Monthly Notices of the RAS 358
April(I) 2005
- 2005MNRAS.358..305P
- On the relation between orbital structure and observed bar morphology
- Patsis, P.A.
- 2005MNRAS.358..316D
- The dependence of protoplanet migration rates on co-orbital torques
- D'Angelo, G.; Bate, M.R. ; Lubow, S.H.
- 2005MNRAS.358..333G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/358/333)
- The European Large Area ISO Survey: optical identifications of 15-µm and 1.4-GHz sources in N1 and N2
- Gonzalez-Solares, E.A.; Perez-Fournon, I. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Oliver, S. ; Vaccari, M. ; Lari, C. ; Irwin, M. ; McMahon, R.G. ; Hodgkin, S. ; Ciliegi, P. ; Serjeant, S. ; Willott, C.J.
- 2005MNRAS.358..341L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/358/341)
- Do accretion discs regulate the rotation of young starsquest
- Littlefair, S.P.; Naylor, Tim ; Burningham, Ben ; Jeffries, R.D.
- 2005MNRAS.358..353C
- Local magnetohelioseismology of active regions
- Cally, P.S.
- 2005MNRAS.358..363F
- Semi-empirical analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies - I. Spectral synthesis method
- Fernandes, Roberto Cid; Mateus, Abílio; Laerte Sodré, Jr; Stasinska, Grazyna; Gomes, Jean M.
- 2005MNRAS.358..379B
- Intergalactic medium metal enrichment through dust sputtering
- Bianchi, Simone; Ferrara, Andrea
- 2005MNRAS.358..397V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/358/397)
- Final analysis of ELAIS 15-µm observations: method, reduction and catalogue
- Vaccari, M.; Lari, C. ; Angeretti, L. ; Fadda, D. ; Gruppioni, C. ; Pozzi, F. ; Prouton, O. ; Aussel, H. ; Babbedge, T. ; Ciliegi, P. ; Franceschini, A. ; Gonzalez-Solares, E. ; Franca, F.La ; Oliver, S. ; Perez-Fournon, I. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Serjeant, S. ; Väisänen, P.
- 2005MNRAS.358..419P
- Evolutionary history of the elliptical galaxy NGC 1052
- Pierce, Michael ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Beasley, Michael A. ; Proctor, Robert ; Strader, Jay
- 2005MNRAS.358..432Y
- XMM observations of the high-redshift quasar RXJ1028.6-0844 at z= 4.276: soft X-ray spectral flattening
- Yuan, W.; Fabian, A.C. ; Celotti, A. ; McMahon, R.G. ; Matsuoka, M.
- 2005MNRAS.358..441B
- The Sloan Digital Sky Survey u-band Galaxy Survey: luminosity functions and evolution
- Baldry, I.K.; Glazebrook, K. ; Budavári, T. ; Eisenstein, D.J. ; Annis, J. ; Bahcall, N.A. ; Blanton, M.R. ; Brinkmann, J. ; Csabai, I. ; Heckman, T.M. ; Lin, H. ; Loveday, J. ; Nichol, R.C. ; Schneider, D.P.
- 2005MNRAS.358..457Z
- Helium recombination spectra as temperature diagnostics for planetary nebulae
- Zhang, Y.; Liu, X.-W. ; Liu, Y. ; Rubin, R.H.
- 2005MNRAS.358..468F
- On variations in the fine-structure constant and stellar pollution of quasar absorption systems
- Fenner, Y.; Murphy, M.T.; Gibson, B.K.
- 2005MNRAS.358..481K
- Structure and kinematics of edge-on galaxy discs - IV. The kinematics of the stellar discs
- Kregel, M. ; Kruit, P.C.van der
- 2005MNRAS.358..503K
- Structure and kinematics of edge-on galaxy discs - V. The dynamics of stellar discs
- Kregel, M. ; Kruit, P.C.van der; Freeman, K.C.
- 2005MNRAS.358..521M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/358/521)
- A grid of chemical evolution models as a tool to interpret spiral and irregular galaxies data
- Mollá, M.; Díaz, A.I.
- 2005MNRAS.358..544R
- Mass transfer in eccentric binary stars
- Regös, Enikö; Bailey, Vernon C. ; Mardling, Rosemary
- 2005MNRAS.358..551B
- Orbital parameters of infalling dark matter substructures
- Benson, A.J.
- 2005MNRAS.358..563M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/358/563)
- Correlation patterns between 11 diffuse interstellar bands and ultraviolet extinction
- Megier, A.; Krelowski, J.; Weselak, T.
- 2005MNRAS.358..572I
- The evolution of binary fractions in globular clusters
- Ivanova, N.; Belczynski, K.; Fregeau, J.M. ; Rasio, F.A.
- 2005MNRAS.358..585M
- An XMM-Newton observation of Abell 2597
- Morris, R.Glenn; Fabian, A.C.
- 2005MNRAS.358..601C
- Inhomogeneous gravity
- Clifton, Timothy; Mota, David F.; Barrow, John D.
- 2005MNRAS.358..614M
- Rosseland and Planck mean opacities for primordial matter
- Mayer, Michael; Duschl, Wolfgang J.
- 2005MNRAS.358..632O
- Modelling the photopolarimetric variability of AA Tau
- O'Sullivan, Mark; Truss, Michael ; Walker, Christina ; Wood, Kenneth ; Matthews, Owen ; Whitney, Barbara ; Bjorkman, J.E.
- 2005MNRAS.358..641L
- William Herschel Telescope observations of distant comets
- Lowry, S.C.; Fitzsimmons, A.
- 2005MNRAS.358..651K
- Pushing the ground-based limit: 14-µmag photometric precision with the definitive Whole Earth Telescope asteroseismic data set for the rapidly oscillating Ap star HR1217
- Kurtz, D.W.; Cameron, C. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Dolez, N. ; Vauclair, G. ; Pallier, E. ; Ulla, A. ; Kepler, S.O. ; Costa, A.da ; Kanaan, A. ; Fraga, L. ; Giovannini, O. ; Wood, M.A. ; Silvestri, N. ; Kawaler, S.D. ; Riddle, R.L. ; Reed, M.D. ; Watson, T.K. ; Metcalfe, T.S. ; Mukadam, A. ; Nather, R.E. ; Winget, D.E. ; Nitta, A. ; Kleinman, S.J. ; Guzik, J.A. ; Bradley, P.A. ; Matthews, J.M. ; Sekiguchi, K. ; Sullivan, D.J. ; Sullivan, T. ; Shobbrook, R. ; Jiang, X. ; Birch, P.V. ; Ashoka, B.N. ; Seetha, S. ; Girish, V. ; Joshi, S. ; Moskalik, P. ; Zola, S. ; O'Donoghue, D. ; Handler, G. ; Mueller, M. ; Perez, J.M.Gonzalez ; Solheim, J.-E. ; Johannessen, F. ; Bigot, L.
- 2005MNRAS.358..665E
- The discovery of a luminous, rapidly oscillating Ap star, HD 116114, with a 21-minute pulsation period
- Elkin, V.G.; Riley, J.D. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Mathys, G.
- 2005MNRAS.358..671K
- Time-series Paschen-β spectroscopy of SU Aurigae
- Kurosawa, Ryuichi; Harries, Tim J. ; Symington, Neil H.
- 2005MNRAS.358..684C
- Primordial non-Gaussianity: local curvature method and statistical significance of constraints on fNLfrom WMAP data
- Cabella, P.; Liguori, M.; Hansen, F.K.; Marinucci, D.; Matarrese, S.; Moscardini, L.; Vittorio, N.
- 2005MNRAS.358..693C
- X-ray spectral analysis of optically faint sources in the Chandra deep fields
- Civano, Francesca; Comastri, Andrea; Brusa, Marcella
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