Monthly Notices of the RAS 328
December(II) 2001

XMM-EPIC observation of MCG-6-30-15: direct evidence for the extraction of energy from a spinning black hole.
Wilms, Jörn ; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Begelman, Mitchell C.; Reeves, James ; Molendi, Silvano ; Staubert, Rüdiger ; Kendziorra, Eckhard
The infrared luminosity of the torus and the visibility of scattered broad line emission in Seyfert 2 galaxies.
Lumsden, S.L.; Alexander, D.M.
The X-ray virial relations for relaxed lensing clusters observed with Chandra.
Allen, S.W.; Schmidt, R.W.; Fabian, A.C.
The first World Atlas of the artificial night sky brightness.
Cinzano, P.; Falchi, F.; Elvidge, C.D.
Three-dimensional evolution of worms and chimneys in the Galactic disc.
de Avillez, Miguel A.; Berry, David L.
Evidence for parsec-scale absorption from VSOP observations of the BL Lacertae object 0735+178.
Gabuzda, D.C.; Gómez, J.L.; Agudo, I.
Populating a cluster of galaxies - I. Results at z=0.
Springel, Volker ; White, Simon D.M.; Tormen, Giuseppe ; Kauffmann, Guinevere
Further evidence for the FU Orionis nature of PP 13S.
Aspin, Colin ; Sandell, Göran
The detection of molecular gas in the central galaxies of cooling flow clusters.
Edge, A.C.
Surveying the sky with the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager: expected constraints on galaxy cluster evolution and cosmology.
Kneissl, Rüdiger ; Jones, Michael E.; Saunders, Richard ; Eke, Vincent R.; Lasenby, Anthony N.; Grainge, Keith ; Cotter, Garret
Pismis 2: a poorly studied, intermediate-age open cluster.
Di Fabrizio, L.; Bragaglia, A.; Tosi, M.; Marconi, G.
2001MNRAS.328..805O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/328/805)
The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - VIII. Absorption systems in the 10k catalogue.
Outram, P.J.; Smith, R.J.; Shanks, T.; Boyle, B.J.; Croom, S.M.; Loaring, N.S.; Miller, L.
Identification of the naphthalene cation in space.
Krelowski, J.; Galazutdinov, G.A.; Musaev, F.A.; Nirski, J.
Extending Lagrangian perturbation theory to a fluid with velocity dispersion.
Morita, Masaaki ; Tatekawa, Takayuki
Mixing and transport in stars - I. Formalism: momentum, heat and mean molecular weight.
Canuto, V.M.; Minotti, F.
Series solutions for polytropes and the isothermal sphere.
Hunter, C.
Shocks and dust survival in nearby active galaxies: implications for the alignment effect.
Villar-Martín, M.; De Young, D.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Allen, M.; Binette, L.
2001MNRAS.328..855W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/328/855)
Pulsar timing at Urumqi Astronomical Observatory: observing system and results.
Wang, N.; Manchester, R.N.; Zhang, J.; Wu, X.J.; Yusup, A.; Lyne, A.G.; Cheng, K.S.; Chen, M.Z.
EVN observations of low-luminosity flat-spectrum active galactic nuclei.
Caccianiga, A.; Marchã, M.J.M.; Thean, A.; Dennett-Thorpe, J.
Changes in the trajectory of the radio jet in 0735+178.
Gómez, J.L.; Guirado, J.C.; Agudo, I.; Marscher, A.P.; Alberdi, A.; Marcaide, J.M.; Gabuzda, D.C.
The LBDS Hercules sample of mJy radio sources at 1.4 GHz - II. Redshift distribution, radio luminosity function, and the high-redshift cut-off.
Waddington, I.; Dunlop, J.S.; Peacock, J.A.; Windhorst, R.A.
Distant FR I radio galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field: implications for the cosmological evolution of radio-loud AGN.
Snellen, I.A.G.; Best, P.N.
V348 Puppis: a new SW Sex star in the period gap.
Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Martínez-Pais, I.G.; Casares, J.; Villada, M.; van Zyl, L.
Drifting sub-pulses in two newly discovered pulsars.
Ord, S.M.; Edwards, R.; Bailes, M.
Orbital period changes of contact binary systems: direct evidence for thermal relaxation oscillation theory.
Qian, Shengbang
The fraction of galaxies that contain active nuclei and their accretion rates.
Page, M.J.
BeppoSAX observations of 1-Jy BL Lacertae objects - I.
Padovani, Paolo ; Costamante, Luigi ; Giommi, Paolo ; Ghisellini, Gabriele ; Comastri, Andrea ; Wolter, Anna ; Maraschi, Laura ; Tagliaferri, Gianpiero ; Urry, C. Megan
UBV stellar photometry of bright stars in GC M5 - II. Physical parameters of horizontal branch stars.
Baev, P.V.; Markov, H.; Spassova, N.
Precessing jets interacting with interstellar material as the origin for the light curves of gamma-ray bursts.
Portegies Zwart, Simon F.; Totani, Tomonori
Thunderclouds and accretion discs: a model for the spectral and temporal variability of Seyfert 1 galaxies.
Merloni, A.; Fabian, A.C.
The fragmentation of pre-enriched primordial objects.
Bromm, V.; Ferrara, A.; Coppi, P.S.; Larson, R.B.
The effects of seeing on Sérsic profiles - II. The Moffat PSF.
Trujillo, I.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; Cepa, J.; Gutiérrez, C.M.
Properties of microlensing light curve anomalies induced by multiple planets.
Han, Cheongho ; Chang, Heon-Young ; An, Jin H.; Chang, Kyongae
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