Monthly Notices of the RAS 327
October(III) 2001
- 2001MNRAS.327L..21L
- Velocity dispersions of dwarf spheroidal galaxies: dark matter versus MOND.
- Lokas, Ewa L.
- 2001MNRAS.327L..27B
- Cuspy dark matter haloes and the Galaxy.
- Binney, J.J.; Evans, N.W.
- 2001MNRAS.327L..32P
- Cosmological implications of the PSCz PDF and its moments.
- Plionis, Manolis ; Basilakos, Spyros
- 2001MNRAS.327..353H
- Rotational mixing in early-type main-sequence stars.
- Howarth, Ian D.; Smith, Keith C.
- 2001MNRAS.327..369T
- MERLIN radio observations of CfA Seyferts.
- Thean, A.H.C. ; Gillibrand, T.I. ; Pedlar, A. ; Kukula, M.J.
- 2001MNRAS.327..385S
- The energetics and mass loss of the dwarf starburst Markarian 33.
- Summers, Lesley K. ; Stevens, Ian R. ; Strickland, David K.
- 2001MNRAS.327..397C
- Another channel to detect close-in binary companions via gravitational microlensing.
- Chang, Heon-Young ; Han, Cheongho
- 2001MNRAS.327..403E
- Dusty winds - I. Self-similar solutions.
- Elitzur, Moshe ; Ivezic, Zeljko
- 2001MNRAS.327..422M
- Constraining cosmological parameters with the clustering properties of galaxy clusters in optical and X-ray bands.
- Moscardini, L. ; Matarrese, S. ; Mo, H.J.
- 2001MNRAS.327..435G
- A first detailed study of the colliding wind WR+O binary WR 30a.
- Gosset, E.; Royer, P.; Rauw, G.; Manfroid, J.; Vreux, J.-M.
- 2001MNRAS.327..452D
- Instability regions in the upper HR diagram.
- de Jager, Cornelis ; Lobel, Alex ; Nieuwenhuijzen, Hans ; Stothers, Richard
- 2001MNRAS.327..459L
- Spectropolarimetry of a complete infrared-selected sample of Seyfert 2 galaxies.
- Lumsden, S.L. ; Heisler, C.A. ; Bailey, J.A. ; Hough, J.H. ; Young, S.
- 2001MNRAS.327..475L
- Mirror eclipses in the cataclysmic variable IP Peg.
- Littlefair, S.P. ; Dhillon, V.S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Harlaftis, E.T.
- 2001MNRAS.327..483H
- Changes in convective properties over the solar cycle: effect on p-mode damping rates.
- Houdek, G. ; Chaplin, W.J. ; Appourchaux, T. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; Däppen, W. ; Elsworth, Y. ; Gough, D.O. ; Isaak, G.R. ; New, R. ; Rabello-Soares, M.C.
- 2001MNRAS.327..488C
- The SZ effect as a probe of non-gravitational entropy in groups and clusters of galaxies.
- Cavaliere, A. ; Menci, N.
- 2001MNRAS.327..499P
- ASCA observations of deep ROSAT fields - V. The X-ray spectrum of hard X-ray selected QSOs.
- Pappa, A. ; Stewart, G.C. ; Georgantopoulos, I. ; Griffiths, R.E. ; Boyle, B.J. ; Shanks, T.
- 2001MNRAS.327..507L
- Variable stellar jets - II. Precessing jets and stagnation knots.
- Lim, A.J.
- 2001MNRAS.327..517S
- Distances in inhomogeneous quintessence cosmology.
- Sereno, M.; Covone, G.; Piedipalumbo, E.; de Ritis, R.
- 2001MNRAS.327..531I
- Gravitational wave background from coalescing compact stars in eccentric orbits.
- Ignatiev, V.B. ; Kuranov, A.G. ; Postnov, K.A. ; Prokhorov, M.E.
- 2001MNRAS.327..538G
- A primordial feature at the scale of superclusters of galaxies.
- Gramann, Mirt; Hütsi, Gert
- 2001MNRAS.327..545J
- Spectral index determination between 408 MHz and 5 GHz in the northern sky.
- Jones, A.W. ; Davis, R.J. ; Wilkinson, A. ; Giardino, G. ; Melhuish, S.J. ; Asareh, H. ; Davies, R.D. ; Lasenby, A.N.
- 2001MNRAS.327..552M
- Empirical constraints on alternative gravity theories from gravitational lensing.
- Mortlock, Daniel J. ; Turner, Edwin L.
- 2001MNRAS.327..557M
- Gravitational lensing in modified Newtonian dynamics.
- Mortlock, Daniel J. ; Turner, Edwin L.
- 2001MNRAS.327..567I
- Relativistic corrections to the multiple scattering effect on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the isotropic approximation.
- Itoh, Naoki ; Kawana, Youhei ; Nozawa, Satoshi ; Kohyama, Yasuharu
- 2001MNRAS.327..577B
- Non-linear redshift distortions: the two-point correlation function.
- Bharadwaj, Somnath
- 2001MNRAS.327..588P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/327/588)
- The Las Campanas/AAT rich cluster survey - I. Precision and reliability of the photometric catalogue.
- Pimbblet, Kevin A. ; Smail, Ian ; Edge, Alastair C. ; Couch, Warrick J. ; O'Hely, Eileen ; Zabludoff, Ann I.
- 2001MNRAS.327..601E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/327/601)
- Photometric detection of high proper motions in dense stellar fields using difference image analysis.
- Eyer, L. ; Wozniak, P.R.
- 2001MNRAS.327..610C
- Numerical simulations of the formation and chemical evolution of galaxies.
- Churches, D.K.; Nelson, A.H.; Edmunds, M.G.
- 2001MNRAS.327..623G
- Performance of the D-criteria in recovery of meteoroid stream orbits in a radar data set.
- Galligan, D.P.
- 2001MNRAS.327..629W
- Cluster abundance and large-scale structure.
- Wu, Jiun-Huei Proty
- 2001MNRAS.327..639I
- Magnetic deformation of magnetars for the giant flares of the soft gamma-ray repeaters.
- Ioka, K.
- 2001MNRAS.327..663P
- The formation of molecular clouds.
- Pringle, J.E. ; Allen, Ronald J. ; Lubow, S.H.
- 2001MNRAS.327..669L
- K-band spectroscopy of the intermediate polar XY Ari.
- Littlefair, S.P. ; Dhillon, V.S. ; Marsh, T.R.
- 2001MNRAS.327..673V
- A complete sample of Seyfert galaxies selected at 0.25 keV.
- Vaughan, S. ; Edelson, R. ; Warwick, R.S. ; Malkan, M.A. ; Goad, M.R.
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