Monthly Notices of the RAS 372
October(II) 2006
- 2006MNRAS.372L...1D
- CXOU J121538.2+361921 in the galaxy NGC 4214: a double neutron star in the makingquest
- Dewi, J.D.M.
- 2006MNRAS.372L...5Z
- SDSS J2125-0813: the evidence for the origination of optical Feii emission lines from an accretion disc near a central black hole
- Zhang, Xue-Guang; Dultzin-Hacyan, D. ; Wang, Ting-Gui
- 2006MNRAS.372L...9R
- Planetesimal formation via fragmentation in self-gravitating protoplanetary discs
- Rice, W.K.M.; Lodato, G. ; Pringle, J.E. ; Armitage, P.J. ; Bonnell, I.A.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..14Q
- Predictions for a planet just inside Fomalhaut's eccentric ring
- Quillen, Alice C.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..19F
- The X-ray afterglow flat segment in short GRB 051221A: Energy injection from a millisecond magnetarquest
- Fan, Yi-Zhong; Xu, Dong
- 2006MNRAS.372L..23C
- Cross-correlation of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe third-year data and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR4 galaxy survey: new evidence for dark energy
- Cabré, A. ; Gaztañaga, E.; Manera, M. ; Fosalba, P. ; Castander, F.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..28F
- The Hubble diagram extended to z ≫ 1: the gamma-ray properties of gamma-ray bursts confirm the Λ cold dark matter model
- Firmani, C.; Avila-Reese, V. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Ghirlanda, G.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..33B
- Power spectrum of Hi intensity fluctuations in DDO 210
- Begum, Ayesha; Chengalur, Jayaram N.; Bhardwaj, Somnath
- 2006MNRAS.372L..38E
- Three intervening galaxy absorbers towards GRB 060418: faint and dustyquest
- Ellison, Sara L.; Vreeswijk, Paul ; Ledoux, Cédric ; Willis, Jon P. ; Jaunsen, Andreas ; Wijers, Ralph A.M.J. ; Smette, Alain ; Fynbo, Johan P.U. ; Moller, Palle ; Hjorth, Jens ; Kaufer, Andreas
- 2006MNRAS.372L..43B
- Light-cone anisotropy in 21-cm fluctuations during the epoch of reionization
- Barkana, Rennan; Loeb, Abraham
- 2006MNRAS.372L..48J
- Gravity-mode pulsations in subdwarf B stars: a critical test of stellar opacity
- Jeffery, C.S.; Saio, H.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..53P
- Power transfer in non-linear gravitational clustering and asymptotic universality
- Padmanabhan, T.; Ray, Suryadeep
- 2006MNRAS.372L..58B
- Spectropolarimetry of PKS 0040-005 and the orientation of broad absorption line quasars
- Brotherton, M.S.; De Breuck, C.; Schaefer, J.J.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..63W
- Detached shells as tracers of asymptotic giant branch-interstellar medium bow shocks
- Wareing, C.J.; Zijlstra, Albert A. ; Speck, Angela K. ; O'Brien, T.J. ; Ueta, Toshiya ; Elitzur, M. ; Gehrz, R.D. ; Herwig, F. ; Izumiura, H. ; Matsuura, M. ; Meixner, M. ; Stencel, R.E. ; Szczerba, R.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..68K
- The central elliptical galaxy in fossil groups and formation of brightest cluster galaxies
- Khosroshahi, Habib G.; Ponman, Trevor J. ; Jones, Laurence R.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..73L
- The giant arc statistics in the three-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe cosmological model
- Li, G.L.; Mao, S. ; Jing, Y.P. ; Mo, H.J. ; Gao, L. ; Lin, W.P.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..78G
- Line-of-sight velocity distributions of elliptical galaxies from collisionless mergers
- González-García, A.C.; Balcells, M. ; Olshevsky, V.S.
- 2006MNRAS.372L..83G
- Erratum: Masses and angular momenta of contact binary stars
- Gazeas, K.D.; Niarchos, P.G.
- 2006MNRAS.372....2J
- Sunrise: polychromatic dust radiative transfer in arbitrary geometries
- Jonsson, Patrik
- 2006MNRAS.372...21A
- The relation between accretion rate and jet power in X-ray luminous elliptical galaxies
- Allen, S.W.; Dunn, R.J.H. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Taylor, G.B. ; Reynolds, C.S.
- 2006MNRAS.372...31D
- Young stars in the Galactic Centre: a potential intermediate-mass star origin
- Dray, L.M.; King, A.R. ; Davies, M.B.
- 2006MNRAS.372...45P
- The chemical gradient of oxygen in the Galaxy from planetary nebulae
- Perinotto, M.; Morbidelli, L.
- 2006MNRAS.372...53P
- Detecting a rotation in the ε Eridani debris disc
- Poulton, C.J.; Greaves, J.S. ; Cameron, A.C.
- 2006MNRAS.372...60A
- New evidence for a linear colour-magnitude relation and a single Schechter function for red galaxies in a nearby cluster of galaxies down to M* + 8
- Andreon, S.; Cuillandre, J.-C. ; Puddu, E. ; Mellier, Y.
- 2006MNRAS.372...69L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/372/69)
- CCD photometry of the globular cluster M2: RR Lyrae physical parameters and new variables
- Lázaro, C.; Ferro, A.Arellano; Arévalo, M.J.; Bramich, D.M. ; Giridhar, S. ; Poretti, E.
- 2006MNRAS.372...81L
- Global structures in a composite system of two scale-free discs with a coplanar magnetic field
- Lou, Yu-Qing; Bai, Xue-Ning
- 2006MNRAS.372..113M
- High-resolution observations of radio sources with 0.6 < z ≤ 1.0
- Mullin, L.M.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Riley, J.M.
- 2006MNRAS.372..136F
- Combining rotation curves and gravitational lensing: how to measure the equation of state of dark matter in the galactic halo
- Faber, Tristan; Visser, Matt
- 2006MNRAS.372..143N
- Massive stars in subparsec rings around galactic centres
- Nayakshin, Sergei
- 2006MNRAS.372..151O
- First science with the Southern African Large Telescope: peering at the accreting polar caps of the eclipsing polar SDSS J015543.40+002807.2
- O'Donoghue, D.; Buckley, D.A.H. ; Balona, L.A. ; Bester, D. ; Botha, L. ; Brink, J. ; Carter, D.B. ; Charles, P.A. ; Christians, A. ; Ebrahim, F. ; Emmerich, R. ; Esterhuyse, W. ; Evans, G.P. ; Fourie, C. ; Fourie, P. ; Gajjar, H. ; Gordon, M. ; Gumede, C. ; de Kock, M. ; Koeslag, A. ; Koorts, W.P. ; Kriel, H. ; Marang, F. ; Meiring, J.G. ; Menzies, J.W. ; Menzies, P. ; Metcalfe, D. ; Meyer, B. ; Nel, L. ; O'Connor, J. ; Osman, F. ; Plessis, C.du ; Rall, H. ; Riddick, A. ; Romero-Colmenero, E. ; Potter, S.B. ; Sass, C. ; Schalekamp, H. ; Sessions, N. ; Siyengo, S. ; Sopela, V. ; Steyn, H. ; Stoffels, J. ; Scholtz, J. ; Swart, G. ; Swat, A. ; Swiegers, J. ; Tiheli, T. ; Vaisanen, P. ; Whittaker, W. ; van Wyk, F.
- 2006MNRAS.372..163J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/372/163)
- An activity catalogue of southern stars
- Jenkins, J.S.; Jones, H.R.A. ; Tinney, C.G. ; Butler, R.P. ; McCarthy, C. ; Marcy, G.W. ; Pinfield, D.J. ; Carter, B.D. ; Penny, A.J.
- 2006MNRAS.372..174B
- Ejection of hypervelocity stars from the Galactic Centre by intermediate-mass black holes
- Baumgardt, H.; Gualandris, A.; Zwart, S.Portegies
- 2006MNRAS.372..183P
- The signature of the magnetorotational instability in the Reynolds and Maxwell stress tensors in accretion discs
- Pessah, Martin E.; Chan, Chi-kwan ; Psaltis, Dimitrios
- 2006MNRAS.372..191C
- The impact of cosmic dust on supernova cosmology
- Corasaniti, Pier Stefano
- 2006MNRAS.372..199C
- Colour-magnitude relations of late-type galaxies
- Chang, Ruixiang; Shen, Shiyin ; Hou, Jinliang ; Shu, Chenggang ; Shao, Zhengyi
- 2006MNRAS.372..209D
- A search for optical bursts from the rotating radio transient J1819-1458 with ULTRACAM
- Dhillon, V.S.; Marsh, T.R. ; Littlefair, S.P.
- 2006MNRAS.372..213M
- Non-local diffusion and the chemical structure of molecular clouds
- Martinell, J.J.; del-Castillo-Negrete, D. ; Raga, A.C. ; Williams, D.A.
- 2006MNRAS.372..219M
- Algorithmic regularization with velocity-dependent forces
- Mikkola, Seppo; Merritt, David
- 2006MNRAS.372..224B
- 20-100 keV properties of cataclysmic variables detected in the INTEGRAL/IBIS survey
- Barlow, E.J.; Knigge, C. ; Bird, A.J. ; Dean, A.J ; Clark, D.J. ; Hill, A.B. ; Molina, M. ; Sguera, V.
- 2006MNRAS.372..233A
- The Ep,i-Eiso correlation in gamma-ray bursts: updated observational status, re-analysis and main implications
- Amati, Lorenzo
- 2006MNRAS.372..246P
- The relation between the optical spectral slope and the luminosity for 17 Palomar-Green quasi-stellar objects
- Pu, X.; Bian, W. ; Huang, K.
- 2006MNRAS.372..253M
- The evolution of the bimodal colour distribution of galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey groups
- Martínez, Héctor J.; O'Mill, Ana L. ; Lambas, Diego G.
- 2006MNRAS.372..259B
- Separating out the Alcock-Paczynski effect on 21-cm fluctuations
- Barkana, R.
- 2006MNRAS.372..265M
- A new formulation of the Type Ia supernova rate and its consequences on galactic chemical evolution
- Matteucci, F.; Panagia, N. ; Pipino, A. ; Mannucci, F. ; Recchi, S. ; Valle, M.Della
- 2006MNRAS.372..276F
- Non-equilibrium beta processes in neutron stars: a relationship between the net reaction rate and the total emissivity of neutrinos
- Flores-Tulián, Sergio; Reisenegger, Andreas
- 2006MNRAS.372..279D
- Multifractal evolution in interacting galaxies: from supergiant molecular clouds to stellar superclusters in the Antennae
- de la Fuente Marcos, R.; de la Fuente Marcos, C.
- 2006MNRAS.372..286K
- The discovery of 8.0-min radial velocity variations in the strongly magnetic cool Ap star HD154708, a new roAp star
- Kurtz, D.W.; Elkin, V.G. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Mathys, G. ; Hubrig, S. ; Wolff, B. ; Savanov, I.
- 2006MNRAS.372..293H
- The temperature and ionization structure of the emitting gas in Hii galaxies: implications for the accuracy of abundance determinations
- Hägele, Guillermo F.; Pérez-Montero, Enrique ; Díaz, Ángeles I. ; Terlevich, Elena ; Terlevich, Roberto
- 2006MNRAS.372..313O
- High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of bright O-type stars
- Oskinova, L.M.; Feldmeier, A. ; Hamann, W.-R.
- 2006MNRAS.372..327O
- Anatomy of a dark burst - the afterglow of GRB 060108
- Oates, S.R.; Mundell, C.G. ; Piranomonte, S. ; Page, K.L. ; De Pasquale, M. ; Monfardini, A. ; Melandri, A. ; Zane, S. ; Guidorzi, C. ; Malesani, D. ; Gomboc, A. ; Bannister, N. ; Blustin, A.J. ; Capalbi, M. ; Carter, D. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; Kobayashi, S. ; Krimm, H.A. ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Page, M.J. ; Smith, R.J. ; Steele, I.A. ; Tanvir, N.
- 2006MNRAS.372..338F
- Complex stellar populations in massive clusters: trapping stars of a dwarf disc galaxy in a newborn stellar supercluster
- Fellhauer, M.; Kroupa, P.; Evans, N.W.
- 2006MNRAS.372..343G
- A high-resolution spectral analysis of three carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars
- Goswami, Aruna; Aoki, Wako; Beers, Timothy C.; Christlieb, Norbert; Norris, John E.; Sean G., Ryan; Tsangarides, Stelios
- 2006MNRAS.372..357M
- The discovery of a significant sample of massive galaxies at redshifts 5 < z < 6 in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey early data release
- McLure, R.J.; Cirasuolo, M. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Sekiguchi, K. ; Almaini, O. ; Foucaud, S. ; Simpson, C. ; Watson, M.G. ; Hirst, P. ; Page, M.J. ; Smail, I.
- 2006MNRAS.372..369P
- Metal-rich damped/subdamped Lyman α quasar absorbers at z < 1
- Péroux, C.; Meiring, J.D. ; Kulkarni, V.P. ; Ferlet, R. ; Khare, P. ; Lauroesch, J.T. ; Vladilo, G. ; York, D.G.
- 2006MNRAS.372..381B
- Testing models of the individual and cosmological evolutions of powerful radio galaxies
- Barai, Paramita; Wiita, Paul J.
- 2006MNRAS.372..401A
- Spectral-timing evidence for a very high state in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Ark 564
- Arévalo, P.; Papadakis, I.E. ; Uttley, P. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Brinkmann, W.
- 2006MNRAS.372..410B
- Search for radio pulsations in four Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and discovery of two new pulsars
- Burgay, M.; Rea, N. ; Israel, G.L. ; Possenti, A. ; Burderi, L. ; Salvo, T.Di ; D'Amico, N. ; Stella, L.
- 2006MNRAS.372..417T
- The large-scale jet-powered radio nebula of Circinus X-1
- Tudose, V.; Fender, R.P. ; Kaiser, C.R. ; Tzioumis, A.K. ; van der Klis, M. ; Spencer, R.E.
- 2006MNRAS.372..425C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/372/425)
- The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) Luminous Red Galaxy Survey
- Cannon, Russell; Drinkwater, Michael ; Edge, Alastair ; Eisenstein, Daniel ; Nichol, Robert ; Outram, Phillip ; Pimbblet, Kevin ; De Propris, Roberto ; Roseboom, Isaac ; Wake, David ; Allen, Paul ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Bridges, Terry ; Carson, Daniel ; Chiu, Kuenley ; Colless, Matthew ; Couch, Warrick ; Croom, Scott ; Driver, Simon ; Fine, Stephen ; Hewett, Paul ; Loveday, Jon ; Ross, Nicholas ; Sadler, Elaine M. ; Shanks, Tom ; Sharp, Robert ; Smith, J.Allyn ; Stoughton, Chris ; Weilbacher, Peter ; Brunner, Robert J. ; Meiksin, Avery ; Schneider, Donald P.
- 2006MNRAS.372..443B
- Six myths on the virial theorem for interstellar clouds
- Ballesteros-Paredes, Javier
- 2006MNRAS.372..450G
- X-ray spectral variations of U Gem from quiescence to outburst
- Güver, T.; Uluyazi, C. ; Özkan, M.T. ; Gögüs, E.
- 2006MNRAS.372..457S
- Evolution of Hii regions in hierarchically structured molecular clouds
- Shabala, S.S. ; Ellingsen, S.P.; Kurtz, S.E. ; Forbes, L.K.
- 2006MNRAS.372..467B
- Tidal capture of stars by intermediate-mass black holes
- Baumgardt, H.; Hopman, C.; Portegies Zwart, S.; Makino, J.
- 2006MNRAS.372..479C
- Cooling of the quasi-persistent neutron star X-ray transients KS 1731-260 and MXB 1659-29
- Cackett, Edward M.; Wijnands, Rudy ; Linares, Manuel ; Miller, Jon M. ; Homan, Jeroen ; Lewin, Walter H.G.
- 2006MNRAS.372..489A
- Pulsar braking indices, glitches and energy dissipation in neutron stars
- Alpar, M.Ali ; Baykal, Altan
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