Monthly Notices of the RAS 367
April(I) 2006

On the origin and excitation of the extended nebula surrounding NGC1275
Hatch, N.A.; Crawford, C.S. ; Johnstone, R.M. ; Fabian, A.C.
The colours of the Sun
Holmberg, Johan; Flynn, Chris ; Portinari, Laura
The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey ZY JHK photometric system: passbands and synthetic colours
Hewett, P.C.; Warren, S.J. ; Leggett, S.K. ; Hodgkin, S.T.
Hαkinematics of the SINGS nearby galaxies survey - I
Daigle, O.; Carignan, C. ; Amram, P. ; Hernandez, O. ; Chemin, L. ; Balkowski, C. ; Kennicutt, R.
2006MNRAS.367..513T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/367/513)
Imaging study of NGC 3372, the Carina nebula - II. Evidence of activity in the complex Trumpler 14/Car I photodissociation region
Tapia, M.; Persi, P. ; Bohigas, J. ; Roth, M. ; Gómez, M.
Galaxy cluster masses without non-baryonic dark matter
Brownstein, J.R.; Moffat, J.W.
Hydroxyl maser disc and outflow in the Orion-BN/KL region
Cohen, R.J.; Gasiprong, N. ; Meaburn, J. ; Graham, M.F.
A CH3CN and HCO+ survey towards southern methanol masers associated with star formation
Purcell, C.R.; Balasubramanyam, R. ; Burton, M.G. ; Walsh, A.J. ; Minier, V. ; Hunt-Cunningham, M.R. ; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.L. ; Longmore, S.N. ; Hill, T. ; Bains, I. ; Barnes, P.J. ; Busfield, A.L. ; Calisse, P. ; Crighton, N.H.M. ; Curran, S.J. ; Davis, T.M. ; Dempsey, J.T. ; Derragopian, G. ; Fulton, B. ; Hidas, M.G. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Lee, J.-K. ; Ladd, E.F. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Oudmaijer, R.D. ; Pracy, M.B. ; Rathborne, J. ; Robertson, S. ; Schultz, A.S.B. ; Shobbrook, J. ; Sparks, P.A. ; Storey, J. ; Travouillion, T.
Quantitative infrared spectra of hydrosilicates and related minerals
Hofmeister, A.M.; Bowey, J.E.
Simulated X-ray cycles in rapidly rotating solar-like stars
McIvor, T.; Jardine, M. ; Mackay, D. ; Holzwarth, V.
2006MNRAS.367..599P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/367/599)
First estimates of the fundamental parameters of the relatively bright Galactic open cluster NGC 5288
Piatti, Andrés E.; Clariá, Juan J.; Ahumada, Andrea V.
Detection of large-scale intrinsic ellipticity-density correlation from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and implications for weak lensing surveys
Mandelbaum, Rachel; Hirata, Christopher M. ; Ishak, Mustapha ; Seljak, Uros ; Brinkmann, Jonathan
2006MNRAS.367..627E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/367/627)
Correlations of near-infrared, optical and X-ray luminosity for early-type galaxies
Ellis, S.C.; O'Sullivan, Ewan
Effects of external tidal field on the evolution of the outer regions of multi-mass star clusters
Lee, K.H.; Lee, H.M. ; Sung, H.
Truncated disc versus extremely broad iron line in XTE J1650-500
Done, Chris ; Gierlinski, Marek
Stochastic distributions of lens and source properties for observed galactic microlensing events
Dominik, M.
Deviations from passive evolution - star formation and the ultraviolet excess in z∼ 1 radio galaxies
Inskip, K.J.; Best, P.N. ; Longair, M.S.
Annual variation of sporadic radar meteor rates
Campbell-Brown, M.D.; Jones, J.
Simulating wide-field quasar surveys from the optical to near-infrared
Maddox, Natasha; Hewett, Paul C.
Progenitors with enhanced rotation and the origin of magnetars
Popov, S.B.; Prokhorov, M.E.
On the binarity of Herbig Ae/Be stars
Baines, Deborah ; Oudmaijer, René D.; Porter, John M.; Pozzo, Monica
Radiative lifetimes and transition probabilities of astrophysical interest in Zrii
Malcheva, G. ; Blagoev, K. ; Mayo, R. ; Ortiz, M. ; Xu, H.L. ; Svanberg, S. ; Quinet, P. ; Biémont, E.
A census of the Carina Nebula - I. Cumulative energy input from massive stars
Smith, Nathan
Two-dimensional models of layered protoplanetary discs - II. The effect of a residual viscosity in the dead zone
Wünsch, R.; Gawryszczak, A. ; Klahr, H. ; Rózyczka, M.
2006MNRAS.367..781J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/367/781)
An XMM-Newton observation of the young open cluster NGC 2547: coronal activity at 30 Myr
Jeffries, R.D.; Evans, P.A. ; Pye, J.P. ; Briggs, K.R.
Investigating a fluctuating-accretion model for the spectral-timing properties of accreting black hole systems
Arévalo, P.; Uttley, P.
GMOS spectroscopy of the S0 galaxy NGC 3115
Norris, Mark A.; Sharples, Ray M. ; Kuntschner, Harald
Colour-differential interferometry for the observation of extrasolar planets
Vannier, M.; Petrov, R.G. ; Lopez, B. ; Millour, F.
Morphology and evolution of simulated and optical clusters: a comparative analysis
Rahman, Nurur; Krywult, Janusz; Motl, Patrick M.; Flin, Piotr; Shandarin, Sergei F.
Polarization of synchrotron radiation from conical shock waves
Cawthorne, T.V.
[OIII] emission line in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
Bian, Weihao; Yuan, Qirong ; Zhao, Yongheng
Erratum: The many lives of active galactic nuclei: cooling flows, black holes and the luminosities and colours of galaxies by
Croton, Darren J.; Springel, Volker; White, Simon D.M.; De Lucia, G.; Frenk, C.S.; Gao, L.; Jenkins, A.; Kauffmann, G.; Navarro, J.F.; Yoshida , N.
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