Monthly Notices of the RAS 342
July(I) 2003
- 2003MNRAS.342L..41L
- An absorption event in the X-ray light curve of NGC 3227.
- Lamer, G.; Uttley, P.; McHardy, I.M.
- 2003MNRAS.342L..47B
- A star-forming galaxy at z = 5.78 in the Chandra Deep Field South.
- Bunker, Andrew J.; Stanway, Elizabeth R.; Ellis, Richard S.; McMahon, Richard G.; McCarthy, Patrick J.
- 2003MNRAS.342..673R
- High-resolution calculations of merging neutron stars - II. Neutrino emission.
- Rosswog, S.; Liebendörfer, M.
- 2003MNRAS.342..690S
- Chandra observation of NGC 4449: analysis of the X-ray emission from a dwarf starburst galaxy.
- Summers, Lesley K.; Stevens, Ian R.; Strickland, David K.; Heckman, Timothy M.
- 2003MNRAS.342..709R
- The unusual supernova remnant surrounding the ultraluminous X-ray source IC 342 X-1.
- Roberts, T.P.; Goad, M.R.; Ward, M.J.; Warwick, R.S.
- 2003MNRAS.342..715R
- Chandra observations of the Mice.
- Read, Andrew M.
- 2003MNRAS.342..725D
- The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the luminosity function of cluster galaxies.
- De Propris, Roberto ; Colless, Matthew; Driver, Simon P.; Couch, Warrick; Peacock, John A.; Baldry, Ivan K.; Baugh, Carlton M.; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Bridges, Terry; Cannon, Russell; Cole, Shaun; Collins, Chris; Cross, Nicholas; Dalton, Gavin B.; Efstathiou, George; Ellis, Richard S.; Frenk, Carlos S.; Glazebrook, Karl; Hawkins, Edward; Jackson, Carole; Lahav, Ofer; Lewis, Ian; Lumsden, Stuart; Maddox, Steve; Madgwick, Darren S.; Norberg, Peder; Percival, Will; Peterson, Bruce; Sutherland, Will; Taylor, Keith
- 2003MNRAS.342..738L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/342/738)
- First results from the Hi Jodrell All Sky Survey: inclination-dependent selection effects in a 21-cm blind survey.
- Lang, Robert H.; Boyce, Peter J.; Kilborn, Virginia A.; Minchin, Robert F.; Disney, Michael J.; Jordan, Christine A.; Grossi, Marco; Garcia, Diego A.; Freeman, Ken C.; Phillipps, Steven; Wright, Alan E.
- 2003MNRAS.342..759A
- Breaking the `redshift deadlock'- II. The redshift distribution for the submillimetre population of galaxies.
- Aretxaga, Itziar; Hughes, David H.; Chapin, Edward L.; Gaztañaga, Enrique; Dunlop, James S.; Ivison, Rob J.
- 2003MNRAS.342..802M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/342/802)
- A medium-deep Chandra and Subaru survey of the 13-h XMM/ROSAT deep survey area.
- McHardy, I.M.; Gunn, K.F.; Newsam, A.M.; Mason, K.O.; Page, M.J.; Takata, T.; Sekiguchi, K.; Sasseen, T.; Cordova, F.; Jones, L.R.; Loaring, N.
- 2003MNRAS.342..823H
- Morphology, kinematics and modelling of the elliptical planetary nebula Sa 2-21.
- Harman, D.J.; Bryce, M.; Redman, M.P.; Holloway, A.J.
- 2003MNRAS.342..830M
- A search for high-redshift molecular absorption lines towards millimetre-loud, optically faint quasars.
- Murphy, M.T.; Curran, S.J.; Webb, J.K.
- 2003MNRAS.342..837R
- Activity and kinematics of members of the TW Hydrae association.
- Reid, Neill
- 2003MNRAS.342..851W
- Transfer of energy and angular momentum in the magnetic coupling between a rotating black hole and the surrounding accretion disc.
- Wang, Ding-Xiong; Lei, Wei-Hua; Ma, Ren-Yi
- 2003MNRAS.342..861T
- Spectroscopy of the near-nuclear regions of Cygnus A: estimating the mass of the supermassive black hole.
- Tadhunter, C.; Marconi, A.; Axon, D.; Wills, K.; Robinson, T.G.; Jackson, N.
- 2003MNRAS.342..876W
- SCUBA observations of dust around Lindroos stars: evidence for a substantial submillimetre disc population.
- Wyatt, M.C.; Dent, W.R.F.; Greaves, J.S.
- 2003MNRAS.342..889S
- Fundamental galaxy parameters for radio-loud active galactic nuclei and the black hole-radio power connection.
- Snellen, I.A.G.; Lehnert, M.D.; Bremer, M.N.; Schilizzi, R.T.
- 2003MNRAS.342..901S
- Clusters of galaxies with modified Newtonian dynamics.
- Sanders, R.H.
- 2003MNRAS.342..909M
- Discovery of type I X-ray bursts from the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1708-40.
- Migliari, S.; Di Salvo, T.; Belloni, T.; van der Klis, M.; Fender, R.P.; Campana, S.; Kouveliotou, C.; Méndez, M.; Lewin, W.H.G.
- 2003MNRAS.342..915W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/342/915)
- 9C: a survey of radio sources at 15 GHz with the Ryle Telescope.
- Waldram, Elizabeth M.; Pooley, Guy G.; Grainge, Keith J.B.; Jones, Michael E.; Saunders, Richard D.E.; Scott, Paul F.; Taylor, Angela C.
- 2003MNRAS.342..926D
- Accretion and dynamical interactions in small-N star-forming clusters: N = 5.
- Delgado-Donate, E.J.; Clarke, C.J.; Bate, M.R.
- 2003MNRAS.342..939G
- Australia Telescope Compact Array H i observations of the NGC 6845 galaxy group.
- Gordon, Scott; Koribalski, Bärbel; Jones, Keith
- 2003MNRAS.342..951M
- Iron Kα line profiles and the inner boundary condition of accretion flows.
- Merloni, A.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2003MNRAS.342..962S
- Large-scale magnetic fields: galaxy two-point correlation function.
- Sethi, Shiv K.
- 2003MNRAS.342..971W
- Matching cometary ejection processes to the Leonids 1998-2001 using a hybrid numerical model.
- Welch, P.G.
- 2003MNRAS.342..995T
- The structure of the narrow-line region in Cygnus A.
- Taylor, M.D.; Tadhunter, C.N.; Robinson, T.G.
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