Monthly Notices of the RAS 314
June(I) 2000
- 2000MNRAS.314L..17M
- Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies and the evolution of galaxies and active galaxies.
- Mathur, Smita
- 2000MNRAS.314L..21I
- Temperature correlations in a compact hyperbolic universe.
- Inoue, Kaiki Taro ; Tomita, Kenji ; Sugiyama, Naoshi
- 2000MNRAS.314..657C
- The coronal line regions of planetary nebulae NGC 6302 and 6537: 3-13µm grating and echelle spectroscopy.
- Casassus, S. ; Roche, P.F. ; Barlow, M.J.
- 2000MNRAS.314..672P
- Stokes imaging of the AM Her system ST LMi.
- Potter, S.B.
- 2000MNRAS.314..681R
- The emergence of a neutral Herbig-Haro jet into a photoionized nebula.
- Raga, A. ; López-Martín, L. ; Binette, L. ; López, J.A. ; Cantó, J. ; Arthur, S.J. ; Mellema, G. ; Steffen, W. ; Ferruit, P.
- 2000MNRAS.314..689V
- Normal modes and discovery of high-order cross-frequencies in the DBV white dwarf GD 358.
- Vuille, F. ; O'Donoghue, D. ; Buckley, D.A.H. ; Massacand, C.-M. ; Solheim, J.E. ; Bard, S. ; Vauclair, G. ; Giovannini, O. ; Kepler, S.O. ; Kanaan, A. ; Provencal, J.L. ; Wood, M.A. ; Clemens, J.C. ; Kleinman, S.J. ; O'Brien, M.S. ; Nather, R.E. ; Winget, D.E. ; Nitta, A. ; Klumpe, E.W. ; Montgomery, M.H. ; Watson, T.K. ; Bradley, P.A. ; Sullivan, D.J. ; Wu, K. ; Marar, T.M.K. ; Seetha, S. ; Ashoka, B.N. ; Mahra, H.S. ; Bhat, B.C. ; Babu, V.C. ; Leibowitz, E.M. ; Hemar, S. ; Ibbetson, P. ; Mashals, E. ; Meistas, E. ; Moskalik, P. ; Zola, S. ; Krzesin'ski, J. ; Pajdosz, G.
- 2000MNRAS.314..702D
- Models of the dust structures around Vega-excess stars.
- Dent, W.R.F. ; Walker, H.J. ; Holland, W.S. ; Greaves, J.S.
- 2000MNRAS.314..713B
- Spatially resolved spectra of the accretion disc of the nova-like variable UU Aquarii.
- Baptista, Raymundo ; Silveira, C. ; Steiner, J.E. ; Horne, Keith
- 2000MNRAS.314..727B
- Eclipse maps of spiral shocks in the accretion disc of IP Pegasi in outburst.
- Baptista, Raymundo ; Harlaftis, E.T. ; Steeghs, D.
- 2000MNRAS.314..733P
- Optical, X-ray and radio observations of HD 61396: a probable new RS CVn-type binary.
- Padmakar, ; Singh, K.P. ; Drake, S.A. ; Pandey, S.K.
- 2000MNRAS.314..743G
- Ammonia observations of the nearby molecular cloud MBM 12.
- Gómez, José F. ; Trapero, Joaquín ; Pascual, Sergio ; Patel, Nimesh ; Morales, Carmen ; Torrelles, José M.
- 2000MNRAS.314..747S
- Irradiation of the secondary star in X-ray Nova Scorpii 1994 (=GRO J1655-40).
- Shahbaz, T. ; Groot, P. ; Phillips, S.N. ; Casares, J. ; Charles, P.A. ; van Paradijs, J.
- 2000MNRAS.314..753F
- The cooling of astrophysical media by HD.
- Flower, D.R. ; Le Bourlot, J. ; Pineau des Forêts, G. ; Roueff, E.
- 2000MNRAS.314..759A
- Self-similar shocked accretion of collisional gas with radiative cooling.
- Abadi, Mario G. ; Bower, Richard G. ; Navarro, Julio F.
- 2000MNRAS.314..768D
- X-ray wakes in Abell 160.
- Drake, Nick ; Merrifield, Michael R. ; Sakelliou, Irini ; Pinkney, Jason C.
- 2000MNRAS.314..775A
- On the absence of winds in advection-dominated accretion flows.
- Abramowicz, Marek A. ; Lasota, Jean-Pierre ; Igumenshchev, Igor V.
- 2000MNRAS.314..782M
- The absolute infrared magnitudes of type Ia supernovae.
- Meikle, W.P.S.
- 2000MNRAS.314..793H
- Development of structure in pores and sunspots: flows around axisymmetric magnetic flux tubes.
- Hurlburt, N.E. ; Rucklidge, A.M.
- 2000MNRAS.314..807S
- Spectral evolution of the peculiar Ic Supernova 1998bw.
- Stathakis, R.A. ; Boyle, B.J. ; Jones, D.H. ; Bessell, M.S. ; Galama, T.J. ; Germany, Lisa M. ; Hartley, M. ; James, D.M. ; Kouveliotou, C. ; Lewis, I.J. ; Parker, Q.A. ; Russell, K.S. ; Sadler, E.M. ; Tinney, C.G. ; van Paradijs, J. ; Vreeswijk, P.M.
- 2000MNRAS.314..815G
- Rapid optical variability in radio-quiet QSOs.
- Gopal-Krishna, ; Gupta, Alok C. ; Sagar, Ram ; Wiita, Paul J. ; Chaubey, U.S. ; Stalin, C.S.
- 2000MNRAS.314..826D
- Infrared spectroscopy of cataclysmic variables - III. Dwarf novae below the period gap and nova-like variables.
- Dhillon, V.S. ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Howell, S.B. ; Ciardi, D.R. ; Harrop-Allin, M.K. ; Marsh, T.R.
- 2000MNRAS.314..839R
- Magnetic flux expulsion in powerful superbubble explosions and the α-Ω dynamo.
- Rafikov, R.R.; Kulsrud, R.M.
- 2000MNRAS.314..849T
- The large-scale distribution of warm ionized gas around nearby radio galaxies with jet-cloud interactions.
- Tadhunter, C.N. ; Villar-Martin, M. ; Morganti, R. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Axon, D.
- 2000MNRAS.314..858L
- A population of very young brown dwarfs and free-floating planets in Orion.
- Lucas, P.W. ; Roche, P.F.
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