Monthly Notices of the RAS 318
October(II) 2000
- 2000MNRAS.318L...1F
- Giant repeated ejections from GRS 1915+105.
- Fender, R.P. ; Pooley, G.G.
- 2000MNRAS.318L...7C
- Using Hubble Space Telescope images to identify straight segments in galaxy nuclear spirals.
- Chernin, A.D.
- 2000MNRAS.318L..11W
- Hot dust in two hard Chandra X-ray sources.
- Wilman, R.J.; Fabian, A.C.; Gandhi, P.
- 2000MNRAS.318L..15M
- Magnetic flares and the optical variability of the X-ray transient XTE J1118+480.
- Merloni, A. ; Di Matteo, T. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2000MNRAS.318....1T
- Surface trapping and leakage of low-frequency g modes in rotating early-type stars - I. Qualitative analysis.
- Townsend, R.H.D.
- 2000MNRAS.318....9B
- A TiO study of the dwarf nova IP Pegasi.
- Beekman, G.; Somers, M.; Naylor, T.; Hellier, C.
- 2000MNRAS.318...18N
- The migration and growth of protoplanets in protostellar discs.
- Nelson, Richard P. ; Papaloizou, John C.B. ; Masset, Frédéric ; Kley, Willy
- 2000MNRAS.318...37K
- Extreme ultraviolet emission lines of Nixii in laboratory and solar spectra.
- Keenan, F.P. ; Botha, G.J.J. ; Matthews, A. ; Lawson, K.D. ; Coffey, I.H.
- 2000MNRAS.318...40M
- From kinematics to dynamics in thin galactic discs.
- Mathieu, A.; Merrifield, M.R.
- 2000MNRAS.318...47T
- The response of a turbulent accretion disc to an imposed epicyclic shearing motion.
- Torkelsson, Ulf ; Ogilvie, Gordon I. ; Brandenburg, Axel ; Pringle, James E. ; Nordlund, Åke ; Stein, Robert F.
- 2000MNRAS.318...58G
- Limits on radio emission from pulsar wind nebulae.
- Gaensler, B.M. ; Stappers, B.W. ; Frail, D.A. ; Moffett, D.A. ; Johnston, S. ; Chatterjee, S.
- 2000MNRAS.318...67C
- Sputtering in the outflows of cool stars.
- Covatto, Carl; Aannestad, Per A.
- 2000MNRAS.318...73B
- VLA 8.4-GHz monitoring observations of the CLASS gravitational lens B1933+503.
- Biggs, A.D. ; Xanthopoulos, E. ; Browne, I.W.A. ; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Fassnacht, C.D.
- 2000MNRAS.318...77H
- The optical spectrum of the planetary nebula NGC 6543.
- Hyung, S. ; Aller, L.H. ; Feibelman, W.A. ; Lee, W.B. ; de Koter, A.
- 2000MNRAS.318...92L
- Hypothesis testing for meagre data sets.
- Lucy, L.B.
- 2000MNRAS.318..101C
- The effect on the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt of a large distant tenth planet.
- Collander-Brown, S. ; Maran, M. ; Williams, I.P.
- 2000MNRAS.318..109M
- The statistics of weak lensing at small angular scales: probability distribution function.
- Munshi, Dipak ; Jain, Bhuvnesh
- 2000MNRAS.318..124G
- Cold gas and star formation in a merging galaxy sequence.
- Georgakakis, Antonis ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Norris, Ray P.
- 2000MNRAS.318..139M
- A laser beacon for monitoring the mesospheric sodium layer at La Palma.
- Michaille, L. ; Cañas, A.D. ; Dainty, J.C. ; Maxwell, J. ; Gregory, T. ; Quartel, J.C. ; Reavell, F.C. ; Wilson, R.W. ; Wooder, N.J.
- 2000MNRAS.318..145M
- Probing the gravity-induced bias with weak lensing: test of analytical results against simulations.
- Munshi, Dipak
- 2000MNRAS.318..163M
- The Tully-Fisher relation and its implications for the halo density profile and self-interacting dark matter.
- Mo, H.J. ; Mao, Shude
- 2000MNRAS.318..173M
- The X-ray spectra of Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxies as seen by BeppoSAX.
- Matt, G. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Guainazzi, M. ; Iwasawa, K. ; Bassani, L. ; Malaguti, G.
- 2000MNRAS.318..180J
- On the effect of coronal outflow on spectra formation in galactic black hole systems.
- Janiuk, A.; Czerny, B.; Zycki, P.T.
- 2000MNRAS.318..187B
- Polarimetry and spectroscopy of RX J1141.3-6410: a single-pole AM Her system.
- Buckley, David A.H. ; Cropper, Mark ; van der Heyden, Kurt ; Potter, S.B. ; Wickramasinghe, Dayal T.
- 2000MNRAS.318..195B
- Significant effects of weak gravitational lensing on determinations of the cosmology from Type Ia supernovae.
- Barber, Andrew J.
- 2000MNRAS.318..203S
- Analytic model for galaxy and dark matter clustering.
- Seljak, Uros
- 2000MNRAS.318..214I
- Exospheric models for the X-ray emission from single Wolf-Rayet stars.
- Ignace, R. ; Oskinova, L.M. ; Foullon, C.
- 2000MNRAS.318..227K
- On the supernova heating of the intergalactic medium.
- Kravtsov, Andrey V. ; Yepes, Gustavo
- 2000MNRAS.318..239E
- BeppoSAX-ROSAT PSPC observations of the Shapley supercluster: A3562.
- Ettori, S. ; Bardelli, S. ; De Grandi, S. ; Molendi, S. ; Zamorani, G. ; Zucca, E.
- 2000MNRAS.318..250O
- Acceleration and collimation of magnetized winds.
- Okamoto, Isao
- 2000MNRAS.318..263F
- Energy levels, lifetimes and branch fractions for Fexi.
- Fritzsche, S.; Dong, C.Z.; Träbert, E.
- 2000MNRAS.318..273P
- An analytic model for the epoch of halo creation.
- Percival, W.J. ; Miller, L. ; Peacock, J.A.
- 2000MNRAS.318..280M
- Voids in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey versus cold dark matter models.
- Müller, V. ; Arbabi-Bidgoli, S. ; Einasto, J. ; Tucker, D.
- 2000MNRAS.318..289B
- The δ Scuti star 38 ο1 Eri.
- Balona, Luis A.
- 2000MNRAS.318..294D
- Thermally driven outflows from pair-plasma pressure-mediated shock surfaces around Schwarzschild black holes.
- Das, Tapas K.
- 2000MNRAS.318..303C
- Implications of 21-cm observations for damped Lyα systems.
- Chengalur, Jayaram N.; Kanekar, Nissim
- 2000MNRAS.318..309D
- Active nucleus in a post-starburst galaxy: KUG 1259+280.
- Dewangan, G.C. ; Singh, K.P. ; Mayya, Y.D. ; Anupama, G.C.
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