Monthly Notices of the RAS 346
December(III) 2003

The K -band Hubble diagram of submillimetre galaxies and hyperluminous galaxies.
Serjeant, Stephen; Farrah, Duncan; Geach, James; Takagi, Toshinobu; Verma, Aprajita; Kaviani, Ali; Fox, Matt
The temperature of the warm neutral medium in the Milky Way.
Kanekar, Nissim; Subrahmanyan, Ravi; Chengalur, Jayaram N; Safouris, Vicky
Tracing the star stream through M31 using planetary nebula kinematics.
Merrett, H.R.; Kuijken, K.; Merrifield, M.R.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Douglas, N.G.; Napolitano, N.R.; Arnaboldi, M.; Capaccioli, M.; Freeman, K.C.; Gerhard, O.; Evans, N.W.; Wilkinson, M.I.; Halliday, C.; Bridges, T.J.; Carter, D.
Evidence of a high-velocity ionized outflow in a second narrow-line quasar PG 0844+349.
Pounds, K.A.; King, A.R.; Page, K.L.; O'Brien, P.T.
On the 3D dynamics and morphology of inner rings.
Patsis, P.A.; Skokos, Ch.; Athanassoula, E.
XMM-Newton observations of the hot-gas atmospheres of 3C 66B and 3C 449.
Croston, J.H.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Birkinshaw, M.; Worrall, D.M.
The host galaxies of active galactic nuclei.
Kauffmann, Guinevere; Heckman, Timothy M.; Tremonti, Christy; Brinchmann, Jarle; Charlot, Stéphane; White, Simon D.M.; Ridgway, Susan E.; Brinkmann, Jon; Fukugita, Masataka; Hall, Patrick B.; Ivezic, Zeljko; Richards, Gordon T.; Schneider, Donald P.
Active galactic nuclei and the minor merger hypothesis.
Kendall, Philip; Magorrian, John; Pringle, J.E.
Multidetector multicomponent spectral matching and applications for cosmic microwave background data analysis.
Delabrouille, J.; Cardoso, J.-F.; Patanchon, G.
2003MNRAS.346.1103P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/346/1103)
The evolution of ΩHIand the epoch of formation of damped Lyman α absorbers.
Péroux, C.; McMahon, R.G.; Storrie-Lombardi, L.J.; Irwin, M.J.
Multicolour observations of V404 Cyg with ULTRACAM.
Shahbaz, T.; Dhillon, V.S.; Marsh, T.R.; Zurita, C.; Haswell, C.A.; Charles, P.A.; Hynes, R.I.; Casares, J.
2003MNRAS.346.1125G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/346/1125)
An HST morphological survey of faint extremely red objects.
Gilbank, David G.; Smail, Ian; Ivison, R.J.; Packham, C.
2003MNRAS.346.1143B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/346/1143)
On the nature of Collinder 121: insights from the low-mass pre-main sequence.
Burningham, Ben; Naylor, Tim; Jeffries, R.D.; Devey, C.R.
Discs and haloes in pre-main-sequence stars.
Vinkovic, Dejan; Ivezic, Zeljko; Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S.,; Elitzur, Moshe
Exploring spiral galaxy potentials with hydrodynamical simulations.
Slyz, Adrianne D.; Kranz, Thilo; Rix, Hans-Walter
Measurement of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich increment in massive galaxy clusters.
Zemcov, Michael; Halpern, Mark; Borys, Colin; Chapman, Scott; Holland, Wayne; Pierpaoli, Elena; Scott, Douglas
Galaxy pairs in the 2dF survey - I. Effects of interactions on star formation in the field.
Lambas, Diego G.; Tissera, Patricia B.; Alonso, M.Sol; Coldwell, Georgina
The gravitational wave background from cosmological compact binaries.
Farmer, Alison J.; Phinney, E.S.
The star formation rate in disc galaxies: thresholds and dependence on gas amount.
Boissier, S.; Prantzos, N.; Boselli, A.; Gavazzi, G.
X-ray and ultraviolet observations of the dwarf nova VW Hyi in quiescence.
Pandel, Dirk; Córdova, France A.; Howell, Steve B.
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