Monthly Notices of the RAS 319
November(III) 2000

Resonant capture, counter-rotating discs, and polar rings.
Tremaine, Scott; Yu, Qingjuan
Evolutionary models for radio sources from compact sources to classical doubles.
Alexander, P.
Multiwavelength study of the nuclei of a volume-limited sample of galaxies - I. X-ray observations.
Lira, P. ; Lawrence, A. ; Johnson, R.A.
Phase-space transport in cuspy triaxial potentials: can they be used to construct self-consistent equilibria?.
Siopis, Christos ; Kandrup, Henry E.
Asteroids in the inner Solar system - I. Existence.
Tabachnik, S.A. ; Evans, N.W.
Asteroids in the inner Solar system - II. Observable properties.
Evans, N.W. ; Tabachnik, S.A.
Unlocking the Keyhole: H2 and PAH emission from molecular clumps in the Keyhole Nebula.
Brooks, K.J.; Burton, M.G.; Rathborne, J.M.; Ashley, M.C.B.; Storey, J.W.V.
SiC2 in carbon stars: Merrill-Sanford absorption bands between 4100 and 5500Å.
Sarre, P.J. ; Hurst, M.E. ; Lloyd Evans, T.
IRAS 12311-3509: a carbon star with SiC2 emission.
Lloyd Evans, T. ; Hurst, M.E. ; Sarre, P.J.
On the redshift cut-off for flat-spectrum radio sources.
Jarvis, Matt J.; Rawlings, Steve
Coordinated monitoring of the eccentric O-star binary Iota Orionis: the X-ray analysis.
Pittard, Julian M. ; Stevens, Ian R. ; Corcoran, Michael F. ; Gayley, Ken G. ; Marchenko, Sergey V. ; Rauw, Gregor
A submillimetre survey for protostellar accretion discs using the JCMT-CSO interferometer.
Brown, David W. ; Chandler, Claire J. ; Carlstrom, John E. ; Hills, Richard E. ; Lay, Oliver P. ; Matthews, Brenda C. ; Richer, John S. ; Wilson, Christine D.
Accurate laboratory wavelengths of some ultraviolet lines of Cr, Zn and Ni relevant to time variations of the fine structure constant.
Pickering, J.C. ; Thorne, A.P. ; Murray, J.E. ; Litzén, U. ; Johansson, S. ; Zilio, V. ; Webb, J.K.
Hierarchical galaxy formation.
Cole, Shaun ; Lacey, Cedric G. ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Frenk, Carlos S.
Differences between the two anomalous X-ray pulsars: variations in the spin-down rate of 1E 1048.1-5937 and an extended interval of quiet spin-down in 1E 2259+586.
Baykal, Altan ; Strohmayer, Tod ; Swank, Jean ; Ali Alpar, M. ; Stark, Michael J.
Clustering of galaxy clusters in cold dark matter universes.
Colberg, J.M. ; White, S.D.M. ; Yoshida, N. ; MacFarland, T.J. ; Jenkins, A. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Pearce, F.R. ; Evrard, A.E. ; Couchman, H.M.P. ; Efstathiou, G. ; Peacock, J.A. ; Thomas, P.A. ; (the Virgo Consortium)
2000MNRAS.319..215H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/319/215)
Low- and intermediate-mass close binary evolution and the initial-final mass relation.
Han, Zhanwen ; Tout, Christopher A. ; Eggleton, Peter P.
An early-time infrared and optical study of the Type Ia Supernova 1998bu in M96.
Hernandez, M. ; Meikle, W.P.S. ; Aparicio, A. ; Benn, C.R. ; Burleigh, M.R. ; Chrysostomou, A.C. ; Fernandes, A.J.L. ; Geballe, T.R. ; Hammersley, P.L. ; Iglesias-Paramo, J. ; James, D.J. ; James, P.A. ; Kemp, S.N. ; Lister, T.A. ; Martinez-Delgado, D. ; Oscoz, A. ; Pollacco, D.L. ; Rozas, M. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Sorensen, P. ; Swaters, R.A. ; Telting, J.H. ; Vacca, W.D. ; Walton, N.A. ; Zapatero-Osorio, M.R.
Exploring the evolution of spiral galaxies.
Bell, Eric F. ; Bower, Richard G.
Progress on a model for β Lyrae.
Linnell, A.P.
Weak gravitational lensing in different cosmologies, using an algorithm for shear in three dimensions.
Barber, Andrew J. ; Thomas, Peter A. ; Couchman, H.M.P. ; Fluke, C.J.
Surface trapping and leakage of low-frequency g modes in rotating early-type stars - II. Global analysis.
Townsend, R.H.D.
Radial velocity measurements of white dwarfs.
Maxted, P.F.L.; Marsh, T.R.; Moran, C.K.J.
A search for the submillimetre counterparts to Lyman break galaxies.
Chapman, Scott C. ; Scott, Douglas ; Steidel, Charles C. ; Borys, Colin ; Halpern, Mark ; Morris, Simon L. ; Adelberger, Kurt L. ; Dickinson, Mark ; Giavalisco, Mauro ; Pettini, Max
The 3.4-µm absorption feature towards three obscured active galactic nuclei.
Imanishi, M.
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