Monthly Notices of the RAS 317
September(III) 2000
- 2000MNRAS.317L..41M
- KPD 1930+2752: a candidate Type Ia supernova progenitor.
- Maxted, P.F.L.; Marsh, T.R.; North, R.C.
- 2000MNRAS.317L..45H
- Detection of the old stellar component of the major Galactic bar.
- Hammersley, P.L. ; Garzón, F. ; Mahoney, T.J. ; López-Corredoira, M. ; Torres, M.A.P.
- 2000MNRAS.317L..51H
- Higher order clustering in the Durham/UKST and Stromlo-APM Galaxy Redshift Surveys.
- Hoyle, Fiona; Szapudi, Istvan; Baugh, Carlton M.
- 2000MNRAS.317L..57E
- Chandra constraints on the thermal conduction in the intracluster plasma of A2142.
- Ettori, S.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2000MNRAS.317..497B
- Coherent synchrotron emission observed: implications for radio astronomy.
- Benford, Gregory ; Tzach, David
- 2000MNRAS.317..501C
- An accretion disc model with a magnetic wind and turbulent viscosity.
- Campbell, C.G.
- 2000MNRAS.317..528W
- A TiO study of the black hole binary GRO J0422+32 in a very low state.
- Webb, N.A. ; Naylor, T. ; Ioannou, Z. ; Charles, P.A. ; Shahbaz, T.
- 2000MNRAS.317..535L
- New challenges for adaptive optics: extremely large telescopes.
- Le Louarn, M. ; Hubin, N. ; Sarazin, M. ; Tokovinin, A.
- 2000MNRAS.317..545G
- Disc heating in NGC 2985.
- Gerssen, Joris ; Kuijken, Konrad ; Merrifield, Michael R.
- 2000MNRAS.317..550P
- Hyperbolic character of the angular moment equations of radiative transfer and numerical methods.
- Pons, J.A. ; Ibáñez, J.Ma. ; Miralles, J.A.
- 2000MNRAS.317..563T
- The possibility of nitrogen isotopic fractionation in interstellar clouds.
- Terzieva, R. ; Herbst, Eric
- 2000MNRAS.317..569G
- On the accuracy of the measurements of low-ℓ solar acoustic oscillations.
- Gavryusev, V.G. ; Gavryuseva, E.A.
- 2000MNRAS.317..581G
- A stochastic Monte Carlo approach to model real star cluster evolution - II. Self-consistent models and primordial binaries.
- Giersz, M. ; Spurzem, R.
- 2000MNRAS.317..607O
- An alpha theory of time-dependent warped accretion discs.
- Ogilvie, G.I.
- 2000MNRAS.317..623T
- The infrared jet in 3C 66B.
- Tansley, D.; Birkinshaw, M.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Worrall, D.M.
- 2000MNRAS.317..630K
- On the effects of resolution in dissipationless cosmological simulations.
- Knebe, Alexander ; Kravtsov, Andrey V. ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Klypin, Anatoly A.
- 2000MNRAS.317..649B
- Molecular gas in blue compact dwarf galaxies.
- Barone, L.T. ; Heithausen, A. ; Hüttemeister, S. ; Fritz, T. ; Klein, U.
- 2000MNRAS.317..658I
- Relativistic beaming effects in the spectra of cores and hotspots in radio galaxies and quasars.
- Ishwara-Chandra, C.H. ; Saikia, D.J.
- 2000MNRAS.317..667M
- An Hα survey of eight Abell clusters: the dependence of tidally induced star formation on cluster density.
- Moss, C. ; Whittle, M.
- 2000MNRAS.317..687T
- Angular diameter and effective temperature of a sample of 15M giants at 2.2µm from lunar occultation observations.
- Tej, Anandmayee; Chandrasekhar, T.
- 2000MNRAS.317..697E
- A model of supernova feedback in galaxy formation.
- Efstathiou, G.
- 2000MNRAS.317..720B
- The cluster environments of the z∼1 3CR radio galaxies.
- Best, P.N.
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