Monthly Notices of the RAS 364
December(III) 2005
- 2005MNRAS.364.1105S
- The cosmological simulation code gadget-2
- Springel, Volker
- 2005MNRAS.364.1135R
- Gravity waves in the Sun
- Rogers, Tamara M.; Glatzmaier, Gary A.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1147P
- Luminosity segregation in three clusters of galaxies (A119, A2443, A2218)
- Pracy, Michael B.; Driver, Simon P. ; De Propris, Roberto ; Couch, Warrick J. ; Nulsen, Paul E.J.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1158F
- ULTRACAM photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variables GY Cnc, IR Com and HT Cas
- Feline, W.J.; Dhillon, V.S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Watson, C.A. ; Littlefair, S.P.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1168Y
- Envelope expansion with core collapse - II. Quasi-spherical self-similar solutions for an isothermal magnetofluid
- Yu, Cong; Lou, Yu-Qing
- 2005MNRAS.364.1185P
- Cosmic microwave background and foregrounds in Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe first-year data
- Patanchon, G.; Cardoso, J.-F. ; Delabrouille, J. ; Vielva, P.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1195B
- An infrared imaging survey of the faint Chandra sources near the Galactic Centre
- Bandyopadhyay, R.M.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Blundell, K.M. ; Bauer, F.E. ; Podsiadlowski, P. ; Gosling, A.J. ; Wang, Q.D. ; Pfahl, E. ; Rappaport, S.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1203T
- Results from the adaptive optics coronagraph at the William Herschel Telescope
- Thompson, S.J.; Doel, A.P. ; Bingham, R.G. ; Charalambous, A. ; Myers, R.M. ; Bissonauth, N. ; Clark, P. ; Talbot, G.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1211S
- Timing accuracy of the SROSS C-2 GRB experiment
- Sinha, Srikanta
- 2005MNRAS.364.1219S
- Non-Newtonian potential involving Hubble's length
- Signore, Robert L.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1222B
- Vectorial elements for the Galactic disc tide effects in cometary motion
- Breiter, S.; Ratajczak, R.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1229R
- A Compton reflection dominated spectrum in a peculiar accreting neutron star
- Rea, N.; Stella, L. ; Israel, G.L. ; Matt, G. ; Zane, S. ; Segreto, A. ; Oosterbroek, T. ; Orlandini, M.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1239R
- Stellar populations in a complete sample of local radio galaxies
- Raimann, D.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Quintana, H.; Hunstead, R.; Wisotzki, L.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1253V
- The SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey - III. Dust along the Hubble sequence
- Vlahakis, Catherine; Dunne, Loretta ; Eales, Stephen
- 2005MNRAS.364.1286V
- The evolution of actively star-forming galaxies in the mid-infrared
- Vega, O.; Silva, L. ; Panuzzo, P. ; Bressan, A. ; Granato, G.L. ; Chavez, M.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1299D
- Systems of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: the fundamental plane
- Díaz, Eugenia; Muriel, Hernán
- 2005MNRAS.364.1304R
- Subarcsecond radio observations of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 3077
- Rosa-González, Daniel
- 2005MNRAS.364.1309C
- H2excitation in turbulent interstellar clouds
- Cecchi-Pestellini, Cesare ; Casu, Silvia ; Dalgarno, Alexander
- 2005MNRAS.364.1315M
- The fingerprint of binary intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters: suprathermal stars and angular momentum alignment
- Mapelli, M.; Colpi, M.; Possenti, A.; Sigurdsson, S.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1327A
- The environmental dependence of clustering in hierarchical models
- Abbas, Ummi; Sheth, Ravi K.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1337S
- Ultraluminous starbursts from supermassive black hole-induced outflows
- Silk, Joseph
- 2005MNRAS.364.1343D
- Radio bubbles in clusters of galaxies
- Dunn, R.J.H.; Fabian, A.C. ; Taylor, G.B.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1354B
- Environmental dependence of the structure of brightest cluster galaxies
- Brough, S.; Collins, C.A. ; Burke, D.J. ; Lynam, P.D. ; Mann, R.G.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1363G
- On the origin of the circular polarization in radio pulsars
- Gogoberidze, G.; Machabeli, G.Z.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1367W
- A faster algorithm for smoothed particle hydrodynamics with radiative transfer in the flux-limited diffusion approximation
- Whitehouse, Stuart C.; Bate, Matthew R.; Monaghan, Joe J.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1378N
- Formation of Population III stars in fossil Hii regions: significance of HD
- Nagakura, Takanori; Omukai, Kazuyuki
- 2005MNRAS.364.1387P
- The Pisces-Cetus supercluster: a remarkable filament of galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift and Sloan Digital Sky surveys
- Porter, Scott C.; Raychaudhury, Somak
- 2005MNRAS.364.1397J
- Evidence for alignment of the rotation and velocity vectors in pulsars
- Johnston, Simon; Hobbs, G. ; Vigeland, S. ; Kramer, M. ; Weisberg, J.M. ; Lyne, A.G.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1413B
- Acceleration of adaptive optics simulations using programmable logic
- Basden, A.G.; Assémat, F. ; Butterley, T. ; Geng, D. ; Saunter, C.D. ; Wilson, R.W.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1419Z
- Simultaneous XMM-Newton and ESO VLT observations of supernova 1995N: probing the wind-ejecta interaction
- Zampieri, L.; Mucciarelli, P. ; Pastorello, A. ; Turatto, M. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Benetti, S.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1429M
- Radiative transfer effects on the Lyα forest
- Maselli, A.; Ferrara, A.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1441H
- The geometric calibration of the Planck satellite using point-source observations
- Harrison, D.L.; van Leeuwen, F.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1451O
- The impact of lens galaxy environments on the image separation distribution
- Oguri, Masamune; Keeton, Charles R. ; Dalal, Neal
- 2005MNRAS.364.1459C
- Multipole models of four-image gravitational lenses with anomalous flux ratios
- Congdon, Arthur B.; Keeton, Charles R.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1467Z
- Reconciling the local galaxy population with damped Lyman α cross-sections and metal abundances
- Zwaan, M.A.; van der Hulst, J.M. ; Briggs, F.H. ; Verheijen, M.A.W. ; Ryan-Weber, E.V.
- 2005MNRAS.364.1488M
- Erratum: Klein-Nishina effects in the spectra of non-thermal sources immersed in external radiation fields by
- Moderski, Rafal; Sikora, Marek; Coppi, Paolo S.; Felix Aharonian
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