Monthly Notices of the RAS 357
February(II) 2005

The dependence of differential rotation on temperature and rotation
Barnes, J.R.; Cameron, A.Collier ; Donati, J.-F. ; James, D.J. ; Marsden, S.C. ; Petit, P.
Discovery of hard X-ray features around the hotspots of Cygnus A
Balucinska-Church, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, l.; Church, M.J.
The abundance of Lyα emitters in hierarchical models
Delliou, M.Le; Lacey, C. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Guiderdoni, B. ; Bacon, R. ; Courtois, H. ; Sousbie, T. ; Morris, S.L.
A Chandra observation of the z= 2.285 galaxy FSC 10214+4724: evidence for a Compton-thick quasarquest
Alexander, D.M.; Chartas, G. ; Bauer, F.E. ; Brandt, W.N. ; Simpson, C. (3),; Vignali, C.
Massive Hi clouds with no optical counterparts as high-density regions of intragroup Hi rings and arcs
Bekki, K.; Koribalski, B.S. ; Ryder, S.D. ; Couch, W.J.
Adaptive optics for high-contrast imaging: pyramid sensor versus spatially filtered Shack-Hartmann sensor
Vérinaud, C.; Louarn, M.Le ; Korkiakoski, V. ; Carbillet, M.
Oscillations of thick accretion discs around black holes
Rubio-Herrera, Eduardo; Lee, William H.
Mapping substructures in dark matter haloes
Knebe, Alexander ; Gill, Stuart P.D.; Kawata, Daisuke ; Gibson, Brad K.
The density of very massive evolved galaxies to z≃ 1.7
Saracco, P.; Longhetti, M. ; Severgnini, P. ; Della Ceca, R. ; Braito, V. ; Mannucci, F. ; Bender, R. ; Drory, N. ; Feulner, G. ; Hopp, U. ; Maraston, C.
Discovery of a large-scale wall in the direction of Abell 22
Pimbblet, Kevin A.; Edge, Alastair C. ; Couch, Warrick J.
Simulation of non-Gaussian cosmic microwave background maps
Rocha, Graca; Hobson, M.P. ; Smith, Sarah ; Ferreira, Pedro ; Challinor, Anthony
The bicoherence as a diagnostic for models of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations
Maccarone, Thomas J.; Schnittman, Jeremy D.
The POINT-AGAPE survey - II. An unrestricted search for microlensing events towards M31
Belokurov, V. ; An, J. ; Evans, N.W.; Hewett, P. ; Baillon, P. ; Novati, S.Calchi ; Carr, B.J. ; Crézé, M. ; Giraud-Héraud, Y. ; Gould, A. ; Jetzer, P. ; Kaplan, J. ; Kerins, E. ; Paulin-Henriksson, S. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Stalin, C.S. ; Tsapras, Y. ; Weston, M.J. (4) ( The POINT-AGAPE collaboration)
The absorption spectrum of V838 Mon in 2002 February-March - I. Atmospheric parameters and iron abundance
Kaminsky, Bogdan M.; Pavlenko, Yakiv V.
MOND predictions of `halo' phenomenology in disc galaxies
Milgrom, Mordehai ; Sanders, Robert H.
XMM-Newton observations of the ultra-compact binary RX J1914+24
Ramsay, Gavin; Hakala, Pasi ; Wu, Kinwah ; Cropper, Mark ; Mason, K.O. ; Córdova, F.A. ; Priedhorsky, W.
Globular clusters as tracers of stellar bimodality in elliptical galaxies: the case of NGC 1399
Forte, Juan C.; Faifer, Favio ; Geisler, Doug
Multi-epoch spectroscopy of IY UMa: quiescence, rise, normal outburst and superoutburst
Rolfe, Daniel J. ; Haswell, Carole A.; Abbott, Timothy M.C. ; Morales-Rueda, Luisa ; Marsh, T.R. ; Holdaway, G.
Evolution of the density profiles of dark matter haloes
Reed, Darren; Governato, Fabio ; Verde, Licia ; Gardner, Jeffrey ; Quinn, Thomas ; Stadel, Joachim ; Merritt, David ; Lake, George
R-modes of a neutron star with a magnetic dipole field
Lee, Umin
XMM-Newton observations of the interacting galaxy pairs NGC 7771/0 and NGC 2342/1
Jenkins, L.P.; Roberts, T.P. ; Ward, M.J. ; Zezas, A.
The Hubble constant from the gravitational lens CLASS B0218+357 using the Advanced Camera for Surveys
York, T.; Jackson, N. ; Browne, I.W.A. ; Wucknitz, O. ; Skelton, J.E.
The influence of gravitational lensing on the spectra of lensed quasi-stellar objects
Popovic, L.C.; Chartas, G.
All-sky component separation in the presence of anisotropic noise and dust temperature variations
Stolyarov, V.; Hobson, M.P. ; Lasenby, A.N. ; Barreiro, R.B.
Analytical studies of particle dynamics in bending waves in planetary rings
Bhattacharyya, Abhijit; Chakrabarti, Sandip K.
Silicate-break galaxies: an efficient selection method for distant ultraluminous infrared galaxies
Takagi, T.; Pearson, C.P.
Predicting accurate stellar angular diameters by the near-infrared surface brightness technique
Benedetto, G.P.Di
On the detection of pure sine waves embedded in a spectrum of stochastically excited p modes
Moreira, O. ; Appourchaux, T.; Berthomieu, G. ; Toutain, T.
High-velocity features in the spectra of the Type Ia supernova SN 1999ee: a property of the explosion or evidence of circumstellar interactionquest
Mazzali, P.A.; Benetti, S. ; Stehle, M. ; Branch, D. ; Deng, J. ; Maeda, K. ; Nomoto, K. ; Hamuy, M.
X-ray pre-ionization powered by accretion on the first black holes - II. Cosmological simulations and observational signatures
Ricotti, Massimo; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Gnedin, Nickolay Y.
The continuum and narrow-line region of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 766
Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Contini, M. ; Viegas, S.M.
High-resolution spectroscopy of the high galactic latitude RV Tauri star CE Virginis
Rao, N.Kameswara ; Reddy, Bacham E.
Buoyant radio lobes in a viscous intracluster medium
Reynolds, Christopher S.; McKernan, Barry ; Fabian, Andrew C. ; Stone, James M. ; Vernaleo, John C.
A rigidly rotating magnetosphere model for circumstellar emission from magnetic OB stars
Townsend, R.H.D.; Owocki, S.P.
2005MNRAS.357..265S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/357/265)
On the discrete nature of the red giant branch of ω Centauri
Sollima, A.; Ferraro, F.R. ; Pancino, E. ; Bellazzini, M.
Hierarchical merging, ultraluminous and hyperluminous X-ray sources
King, A.R.; Dehnen, W.
Evidence for radio-source heating of groups
Croston, J.H.; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Birkinshaw, M.
Black hole accretion discs and jets at super-Eddington luminosity
Okuda, T.; Teresi, V. ; Toscano, E. ; Molteni, D.
Forty eclipsing binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud: fundamental parameters and Cloud distance
Hilditch, R.W.; Howarth, I.D. ; Harries, T.J.
The X-ray source population of the globular cluster M15: Chandra high-resolution imaging
Hannikainen, D.C.; Charles, P.A. ; van Zyl, L. ; Kong, A.K.H. ; Homer, L. ; Hakala, P. ; Naylor, T. ; Davies, M.B.
Rotational period of WD 1953-011- a magnetic white dwarf with a star-spot
Brinkworth, C.S.; Marsh, T.R. ; Morales-Rueda, L. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; Burleigh, M.R. ; Good, S.A.
OH maser disc and magnetic field structure in AFGL 2591
Hutawarakorn, B. ; Cohen, R.J.
2005MNRAS.357..345Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/357/345)
Search for pulsating pre-main-sequence stars in NGC6383
Zwintz, K.; Marconi, M. ; Reegen, P. ; Weiss, W.W.
Emission-line abundances of absorption-selected galaxies at z < 0.5
Ellison, Sara L.; Kewley, Lisa J.; Mallén-Ornelas, Gabriela
Dust in spiral galaxies: global properties
Stevens, J.A.; Amure, M. ; Gear, W.K.
The interaction of 3C 401 with the surrounding intracluster medium
Reynolds, Christopher S.; Brenneman, Laura W. ; Stocke, John T.
Dark energy and dark matter haloes
Kuhlen, Michael; Strigari, Louis E. ; Zentner, Andrew R. ; Bullock, James S.; Primack, Joel R.
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