Monthly Notices of the RAS 314
May(II) 2000
- 2000MNRAS.314..209V
- Surface motion in the pulsating DA white dwarf G29-38.
- van Kerkwijk, M.H. ; Clemens, J.C. ; Wu, Y.
- 2000MNRAS.314..220C
- Mode identification from time-resolved spectroscopy of the pulsating white dwarf G29-38.
- Clemens, J.C. ; van Kerkwijk, M.H. ; Wu, Y.
- 2000MNRAS.314..229C
- High-resolution near-infrared observations of Herbig-Haro flows - I. H2 imaging and proper motions.
- Chrysostomou, Antonio ; Hobson, Jason ; Davis, Christopher J. ; Smith, Michael D. ; Berndsen, Aaron
- 2000MNRAS.314..241D
- High-resolution near-infrared observations of Herbig-Haro flows - II. Echelle spectroscopy.
- Davis, Christopher J. ; Berndsen, Aaron ; Smith, Michael D. ; Chrysostomou, Antonio ; Hobson, Jason
- 2000MNRAS.314..256K
- Non-GUT baryogenesis and large-scale structure of the Universe
- Kirilova, D.P. ; Chizhov, M.V.
- 2000MNRAS.314..263C
- Adaptive optics near-infrared imaging of NGC 2992 - unveiling core structures related to radio figure-of-8 loops.
- Chapman, Scott C. ; Morris, Simon L. ; Alonso-Herrero, Almudena ; Falcke, Heino
- 2000MNRAS.314..273T
- Chemically driven desorption of CO from icy grains in dark clouds.
- Takahashi, Junko ; Williams, David A.
- 2000MNRAS.314..279E
- Non-linear density evolution from an improved spherical collapse model.
- Engineer, Sunu ; Kanekar, Nissim ; Padmanabhan, T.
- 2000MNRAS.314..290C
- The SMC X-ray transient XTE J0111.2-7317: a Be/X-ray binary in a supernova remnant?.
- Coe, M.J. ; Haigh, N.J. ; Reig, P.
- 2000MNRAS.314..295R
- Population synthesis of Hii galaxies.
- Raimann, D. ; Bica, E. ; Storchi-Bergmann, T. ; Melnick, J. ; Schmitt, H.
- 2000MNRAS.314..307K
- Wide-field CCD surface photometry of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4472 in the Virgo cluster.
- Kim, Eunhyeuk ; Lee, Myung Gyoon ; Geisler, Doug
- 2000MNRAS.314..315W
- Magnetic ionization fronts - II. Jump conditions for oblique magnetization.
- Williams, R.J.R. ; Dyson, J.E. ; Hartquist, T.W.
- 2000MNRAS.314..324C
- Galaxy destruction and diffuse light in clusters.
- Calcáneo-Roldán, Carlos ; Moore, Ben ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Malin, David ; Sadler, Elaine M.
- 2000MNRAS.314..334M
- The triple degenerate star WD 1704+481.
- Maxted, P.F.L. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Moran, C.K.J. ; Han, Z.
- 2000MNRAS.314..338M
- Effects of cluster galaxies on arc statistics.
- Meneghetti, Massimo ; Bolzonella, Micol ; Bartelmann, Matthias ; Moscardini, Lauro ; Tormen, Giuseppe
- 2000MNRAS.314..348P
- Cosmic microwave background polarization data and galactic foregrounds: estimation of cosmological parameters.
- Prunet, S. ; Sethi, Shiv K. ; Bouchet, F.R.
- 2000MNRAS.314..354A
- The cloud-in-cloud problem for non-Gaussian density fields.
- Avelino, Pedro P. ; Viana, Pedro T.P.
- 2000MNRAS.314..359H
- Radio, optical and X-ray nuclei in nearby 3CRR radio galaxies.
- Hardcastle, M.J.; Worrall, D.M.
- 2000MNRAS.314..364J
- The role of advection in the accreting corona model for active galactic nuclei and Galactic black holes.
- Janiuk, A. ; Zycki, P.T. ; Czerny, B.
- 2000MNRAS.314..375R
- The IRAS PSCz dipole.
- Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Sharpe, J. ; Oliver, S.J. ; Keeble, O. ; Canavezes, A. ; Saunders, W. ; Taylor, A.N. ; Valentine, H. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Efstathiou, G.P. ; McMahon, R.G. ; White, S.D.M. ; Sutherland, W. ; Tadros, H. ; Maddox, S.
- 2000MNRAS.314..398L
- Dynamo action and the period gap in cataclysmic variables.
- Lanza, A.F. ; Rodonò, M. ; Rosner, R.
- 2000MNRAS.314..403R
- Determining the mass of the accreting white dwarf in magnetic cataclysmic variables using RXTE data.
- Ramsay, Gavin
- 2000MNRAS.314..409M
- Error analysis for stellar population synthesis as an inverse problem.
- Moultaka, J.; Pelat, D.
- 2000MNRAS.314..420K
- A photometric and spectroscopic study of the brightest northern Cepheids - III. A high-resolution view of Cepheid atmospheres.
- Kiss, László L. ; Vinkó, József
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