Monthly Notices of the RAS 370
August(III) 2006

Deep spectroscopy of 9C J1503+4528: a very young compact steep spectrum radio source at z = 0.521
Inskip, K.J.; Lee, D. ; Cotter, Garret ; Pearson, T.J. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Bolton, R.C. ; Chandler, C. ; Pooley, G. ; Riley, J.M. ; Waldram, E.M.
Low-temperature single crystal reflection spectra of forsterite
Suto, H.; Sogawa, H. ; Tachibana, S. ; Koike, C. ; Karoji, H. ; Tsuchiyama, A. ; Chihara, H. ; Mizutani, K. ; Akedo, J. ; Ogiso, K. ; Fukui, T. ; Ohara, S.
NGC922 - a new drop-through ring galaxy
Wong, O.I.; Meurer, G.R. ; Bekki, K. ; Hanish, D.J. ; Kennicutt, R.C. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Ryan-Weber, E.V. ; Koribalski, B. ; Kilborn, V.A. ; Putman, M.E. ; Heiner, J.S. ; Webster, R.L. ; Allen, R.J. ; Dopita, M.A. ; Doyle, M.T. ; Drinkwater, M.J. ; Ferguson, H.C. ; Freeman, K.C. ; Heckman, T.M. ; Hoopes, C. ; Knezek, P.M. ; Meyer, M.J. ; Oey, M.S. ; Seibert, M. ; Smith, R.C. ; Staveley-Smith, L. ; Thilker, D. ; Werk, J. ; Zwaan, M.A.
Cooling flows within galactic haloes: the kinematics and properties of infalling multiphase gas
Kaufmann, Tobias; Mayer, Lucio ; Wadsley, James ; Stadel, Joachim ; Moore, Ben
The XMM-Newton view of Plaskett's star and its surroundings
Linder, N.; Rauw, G.; Pollock, A.M.T. ; Stevens, I.R.
The co-evolution of the obscured quasar PKS 1549-79 and its host galaxy: evidence for a high accretion rate and warm outflow
Holt, J. ; Tadhunter, C.; Morganti, R. ; Bellamy, M. ; Delgado, R.M.González ; Tzioumis, A. ; Inskip, K.J.
Modelling the galaxy bimodality: shutdown above a critical halo mass
Cattaneo, A.; Dekel, A.; Devriendt, J. ; Guiderdoni, B. ; Blaizot, J.
Multiband study of NGC7424 and its two newly discovered ultraluminous X-ray sources
Soria, R.; Kuncic, Z. ; Broderick, J.W. ; Ryder, S.D.
Panchromatic properties of 99000 galaxies detected by SDSS, and (some by) ROSAT, GALEX, 2MASS, IRAS, GB6, FIRST, NVSS and WENSS surveys
Obric, M.; Ivezic, Z. ; Best, P.N. ; Lupton, R.H. ; Tremonti, C. ; Brinchmann, J. ; Agüeros, M.A. ; Knapp, G.R. ; Gunn, J.E. ; Rockosi, C.M. ; Schlegel, D. ; Finkbeiner, D. ; Gacesa, M. ; Smolcic, V. ; Anderson, S.F. ; Voges, W. ; Juric, M. ; Siverd, R.J. ; Steinhardt, W. ; Jagoda, A.S. ; Blanton, M.R. ; Schneider, D.P.
On the X-ray spectra of luminous, inhomogeneous accretion flows
Merloni, A.; Malzac, J. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Ross, R.R.
Detecting Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters with Planck - II. Foreground components and optimized filtering schemes
Schäfer, B.M.; Pfrommer, C.; Hell, R.M.; Bartelmann, M.
Stellar haloes and elliptical galaxy formation: origin of dynamical properties of the planetary nebula systems
Bekki, Kenji; Peng, Eric W.
SN 2005cs in M51 - I. The first month of evolution of a subluminous SN II plateau
Pastorello, A.; Sauer, D. ; Taubenberger, S. ; Mazzali, P.A. ; Nomoto, K. ; Kawabata, K.S. ; Benetti, S. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Harutyunyan, A. ; Navasardyan, H. ; Zampieri, L. ; Iijima, T. ; Botticella, M.T. ; Rico, G.Di ; Del Principe, M. ; Dolci, M. ; Gagliardi, S. ; Ragni, M. ; Valentini, G.
Diffuse Galactic light at high Galactic latitude: nature and interpretation
Zagury, Frédéric
Perturbations of ionization fractions at the cosmological recombination epoch
Novosyadlyj, B.
Wide-field Adaptive Optics correction using a single rotating laser guide star
Morris, T.J.; Myers, R.M.
On the influence of magnetic fields on level populations
Qu, Z.Q. ; Xu, C.L.; Zhang, X.Y. ; Yan, X.L. ; Jin, C.L.
Reconciling optical and X-ray mass estimates: the case of the elliptical galaxy NGC3379
Pellegrini, Silvia ; Ciotti, Luca
Transverse and longitudinal correlation functions in the intergalactic medium from 32 close pairs of high-redshift quasars
Coppolani, F.; Petitjean, P. ; Stoehr, F. ; Rollinde, E. ; Pichon, C. ; Colombi, S. ; Haehnelt, M.G. ; Carswell, B. ; Teyssier, R.
Does simultaneous solution matter for stellar evolution codesquest
Stancliffe, Richard J.
New light on the old problem of lithium pre-main sequence depletion: models with 2D radiative-hydrodynamical convection
Montalbán, J.; D'Antona, F.
An extensive study of dynamical friction in dwarf galaxies: the role of stars, dark matter, halo profiles and MOND
Sánchez-Salcedo, F.J.; Reyes-Iturbide, Jorge ; Hernandez, X.
On the mechanisms leading to orphan meteoroid streams
Vaubaillon, J.; Lamy, P. ; Jorda, L.
On the Rees-Sciama effect: maps and statistics
Puchades, N. ; Fullana, M.J. ; Arnau, J.V. ; Sáez, D.
Swift observations of GRB 050712
De Pasquale, Massimiliano; Grupe, Dirk ; Poole, T.S. ; Breeveld, A.A. ; Zane, S. ; Rosen, S.R. ; Page, M.J. ; Mason, K.O. ; Burrows, D.N. ; Krimm, H.A. ; Gehrels, N. ; Nousek, J.A. ; Roming, P.W.A. ; Kobayashi, S. ; Zhang, B.
The 21-cm forest
Furlanetto, Steven R.
Temperature-influenced dynamics of small dust particles
Kocifaj, M.; Klacka, J. ; Horvath, H.
A possible EGRET source with a two-sided radio jet structure on a parsec scale - 3EG J0808+5114
Chen, Yongjun; Gu, Minfeng ; Shen, Zhi-Qiang ; Fan, Zhonghui
The X-ray nuclei of intermediate-redshift radio sources
Hardcastle, M.J.; Evans, D.A. ; Croston, J.H.
The evolution of the dark halo spin parameters λ and λ' in a ΛCDM universe: the role of minor and major mergers
Hetznecker, Helmut; Burkert, Andreas
Stability of thermally balanced gas flow
Wagner, S.A.
A warped m = 2 water maser disc in V778 Cygquest
Babkovskaia, Natalia; Poutanen, Juri ; Richards, Anita M.S. ; Szczerba, Ryszard
On the relation between electron temperatures in the O+ and O++ zones in high-metallicity Hii regions
Pilyugin, Leonid S.; Vílchez, José M.; Thuan, Trinh X.
Analysis of δ Librae including Hipparcos astrometry
Bakis, V.; Budding, E. ; Erdem, A. ; Bakis, H. ; Demircan, O. ; Hadrava, P.
Implications of the early X-ray afterglow light curves of Swift gamma-ray bursts
Granot, Jonathan; Königl, Arieh; Piran, Tsvi
A Spitzer mid-infrared spectral survey of mass-losing carbon stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Zijlstra, Albert A.; Matsuura, Mikako ; Wood, Peter R. ; Sloan, G.C. ; Lagadec, Eric ; van Loon, Jacco T. ; Groenewegen, M.A.T. ; Feast, M.W. ; Menzies, J.W. ; Whitelock, P.A. ; Blommaert, J.A.D.L. ; Cioni, M.-R.L. ; Habing, H.J. ; Hony, S. ; Loup, C. ; Waters, L.B.F.M.
2006MNRAS.370.1979M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/370/1979)
The period-luminosity relation for type II Cepheids in globular clusters
Matsunaga, Noriyuki; Fukushi, Hinako ; Nakada, Yoshikazu ; Tanabé, Toshihiko ; Feast, Michael W. ; Menzies, John W. ; Ita, Yoshifusa ; Nishiyama, Shogo ; Baba, Daisuke ; Naoi, Takahiro ; Nakaya, Hidehiko ; Kawadu, Takahiro ; Ishihara, Akika ; Kato, Daisuke
[Tiii] and [Niii] emission from the strontium filament of η Carinae
Bautista, M.A.; Hartman, H. ; Gull, T.R. ; Smith, N. ; Lodders, K.
Low-mass binary-induced outflows from asymptotic giant branch stars
Nordhaus, J.; Blackman, E.G.
2006MNRAS.370.2013S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/370/2013)
A catalogue of close binaries located in the δ Scuti region of the Cepheid instability strip
Soydugan, E.; Soydugan, F. ; Demircan, O. ; Ibanoglu, C.
Energy transfer by the scattering of resonant photons
Meiksin, Avery
Stellar encounters involving massive stars in young clusters
Davies, Melvyn B.; Bate, Matthew R. ; Bonnell, Ian A. ; Bailey, Vernon C. ; Tout, Christopher A.
Comparison of filters for the detection of point sources in Planck simulations
López-Caniego, M.; Herranz, D. ; González-Nuevo, J. ; Sanz, J.L. ; Barreiro, R.B. ; Vielva, P. ; Argüeso, F. ; Toffolatti, L.
1.4-GHz polarimetric observations of the two fields imaged by the DASI experiment
Bernardi, G.; Carretti, E.; Sault, R.J. ; Cortiglioni, S. ; Poppi, S.
Coherent synchrotron emission from cosmic ray air showers
Luo, Qinghuan
On the metallicity dependence of high-mass X-ray binaries
Dray, L.M.
2006MNRAS.370.2091C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/370/2091)
The puzzling abundance pattern of HD134439 and HD134440
Chen, Y.Q. ; Zhao, G.
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