Monthly Notices of the RAS 368
May(II) 2006

Adaptive binning of X-ray data with weighted Voronoi tessellations
Diehl, Steven; Statler, Thomas S.
Cosmic microwave background polarization due to scattering in clusters
Shimon, M.; Rephaeli, Y.; O'Shea, B.W.; Norman, M.L.
Galaxy cluster mass profiles
Voigt, L.M.; Fabian, A.C.
2006MNRAS.368..534N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/368/534)
Near-infrared study of CIZA J1324.7-5736, the second richest cluster of galaxies in the Great Attractor
Nagayama, T.; Woudt, P.A.; Wakamatsu, K.; Nishiyama, S.; Nagashima, C.; Kato, D.; Nagata, T.; Nakaya, H.; Sugitani, K.; Tamura, M.; Sato, S.
Diffuse radio sources in the cluster of galaxies Abell 548b
Feretti, L.; Bacchi, M.; Slee, O.B.; Giovannini, G.; Govoni, F.; Andernach, H.; Tsarevsky, G.
White dwarf stars as strange quark matter detectors - II
Benvenuto, O.G.
Globular clusters, satellite galaxies and stellar haloes from early dark matter peaks
Moore, Ben; Diemand, Juerg; Madau, Piero; Zemp, Marcel; Stadel, Joachim
Amplitude variability or close frequencies in pulsating stars – the δ Scuti star FG Vir
Breger, M.; Pamyatnykh, A.A.
Propagation of very high energy γ-rays inside massive binaries LS 5039 and LS I+61° 303
Bednarek, W.
Near-infrared and optical studies of the fast nova V4643 Sgr (Nova Sagittarii 2001)
Ashok, N.M.; Banerjee, D.P.K.; Varricatt, W.P.; Kamath, U.S.
The effect of low-mass substructures on the cusp lensing relation
Macciò, Andrea V.; Miranda, Marco
Jet speeds in wide-angle tailed radio galaxies
Jetha, Nazirah N.; Hardcastle, Martin J.; Sakelliou, Irini
Spatial clustering of Ultra Steep Spectrum sources and galaxies
Bornancini, Carlos G.; Padilla, Nelson D.; Lambas, Diego G.; De Breuck, Carlos
Radial heating of a galactic disc by multiple spiral density waves
Minchev, I.; Quillen, A.C.
Roche tomography of cataclysmic variables - III. Star-spots on AE Aqr
Watson, C.A.; Dhillon, V.S. ; Shahbaz, T.
2006MNRAS.368..651P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/368/651)
The large peculiar velocity of the cD galaxy in Abell 3653
Pimbblet, Kevin A.; Roseboom, Isaac G.; Doyle, Marianne T.
Comptonization of cosmic microwave background photons in dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Culverhouse, Thomas L.; Evans, N.Wyn; Colafrancesco, S.
The influence of radio galaxy activity on X-ray absorption lines from the intracluster medium
Köckert, Franziska; Reynolds, Christopher S.
Star clusters with primordial binaries - I. Dynamical evolution of isolated models
Heggie, Douglas C.; Trenti, Michele; Hut, Piet
Resonant cyclotron scattering and Comptonization in neutron star magnetospheres
Lyutikov, Maxim; Gavriil, Fotis P.
X-ray reflection in the nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068
Pounds, Ken; Vaughan, Simon
Galaxy halo masses and satellite fractions from galaxy-galaxy lensing in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: stellar mass, luminosity, morphology and environment dependencies
Mandelbaum, Rachel; Seljak, Uros ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Hirata, Christopher M. ; Brinkmann, Jonathan
On the cross-correlation of sub-mm sources and optically selected galaxies
Blake, Chris; Pope, Alexandra; Scott, Douglas; Mobasher, Bahram
The importance of interactions for mass loss from satellite galaxies in cold dark matter haloes
Knebe, Alexander; Power, Chris; Gill, Stuart P.D.; Gibson, Brad K.
Structure formation in inhomogeneous dark energy models
Nunes, N.J.; Mota, D.F.
On the influence of cooling and heating processes on Parker instability
Kosinski, R.; Hanasz, M.
The colour-magnitude relations of ClJ1226.9+3332, a massive cluster of galaxies at z = 0.89
Ellis, S.C.; Jones, L.R. ; Donovan, D. ; Ebeling, H. ; Khosroshahi, H.G.
Simultaneous X-ray/optical observations of GX9+9 (4U1728-16)
Kong, A.K.H.; Charles, P.A. ; Homer, L. ; Kuulkers, E. ; O'Donoghue, D.
Effect of entrainment on stress and pulsar glitches in stratified neutron star crust
Chamel, N.; Carter, B.
Asteroid orbits using phase-space volumes of variation
Muinonen, K.; Virtanen, J.; Granvik, M.; Laakso, T.
The importance of soft X-rays for the excitation of H2emission in planetary nebulae
Phillips, J.P.
Post-outburst phase of McNeil's nebula (V1647 Orionis)
Ojha, D.K.; Ghosh, S.K.; Tej, A.; Verma, R.P.; Vig, S.; Anupama, G.C.; Sahu, D.K.; Parihar, P.; Bhatt, B.C.; Prabhu, T.P.; Maheswar, G.; Bhatt, H.C.; Anandarao, B.G.; Venkataraman, V.
A Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor projected on to the sky with reduced focal anisoplanatism
Butterley, T.; Love, G.D. ; Wilson, R.W. ; Myers, R.M. ; Morris, T.J.
Radio and X-ray observations of an exceptional radio flare in the extreme z = 4.72 blazar GBB1428+4217
Worsley, M.A.; Fabian, A.C.; Pooley, G.G. ; Chandler, C.J.
The hot, warm and cold gas in Arp 227 - an evolving poor group
Rampazzo, R.; Alexander, P. ; Carignan, C. ; Clemens, M.S. ; Cullen, H. ; Garrido, O. ; Marcelin, M. ; Sheth, K. ; Trinchieri, G.
Neighbourhoods of isolated star forming dwarf galaxies
Brosch, Noah; Bar-Or, Carmiya; Malka, Doron
Planetary nebulae as tracers of galaxy stellar populations
Buzzoni, Alberto; Arnaboldi, Magda; Corradi, Romano L.M.
On the reliability of Civλ1549 as an abundance indicator for high-redshift star-forming galaxies
Crowther, Paul A.; Prinja, Raman K. ; Pettini, Max ; Steidel, Charles C.
XMM-Newton study of the complex and variable spectrum of NGC 4051
Ponti, G.; Miniutti, G. ; Cappi, M. ; Maraschi, L. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Iwasawa, K.
Wave excitation in three-dimensional discs by external potential
Zhang, Hang; Lai, Dong
The large-scale clustering of radio sources
Negrello, M.; Magliocchetti, M.; De Zotti, G.
Hydrodynamical simulations of the decay of high-speed molecular turbulence - II. Divergence from isothermality
Pavlovski, Georgi; Smith, Michael D.; Low, Mordecai-Mark Mac
Absolute parameters of the Algol binary V505 Sgr from infrared JK light curves
Lázaro, C.; Arévalo, M.J.; Antonopoulou, E.
Early reionization with primordial magnetic fields
Tashiro, Hiroyuki; Sugiyama, Naoshi
Evidence for strange stars from joint observation of harmonic absorption bands and of redshift
Bagchi, Manjari; Ray, Subharthi; Dey, Mira; Dey, Jishnu
Formation of cyclotron-annihilation lines in magnetized vacuum near neutron stars
Kukushkin, V.A.
X-ray spectral properties of high-redshift radio-loud quasars beyond redshift 4 - first results
Yuan, W.; Fabian, A.C. ; Worsley, M.A. ; McMahon, R.G.
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