Monthly Notices of the RAS 337
December(III) 2002
- 2002MNRAS.337.1169F
- Editorial: Key words and indexes.
- Fabian, A.C.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1170J
- Extrasolar planets around HD 196050, HD 216437 and HD 160691.
- Jones, Hugh R.A.; Paul Butler, R.; Marcy, Geoffrey W.; Tinney, Chris G.; Penny, Alan J.; McCarthy, Chris; Carter, Brad D.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1179L
- Solar seismic model as a new constraint on supersymmetric dark matter.
- Lopes, Ilídio P.; Bertone, Gianfranco; Silk, Joseph
- 2002MNRAS.337.1185R
- XMM-Newton EPIC observations of Her X-1.
- Ramsay, Gavin; Zane, Silvia; Jimenez-Garate, Mario A.; den Herder, Jan-Willem; Hailey, C.J.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1193M
- Voids in the simulated local Universe.
- Mathis, H.; White, S.D.M.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1207G
- A maximum-likelihood approach to removing radio sources from observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, with application to Abell 611.
- Grainger, William F.; Das, Rhiju; Grainge, Keith; Jones, Michael E.; Kneissl, Rüdiger; Pooley, G.G.; Saunders, Richard D.E.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1215N
- The systemic velocities of four long-period cataclysmic variable stars.
- North, R.C.; Marsh, T.R.; Kolb, U.; Dhillon, V.S.; Moran, C.K.J.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1224A
- Strange stars as persistent sources of gravitational waves.
- Andersson, N.; Jones, D.I.; Kokkotas, K.D.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1233R
- Simulations of central structure in barred galaxies.
- Rautiainen, P.; Salo, H.; Laurikainen, E.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1245L
- 1SAX J1324.4-6200: a possible low-mass X-ray binary pulsar.
- Lin, X.B.; Church, M.J.; Nagase, F.; Balucinska-Church, M.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1252S
- Dissecting the Homunculus nebula around Eta Carinae with spatially resolved near-infrared spectroscopy.
- Smith, Nathan
- 2002MNRAS.337.1269W
- Weak gravitational lensing by dark clusters.
- Weinberg, Nevin N.; Kamionkowski, Marc
- 2002MNRAS.337.1282R
- The clustering, number counts and morphology of extremely red (R - K > 5) galaxies to K ≤ 21.
- Roche, Nathan D.; Almaini, Omar; Dunlop, James; Ivison, R.J.; Willott, C.J.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1299C
- Galactic porosity and a star formation threshold for the escape of ionizing radiation from galaxies.
- Clarke, Cathie; Oey, M.S.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1309S
- Realistic ionizing fluxes for young stellar populations from 0.05 to
2 Z☉.
- Smith, Linda J.; Norris, Richard P.F.; Crowther, Paul A.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1329T
- The origin of the rebrightening in soft X-ray transient outbursts.
- Truss, M.R.; Wynn, G.A.; Murray, J.R.; King, A.R.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1340B
- Radiative accelerations on Ne in the atmospheres of late B stars.
- Budaj, J.; Dworetsky, M.M.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1349R
- Events in the life of a cocoon surrounding a light, collapsar jet.
- Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico; Celotti, Annalisa; Rees, Martin J.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1357Y
- Effects of wind on radiation spectra from magnetized accretion discs.
- Yamazaki, Naohiro; Kaburaki, Osamu; Kino, Motoki
- 2002MNRAS.337.1368S
- Super bursts and long bursts as surface phenomena of compact objects.
- Sinha, Monika; Dey, Mira; Ray, Subharthi; Dey, Jishnu
- 2002MNRAS.337.1373G
- The X-ray spectrum of the atoll source 4U 1608–52.
- Gierlinski, Marek; Done, Chris
- 2002MNRAS.337.1381I
- Deep spectroscopy of z ∼ 1 6C radio galaxies - I. The effects of radio power and size on the properties of the emission-line gas.
- Inskip, K.J.; Best, P.N.; Rawlings, S.; Longair, M.S.; Cotter, G.; Röttgering, H.J.A.; Eales, S.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1407I
- Deep spectroscopy of z ∼ 1 6C radio galaxies - II. Breaking the redshift-radio power degeneracy.
- Inskip, K.J.; Best, P.N.; Röttgering, H.J.A.; Rawlings, S.; Cotter, G.; Longair, M.S.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1417G
- Dynamical state of superclusters of galaxies: do superclusters expand or have they started to collapse.
- Gramann, Mirt; Suhhonenko, Ivan
- 2002MNRAS.337.1426L
- The role of photon scattering in shaping the light curves and spectra of γ-ray bursts.
- Lazzati, Davide
- 2002MNRAS.337.1435G
- Morphology of the secondary cosmic microwave background anisotropies: the key to `smouldering' reionization.
- Gnedin, Nickolay Y.; Shandarin, Sergei F.
- 2002MNRAS.337.1441M
- Galaxy groups in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: luminosity and mass statistics.
- Martínez, H.J.; Zandivarez, A.; Merchán, M.E.; Domínguez, M.J.L.
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