Monthly Notices of the RAS 311
January(I) 2000
- 2000MNRAS.311....1B
- Deep spectroscopy of distant 3CR radio galaxies: the data.
- Best, P.N. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Longair, M.S.
- 2000MNRAS.311...23B
- Ionization, shocks and evolution of the emission-line gas of distant 3CR radio galaxies.
- Best, P.N. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Longair, M.S.
- 2000MNRAS.311...37P
- Constraining the star formation histories of spiral bulges.
- Proctor, R.N. ; Sansom, A.E. ; Reid, I.N.
- 2000MNRAS.311...50M
- The history of cosmic baryons: X-ray emission versus star formation rate.
- Menci, N. ; Cavaliere, A.
- 2000MNRAS.311...63J
- A far-infrared survey of molecular cloud cores.
- Jessop, N.E. ; Ward-Thompson, D.
- 2000MNRAS.311...75R
- Detection of the optical counterpart of the proposed double degenerate polar RX J1914+24.
- Ramsay, Gavin ; Cropper, Mark ; Wu, Kinwah ; Mason, K.O. ; Hakala, Pasi
- 2000MNRAS.311...85F
- Helical fields and filamentary molecular clouds - I.
- Fiege, Jason D.; Pudritz, Ralph E.
- 2000MNRAS.311..105F
- Helical fields and filamentary molecular clouds - II. Axisymmetric stability and fragmentation.
- Fiege, Jason D.; Pudritz, Ralph E.
- 2000MNRAS.311..120D
- V, R, I and Hα photometry of circumnuclear star-forming regions in four galaxies with different levels of nuclear activity.
- Díaz, Angeles I. ; Álvarez, Mar Álvarez ; Terlevich, Elena ; Terlevich, Roberto ; Portal, Miguel Sánchez ; Aretxaga, Itziar
- 2000MNRAS.311..135A
- A spectroscopic study of V603 Aquilae: stellar parameters and continuum-line variations.
- Arenas, J. ; Catalán, M.S. ; Augusteijn, T. ; Retter, A.
- 2000MNRAS.311..149M
- Generalized cumulant correlators and hierarchical clustering.
- Munshi, Dipak ; Melott, Adrian L. ; Coles, Peter
- 2000MNRAS.311..161Y
- Iron Kα line profiles driven by non-axisymmetric illumination.
- Yu, Qingjuan ; Lu, Youjun
- 2000MNRAS.311..169C
- OGLE observations of four X-ray binary pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
- Coe, M.J. ; Orosz, J.A.
- 2000MNRAS.311..176B
- X-ray evidence for multiphase hot gas with nearly solar Fe abundances in the brightest groups of galaxies
- Buote, David A.
- 2000MNRAS.311..201D
- The timing properties of Sco X-1 along its Z track with EXOSAT.
- Dieters, Stefan W. ; van der Klis, Michiel
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