Monthly Notices of the RAS 343
August(III) 2003

XMM-Newton spectral properties of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224 - 3809.
Boller, Th.; Tanaka, Y.; Fabian, A.; Brandt, W.N.; Gallo, L.; Anabuki, N.; Haba, Y.; Vaughan, S.
Is the low cosmic microwave background quadrupole a signature of spatial curvature.
Efstathiou, G.
Jet-dominated states: an alternative to advection across black hole event horizons in `quiescent' X-ray binaries.
Fender, R.P.; Gallo, E.; Jonker, P.G.
The populations of comet-like bodies in the Solar system.
Horner, J.; Evans, N.W.; Bailey, M.E.; Asher, D.J.
A model of polarized OH maser emission in W75N.
Gray, M.D.; Hutawarakorn, B.; Cohen, R.J.
Radiative transfer in disc galaxies - III. The observed kinematics of dusty disc galaxies.
Baes, Maarten ; Davies, Jonathan I.; Dejonghe, Herwig; Sabatini, Sabina; Roberts, Sarah; Evans, Rhodri; Linder, Suzanne M.; Smith, Rodney M.; de Blok, W.J.G.
Meteors and showers a millennium ago.
Ahn, Sang-Hyeon
Simulating intergalactic medium reionization.
Ciardi, B.; Stoehr, F.; White, S.D.M.
Power spectrum and intermittency of the transmitted flux from the Lyman α absorption spectra of quasi-stellar objects.
Jamkhedkar, Priya; Feng, Long-Long; Zheng, Wei; Kirkman, David; Tytler, David; Fang, Li-Zhi
Frictional and radiation heating of micron-sized meteoroids in the Earth's upper atmosphere.
Coulson, S.G.; Wickramasinghe, N.C.
2003MNRAS.343.1131T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/343/1131)
Microlensing limits on numbers and orbits of extrasolar planets from the 1998-2000 OGLE events.
Tsapras, Yiannis ; Horne, Keith; Kane, Stephen; Carson, Richard
Star formation and metallicity history of the SDSS galaxy survey: unlocking the fossil record.
Panter, Benjamin; Heavens, Alan F.; Jimenez, Raul
A far-infrared view of the Lockman Hole from ISO 95-µm observations - I. A new data reduction method.
Rodighiero, G.; Lari, C.; Franceschini, A.; Gregnanin, A.; Fadda, D.
The OGLE-II event sc5lowbar2859: an example of disc-disc microlensing.
Smith, Martin C.
An XMM-Newton hard X-ray survey of ultraluminous infrared galaxies.
Franceschini, A.; Braito, V.; Persic, M.; Della Ceca, R.; Bassani, L.; Cappi, M.; Malaguti, P.; Palumbo, G.G.C.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M.; Severgnini, P.
The column density distribution function at z = 0 from Hi selected galaxies.
Ryan-Weber, Emma V.; Webster, Rachel L.; Staveley-Smith, Lister
Shear-free and homology conditions for self-gravitating dissipative fluids.
Herrera, L.; Santos, N.O.
Long-term properties of accretion discs in X-ray binaries - II. Stability of radiation-driven warping.
Clarkson, W.I.; Charles, P.A.; Coe, M.J.; Laycock, S.
The characteristic stellar mass as a function of redshift.
Clarke, Cathie J.; Bromm, Volker
Galactic archaeology: initial mass function and depletion in the `thin disc'.
Schröder, K.-P.; Pagel, B.E.J.
The origin of the Fe K features in Markarian 205 and Markarian 509.
Page, M.J.; Davis, S.W.; Salvi, N.J.
Cyclotron absorption in rotating pulsar magnetospheres.
Fussell, D.; Luo, Q.; Melrose, D.B.
On the origin of diffuse clouds.
Price, Richard J.; Viti, Serena; Williams, David A.
An optical and near-infrared search for brown dwarfs in the Pleiades cluster.
Nagashima, Chie; Dobbie, Paul D.; Nagayama, Takahiro; Nakajima, Yasushi; Nagata, Tetsuya; Tamura, Motohide; Nakajima, Tadashi; Sugitani, Koji; Nakaya, Hidehiko; Hodgkin, Simon T.; Pickles, Andrew J.
Cool stars in NGC 2547 and pre-main-sequence lithium depletion.
Jeffries, R.D.; Oliveira, J.M.; Barrado y Navascués, D.; Stauffer, J.R.
Star cluster formation and evolution in nearby starburst galaxies - II. Initial conditions.
de Grijs, R.; Anders, P.; Bastian, N.; Lynds, R.; Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.; O'Neil, E.J. Jr
On the nature of the X-ray emission from the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658.
Poutanen, Juri; Gierlinski, Marek
Modelling peculiar velocities of dark matter haloes.
Hamana, Takashi ; Kayo, Issha; Yoshida, Naoki; Suto, Yasushi; Jing, Y.P.
Hot and cold bubbles in M87.
Kaiser, Christian R.
3D weak lensing.
Heavens, Alan
The three-dimensional structure of the giant stellar stream in Andromeda.
McConnachie, A.W.; Irwin, M.J.; Ibata, R.A.; Ferguson, A.M.N.; Lewis, G.F.; Tanvir, N.
Complex optical-X-ray correlations in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051.
Shemmer, O.; Uttley, P.; Netzer, H.; McHardy, I.M.
On the nature of the ISO -selected sources in the ELAIS S2 region.
Pozzi, F.; Ciliegi, P.; Gruppioni, C.; Lari, C.; Héraudeau, P.; Mignoli, M.; Zamorani, G.; Calabrese, E.; Oliver, S.; Rowan-Robinson, M.
Submillimetre and near-infrared observations of galaxies selected at 170 µm.
Sajina, A.; Borys, C.; Chapman, S.; Dole, H.; Halpern, M.; Lagache, G.; Puget, J.-L.; Scott, D.
Erratum: Observations of flat-spectrum radio sources at λ850 µm from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope - I. 1997 April to 2000 April. by
Robson, E.I.; Stevens, J.A.; Jenness, T.
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