Monthly Notices of the RAS 309
November(II) 1999

Probing the evolution of early-type galaxies using multicolour number counts and redshift distributions.
Nakata, Fumiaki ; Shimasaku, Kazuhiro ; Doi, Mamoru ; Kashikawa, Nobunari ; Kawasaki, Wataru ; Komiyama, Yutaka ; Okamura, Sadanori ; Sekiguchi, Maki ; Yagi, Masafumi ; Yasuda, Naoki
On the vorticity of flow in redshift space.
Chodorowski, Michal J. ; Nusser, Adi
On the parallax of WD 0346++246: a halo white dwarf candidate.
Hambly, N.C. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Hodgkin, S.T. ; Jameson, R.F. ; Kemp, S.N. ; Rolleston, W.R.J. ; Steele, I.A.
Global textures and the formation of self-bound gravitational systems.
Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Letelier, P.S.
Cosmological evolution and hierarchical galaxy formation.
Percival, Will; Miller, Lance
Rovibrational excitation of HD in collisions with atomic and molecular hydrogen.
Flower, D.R. ; Roueff, E.
Binary quasars.
Mortlock, Daniel J. ; Webster, Rachel L. ; Francis, Paul J.
Optical and ROSAT X-ray observations of the dwarf nova OY Carinae in superoutburst and quiescence.
Pratt, Gabriel W. ; Hassall, B.J.M. ; Naylor, T. ; Wood, Janet H. ; Patterson, J.
Fitting the spectrum of the X-ray background: the effects ofhigh-metallicity absorption.
Wilman, R.J.; Fabian, A.C.
Discovery of pulsations in the Am star HD 13079.
Martinez, Peter ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Ashoka, B.N. ; Chaubey, U.S. ; Gupta, S.K. ; Leone, F. ; Catanzaro, G. ; Sagar, R. ; Raj, E. ; Seetha, S. ; Kasturirangan, K.
Limits on the star formation rates of z>2 damped Lyα systems from Hα spectroscopy.
Bunker, Andrew J. ; Warren, Stephen J. ; Clements, D.L. ; Williger, Gerard M. ; Hewett, Paul C.
Predictions for the clustering properties of the Lyman-alpha forest - I. One-point statistics.
Gaztañaga, Enrique ; Croft, Rupert A.C.
Studies of ultracompact HII regions - III. Near-infrared survey of selected regions.
Walsh, A.J. ; Burton, M.G. ; Hyland, A.R. ; Robinson, G.
The baryonic mass function of spiral galaxies: clues to galaxy formation.
Salucci, Paolo ; Persic, Massimo
Hydrodynamic simulations of propagating warps and bending waves in accretion discs.
Nelson, Richard P.; Papaloizou, John C.B.
Galactic winds and circulation of the interstellar medium in dwarf galaxies.
D'Ercole, A. ; Brighenti, F.
Dust temperature and the submillimetre-radio flux density ratio as a redshift indicator for distant galaxies.
Blain, A.W.
Warped discs and the directional stability of jets in active galactic nuclei.
Natarajan, Priyamvada; Armitage, Philip J.
ROSAT X-ray observations of 3CRR radio sources.
Hardcastle, M.J. ; Worrall, D.M.
High-resolution X-ray imaging observations of two low-luminosity Seyfert galaxies.
Singh, Kulinder Pal
Quantifying the evolution of higher order clustering.
Schmalzing, Jens ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Klypin, Anatoly A. ; Kravtsov, Andrey V.
The emission line-radio correlation for radio sources using the 7C Redshift Survey.
Willott, Chris J.; Rawlings, Steve; Blundell, Katherine M.; Lacy, Mark
Brown dwarfs and the cataclysmic variable period minimum.
Kolb, U. ; Baraffe, I.
A study of optically featureless objects from the EC Survey: searching for new southern BL Lac objects.
Sefako, R.R. ; Glass, I.S. ; Kilkenny, D. ; De Jager, O.C. ; Stobie, R.S. ; O'Donoghue, D. ; Koen, C.
Eight new δ Scuti stars.
Koen, Chris ; van Rooyen, Ruby ; van Wyk, Francois ; Marang, Freddy
Orbital, precessional and flaring variability of Cygnus X-1.
Brocksopp, C. ; Fender, R.P. ; Larionov, V. ; Lyuty, V.M. ; Tarasov, A.E. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Paciesas, W.S. ; Roche, P.
Bowen fluorescence lines in symbiotic stars - I. Observational data, line ratios and efficiency.
Pereira, C.B.; de Araújo, F.X.; Landaberry, S.J.C.
The unusual host galaxy of the BL Lac object PKS 1413+135.
Lamer, G. ; Newsam, A.M. ; McHardy, I.M.
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