Monthly Notices of the RAS 330
February(II) 2002

The highly variable X-ray spectrum of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577.
Page, K.L; Pounds, K.A; Reeves, J.N; O'Brien, P.T
A-star envelopes: a test of local and non-local models of convection.
Kupka, F; Montgomery, M.H
The brown dwarf desert as a consequence of orbital migration.
Armitage, Philip J; Bonnell, Ian A
Resolved nuclear CO(1-0) emission in APM 08279+5255: gravitational lensing by a naked cusp.
Lewis, Geraint F; Carilli, Chris; Papadopoulos, Padeli; Ivison, R.J
Dust and hydrogen molecules in the extremely metal-poor dwarf galaxy SBS 0335-052.
Hirashita, Hiroyuki; Hunt, Leslie K; Ferrara, Andrea
Was GRB 990123 a unique optical flash.
Soderberg, Alicia M; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico
2002MNRAS.330....1S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/330/1)
A Hubble Space Telescope lensing survey of X-ray-luminous galaxy clusters - II. A search for gravitationally lensed EROs
Smith, Graham P; Smail, Ian; Kneib, J.-P; Czoske, O; Ebeling, H; Edge, A.C; Pelló, R; Ivison, R.J; Packham, C; Le Borgne, J.-F
µJy radio sources in the z=0.83 cluster MS1054-03.
Best, P.N; van Dokkum, P.G; Franx, M; Röttgering, H.J.A
Morphology, photometry and kinematics of N -body bars - I. Three models with different halo central concentrations.
Athanassoula, E; Misiriotis, A
V344 Lyr: an unusual large-amplitude SU UMa-type dwarf nova with a short supercycle.
Kato, Taichi; Poyner, Gary; Kinnunen, Timo
Glitch monitoring in PSRs B1046-58 and B1737-30.
Urama, J.O
Radio images of four luminous blue variable stars.
Duncan, R.A; White, S.M
New light on the search for low-metallicity galaxies - I. The N2 calibrator.
Denicoló, Glenda; Terlevich, Roberto; Terlevich, Elena
2002MNRAS.330...75C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/330/75)
Chemical abundances in a UV-selected sample of galaxies.
Contini, Thierry; Treyer, Marie A; Sullivan, Mark; Ellis, Richard S
Submillimetre sources in rich cluster fields: source counts, redshift estimates and cooling flow limits.
Chapman, Scott C; Scott, Douglas; Borys, Colin; Fahlman, Gregory G
Universal spiral responses at the main galactic resonances
Polyachenko, E.V
Including star formation and supernova feedback within cosmological simulations of galaxy formation.
Kay, Scott T; Pearce, Frazer R; Frenk, Carlos S; Jenkins, Adrian
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with particle splitting, applied to self-gravitating collapse.
Kitsionas, S; Whitworth, A.P
2002MNRAS.330..137N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/330/137)
Study of variable stars in the MOA data base: long-period red variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Noda, S; Takeuti, M; Abe, F; Bond, I.A; Dodd, R.J; Hearnshaw, J.B; Honda, M; Honma, M; Jugaku, J; Kabe, S; Kan-ya, Y; Kato, Y; Kilmartin, P.M; Matsubara, Y; Masuda, K; Muraki, Y; Nakamura, T; Nankivell, G.R; Noguchi, C; Ohnishi, K; Reid, M; Rattenbury, N.J; Saito, To; Sato, H; Sekiguchi, M; Skuljan, J; Sullivan, D.J; Sumi, T; Watase, Y; Wilkinson, S; Yamada, R; Yanagisawa, T; Yock, P.C.M; Yoshizawa, M
The pulsational behaviour of the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 122970 during two photometric multisite campaigns.
Handler, G; Weiss, W.W; Paunzen, E; Shobbrook, R.R; Garrido, R; Guzik, J.A; Hempel, A; Moalusi, M.B; Beach, T.E; Medupe, R; Chagnon, F; Matthews, J.M; Reegen, P; Granzer, T
Modelling surface magnetic field evolution on AB Doradus due to diffusion and surface differential rotation.
Pointer, G.R; Jardine, M; Collier Cameron, A; Donati, J.-F
The galaxy population of Cl1601+42 at z=0.54
Dahlén, Tomas; Fransson, Claes; Näslund, Magnus
On the accretion of Uranus and Neptune.
Brunini, A; Melita, M.D
A search for starlight reflected from υ And's innermost planet.
Collier Cameron, Andrew; Horne, Keith; Penny, Alan; Leigh, Christopher
High-resolution observations and mass modelling of the CLASS gravitational lens B1152+199.
Rusin, D; Norbury, M; Biggs, A.D; Marlow, D.R; Jackson, N.J; Browne, I.W.A; Wilkinson, P.N; Myers, S.T
Spectral, polarization and time-lag properties of GRS 1915+105 radio oscillations.
Fender, R.P; Rayner, D; Trushkin, S.A; O'Brien, K; Sault, R.J; Pooley, G.G; Norris, R.P
Exploiting magnification bias in ultradeep submillimetre-wave surveys using ALMA.
Blain, A.W
Pair annihilation and radio emission from galactic jet sources: the case of Nova Muscae.
Kaiser, Christian R; Hannikainen, Diana C
Production of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters
Coleman Miller, M; Hamilton, Douglas P
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