Monthly Notices of the RAS 363
October(II) 2005
- 2005MNRAS.363L...1G
- Mid-infrared imaging of NGC 1068 with VISIR at the Very Large Telescope
- Galliano, E.; Pantin, E. ; Alloin, D. ; Lagage, P.O.
- 2005MNRAS.363L...6W
- Dynamical virial masses of Lyman-break galaxy haloes at z= 3
- Weatherley, Stephen J.; Warren, Stephen J.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..11B
- The ultimate halo mass in a ΛCDM universe
- Busha, Michael T.; Evrard, August E.; Adams, Fred C.; Wechsler, Risa H.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..16R
- The stellar halo metallicity-luminosity relationship for spiral galaxies
- Renda, Agostino; Gibson, Brad K.; Mouhcine, Mustapha ; Ibata, Rodrigo A. ; Kawata, Daisuke; Flynn, Chris ; Brook, Chris B.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..21B
- Dark galaxies or tidal debrisquest Kinematical clues to the origin of massive isolated Hi clouds
- Bekki, Kenji; Koribalski, Bärbel S. ; Kilborn, Virginia A.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..26Z
- Emission line variability of RS Ophiuchi
- Zamanov, R.K.; Bode, M.F.; Tomov, N.A.; Porter, J.M.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..31N
- The metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models
- Nagashima, Masahiro; Lacey, Cedric G. ; Okamoto, Takashi ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Cole, Shaun
- 2005MNRAS.363L..36B
- Probing the epoch of early baryonic infall through 21-cm fluctuations
- Barkana, R.; Loeb, A.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..41P
- The extremely asymmetric radio structure of the z= 3.1 radio galaxy B3 J2330+3927
- Pérez-Torres, M.-A.; De Breuck, C.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..46B
- GeV gamma-rays and TeV neutrinos from very massive compact binary systems: the case of WR 20a
- Bednarek, W.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..51V
- The dependence of the Rossby number and XUV-Lyα emission flux with age for solar-like G-type stars
- Vardavas, I.M.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..56H
- Gravitational waves from remnants of ultraluminous X-ray sources
- Hopman, Clovis; Zwart, Simon Portegies
- 2005MNRAS.363L..61R
- Photospheric signatures imprinted on the γ-ray burst spectra
- Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico
- 2005MNRAS.363L..66G
- The age dependence of halo clustering
- Gao, Liang; Springel, Volker ; White, Simon D.M.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..71D
- The spin period-eccentricity relation of double neutron stars: evidence for weak supernova kicksquest
- Dewi, J.D.M.; Podsiadlowski, P. ; Pols, O.R.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..76P
- GRB 050223: a faint gamma-ray burst discovered by Swift
- Page, K.L.; Rol, E. ; Levan, A.J. ; Zhang, B. ; Osborne, J.P. ; O'Brien, P.T. ; Beardmore, A.P. ; Burrows, D.N. ; Campana, S. ; Chincharini, G. ; Cummings, J.R. ; Cusumano, G. ; Gehrels, N. ; Giommi, P. ; Goad, M.R. ; Godet, O. ; Mangano, V. ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Wells, A.A.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..81A
- Beryllium enhancement as evidence for accretion in a lithium-rich F dwarf
- Ashwell, Johanna F.; Jeffries, R.D. ; Smalley, Barry ; Deliyannis, C.P. ; Steinhauer, Aaron ; King, J.R.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..86M
- A deeper understanding of white dwarf interiors
- Metcalfe, Travis S.
- 2005MNRAS.363L..91C
- Supermassive black holes in elliptical galaxies: switching from very bright to very dim
- Churazov, E.; Sazonov, S. ; Sunyaev, R. ; Forman, W. ; Jones, C. ; Böhringer, H.
- 2005MNRAS.363....2K
- How do galaxies get their gasquest
- Keres, Dusan; Katz, Neal; Weinberg, David H.; Davé, Romeel
- 2005MNRAS.363...29D
- The imprints of local superclusters on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signals and their detectability with Planck
- Dolag, K.; Hansen, F.K.; Roncarelli, M.; Moscardini, L.
- 2005MNRAS.363...40O
- Cluster Ages Experiment (CASE): SX Phe stars from the globular cluster ω Centauri
- Olech, A.; Dziembowski, W.A.; Pamyatnykh, A.A.; Kaluzny, J.; Pych, W.; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A.; Thompson, I.B.
- 2005MNRAS.363...49K
- Aligning spinning black holes and accretion discs
- King, A.R.; Lubow, S.H. ; Ogilvie, G.I. ; Pringle, J.E.
- 2005MNRAS.363...57L
- Blue, green and red bumps in active galactic nuclei
- Lawrence, A.
- 2005MNRAS.363...64G
- A possible line-like emission feature at 8 keV in the Seyfert 1.2 UGC 3973
- Gallo, L.C.; Fabian, A.C. ; Boller, T. ; Pietsch, W.
- 2005MNRAS.363...71H
- Chemical abundances of 22 extrasolar planet host stars
- Huang, C. ; Zhao, G.; Zhang, H.W. ; Chen, Y.Q.
- 2005MNRAS.363...79G
- A Very Small Array search for the extended Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the Corona Borealis supercluster
- Génova-Santos, Ricardo; Rubiño-Martín, José Alberto ; Rebolo, Rafael; Cleary, Kieran; Davies, Rod D. ; Davis, Richard J. ; Dickinson, Clive; Falcón, Nelson; Grainge, Keith ; Gutiérrez, Carlos M. ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Lancaster, Katy; Padilla-Torres, Carmen P. ; Saunders, Richard D.E. ; Scott, Paul F. ; Taylor, Angela C.; Watson, Robert A.
- 2005MNRAS.363...93Z
- Early afterglows in wind environments revisited
- Zou, Y.C.; Wu, X.F.; Dai, Z.G.
- 2005MNRAS.363..107S
- Cosmic ray transport in strong turbulence
- Shalchi, A.
- 2005MNRAS.363..112M
- Correlation between radio luminosity and X-ray timing frequencies in neutron star and black hole X-ray binaries
- Migliari, S.; Fender, R.P. ; Klis, M.van der
- 2005MNRAS.363..121P
- Relativistic r modes and shear viscosity: regularizing the continuous spectrum
- Pons, J.A.; Gualtieri, L. ; Miralles, J.A. ; Ferrari, V.
- 2005MNRAS.363..131P
- The nature of the red disc-like galaxies at high redshift: dust attenuation and intrinsically red stellar populations
- Pierini, D.; Maraston, C.; Gordon, K.D.; Witt, A.N.
- 2005MNRAS.363..146L
- The distribution of satellite galaxies: the great pancake
- Libeskind, Noam I.; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Cole, Shaun ; Helly, John C. ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Navarro, Julio F. ; Power, Chris
- 2005MNRAS.363..153P
- On the migration-induced resonances in a system of two planets with masses in the Earth mass range
- Papaloizou, J.C.B. ; Szuszkiewicz, E.
- 2005MNRAS.363..177C
- Relativistic emission lines from accretion discs around black holes
- Cadez, Andrej; Calvani, Massimo
- 2005MNRAS.363..183G
- Heavy element abundances in DAO white dwarfs measured from FUSE data
- Good, S.A.; Barstow, M.A. ; Burleigh, M.R. ; Dobbie, P.D. ; Holberg, J.B. ; Hubeny, I.
- 2005MNRAS.363..197M
- Polar shapelets
- Massey, Richard; Refregier, Alexandre
- 2005MNRAS.363..211S
- High-precision K-band photometry of the secondary eclipse of HD 209458
- Snellen, I.A.G.
- 2005MNRAS.363..216C
- The extended Hα-emitting filaments surrounding NGC 4696, the central galaxy of the Centaurus cluster
- Crawford, C.S.; Hatch, N.A. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Sanders, J.S.
- 2005MNRAS.363..223G
- Three-body encounters in the Galactic Centre: the origin of the hypervelocity star SDSS J090745.0+024507
- Gualandris, Alessia; Zwart, Simon Portegies ; Sipior, Michael S.
- 2005MNRAS.363..229C
- Cold dust in (some) high-z supernova host galaxies
- Clements, D.L.; Farrah, D. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Afonso, J. ; Priddey, R. ; Fox, M.
- 2005MNRAS.363..236M
- Charge neutrality condition of black holes and its application to the disc-jet system
- Maruta, Daizo
- 2005MNRAS.363..241S
- The stability of the terrestrial planets with a more massive `Earth'
- Süli, Áron; Dvorak, Rudolf ; Freistetter, Florian
- 2005MNRAS.363..251A
- What will anisotropies in the clustering pattern in redshifted 21-cm maps tell usquest
- Ali, Sk.Saiyad; Bharadwaj, Somnath; Pandey, Biswajit
- 2005MNRAS.363..259M
- Plasma diagnostics of active-region evolution and implications for coronal heating
- Milligan, R.O.; Gallagher, P.T. ; Mathioudakis, M. ; Keenan, F.P. ; Bloomfield, D.S.
- 2005MNRAS.363..268V
- Relativistic models of galaxies
- Vogt, D.; Letelier, P.S.
- 2005MNRAS.363..285H
- Spiral waves and the secondary star in the nova-like variable V3885 Sgr
- Hartley, Louise E. ; Murray, James R.; Drew, Janet E. ; Long, Knox S.
- 2005MNRAS.363..293H
- A complete N-body model of the old open cluster M67
- Hurley, Jarrod R.; Pols, Onno R. ; Aarseth, Sverre J. ; Tout, Christopher A.
- 2005MNRAS.363..315G
- The gamma-ray burst variability-peak luminosity correlation: new results
- Guidorzi, C.; Frontera, F. ; Montanari, E. ; Rossi, F. ; Amati, L. ; Gomboc, A. ; Hurley, K. ; Mundell, C.G.
- 2005MNRAS.363..326P
- New light on the initial mass function of the Galactic halo globular clusters
- Parmentier, Geneviève; Gilmore, Gerard
- 2005MNRAS.363..337C
- A divided Universe: red and blue galaxies and their preferred environments
- Cooray, Asantha
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