Monthly Notices of the RAS 361
August(I) 2005

galics- VI. Modelling hierarchical galaxy formation in clusters
Lanzoni, B.; Guiderdoni, B. ; Mamon, G.A. ; Devriendt, J. ; Hatton, S.
Inconsistency in theories of violent relaxation
Arad, I.; Lynden-Bell, D.
Disc-wind field matching in accretion discs with magnetically influenced winds
Campbell, C.G.
Minihalo photoevaporation during cosmic reionization: evaporation times and photon consumption rates
Iliev, Ilian T.; Shapiro, Paul R. ; Raga, Alejandro C.
Distribution of red and blue galaxies in groups: an empirical test of the halo model
Collister, Adrian A.; Lahav, Ofer
Time variability of active galactic nuclei and heating of cooling flows
Nipoti, Carlo; Binney, James
Can a photometric redshift code reliably determine dust extinctionquest
Babbedge, T.S.R.; Whitaker, R.; Morris, S.
Outflowing material in the compact steep-spectrum source quasar 3C 48: evidence of jet-cloud interactionquest
Gupta, Neeraj; Srianand, R.; Saikia, D.J.
Fourier transform spectroscopy of the submillimetre continuum emission from hot molecular cores
Friesen, R.K.; Johnstone, D. ; Naylor, D.A. ; Davis, G.R.
Unification in the low radio luminosity regime: evidence from optical line emission
Marchã, M.J.M.; Browne, I.W.A. ; Jethava, N. ; Antón, S.
Time-dependent convection seismic study of δ Sct stars
Dupret, M.-A.; Grigahcène, A. ; Garrido, R. ; De Ridder, J. ; Scuflaire, R. ; Gabriel, M.
SDSS J124058.03-015919.2: a new AM CVn star with a 37-min orbital period
Roelofs, G.H.A.; Groot, P.J. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Steeghs, D. ; Barros, S.C.C. ; Nelemans, G.
What a local sample of spectroscopic binaries can tell us about the field binary population
Fisher, James; Schröder, Klaus-Peter ; Smith, Robert Connon
R-modes on rapidly rotating, relativistic stars - II. Blackbody emission
Heyl, Jeremy S.
Chandra observations of the millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934 in quiescence
Jonker, P.G.; Campana, S. ; Steeghs, D. ; Torres, M.A.P. ; Galloway, D.K. ; Markwardt, C.B. ; Chakrabarty, D. ; Swank, J.
The Local Group Census: searching for planetary nebulae in IC 1613, WLM and GR8
Magrini, L.; Corradi, R.L.M. ; Greimel, R. ; Leisy, P. ; Mampaso, A. ; Perinotto, M. ; Walsh, J.R. ; Walton, N.A. ; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Minniti, D. ; Mora, M.
2005MNRAS.361..525D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/361/525)
The Las Campanas Infrared Survey - V. Keck spectroscopy of a large sample of extremely red objects
Doherty, M.; Bunker, A.J. ; Ellis, R.S. ; McCarthy, P.J.
Molecular hydrogen formation during dense interstellar cloud collapse
Acharyya, Kinsuk ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K.; Chakrabarti, Sonali
Period changes in the pulsating extreme helium stars V652 Her and BX Cir
Kilkenny, D.; Crause, L.A. ; van Wyk, F.
Monte Carlo simulations of H2 formation on grains of varying surface roughness
Cuppen, H.M.; Herbst, Eric
Experimental constraints on self-consistent reionization models
Choudhury, T.Roy; Ferrara, A.
The action of magnetic torques on the oblique rotator model for magnetic Ap stars
Mestel, Leon ; Moss, David
Periodic variability during the X-ray decline of 4U 1636-53
Shih, I.C.; Bird, A.J. ; Charles, P.A. ; Cornelisse, R. ; Tiramani, D.
The evolution of Ks-selected galaxies in the GOODS/CDFS deep ISAAC field
Caputi, K.I.; Dunlop, J.S.; McLure, R.J.; Roche, N.D.
Magnetic field in Cepheus A as deduced from OH maser polarimetric observations
Bartkiewicz, A.; Szymczak, M. ; Cohen, R.J. ; Richards, A.M.S.
Radio-loud flares from microquasars and radio-loudness of quasars
Nipoti, Carlo; Blundell, Katherine M. ; Binney, James
The τ Herculid meteor shower and Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
Wiegert, P.A.; Brown, P.G. ; Vaubaillon, J. ; Schijns, H.
Wavelet analysis of millisecond variability of Cygnus X-1 during its failed state transition
Lachowicz, Pawel; Czerny, Bozena
Light curves of oscillating neutron stars
Lee, Umin; Strohmayer, Tod E.
Transitions in Mn ii of astrophysical importance
Toner, A.; Hibbert, A.
Evolution of X-ray emission from young massive star clusters
Oskinova, L.M.
A new model for V838 Monocerotis: a born-again object including an episode of accretion
Lawlor, T.M.
2MASS constraints on the local large-scale structure: a challenge to ΛCDMquest
Frith, W.J.; Shanks, T. ; Outram, P.J.
Post-glitch variability in the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1RXSJ170849.0-400910
Rea, N.; Oosterbroek, T. ; Zane, S. ; Turolla, R. ; Méndez, M. ; Israel, G.L. ; Stella, L. ; Haberl, F.
Self-similar structure of magnetized radiation-dominated accretion discs
Shadmehri, M.; Khajenabi, F.
Broad-band colours and overall photometric properties of template galaxy models from stellar population synthesis
Buzzoni, Alberto
The binary period and outburst behaviour of the Small Magellanic Cloud X-ray binary pulsar system SXP504
Edge, W.R.T.; Coe, M.J. ; Galache, J.L. ; McBride, V.A. ; Corbet, R.H.D. ; Okazaki, A.T. ; Laycock, S. ; Markwardt, C.B. ; Marshall, F.E. ; Udalski, A.
A supernova factory in Mrk 273quest
Bondi, M.; Pérez-Torres, M.A. ; Dallacasa, D. ; Muxlow, T.W.B.
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