Monthly Notices of the RAS 319
December(III) 2000

0422-476: a shell galaxy with azimuthally distributed shells.
Wilkinson, A. ; Prieur, J.-L. ; Lemoine, R. ; Carter, D. ; Malin, D. ; Sparks, W.B.
NGC 1333/IRAS 4: a multiple star formation laboratory.
Smith, K.W. ; Bonnell, I.A. ; Emerson, J.P. ; Jenness, T.
On the interaction between cosmic rays and dark matter molecular clouds in the Milky Way - II. The age distribution of cosmic ray electrons.
Sciama, D.W.
Non-thermal emission in Wolf-Rayet stars: are massive companions required?.
Dougherty, S.M. ; Williams, P.M.
The effects of resolved sources and blending on the detection of planets via gravitational microlensing.
Vermaak, P.
Magnetic perturbations to the acoustic modes of roAp stars.
Cunha, Margarida S. ; Gough, Douglas
An unconventional accretion disc dynamo.
Reyes-Ruiz, M.
First supernovae in Galactic globular clusters.
Shustov, Boris M.; Wiebe, Dmitri S.
VLBI polarization images of eight compact active galactic nuclei at λ=1.3cm.
Gabuzda, D.C. ; Cawthorne, T.V.
Flattened Jaffe models for galaxies.
Zhenglu, Jiang
Turbulent convection and pulsational stability of variable stars: non-adiabatic oscillations of the solar p-modes.
Xiong, D.R. ; Cheng, Q.L. ; Deng, L.
Composite spectraPaper 10: the equal-mass binary HR 2030 (K0IIb+B8IV).
Griffin, R.E.M. ; Griffin, R.F.
Analysis of λ=6cm VLBI polarization observations of a complete sample of northern BL Lacertae objects.
Gabuzda, D.C. ; Pushkarev, A.B. ; Cawthorne, T.V.
Serendipitous VLBI observations of polarization intraday variability in three BL Lacertae objects.
Gabuzda, D.C. ; Kochenov, P.YU. ; Cawthorne, T.V.
Simultaneous ROSAT XRT and WFC observations of a sample of active dwarf stars.
Tsikoudi, V. ; Kellett, B.J. ; Schmitt, J.H.M.M.
ROSAT All-Sky Survey X-ray and EUV observations of YY Gem and AU Mic.
Tsikoudi, V. ; Kellett, B.J.
The X-ray spectrum and light curve of Supernova 1995N.
Fox, D.W. ; Lewin, W.H.G. ; Fabian, A. ; Iwasawa, K. ; Terlevich, R. ; Zimmermann, H.U. ; Aschenbach, B. ; Weiler, K. ; van Dyk, S. ; Chevalier, R. ; Rutledge, R. ; Inoue, H. ; Uno, S.
Intrinsic parameters of GRB 990123 from its prompt optical flash and afterglow.
Wang, X.Y. ; Dai, Z.G. ; Lu, T.
Gravitational microlensing of gamma-ray bursts at medium optical depth.
Wyithe, J.S.B. ; Turner, E.L.
The European Large Area ISO Survey - III. 90-µm extragalactic source counts.
Efstathiou, Andreas ; Oliver, Seb ; Rowan-Robinson, Michael ; Surace, C. ; Sumner, T. ; Héraudeau, P. ; Linden-Vørnle, M.J.D. ; Rigopoulou, D. ; Serjeant, S. ; Mann, R.G. ; Cesarsky, C.J. ; Danese, L. ; Franceschini, A. ; Genzel, R. ; Lawrence, A. ; Lemke, D. ; McMahon, R.G. ; Miley, G. ; Puget, J.-L. ; Rocca-Volmerange, B.
Possible evidence for the disc origin for the powering of jets in Sgr A* and nearby elliptical galaxies.
Yuan, Feng
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