Monthly Notices of the RAS 381
October(II) 2007
- 2007MNRAS.381L...1L
- PSR B1828-11: a precession pulsar torqued by a quark planetquest
- Liu, K. ; Yue, Y.L. ; Xu, R.X.
- 2007MNRAS.381L...6C
- Detection of broad 21-cm absorption at zabs= 0.656 in the complex sight-line towards 3C336
- Curran, S.J.; Tzanavaris, P. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Webb, J.K. ; Pihlström, Y.M.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..11M
- The origin of large-scale Hi structures in the Magellanic Bridge
- Muller, Erik; Bekki, Kenji
- 2007MNRAS.381L..16B
- The Magellanic squall: gas replenishment from the Small to the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Bekki, Kenji; Chiba, Masashi
- 2007MNRAS.381L..21G
- XMM-Newton unveils the type 2 nature of the BLRG 3C 445
- Grandi, Paola; Guainazzi, Matteo ; Cappi, Massimo ; Ponti, Gabriele
- 2007MNRAS.381L..26L
- A synchrotron superbubble in the IC10 galaxy: a hypernova remnantquest
- Lozinskaya, T.A.; Moiseev, A.V.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..30L
- Detection of SiO emission from a massive dense cold core
- Lo, N.; Cunningham, M. ; Bains, I. ; Burton, M.G. ; Garay, G.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..35B
- A closer look at using quasar near-zones as a probe of neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium
- Bolton, James S.; Haehnelt, Martin G.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..40D
- The origin of the Arches stellar cluster mass function
- Dib, Sami; Kim, Jongsoo ; Shadmehri, Mohsen
- 2007MNRAS.381L..45B
- FSR1767 - a new globular cluster in the Galaxy
- Bonatto, C.; Bica, E.; Ortolani, S.; Barbuy, B.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..50L
- Coordinate confusion in conformal cosmology
- Lewis, Geraint F.; Francis, Matthew J. ; Barnes, Luke A. ; James, J.Berian
- 2007MNRAS.381L..55B
- J0316+4328: a probable `asymmetric double' lens
- Boyce, E.R.; Myers, S.T. ; Browne, I.W.A. ; Stroman, W.J. ; Jackson, N.J.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..60C
- Extreme photopolarimetric behaviour of the blazar AO0235+164
- Cellone, Sergio A.; Romero, Gustavo E. ; Combi, Jorge A. ; Martí, Josep
- 2007MNRAS.381L..65C
- GRB060206 and the quandary of achromatic breaks in afterglow light curves
- Curran, P.A.; van den Horst, A.J.; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; Starling, R.L.C. ; Castro-Tirado, A.J. ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Gorosabel, J. ; Järvinen, A.S. ; Malesani, D. ; Rol, E. ; Tanvir, N.R. ; Wiersema, K. ; Burleigh, M.R. ; Casewell, S.L. ; Dobbie, P.D. ; Guziy, S. ; Jakobsson, P. ; Jelínek, M. ; Laursen, P. ; Levan, A.J. ; Mundell, C.G. ; Näränen, J. ; Piranomonte, S.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..70H
- Constraining white dwarf kicks in globular clusters
- Heyl, Jeremy
- 2007MNRAS.381L..74K
- Better age estimation using ultraviolet-optical colours: breaking the age-metallicity degeneracy
- Kaviraj, S.; Rey, S.-C. ; Rich, R.M. ; Yoon, S.-J. ; Yi, S.K.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..79P
- Dynamic boundaries of event horizon magnetospheres
- Punsly, Brian
- 2007MNRAS.381L..84P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/381/L84)
- Two newly identified, relatively old star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud
- Piatti, Andrés E.; Sarajedini, Ata; Geisler, Doug; Gallart, Carme; Wischnjewsky, Marina
- 2007MNRAS.381L..89B
- Neutral hydrogen in galactic fountains
- Booth, C.M.; Theuns, Tom
- 2007MNRAS.381L..94O
- On the relativistic iron line and soft excess in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 335
- O'Neill, Paul M.; Nandra, Kirpal; Cappi, Massimo ; Longinotti, Anna Lia ; Sim, Stuart A.
- 2007MNRAS.381L..99P
- Direct observational test rules out small MgII absorbers
- Pontzen, Andrew; Hewett, Paul ; Carswell, Robert ; Wild, Vivienne
- 2007MNRAS.381L.104N
- Galaxy merging in modified Newtonian dynamics
- Nipoti, Carlo; Londrillo, Pasquale ; Ciotti, Luca
- 2007MNRAS.381....2H
- Directionality in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe polarization data
- Hanson, D. ; Scott, Douglas; Bunn, Emory F.
- 2007MNRAS.381....7H
- The different physical mechanisms that drive the star formation histories of giant and dwarf galaxies
- Haines, C.P.; Gargiulo, A. ; Barbera, F.La ; Mercurio, A. ; Merluzzi, P. ; Busarello, G.
- 2007MNRAS.381...33E
- Secondary resonances of co-orbital motions
- Erdi, B.; Nagy, I. ; Sándor, Z. ; Süli, Á. ; Fröhlich, G.
- 2007MNRAS.381...41H
- The evolution of dark matter halo properties in clusters, filaments, sheets and voids
- Hahn, Oliver; Carollo, C.Marcella ; Porciani, Cristiano ; Dekel, Avishai
- 2007MNRAS.381...52G
- The birthrate of magnetars
- Gill, Ramandeep; Heyl, Jeremy
- 2007MNRAS.381...59M
- An Hi threshold for star cluster formation in tidal debris
- Maybhate, Aparna; Masiero, Joseph; Hibbard, John E.; Charlton, Jane C.; Palma, Christopher; Knierman, Karen A.; English, Jayanne
- 2007MNRAS.381...68B
- WMAP 3-yr primordial power spectrum
- Bridges, M.; Lasenby, A.N. ; Hobson, M.P.
- 2007MNRAS.381...75M
- Studying reionization with Lyα emitters
- McQuinn, Matthew; Hernquist, Lars ; Zaldarriaga, Matias ; Dutta, Suvendra
- 2007MNRAS.381...97K
- The effects of density stratification on standing fast body oscillations in coronal loops and dissipation
- Karami, K.; Asvar, A.
- 2007MNRAS.381..103M
- The presence of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters and their connection with extreme horizontal branch stars
- Miocchi, P.
- 2007MNRAS.381..117P
- Dust masses and abundances in planetary nebulae: likely strong elemental depletion in low-abundance sources
- Phillips, J.P.
- 2007MNRAS.381..125P
- Neon and argon optical emission lines in ionized gaseous nebulae: implications and applications
- Pérez-Montero, Enrique; Hägele, Guillermo F.; Contini, Thierry ; Díaz, Ángeles I.
- 2007MNRAS.381..136D
- The census of nuclear activity of late-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster
- Decarli, R.; Gavazzi, G. ; Arosio, I. ; Cortese, L. ; Boselli, A. ; Bonfanti, C. ; Colpi, M.
- 2007MNRAS.381..151W
- Generalized inverse-Cowling approximation for polar w-mode oscillations of neutron stars
- Wu, J.; Leung, P.T.
- 2007MNRAS.381..159G
- Self-similar solutions of viscous-resistive advection-dominated accretion flows with poloidal magnetic fields
- Ghanbari, Jamshid; Salehi, Fatemeh ; Abbassi, Shahram
- 2007MNRAS.381..171M
- The effects of ellipticity and substructure on estimates of cluster density profiles based on lensing and kinematics
- Meneghetti, Massimo; Bartelmann, Matthias ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Frenk, Carlos
- 2007MNRAS.381..187G
- A catalogue of local E+A (post-starburst) galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5
- Goto, Tomotsugu
- 2007MNRAS.381..194C
- A signature of the donor star in the extra-galactic X-ray binary LMCX-2
- Cornelisse, R.; Steeghs, D. ; Casares, J. ; Charles, P.A. ; Shih, I.C. ; Hynes, R.I. ; O'Brien, K.
- 2007MNRAS.381..201M
- Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ib/c SN 2005bf
- Maund, Justyn R.; Wheeler, J.Craig ; Patat, Ferdinando ; Baade, Dietrich ; Wang, Lifan ; Höflich, Peter
- 2007MNRAS.381..211S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/381/211)
- Radio galaxies in the 2SLAQ Luminous Red Galaxy Survey - I. The evolution of low-power radio galaxies to z ∼ 0.7
- Sadler, Elaine M.; Cannon, Russell D. ; Mauch, Tom ; Hancock, Paul J. ; Wake, David A. ; Ross, Nic ; Croom, Scott M. ; Drinkwater, Michael J. ; Edge, Alastair C. ; Eisenstein, Daniel ; Hopkins, Andrew M. ; Johnston, Helen M. ; Nichol, Robert ; Pimbblet, Kevin A. ; De Propris, Roberto ; Roseboom, Isaac G. ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Shanks, Tom
- 2007MNRAS.381..228P
- Physical properties of young stellar populations in 24 starburst galaxies observed with FUSE
- Pellerin, Anne; Robert, Carmelle
- 2007MNRAS.381..245R
- The Galaxy Evolution Explorer UV emission in shell galaxies: tracing galaxy `rejuvenation' episodes
- Rampazzo, R.; Marino, A. ; Tantalo, R. ; Bettoni, D. ; Buson, L.M. ; Chiosi, C. ; Galletta, G. ; Grützbauch, R. ; Rich, R.M.
- 2007MNRAS.381..263A
- The history of star-forming galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Asari, N.V.; Cid Fernandes, R. ; Stasinska, G. ; Torres-Papaqui, J.P. ; Mateus, A. ; Sodré, L. Jr ; Schoenell, W. ; Gomes, J.M. (1) (the SEAGal collaboration)
- 2007MNRAS.381..280M
- Type IIP supernova SN 2004et: a multiwavelength study in X-ray, optical and radio
- Misra, Kuntal; Pooley, Dave; Chandra, Poonam; Bhattacharya, D.; Ray, Alak K.; Sagar, Ram; Lewin, Walter H.G.
- 2007MNRAS.381..293R
- Very deep X-ray observations of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U0142+614
- Rea, N.; Nichelli, E. ; Israel, G.L. ; Perna, R. ; Oosterbroek, T. ; Parmar, A.N. ; Turolla, R. ; Campana, S. ; Stella, L. ; Zane, S. ; Angelini, L.
- 2007MNRAS.381..301M
- The dynamics of globally active triaxial comets, with applications to asteroid rotation
- Mysen, E.
- 2007MNRAS.381..308B
- Deep optical observations of the interaction of the SS 433 microquasar jet with the W50 radio continuum shell
- Boumis, P.; Meaburn, J. ; Alikakos, J. ; Redman, M.P. ; Akras, S. ; Mavromatakis, F. ; López, J.A. ; Caulet, A. ; Goudis, C.D.
- 2007MNRAS.381..319L
- Exact shearing box solutions of magnetohydrodynamic flows with resistivity, viscosity and cooling
- Lesaffre, Pierre; Balbus, Steven A.
- 2007MNRAS.381..334S
- Expected planets in globular clusters
- Soker, Noam; Hershenhorn, Alon
- 2007MNRAS.381..341B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/381/341)
- A new search for distant radio galaxies in the Southern hemisphere - I. Sample definition and radio properties
- Broderick, J.W.; Bryant, J.J. ; Hunstead, R.W. ; Sadler, E.M. ; Murphy, T.
- 2007MNRAS.381..367W
- Dependence of the local reionization history on halo mass and environment: did Virgo reionize the Local Groupquest
- Weinmann, Simone M.; Macciò, Andrea V. ; Iliev, Ilian T. ; Mellema, Garrelt ; Moore, Ben
- 2007MNRAS.381..377S
- Multiwavelength study of a new Galactic SNR G332.5-5.6
- Stupar, M.; Parker, Q.A. ; Filipovic, M.D. ; Frew, D.J. ; Bojicic, I. ; Aschenbach, B.
- 2007MNRAS.381..389K
- On the origin of the dichotomy of early-type galaxies: the role of dry mergers and active galactic nucleus feedback
- Kang, X.; van den Bosch, Frank C.; Pasquali, A.
- 2007MNRAS.381..401L
- Properties of bars and bulges in the Hubble sequence
- Laurikainen, E.; Salo, H. ; Buta, R. ; Knapen, J.H.
- 2007MNRAS.381..418H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/381/418)
- A survey of the Wolf-Rayet population of the barred, spiral galaxy NGC 1313
- Hadfield, L.J.; Crowther, P.A.
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