Monthly Notices of the RAS 344
September(III) 2003

A new simple model for high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole candidates.
Rezzolla, L. ,; Yoshida, S'i.; Maccarone, T.J.; Zanotti, O.
A deep Chandra observation of the Perseus cluster: shocks and ripples.
Fabian, A.C.; Sanders, J.S.; Allen, S.W.; Crawford, C.S.; Iwasawa, K.; Johnstone, R.M.; Schmidt, R.W.; Taylor, G.B.
The relationship between the optical Hα filaments and the X-ray emission in the core of the Perseus cluster.
Fabian, A.C.; Sanders, J.S.; Crawford, C.S.; Conselice, C.J.; Gallagher, III J.S.; Wyse, R.F.G.
Joint cosmic shear measurements with the Keck and William Herschel Telescopes.
Bacon, David J.; Massey, Richard J.; Refregier, Alexandre R.; Ellis, Richard S.
Genus topology of the cosmic microwave background from WMAP.
Colley, Wesley N.; Richard Gott, III J.
Inner-shell photoexcitation of Fexv and Fexvi.
Kisielius, R.; Hibbert, A.; Ferland, G.J.; Foord, M.E.; Rose, S.J.; van Hoof, P.A.M.; Keenan, F.P.
Understanding helical magnetic dynamo spectra with a non-linear four-scale theory.
Blackman, Eric G.
The structure of voids.
Gottlöber, Stefan; Lokas, Ewa L.; Klypin, Anatoly; Hoffman, Yehuda
Non-spherical evolution of the line-driven wind instability.
Gomez, E.L.; Williams, R.J.R.
High-speed outflows driven by the 30 Doradus starburst.
Redman, M.P.; Al-Mostafa, Z.A.; Meaburn, J.; Bryce, M.
Galactic cannibalism in the galaxy cluster C0337-2522 at z = 0.59.
Nipoti, C. ,; Stiavelli, M.; Ciotti, L.; Treu, T.; Rosati, P.
Large-scale structure in non-standard cosmologies.
Multamäki, Tuomas; Gaztañaga, Enrique; Manera, Marc
Precision cosmology from the Lyman α forest: power spectrum and bispectrum.
Mandelbaum, R.; McDonald, P.; Seljak, U.; Cen, R.
Shear and magnification angular power spectra and higher-order moments from weak gravitational lensing.
Barber, Andrew J.; Taylor, A.N.
The analysis of indexed astronomical time-series - VIII. Cross-correlating noisy autoregressive series.
Koen, Chris
Star formation in massive protoclusters in the Monoceros OB1 dark cloud.
Wolf-Chase, G.; Moriarty-Schieven, G.; Fich, M.; Barsony, M.
A theoretician's analysis of the supernova data and the limitations in determining the nature of dark energy.
Padmanabhan, T.; Choudhury, T.Roy
Early preheating and galaxy formation.
Benson, A.J.; Madau, Piero
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: galaxy clustering per spectral type.
Madgwick, Darren S.; Hawkins, Ed; Lahav, Ofer; Maddox, Steve; Norberg, Peder; Peacock, John A.; Baldry, Ivan K.; Baugh, Carlton M.; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Bridges, Terry; Cannon, Russell; Cole, Shaun; Colless, Matthew; Collins, Chris; Couch, Warrick; Dalton, Gavin; De Propris, Roberto; Driver, Simon P.; Efstathiou, George; Ellis, Richard S.; Frenk, Carlos S.; Glazebrook, Karl; Jackson, Carole; Lewis, Ian; Lumsden, Stuart; Peterson, Bruce A.; Sutherland, Will; Taylor, Keith ( The 2dFGRS Team)
Three-point correlations in weak lensing surveys: model predictions and applications.
Takada, Masahiro; Jain, Bhuvnesh
2003MNRAS.344..887S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/344/887)
Submillimetre observations of the Hubble Deep Field and Flanking Fields.
Serjeant, S. ,; Dunlop, J.S.; Mann, R.G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Hughes, D.; Efstathiou, A.; Blain, A.; Fox, M.; Ivison, R.J.; Jenness, T.; Lawrence, A.; Longair, M.; Oliver, S.; Peacock, J.A.
Probing cosmic microwave background non-Gaussianity using local curvature.
Doré, Olivier; Colombi, Stéphane; Bouchet, François R.
Goodness-of-fit tests to study the Gaussianity of the MAXIMA data.
Cayón, L.; Argüeso, F.; Martínez-González, E.; Sanz, J.L.
The Fundamental Plane and the evolution of the M/L ratio of early-type field galaxies up to z ∼ 1.
van de Ven, G.; van Dokkum, P.G.; Franx, M.
Correlation between the mean matter density and the width of the saturated Lyα absorption.
Zhan, Hu
Gravitational lensing by stars with angular momentum.
Sereno, M.
Cosmological constraints from the cluster contribution to the power spectrum of the soft X-ray background. New evidence for a low σ8.
Diego, J.M.; Sliwa, W.; Silk, J.; Barcons, X.
Fundamental parameters of the LMC clusters NGC 1836, NGC 1860, NGC 1865, SL 444, LW 224 and SL 548.
Piatti, Andrés E.; Bica, Eduardo; Geisler, Doug; Clariá, Juan J.
Oscillations of vertically integrated relativistic tori - I. Axisymmetric modes in a Schwarzschild space-time.
Rezzolla, Luciano; Yoshida, Shin'ichirou; Zanotti, Olindo
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