Monthly Notices of the RAS 351
June(II) 2004

On the bispectrum of COBE and WMAP
Magueijo, João; Medeiros, João
Cluster temperature profiles and Sunyaev-Zeldovich observations
Hansen, Steen H.
A broad iron Kα line at z= 1.146
Comastri, Andrea; Brusa, Marcella ; Civano, Francesca
The systemic velocity of Eta Carinae
Smith, Nathan
Higher-order Balmer line indices in α/Fe-enhanced stellar population models
Thomas, Daniel; Maraston, Claudia; Korn, Andreas
Cosmological evolution of heavy-element and H2 abundances
Curran, S.J.; Webb, J.K. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Carswell, R.F.
Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of NGC 5253: analysis of the X-ray emission from a dwarf starburst galaxy
Summers, Lesley K. ; Stevens, Ian R. ; Strickland, David K. ; Heckman, Timothy M.
A completely analytical family of dynamical models for spherical galaxies and bulges with a central black hole
Baes, Maarten; Dejonghe, Herwig
2004MNRAS.351...31H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/351/31)
X-ray source populations in the Galactic plane
Hands, A.D.P. ; Warwick, R.S. ; Watson, M.G. ; Helfand, D.J.
Reflection spectra from an accretion disc illuminated by a neutron star X-ray burst
Ballantyne, D.R.
Deep SAURON spectral imaging of the diffuse Lyman α halo LAB1 in SSA 22
Bower, R.G.; Morris, S.L. ; Bacon, R. ; Wilman, R.J. ; Sullivan, M. ; Chapman, S. ; Davies, R.L. ; de Zeeuw, P.T. ; Emsellem, E.
The environmental dependence of radio-loud AGN activity and star formation in the 2dFGRS
Best, P.N.
2004MNRAS.351...83L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/351/83)
A physical classification scheme for blazars
Landt, Hermine; Padovani, Paolo; Perlman, Eric S. ; Giommi, Paolo
A binary system of tailed radio galaxies
Klamer, I. ; Subrahmanyan, R. ; Hunstead, R.W.
The effect of star-spots on eclipse timings of binary stars
Watson, C.A.; Dhillon, V.S.
Taking measure of the Andromeda halo: a kinematic analysis of the giant stream surrounding M31
Ibata, R. ; Chapman, S. ; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Irwin, M. ; Lewis, G. ; McConnachie, A.
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the blue galaxy fraction and implications for the Butcher-Oemler effect
De Propris, Roberto ; Colless, Matthew ; Peacock, John A. ; Couch, Warrick J. ; Driver, Simon P. ; Balogh, Michael L. ; Baldry, Ivan K. ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Bridges, Terry ; Cannon, Russell ; Cole, Shaun ; Collins, Chris ; Cross, Nicholas ; Dalton, Gavin ; Efstathiou, George ; Ellis, Richard S. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Hawkins, Edward ; Jackson, Carole ; Lahav, Ofer ; Lewis, Ian ; Lumsden, Stuart ; Maddox, Steve ; Madgwick, Darren ; Norberg, Peder ; Percival, Will ; Peterson, Bruce A. ; Sutherland, Will ; Taylor, Keith (8) ( the 2dFGRS Team)
The significance of the Titius-Bode law and the peculiar location of the Earth's orbit
Neslusan, L.
Structure and evolution of low-mass W UMa-type systems
Li, Lifang; Han, Zhanwen; Zhang, Fenghui
Ci lines as tracers of molecular gas, and their prospects at high redshifts
Papadopoulos, P.P. ; Thi, W.-F. ; Viti, S.
Evidence for a multizone warm absorber in the XMM-Newton spectrum of Markarian 304
Piconcelli, E.; Jimenez-Bailón, E.; Guainazzi, M.; Schartel, N.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P.M.; Santos-Lleó, M.
Local supermassive black holes, relics of active galactic nuclei and the X-ray background
Marconi, A. ; Risaliti, G. ; Gilli, R. ; Hunt, L.K. ; Maiolino, R. ; Salvati, M.
Radio detections of the neutron star X-ray binaries 4U 1820-30 and Ser X-1 in soft X-ray states
Migliari, S. ; Fender, R.P. ; Rupen, M. ; Wachter, S. ; Jonker, P.G. ; Homan, J. ; van der Klis, M.
An XMM-Newton observation of Ark 120: the X-ray spectrum of a `bare' Seyfert 1 nucleus
Vaughan, S. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Ballantyne, D.R. ; De Rosa, A. ; Piro, L. ; Matt, G.
Discovery of a WO star in the Scutum-Crux arm of the inner Galaxy
Drew, Janet E. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Unruh, Y.C. ; Parker, Q.A. ; Wesson, R. ; Pierce, M.J. ; Masheder, M.R.W. ; Phillipps, S.
Multiresolution approach for period determination on unevenly sampled data
Otazu, X. ; Ribó, M. ; Paredes, J.M. ; Peracaula, M. ; Núñez, J.
Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems - III. The effect of the mass spectrum
Kim, Eunhyeuk ; Lee, Hyung Mok ; Spurzem, Rainer
A dynamical model for the distribution of dark matter and gas in galaxy clusters
Rasia, Elena ; Tormen, Giuseppe ; Moscardini, Lauro
Jet-disc coupling through a common energy reservoir in the black hole XTE J1118+480
Malzac, Julien ; Merloni, Andrea ; Fabian, Andrew C.
2004MNRAS.351..265D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/351/265)
The cluster galaxy circular velocity function
Desai, V.; Dalcanton, J.J.; Mayer, L.; Reed, D.; Quinn, T.; Governato, F.
Molecular masers of OH, methanol and water in NGC 3576, NGC 3603 and RCW 79
Caswell, J.L.
Two-body relaxation in modified Newtonian dynamics
Ciotti, Luca ; Binney, James
Ultraviolet/optical emission accompanying gamma-ray bursts
Fan, Y.Z. ; Wei, D.M.
Ab initio simulations of accretion disc instability
Teresi, V.; Molteni, D.; Toscano, E.
Search for solar cycle changes in the signature of rapid variation in BiSON data
Verner, G.A.; Chaplin, W.J.; Elsworth, Y.
Exact optics - IV. Small `trumpet' correctors for large spheres
Lynden-Bell, D. ; Willstrop, R.V.
Asteroseismology of the β Cephei star ν Eridani - III. Extended frequency analysis and mode identification
De Ridder, J. ; Telting, J.H. ; Balona, L.A. ; Handler, G. ; Briquet, M. ; Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J. ; Lefever, K. ; Korn, A.J. ; Heiter, U. ; Aerts, C.
The neutral hydrogen environments of the nearby galaxies WLM, NGC 1313 and Sextans A
Barnes, D.G. ; de Blok, W.J.G.
Neutral hydrogen absorption at the centre of NGC 2146
Tarchi, A. ; Greve, A. ; Peck, A.B. ; Neininger, N. ; Wills, K.A. ; Pedlar, A. ; Klein, U.
A sample of radio galaxies spanning three decades in radio luminosity - I. The host galaxy properties and black hole masses
McLure, Ross J. ; Willott, Chris J. ; Jarvis, Matt J. ; Rawlings, Steve ; Hill, Gary J. ; Mitchell, Ewan ; Dunlop, James S. ; Wold, Margrethe
The distribution of atomic gas and dust in nearby galaxies - III. Radial distributions and metallicity gradients
Thomas, H.C. ; Alexander, P. ; Clemens, M.S. ; Green, D.A. ; Dunne, L. ; Eales, S.
Power spectrum normalization and the non-Gaussian halo model
Amara, Adam ; Refregier, Alexandre
Erratum: Cosmic metal production and the mean metallicity of the Universe
Calura, F.; Matteucci, F.
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