Monthly Notices of the RAS 376
March(III) 2007

Morphology-dependent trends of galaxy age with environment in A 901/2 seen with COMBO-17
Wolf, C.; Gray, M.E. ; Aragón-Salamanca, A. ; Lane, K.P. ; Meisenheimer, K.
The carbon star IRC+10216: linking the complex inner region with its spherical large-scale structures
Menut, J.-L.; Gendron, E. ; Schartmann, M. ; Tuthill, P. ; Lopez, B. ; Danchi, W.C. ; Wolf, S. ; Lagrange, A.-M. ; Flament, S. ; Rouan, D. ; Clénet, Y. ; Berruyer, N.
Fast cosmological parameter estimation using neural networks
Auld, T. ; Bridges, M.; Hobson, M.P. ; Gull, S.F.
Bipolar ejection by the symbiotic binary system Z And during its 2006 outburst
Tomov, N.A.; Tomova, M.T. ; Bisikalo, D.V.
Number counts and clustering properties of bright distant red galaxies in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Early Data Release
Foucaud, S.; Almaini, O. ; Smail, I. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Lane, K.P. ; Edge, A.C. ; Simpson, C. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; McLure, R.J. ; Cirasuolo, M. ; Hirst, P. ; Watson, M.G. ; Page, M.J.
Anisotropic X-ray emission in active galactic nucleus accretion discs
Nayakshin, Sergei
A hypervelocity star from the Large Magellanic Cloud
Gualandris, Alessia; Zwart, Simon Portegies
On the size of Hii regions around high-redshift quasars
Maselli, A.; Gallerani, S. ; Ferrara, A. ; Choudhury, T.R.
On long-term solar activity at high latitudes
Li, K.J.; Mu, J. ; Li, Q.X.
Angular distribution of satellite galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4
Azzaro, Marco; Patiri, Santiago G.; Prada, Francisco ; Zentner, Andrew R.
Fallback accretion in the aftermath of a compact binary merger
Rosswog, Stephan
Ruling out a massive asymptotic giant-branch star as the progenitor of supernova 2005cs
Eldridge, J.J.; Mattila, S. ; Smartt, S.J.
The nature of the outflow in gamma-ray bursts
Kumar, P. ; McMahon, E.; Panaitescu, A. ; Willingale, R. ; O'Brien, P. ; Burrows, D. ; Cummings, J. ; Gehrels, N. ; Holland, S. ; Pandey, S.B. ; Berk, D.Vanden ; Zane, S.
The formation of HD149026b
Broeg, C.; Wuchterl, G.
X-ray pulsar radiation from polar caps heated by back-flow bombardment
Gil, J.; Melikidze, G. (1,2),; Zhang, B.
Reduction of the gravitational lens equation to a one-dimensional non-linear form for the tilted Plummer model family
Frutos-Alfaro, Francisco
The discovery of the first luminous z ∼ 6 quasar in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey
Venemans, B.P.; McMahon, R.G. ; Warren, S.J. ; Gonzalez-Solares, E.A. ; Hewett, P.C. ; Mortlock, D.J. ; Dye, S. ; Sharp, R.G.
The high-redshift galaxy population in hierarchical galaxy formation models
Kitzbichler, M.G.; White, S.D.M.
The Shear Testing Programme 2: Factors affecting high-precision weak-lensing analyses
Massey, Richard; Heymans, Catherine ; Bergé, Joel ; Bernstein, Gary ; Bridle, Sarah ; Clowe, Douglas ; Dahle, Håkon ; Ellis, Richard ; Erben, Thomas ; Hetterscheidt, Marco ; High, F.William ; Hirata, Christopher ; Hoekstra, Henk ; Hudelot, Patrick ; Jarvis, Mike ; Johnston, David ; Kuijken, Konrad ; Margoniner, Vera ; Mandelbaum, Rachel ; Mellier, Yannick ; Nakajima, Reiko ; Paulin-Henriksson, Stephane ; Peeples, Molly ; Roat, Chris ; Refregier, Alexandre ; Rhodes, Jason ; Schrabback, Tim ; Schirmer, Mischa ; Seljak, Uros ; Semboloni, Elisabetta ; Van Waerbeke, Ludovic
Bright and dark matter in elliptical galaxies: mass and velocity distributions from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations
Oñorbe, J.; Domínguez-Tenreiro, R. ; Sáiz, A.; Serna, A.
On rejuvenation in massive binary systems
Dray, Lynnette M.; Tout, Christopher A.
nmagic: a fast parallel implementation of a χ2-made-to-measure algorithm for modelling observational data
De Lorenzi, Flavio; Debattista, Victor P.; Gerhard, Ortwin ; Sambhus, Niranjan
Accretion disc dynamics in extreme mass ratio compact binaries
Truss, M.R.
Hi and CO observations of Arp 104: a spiral-elliptical interacting pair
Cullen, H. ; Alexander, P. ; Green, D.A.; Sheth, K.
Smooth Particle Lensing
Aubert, Dominique; Amara, Adam; Metcalf, R.Benton
2007MNRAS.376..125S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/376/125)
Morphologies and stellar populations of galaxies in the core of Abell 2218
Sánchez, S.F.; Cardiel, N. ; Verheijen, M.A.W. ; Pedraz, S. ; Covone, G.
0.5 Mpc-scale extended X-ray emission in the z = 2.48 radio galaxy 4C 23.56
Johnson, O.; Almaini, O. ; Best, P.N. ; Dunlop, J.
The strong transformation of spiral galaxies infalling into massive clusters at z ~ 0.2
Cortese, L.; Marcillac, D. ; Richard, J. ; Bravo-Alfaro, H. ; Kneib, J.-P. ; Rieke, G. ; Covone, G. ; Egami, E. ; Rigby, J. ; Czoske, O. ; Davies, J.
The effect of lensing on the large-scale cosmic microwave background anisotropy
Shanks, T.
Substructure in lensing clusters and simulations
Natarajan, Priyamvada; De Lucia, Gabriella ; Springel, Volker
Active galactic nuclei heating in the centres of galaxy groups: a statistical study
Jetha, N.N.; Ponman, T.J. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Croston, J.H.
Fe xiii emission lines in active region spectra obtained with the Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph
Keenan, F.P.; Jess, D.B. ; Aggarwal, K.M. ; Thomas, R.J. ; Brosius, J.W. ; Davila, J.M.
The spin and shape of dark matter haloes in the Millennium simulation of a Λ cold dark matter universe
Bett, Philip; Eke, Vincent ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Helly, John ; Navarro, Julio
Fitting sinusoids to observations of rotating spotted stars
Koen, Chris
Searching for hidden Wolf-Rayet stars in the Galactic plane - 15 new Wolf-Rayet stars
Hadfield, L.J.; Van Dyk, S.D. ; Morris, P.W. ; Smith, J.D. ; Marston, A.P. ; Peterson, D.E.
Microlensing of an extended source by a power-law mass distribution
Congdon, Arthur B.; Keeton, Charles R.; Osmer, S.J.
An optimum time-stepping scheme for N-body simulations
Zemp, Marcel; Stadel, Joachim ; Moore, Ben ; Carollo, C.Marcella
The FALCON concept: multi-object adaptive optics and atmospheric tomography for integral field spectroscopy - principles and performance on an 8-m telescope
Assémat, F.; Gendron, E.; Hammer, F.
2007MNRAS.376..313G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/376/313)
Luminosities and mass-loss rates of carbon stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Groenewegen, M.A.T.; Wood, P.R. ; Sloan, G.C. ; Blommaert, J.A.D.L. ; Cioni, M.-R.L. ; Feast, M.W. ; Hony, S.; Matsuura, M. ; Menzies, J.W. ; Olivier, E.A. ; Vanhollebeke, E. ; van Loon, J.T. ; Whitelock, P.A. ; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Habing, H.J. ; Lagadec, E.
Modelling the Pioneer anomaly as modified inertia
McCulloch, M.E.
Can a large-scale structure probe cosmic microwave background-constrained non-Gaussianityquest
Kang, X.; Norberg, P. ; Silk, Joseph
Exploring the X-ray spectral variability of MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton
Larsson, J.; Fabian, A.C. ; Miniutti, G. ; Ross, R.R.
On the maximum value of the cosmic abundance of oxygen and the oxygen yield
Pilyugin, Leonid S.; Thuan, Trinh X. ; Vílchez, José M.
2007MNRAS.376..361F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/376/361)
Rotation and chemical abundances of Ap/Bp stars in the open cluster NGC 6475
Folsom, C.P.; Wade, G.A. ; Bagnulo, S. ; Landstreet, J.D.
2007MNRAS.376..371J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/376/371)
A survey of polarization in the JVAS/CLASS flat-spectrum radio source surveys - I. The data and catalogue production
Jackson, N.; Battye, R.A. ; Browne, I.W.A. ; Joshi, S. ; Muxlow, T.W.B. ; Wilkinson, P.N.
Magnetic fields in planetary nebulae and post-AGB nebulae
Sabin, L.; Zijlstra, Albert A. ; Greaves, J.S.
Dwarf spheroidal satellites: are they of tidal originquest
Metz, Manuel ; Kroupa, Pavel
Secondary infall and dark matter haloes
Ascasibar, Yago; Hoffman, Yehuda ; Gottlöber, Stefan
The chemical evolution of Omega Centauri's progenitor system
Romano, Donatella; Matteucci, Francesca ; Tosi, Monica ; Pancino, Elena ; Bellazzini, Michele ; Ferraro, Francesco R. ; Limongi, Marco ; Sollima, Antonio
Hidden activity in high-redshift spheroidal galaxies from mid-infrared and X-ray observations in the GOODS-North field
Rodighiero, G.; Gruppioni, C. ; Civano, F. ; Comastri, A. ; Franceschini, A. ; Mignoli, M. ; Fritz, J. ; Vignali, C. ; Treu, T.
Time-dependent models of two-phase accretion discs around black holes
Mayer, M.; Pringle, J.E.
Dynamic confinement of jets by magnetotorsional oscillations
Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S.
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