Monthly Notices of the RAS 356
January(II) 2005
- 2005MNRAS.356..401R
- Stellar-mass black hole binaries as ultraluminous X-ray sources
- Rappaport, S.A.; Podsiadlowski, P.; Pfahl, E.
- 2005MNRAS.356..415C
- The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XIV. Structure and evolution from the two-point correlation function
- Croom, Scott M.; Boyle, B.J. ; Shanks, T. ; Smith, R.J. ; Miller, L. ; Outram, P.J. ; Loaring, N.S. ; Hoyle, F. ; da Angela, J.
- 2005MNRAS.356..439M
- On cross-correlating weak lensing surveys
- Munshi, Dipak; Valageas, Patrick
- 2005MNRAS.356..456C
- The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the nature of the relative bias between galaxies of different spectral type
- Conway, Edward; Maddox, Steve; Wild, Vivienne ; Peacock, John A. ; Hawkins, Ed ; Norberg, Peder ; Madgwick, Darren S. ; Baldry, Ivan K. ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Bridges, Terry ; Cannon, Russell ; Cole, Shaun ; Colless, Matthew ; Collins, Chris ; Couch, Warrick ; Dalton, Gavin ; De Propris, Roberto ; Driver, Simon P. ; Efstathiou, George ; Ellis, Richard S. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Jackson, Carole ; Jones, Bryn ; Lahav, Ofer ; Lewis, Ian ; Lumsden, Stuart ; Percival, Will ; Peterson, Bruce A. ; Sutherland, Will ; Taylor, Keith (14) ( The 2dFGRS Team)
- 2005MNRAS.356..475E
- Cosmic acceleration and extra dimensions: constraints on modifications of the Friedmann equation
- Elgaroy, Oystein; Multamäki, Tuomas
- 2005MNRAS.356..480T
- Starbursts and the triggering of the activity in nearby powerful radio galaxies
- Tadhunter, C.; Robinson, T.G. ; Delgado, R.M.González ; Wills, K. ; Morganti, R.
- 2005MNRAS.356..495J
- Baryonic conversion tree: the global assembly of stars and dark matter in galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Jimenez, Raul; Panter, Benjamin ; Heavens, Alan F. ; Verde, Licia
- 2005MNRAS.356..502C
- Optical properties of Small Magellanic Cloud X-ray binaries
- Coe, M.J.; Edge, W.R.T. ; Galache, J.L. ; McBride, V.A.
- 2005MNRAS.356..515J
- MRC B1221-423: a compact steep-spectrum radio source in a merging galaxy
- Johnston, H.M.; Hunstead, R.W. ; Cotter, Garret ; Sadler, E.M.
- 2005MNRAS.356..524V
- The exceptional X-ray variability of the dwarf Seyfert nucleus NGC 4395
- Vaughan, S.; Iwasawa, K. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Hayashida, K.
- 2005MNRAS.356..531S
- Modelling the X-ray spectra of high-velocity outflows from quasars
- Sim, S.A.
- 2005MNRAS.356..545F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/356/545)
- Spectral disentangling of the triple system DG Leo: orbits and chemical composition
- Frémat, Y.; Lampens, P. ; Hensberge, H.
- 2005MNRAS.356..557K
- A trend filtering algorithm for wide-field variability surveys
- Kovács, Géza; Bakos, Gáspár; Noyes, Robert W.
- 2005MNRAS.356..568N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/356/568)
- A deep Chandra survey of the Groth Strip - I. The X-ray data
- Nandra, K.; Laird, E.S. ; Adelberger, K. ; Gardner, Jonathan P. ; Mushotzky, R.F. ; Rhodes, J. ; Steidel, C.C. ; Teplitz, H.I. ; Arnaud, K.A.
- 2005MNRAS.356..587C
- On helioseismic tests of basic physics
- Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Mauro, M.P.Di; Schlattl, H.; Weiss, A.
- 2005MNRAS.356..596M
- Constraints on the ionization sources of the high-redshift intergalactic medium
- Meiksin, Avery
- 2005MNRAS.356..607S
- Intranight optical variability of BL Lacs, radio-quiet quasars and radio-loud quasars
- Stalin, C.S. ; Gupta, Alok C. ; Gopal-Krishna ; Wiita, Paul J.; Sagar, Ram
- 2005MNRAS.356..615F
- Magnetic fields and rotation in white dwarfs and neutron stars
- Ferrario, Lilia; Wickramasinghe, D.T.
- 2005MNRAS.356..621J
- The radial velocity of the companion star in the low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630: limits on the mass of the compact object
- Jonker, P.G.; Steeghs, D. ; Nelemans, G. ; Klis, M.van der
- 2005MNRAS.356..627L
- Gravitational wave radiation from the coalescence of white dwarfs
- Lorén-Aguilar, P. ; Guerrero, J. ; Isern, J. ; Lobo, J.A. ; García-Berro, E.
- 2005MNRAS.356..637H
- A MERLIN survey of 4.7-GHz excited OH masers in star-forming regions
- Harvey-Smith, L.; Cohen, R.J.
- 2005MNRAS.356..647C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/356/647)
- NGC 6404 and 6583: two neglected intermediate-age open clusters located in the Galactic Centre direction
- Carraro, Giovanni; Méndez, René A.; Costa, Edgardo
- 2005MNRAS.356..654G
- The chemistry of transient dense cores
- Garrod, R.T.; Williams, D.A. ; Hartquist, T.W. ; Rawlings, J.M.C. ; Viti, S.
- 2005MNRAS.356..665M
- Near-infrared identification of the counterpart to X1908+075: a new OB-supergiant X-ray binary
- Morel, T.; Grosdidier, Y.
- 2005MNRAS.356..671F
- The use of frequency-separation ratios for asteroseismology
- Floranes, H.Otí; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Thompson, M.J.
- 2005MNRAS.356..680B
- Formation and evolution of the Magellanic Clouds - I. Origin of structural, kinematic and chemical properties of the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Bekki, Kenji; Chiba, Masashi
- 2005MNRAS.356..703B
- Probing subparsec structure in the Lyman α forest with gravitational microlensing
- Brewer, B.J.; Lewis, G.F.
- 2005MNRAS.356..711S
- γ-rays from cascades in close massive binaries containing energetic pulsars
- Sierpowska, A. ; Bednarek, W.
- 2005MNRAS.356..727S
- The X-ray spectrum of NGC 7213 and the Seyfert-LINER connection
- Starling, R.L.C.; Page, M.J. ; Branduardi-Raymont, G. ; Breeveld, A.A. ; Soria, R. ; Wu, K.
- 2005MNRAS.356..734B
- An 8.4-GHz Long Baseline Array observation of the unusual Seyfert galaxy NGC 7213
- Blank, D.L.; Harnett, J.I. ; Jones, P.A.
- 2005MNRAS.356..737S
- Towards simulating star formation in the interstellar medium
- Slyz, Adrianne D.; Devriendt, Julien E.G. ; Bryan, Greg ; Silk, Joseph
- 2005MNRAS.356..753N
- Reconstructing the evolution of white dwarf binaries: further evidence for an alternative algorithm for the outcome of the common-envelope phase in close binaries
- Nelemans, G.; Tout, C.A.
- 2005MNRAS.356..765Q
- Improved astrophysical parameters for the overcontact binary FG Hydrae
- Qian, Shengbang; Yang, Yuangui
- 2005MNRAS.356..773B
- Discovery of irradiation-induced variations in the light curve of the classical nova V2275 Cyg (N Cyg 2001 No. 2)
- Balman, S.; Yilmaz, A. ; Retter, A. ; Saygaç, T. ; Esenoglu, H.
- 2005MNRAS.356..778S
- Primordial magnetic fields in the post-recombination era and early reionization
- Sethi, Shiv K.; Subramanian, Kandaswamy
- 2005MNRAS.356..789B
- Stellar velocity dispersion in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
- Botte, V.; Ciroi, S.; Mille, F.Di ; Rafanelli, P. ; Romano, A.
- 2005MNRAS.356..794D
- Searching for tidal tails - investigating galaxy harassment
- Davies, J.I.; Roberts, S. ; Sabatini, S.
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