Monthly Notices of the RAS 357
March(I) 2005

On the formation of cold fronts in massive mergers
Mathis, H.; Lavaux, G. ; Diego, J.M. ; Silk, J.
2005MNRAS.357..819S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/357/819)
The dwarf low surface brightness galaxy population of the Virgo Cluster - II. Colours and Hi line observations
Sabatini, S.; Davies, J. ; van Driel, W. ; Baes, M.; Roberts, S. ; Smith, R. ; Linder, S. ; O'Neil, K.
Resonant excitation of white dwarf oscillations in compact object binaries - I. The no back reaction approximation
Rathore, Yasser; Blandford, Roger D. ; Broderick, Avery E.
Self-consistent theory of halo mergers
Benson, Andrew J.; Kamionkowski, Marc ; Hassani, Steven H.
Pulsar PSR B2303+30: a single system of drifting subpulses, moding and nulling
Redman, Stephen L.; Wright, Geoffrey A.E.; Rankin, Joanna M.
On the mixing rules for astrophysical inhomogeneous grains
Maron, N.; Maron, O.
The component masses of the cataclysmic variable V347 Puppis
Thoroughgood, T.D.; Dhillon, V.S. ; Steeghs, D. ; Watson, C.A. ; Buckley, D.A.H. ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Smith, D.A. ; Still, M.; Heyden, K.J.van der ; Warner, B.
Wind-wind collision in the η Carinae binary system: a shell-like event near periastron
Falceta-Gonçalves, D.; Jatenco-Pereira, V. ; Abraham, Z.
The evolution of the galaxy B-band rest-frame morphology to z∼ 2: new clues from the K20/GOODS sample
Cassata, P.; Cimatti, A. ; Franceschini, A. ; Daddi, E. ; Pignatelli, E. ; Fasano, G. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Pozzetti, L. ; Mignoli, M. ; Renzini, A.
Shock formation at the magnetic collimation of relativistic jets
Bogovalov, S. ; Tsinganos, K.
Warm-hot intergalactic medium in the Sculptor supercluster
Zappacosta, L.; Maiolino, R. ; Mannucci, F. ; Gilli, R. ; Schuecker, P.
266 E+A galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 2: the origin of E+A galaxies
Goto, Tomotsugu
Evolutionary stellar population synthesis at high spectral resolution: optical wavelengths
Delgado, R.M.González; Cerviño, M.; Martins, L.P.; Leitherer, C.; Hauschildt, P.H.
The chemistry of transient microstructure in the diffuse interstellar medium
Bell, T.A.; Viti, S. ; Williams, D.A. ; Crawford, I.A. ; Price, R.J.
The widths and peak metallicities of thin-disc metallicity distributions for solar neighbourhood dwarfs and giants
Taylor, B.J.; Croxall, K.
The pre-stellar and protostellar population of R Coronae Australis
Nutter, David J.; Ward-Thompson, D. ; André, P.
Radiative transfer effects in rotationally distorted stars
Rao, M.Srinivasa
Cubic anomalies in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
Land, Kate; Magueijo, João
Extended emission associated with young HII regions
Ellingsen, S.P.; Shabala, S.S. ; Kurtz, S.E.
Tracking pulsar dispersion measures using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
Ahuja, A.L.; Gupta, Y. ; Mitra, D. ; Kembhavi, A.K.
An 850-µm SCUBA map of the Groth Strip and reliable source extraction
Coppin, Kristen; Halpern, Mark ; Scott, Douglas ; Borys, Colin ; Chapman, Scott
Universality in quasi-normal modes of neutron stars
Tsui, L.K. ; Leung, P.T.
Transforming observational data and theoretical isochrones into the ACS/WFC Vega-mag system
Bedin, Luigi R.; Cassisi, Santi; Castelli, Fiorella; Piotto, Giampaolo ; Anderson, Jay; Salaris, Maurizio; Momany, Yazan ; Pietrinferni, Adriano
A near-infrared spectroscopic search for very-low-mass cool companions to notable DA white dwarfs
Dobbie, P.D.; Burleigh, M.R. ; Levan, A.J. ; Barstow, M.A. ; Napiwotzki, R. ; Holberg, J.B. ; Hubeny, I. ; Howell, S.B.
Blue and infrared light curves of the mysterious pre-main-sequence star V582 Mon (KH 15D) from 1955 to 1970
Maffei, Paolo ; Ciprini, Stefano; Tosti, Gino
A two-dimensional analysis of percolation and filamentarity in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release One
Pandey, Biswajit; Bharadwaj, Somnath
Extinction curves expected in young galaxies
Hirashita, Hiroyuki; Nozawa, Takaya ; Kozasa, Takashi ; Ishii, Takako T.; Takeuchi, Tsutomu T.
Inclusion of binaries in evolutionary population synthesis
Zhang, Fenghui; Han, Zhanwen ; Li, Lifang ; Hurley, Jarrod R.
Erratum: Intermediate mass black holes in accreting binaries: formation, evolution and observational appearance by
Portegies Zwart, Simon F.; Dewi, Jasinta; Maccarone, Tom
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