Monthly Notices of the RAS 374
January(I) 2007

Infrared observations of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi: the early phase
Evans, A.; Kerr, T. ; Yang, Bin ; Matsuoka, Y. ; Tsuzuki, Y. ; Bode, M.F. ; Eyres, S.P.S. ; Geballe, T.R. ; Woodward, C.E. ; Gehrz, R.D. ; Lynch, D.K. ; Rudy, R.J. ; Russell, R.W. ; O'Brien, T.J. ; Starrfield, S.G. ; Davis, R.J. ; Ness, J.-U. ; Drake, J. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Page, K.L. ; Adamson, A. ; Schwarz, G. ; Krautter, J.
Fractional Brownian motion and the halo mass function
Pan, Jun
Kinetically dominated FRII radio sources
Punsly, Brian
The iron K feature in narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies: evidence for a P Cygni profilequest
Done, Chris ; Sobolewska, Malgorzata A. ; Gierlinski, Marek ; Schurch, Nicholas J.
Redshift degeneracy in the Eiso-Epeakrelation of gamma-ray bursts
Li, Li-Xin
Cosmic microwave background anisotropies from outflows in Lyman break galaxies
Babich, Daniel; Loeb, Abraham
The stellar mass spectrum in warm and dusty gas: deviations from Salpeter in the Galactic centre and in circumnuclear starburst regions
Klessen, Ralf S.; Spaans, Marco ; Jappsen, Anne-Katharina
A new type of long gamma-ray burst
King, Andrew; Olsson, Emma ; Davies, Melvyn B.
Complex structures in galaxy cluster fields: implications for gravitational lensing mass models
King, Lindsay; Corless, Virginia
The magnetic field of the planet-hosting star τ Bootis
Catala, C.; Donati, J.-F.; Shkolnik, E.; Bohlender, D.; Alecian, E.
First e-VLBI observations of GRS1915+105
Rushton, A.; Spencer, R.E. ; Strong, M. ; Campbell, R.M. ; Casey, S. ; Fender, R.P. ; Garrett, M.A. ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Reynolds, C. ; Szomoru, A. ; Tudose, V. ; Paragi, Z.
The halo mass function from the dark ages through the present day
Reed, Darren S.; Bower, Richard ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Theuns, Tom
Satellite systems around galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations
Libeskind, Noam I.; Cole, Shaun ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Okamoto, Takashi ; Jenkins, Adrian
WFCAM, Spitzer/IRAC and SCUBA observations of the massive star-forming region DR21/W75 - I. The collimated molecular jets
Davis, C.J.; Kumar, M.S.N. ; Sandell, G. ; Froebrich, D. ; Smith, M.D. ; Currie, M.J.
WFCAM, Spitzer/IRAC and SCUBA observations of the massive star-forming region DR21/W75 - II. Stellar content and star formation
Kumar, M.S.N.; Davis, C.J. ; Grave, J.M.C. ; Ferreira, B. ; Froebrich, D.
Radiative decay of the 4d5(6S)5p z5,7P° states in Tcii: comparison along the homologous and isoelectronic sequences. Application to astrophysics
Palmeri, P. ; Quinet, P. ; Biémont, É.; Yushchenko, A.V. ; Jorissen, A. ; Van Eck, S.
Source mergers and bubble growth during reionization
Cohn, J.D.; Chang, Tzu-Ching
Star cluster ecology - VII. The evolution of young dense star clusters containing primordial binaries
Portegies Zwart, Simon F.; McMillan, Stephen L.W. ; Makino, Junichiro
Star formation history and evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies in the Centaurus A group
Grossi, M.; Disney, M.J. ; Pritzl, B.J. ; Knezek, P.M.; Gallagher, J.S. ; Minchin, R.F. ; Freeman, K.C.
Mean-motion resonances in satellite-disc interactions
Ogilvie, Gordon I.
What is the origin of the soft excess in active galactic nucleiquest
Sobolewska, Malgorzata A.; Done, Chris
Galaxy surveys, inhomogeneous re-ionization and dark energy
Pritchard, Jonathan R.; Furlanetto, Steven R.; Kamionkowski, Marc
Improving efficiency in radio surveys for gravitational lenses
Jackson, N.; Browne, I.W.A.
Near-infrared polarimetry and modelling of the dusty young planetary nebula IRAS 19306+1407
Lowe, K.T.E.; Gledhill, T.M.
A Monte Carlo study of polarization structures in the Thomson-scattered line radiation
Kim, Hyo Jeong; Lee, Hee-Won; Kang, Suna
Numerical simulations of the Lyman α forest - a comparison of gadget-2 and enzo
Regan, John A.; Haehnelt, Martin G. ; Viel, Matteo
The probability distribution function of the Lyman α transmitted flux from a sample of Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasars
Desjacques, Vincent; Nusser, Adi ; Sheth, Ravi K.
Oi line emission in cool stars: calculations using partial redistribution
Koncewicz, R.; Jordan, C.
Measuring neutron star mass and radius with three mass-radius relations
Zhang, C.M.; Yin, H.X. ; Kojima, Y. ; Chang, H.K. ; Xu, R.X. ; Li, X.D. ; Zhang, B. ; Kiziltan, B.
Evidence for relativistic features in the X-ray spectrum of Mrk 335
Longinotti, A.L.; Sim, S.A. ; Nandra, K. ; Cappi, M.
Excitation and visibility of slow modes in rotating B-type stars
Dziembowski, W.A.; Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J. ; Pamyatnykh, A.A.
Neutron star asteroseismology. Axial crust oscillations in the Cowling approximation
Samuelsson, Lars; Andersson, Nils
Virialization of cosmological structures in models with time-varying equation of state
Basilakos, Spyros; Voglis, Nikos
PVLAS experiment: some astrophysical consequences
Gnedin, Y.N.; Piotrovich, M.Y. ; Natsvlishvili, T.M.
Searching for mid-term variations in different aspects of solar activity - looking for probable common origins and studying temporal variations of magnetic polarities
Forgács-Dajka, E.; Borkovits, T.
The star formation rate of CaII and damped Lyman α absorbers at 0.4 < z < 1.3
Wild, Vivienne; Hewett, Paul C. ; Pettini, Max
On the effects of coherent structures on higher order moments in models of solar and stellar surface convection
Kupka, F.; Robinson, F.J.
Clues for the origin of the fundamental metallicity relations - I. The hierarchical building up of the structure
De Rossi, Maria E. ; Tissera, Patricia B.; Scannapieco, Cecilia
Non-grey hydrogen burning evolution of subsolar mass Population III stars
Harris, G.J.; Lynas-Gray, A.E. ; Miller, S. ; Tennyson, J.
Star clusters with primordial binaries - II. Dynamical evolution of models in a tidal field
Trenti, Michele; Heggie, Douglas C.; Hut, Piet
Extremely violent optical microvariability in blazars: fact or fictionquest
Cellone, Sergio A.; Romero, Gustavo E. ; Araudo, Anabella T.
The microlensing optical depth towards the Large Magellanic Cloud: is there a puzzlequest
Evans, N.Wyn; Belokurov, Vasily
2007MNRAS.374..372L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/374/372)
New brown dwarfs in Upper Sco using UKIDSS Galactic Cluster Survey science verification data
Lodieu, N.; Hambly, N.C. ; Jameson, R.F. ; Hodgkin, S.T. ; Carraro, G. ; Kendall, T.R.
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