Monthly Notices of the RAS 322
April(I) 2001

A possible long-lived asteroid population at the equilateral Lagrangian points of Saturn.
Melita, M.D. ; Brunini, Adrian
Spectral evidence for a powerful compact jet from XTE J1118+480.
Fender, R.P. ; Hjellming, R.M. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Deane, J.R. ; Ogley, R.N. ; Spencer, R.E.
Numerical simulations of aligned neutron star magnetospheres.
Smith, I.A.; Michel, F.C.; Thacker, P.D.
RXTE observations of Seyfert 2 galaxies: evidence for spectral variability.
Georgantopoulos, I. ; Papadakis, I.E.
On the variation of the initial mass function.
Kroupa, Pavel
Evolution of globular cluster systems in elliptical galaxies - II. Power-law initial mass function.
Vesperini, E.
The connection between globular cluster systems and the host galaxies.
Forbes, Duncan A. ; Forte, Juan C.
The European Large Area ISO Survey - IV. The preliminary 90-µm luminosity function.
Serjeant, S. ; Efstathiou, A. ; Oliver, S. ; Surace, C. ; Héraudeau, P. ; Linden-Vørnle, M.J.D. ; Gruppioni, C. ; La Franca, F. ; Rigopoulou, D. ; Morel, T. ; Crockett, H. ; Sumner, T. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Graham, M.
Accretion stream mapping of HU Aquarii.
Vrielmann, Sonja ; Schwope, Axel D.
Bipolar outflows in OH/IR stars.
Zijlstra, Albert A. ; Chapman, J.M. ; te Lintel Hekkert, P. ; Likkel, L. ; Comeron, F. ; Norris, R.P. ; Molster, F.J. ; Cohen, R.J.
RXTE observations of 4U 1630-47 during the peak of its 1998 outburst.
Trudolyubov, Sergey P. ; Borozdin, Konstantin N. ; Priedhorsky, William C.
Axisymmetry in protoplanetary nebulae: using imaging polarimetry to investigate envelope structure.
Gledhill, T.M.; Chrysostomou, A.; Hough, J.H.; Yates, J.A.
Dynamical evolution of the Prometheus-Pandora system.
Poulet, F. ; Sicardy, B.
Fine structure in the inner dust shell of IRC+10216 from lunar occultation observations at 2.2µm.
Chandrasekhar, T.; Mondal, Soumen
The fading of supernova 1997D.
Benetti, S. ; Turatto, M. ; Balberg, S. ; Zampieri, L. ; Shapiro, S.L. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Nomoto, K. ; Nakamura, T. ; Mazzali, P.A. ; Patat, F.
Large-scale galaxy distribution in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey.
Doroshkevich, A.G. ; Tucker, D.L. ; Fong, R. ; Turchaninov, V. ; Lin, H.
Quasi-radial modes of rotating stars in general relativity.
Yoshida, Shin'ichirou ; Eriguchi, Yoshiharu
Short time-scale fluctuations in the difference light curves of QSO 0957+561A,B: microlensing or noise?.
Gil-Merino, R. ; Goicoechea, L.J. ; Serra-Ricart, M. ; Oscoz, A. ; Alcalde, D. ; Mediavilla, E.
Geometrical estimators as a test of Gaussianity in the cosmic microwave background.
Barreiro, R.B. ; Martínez-González, E. ; Sanz, J.L.
Formulae for growth factors in expanding universes containing matter and a cosmological constant.
Hamilton, A.J.S.
Radial scalelengths of the galactic thin and thick disc with 2MASS data.
Ojha, D.K.
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