Monthly Notices of the RAS 363
November(I) 2005
- 2005MNRAS.363..705M
- Dark matter in elliptical galaxies - II. Estimating the mass within the virial radius
- Mamon, Gary A.; Lokas, Ewa L.
- 2005MNRAS.363..723B
- Evolution of the dark matter distribution with three-dimensional weak lensing
- Bacon, D.J.; Taylor, A.N. ; Brown, M.L. ; Gray, M.E. ; Wolf, C. ; Meisenheimer, K. ; Dye, S. ; Wisotzki, L. ; Borch, A. ; Kleinheinrich, M.
- 2005MNRAS.363..734C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/363/734)
- The metal abundance distribution of the oldest stellar component in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy
- Clementini, G.; Ripepi, V.; Bragaglia, A.; Fiorenzano, A.F.Martinez; Held, E.V.; Gratton, R.G.
- 2005MNRAS.363..749T
- Determination of Cepheid parameters by light-curve template fitting
- Tanvir, N.R.; Hendry, M.A. ; Watkins, A. ; Kanbur, S.M. ; Berdnikov, L.N. ; Ngeow, C.C.
- 2005MNRAS.363..763D
- Photospheric phosphorus in the FUSE spectra of GD71 and two similar DA white dwarfs
- Dobbie, P.D.; Barstow, M.A. ; Hubeny, I. ; Holberg, J.B. ; Burleigh, M.R. ; Forbes, A.E.
- 2005MNRAS.363..769S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/363/769)
- Dark matter in early-type galaxies: dynamical modelling of IC 1459, IC 3370, NGC 3379 and NGC 4105
- Samurovic, S.; Danziger, I.J.
- 2005MNRAS.363..801W
- XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey Fields - III. The environments of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei at 0.4 < z < 0.6
- Waskett, T.J.; Eales, S.A. ; Gear, W.K. ; McCracken, H.J. ; Lilly, S. ; Brodwin, M.
- 2005MNRAS.363..811G
- The XMM-Newton/2dF survey - VIII. The extended X-ray sources
- Gaga, T. ; Plionis, M.; Basilakos, S. ; Georgantopoulos, I. ; Georgakakis, A.
- 2005MNRAS.363..818S
- HI signal from re-ionization epoch
- Sethi, Shiv K.
- 2005MNRAS.363..831N
- Further empirical evidence for the non-linearity of the period-luminosity relations as seen in the Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids
- Ngeow, Chow-Choong; Kanbur, Shashi M. ; Nikolaev, Sergei ; Buonaccorsi, John ; Cook, Kem H. ; Welch, Douglas L.
- 2005MNRAS.363..847D
- 85 Peg A: what age for a low-metallicity solar-like starquest
- D'Antona, F.; Cardini, D. ; Mauro, M.P.Di ; Maceroni, C. ; Mazzitelli, I. ; Montalbán, J.
- 2005MNRAS.363..857H
- Five WC9 stars discovered in the AAO/UKST Hα survey
- Hopewell, E.C.; Barlow, M.J. ; Drew, J.E. ; Unruh, Y.C. ; Parker, Q.A. ; Pierce, M.J. ; Crowther, P.A. ; Knigge, C. ; Phillipps, S. ; Zijlstra, A.A.
- 2005MNRAS.363..867M
- Multiple relativistic outbursts of GRS1915+105: radio emission and internal shocks
- Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; McCormick, D.G. ; Fender, R.P. ; Spencer, R.E. ; Muxlow, T.W.B. ; Pooley, G.G.
- 2005MNRAS.363..882L
- New clues on outburst mechanisms and improved spectroscopic elements of the black hole binary V4641 Sagittarii
- Lindstrom, C. ; Griffin, J. ; Kiss, L.L.; Uemura, M. ; Derekas, A. ; Mészáros, Sz. ; Székely, P.
- 2005MNRAS.363..891F
- On viscosity, conduction and sound waves in the intracluster medium
- Fabian, A.C.; Reynolds, C.S. ; Taylor, G.B. ; Dunn, R.J.H.
- 2005MNRAS.363..897O
- Near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of NGC 6539 and UKS 1: two intermediate metallicity bulge globular clusters
- Origlia, L.; Valenti, E.; Rich, R.M.; Ferraro, F.R.
- 2005MNRAS.363..905C
- Radiative parameters for some transitions in the spectrum of Agii
- Campos, J.; Ortiz, M. ; Mayo, R. ; Biémont, E.; Quinet, P. ; Blagoev, K. ; Malcheva, G.
- 2005MNRAS.363..911L
- High-resolution spectroscopic observations of post-asymptotic giant branch candidates from the Edinburgh-Cape Survey
- Lynn, B.B.; Keenan, F.P.; Dufton, P.L. ; Rolleston, W.R.J. ; Smoker, J.V. ; Ryans, R.S.I. ; Kilkenny, D. ; O'Donoghue, D. ; Hambly, N. ; McGillivray, H.T.
- 2005MNRAS.363..918L
- Dark matter distribution in the Draco dwarf from velocity moments
- Lokas, Ewa L.; Mamon, Gary A.; Prada, Francisco
- 2005MNRAS.363..929C
- Arecibo timing and single-pulse observations of 17 pulsars
- Champion, D.J.; Lorimer, D.R. ; McLaughlin, M.A. ; Xilouris, K.M. ; Arzoumanian, Z. ; Freire, P.C.C. ; Lommen, A.N. ; Cordes, J.M. ; Camilo, F.
- 2005MNRAS.363..937B
- Rotation and anisotropy of galaxies revisited
- Binney, James
- 2005MNRAS.363..943F
- Numerical simulations of type I planetary migration in non-turbulent magnetized discs
- Fromang, Sébastien; Terquem, Caroline ; Nelson, Richard P.
- 2005MNRAS.363..954M
- Klein-Nishina effects in the spectra of non-thermal sources immersed in external radiation fields
- Moderski, Rafal; Sikora, Marek ; Coppi, Paolo S. ; Aharonian, Felix
- 2005MNRAS.363..967Y
- The eclipsing binary PV Cas: a case of strong differential rotation in depth
- Yildiz, M.
- 2005MNRAS.363..977P
- Spatial and dynamical properties of voids in a Λ cold dark matter universe
- Padilla, N.D.; Ceccarelli, L. ; Lambas, D.G.
- 2005MNRAS.363..991H
- Bar-induced evolution of dark matter cusps
- Holley-Bockelmann, K.; Weinberg, M.; Katz, N.
- 2005MNRAS.363.1008G
- The galaxy luminosity function around groups
- González, R.E.; Padilla, N.D. ; Galaz, G. ; Infante, L.
- 2005MNRAS.363.1019G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/363/1019)
- Nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Virgo cluster
- Grant, N.I.; Kuipers, J.A.; Phillipps, S.
- 2005MNRAS.363.1031F
- Taxing the rich: recombinations and bubble growth during reionization
- Furlanetto, Steven R.; Oh, S.Peng
- 2005MNRAS.363.1049C
- Large-scale non-Gaussianities in the 21-cm background anisotropies from the era of reionization
- Cooray, Asantha
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