercluster: stellar population trends
Smith, Russell J.; Lucey, John R. ; Hudson, Michael J.
Measuring the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
Percival, Will J.; Cole, Shaun ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Peacock, John A. ; Pope, Adrian C. ; Szalay, Alexander S.
Optical spectroscopic classification and membership of young M dwarfs in star-forming regions
Riddick, F.C.; Roche, P.F. ; Lucas, P.W.
An optical spectroscopic HR diagram for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in Orion
Riddick, F.C.; Roche, P.F. ; Lucas, P.W.
The prevalence of Fanaroff-Riley type I radio quasars
Heywood, Ian; Blundell, Katherine M. ; Rawlings, Steve
Analysis of rotation curves in the framework of Rn gravity
Martins, C.Frigerio; Salucci, P.
High-redshift Fanaroff-Riley type II radio sources: large-scale X-ray environment
Belsole, E.; Worrall, D.M. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Croston, J.H.
The clumpy structure of the chemically active L1157 outflow
Benedettini, M.; Viti, S. ; Codella, C. ; Bachiller, R. ; Gueth, F. ; Beltrán, M.T. ; Dutrey, A. ; Guilloteau, S.
Lyα heating and its impact on early structure formation
Ciardi, B.; Salvaterra, R.
Thermal conductivity of ions in a neutron star envelope
Chugunov, A.I.; Haensel, P.
The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - V. Submillimetre properties of near-infrared-selected galaxies in the Subaru/XMM -Newton deep field
Takagi, T.; Mortier, A.M.J. ; Shimasaku, K. ; Coppin, K. ; Pope, A. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Hanami, H. ; Serjeant, S. ; Clements, D.L. ; Priddey, R.S. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Takata, T. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Chapman, S.C. ; Eales, S.A. ; Farrah, D. ; Granato, G.L. ; Halpern, M. ; Hughes, D.H. ; van Kampen, E. ; Scott, D. ; Sekiguchi, K. ; Smail, I. ; Vaccari, M.
Using rotation rates to probe age spreads in the Orion Nebula Cluster
Jeffries, R.D.
Accurate seeing measurements with MASS and DIMM
Tokovinin, A.; Kornilov, V.
On generation of Crab giant pulses
Lyutikov, Maxim
Intrinsic galaxy alignments from the 2SLAQ and SDSS surveys: luminosity and redshift scalings and implications for weak lensing surveys
Hirata, Christopher M.; Mandelbaum, Rachel; Ishak, Mustapha ; Seljak, Uros ; Nichol, Robert ; Pimbblet, Kevin A. ; Ross, Nicholas P. ; Wake, David
2007MNRAS.381.1219O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/381/1219)
High mass-loss asymptotic giant branch stars detected by the Midcourse Space Experiment in the `intermediate' and `outer' Galactic bulge
Ojha, D.K.; Tej, A. ; Schultheis, M. ; Omont, A. ; Schuller, F.
Piecing together the X-ray background: bolometric corrections for active galactic nuclei
Vasudevan, R.V.; Fabian, A.C.
Recovering galaxy star formation and metallicity histories from spectra using VESPA
Tojeiro, R.; Heavens, A.F. ; Jimenez, R. ; Panter, B.
Multidimensional treatment of photon emission from accretion discs around black holes
Kohri, Kazunori; Ohsuga, Ken ; Narayan, Ramesh
An unexpected outburst from A0535+262
Hill, A.B.; Bird, A.J. ; Dean, A.J. ; McBride, V.A. ; Sguera, V.; Clark, D.J. ; Molina, M. ; Scaringi, S. ; Shaw, S.E.
The minimum gap-opening planet mass in an irradiated circumstellar accretion disc
Edgar, Richard G.; Quillen, Alice C.; Park, Jaehong
Warp diffusion in accretion discs: a numerical investigation
Lodato, Giuseppe; Pringle, J.E.
On the nature of the upper atmospheric variability in the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD134214
Kurtz, D.W.; Elkin, V.G. ; Mathys, G. ; van Wyk, F.
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