Monthly Notices of the RAS 360
June(III) 2005

Formation of Kuiper-belt binaries through multiple chaotic scattering encounters with low-mass intruders
Astakhov, Sergey A.; Lee, Ernestine A.; Farrelly, David
Infrared mergers and infrared quasi-stellar objects with galactic winds - III. Mrk 231: an exploding young quasi-stellar object with composite outflow/broad absorption lines (and multiple expanding superbubbles)
Lípari, S.; Terlevich, R. ; Zheng, W. ; Garcia-Lorenzo, B. ; Sanchez, S.F. ; Bergmann, M.
Early chemical enrichment of the universe and the role of very massive population III stars
Matteucci, F. ; Calura, F.
Radio-quiet objects in the 2QZ survey
Wals, M. ; Boyle, B.J.; Croom, S.M. ; Miller, L. ; Smith, R. ; Shanks, T. ; Outram, P.
Updated opacities from the Opacity Project
Badnell, N.R.; Bautista, M.A. ; Butler, K. ; Delahaye, F. ; Mendoza, C. ; Palmeri, P.; Zeippen, C.J. ; Seaton, M.J.
Influence of the Coriolis force on the instability of slowly pulsating B stars
Townsend, R.H.D.
Non-parametric inversion of strong lensing systems
Diego, J.M.; Protopapas, P.; Sandvik, H.B.; Tegmark, M.
Hypervirial models of stellar systems
Evans, N.W.; An, J.
Modelling of aspherical nebulae - I. A quick pseudo-3D photoionization code
Morisset, C.; Stasinska, G. ; Peña, M.
Error analysis of quadratic power spectrum estimates for cosmic microwave background polarization: sampling covariance
Challinor, Anthony; Chon, Gayoung
Models of class II methanol masers based on improved molecular data
Cragg, D.M.; Sobolev, A.M.; Godfrey, P.D.
Gravitational collapse in an expanding universe: scaling relations for two-dimensional collapse revisited
Ray, Suryadeep; Bagla, J.S.; Padmanabhan, T.
Constraining dark energy with X-ray galaxy clusters, supernovae and the cosmic microwave background
Rapetti, David; Allen, Steven W. ; Weller, Jochen
The luminosity dependence of the type 1 active galactic nucleus fraction
Simpson, Chris
The diamagnetic blob propeller in AE Aquarii and non-thermal radio to mid-infrared emission
Meintjes, P.J.; Venter, L.A.
Observational studies of early-type binary stars: MP Centauri
Terrell, Dirk; Munari, Ulisse; Zwitter, Tomaz; Wolf, George
2005MNRAS.360..587B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/360/587)
Near-infrared imaging of 222 nearby Hδ-strong galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Balogh, Michael L.; Miller, Chris ; Nichol, Robert ; Zabludoff, Ann ; Goto, Tomo
Submillimetre photometry of X-ray absorbed quasi-stellar objects: their formation and evolutionary status
Stevens, J.A.; Page, M.J. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Carrera, F.J. ; Mittaz, J.P.D. ; Smail, Ian ; McHardy, I.M.
Asteroseismology of the β Cephei star ν Eridani - IV. The 2003-2004 multisite photometric campaign and the combined 2002-2004 data
Jerzykiewicz, M.; Handler, G. ; Shobbrook, R.R.; Pigulski, A. ; Medupe, R. ; Mokgwetsi, T. ; Tlhagwane, P. ; Rodríguez, E.
The properties of Galactic globular cluster subsystems
Mackey, A.D.; Bergh, Sidney van den
Possible TeV source candidates among the unidentified EGRET sources
Wang, W.; Jiang, Z.J. ; Pun, C.S.J. ; Cheng, K.S.
2005MNRAS.360..655C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/360/655)
The intermediate-age open clusters Ruprecht 4, Ruprecht 7 and Pismis 15
Carraro, G.; Geisler, D. ; Baume, G. ; Vázquez, R. ; Moitinho, A.
Multiband optical photometry and bolometric light curve of the Type Ia supernova 2004S
Misra, Kuntal; Kamble, Atish P.; Bhattacharya, D.; Sagar, Ram
On the origin of the drifting subpulses in radio pulsars
Gogoberidze, G.; Machabeli, G.Z. ; Melrose, D.B. ; Luo, Q.
The effect of a finite mass reservoir on the collapse of spherical isothermal clouds and the evolution of protostellar accretion
Vorobyov, E.I.; Basu, Shantanu
Vigorous star formation in a bulge-dominated extremely red object at z= 1.34
Cotter, Garret; Simpson, Chris ; Bolton, Rosemary C.
The fundamental plane of isolated early-type galaxies
Reda, Fatma M.; Forbes, Duncan A.; Hau, George K.T.
The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search: methods and first results from a field centred on NGC 6633
Hidas, M.G.; Ashley, M.C.B. ; Webb, J.K. ; Irwin, M. ; Phillips, A. ; Toyozumi, H. ; Derekas, A. ; Christiansen, J.L. ; Nutto, C. ; Crothers, S.
Contribution to the study of composite spectra - X. HD 3210/1, 27395, 39847, 70826 and 218257/8: five new spectroscopic binaries in multiple systems
Carquillat, J.-M. ; Prieur, J.-L.; Ginestet, N.
Rigorous luminosity function determination in the presence of a background: theory and application to two intermediate redshift clusters
Andreon, S.; Punzi, G. ; Grado, A.
Multicolour photometry of Balloon 090100001: linking the two classes of pulsating hot subdwarfs
Baran, A.; Pigulski, A. ; Koziel, D. ; Ogloza, W. ; Silvotti, R. ; Zola, S.
Hii and H_2_in the envelopes of cooling flow central galaxies
Jaffe, W.; Bremer, M.N. ; Baker, K.
Iron-line and continuum flux variations in the RXTE spectra of the black hole candidate XTE J1650-500
Rossi, Sabrina; Homan, Jeroen; Miller, Jon M. ; Belloni, Tomaso
Impact craters on small icy bodies such as icy satellites and comet nuclei
Burchell, M.J.; Johnson, E.
2005MNRAS.360..782G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/360/782)
The XMM-Newton Needles in the Haystack Survey: the local X-ray luminosity function of `normal' galaxies
Georgantopoulos, I.; Georgakakis, A. ; Koulouridis, E.
A dearth of planetary transits in the direction of NGC 6940
Hood, Ben; Cameron, Andrew Collier ; Kane, Stephen R. ; Bramich, D.M. ; Horne, Keith ; Street, Rachel A. ; Bond, I.A. ; Penny, A.J. ; Tsapras, Y. ; Quirrenbach, A. ; Safizadeh, N. ; Mitchell, D. ; Cooke, J.
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