Monthly Notices of the RAS 307
August(I) 1999

Gravitationally lensed radio sources in the Jodrell Bank-VLA Astrometric Survey.
King, Lindsay J.; Browne, Ian W.A.; Marlow, Daniel R.; Patnaik, Alok R.; Wilkinson, Peter N.
1999MNRAS.307..236C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/307/236)
HI observations of galaxies behind the Milky Way in the Puppis region.
Chamaraux, Pierre ; Masnou, Jean-Louis ; Kazés, Ilya ; Saito, Mamoru ; Takata, Tadafumi ; Yamada, Toru
Do magnetized winds self-collimate?.
Okamoto, Isao
A class of exact MHD models for astrophysical jets.
Vlahakis, N. ; Tsinganos, K.
1999MNRAS.307..293R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/307/293)
Quasars from the 7C survey - I. Sample selection and radio maps.
Riley, Julia M. ; Rawlings, Steve ; McMahon, Richard G. ; Blundell, Katherine M. ; Miller, Philip ; Lacy, Mark ; Waldram, Elizabeth M.
Fluorescent H2 in the reflection nebula NGC 2023 - I. Recent observations.
McCartney, M.S.K. ; Brand, P.W.J.L. ; Burton, M.G. ; Chrysostomou, A.
The fragmentation of cold slabs: application to the formation of clusters.
Clarke, C.J.
Shocked H2 and Fe+ dynamics in the Orion bullets
Tedds, Jonathan A.; Brand, Peter W.J.L. ; Burton, Michael G.
The mass of the neutron star in Centaurus X-3.
Ash, T.D.C. ; Reynolds, A.P. ; Roche, P. ; Norton, A.J. ; Still, M.D. ; Morales-Rueda, L.
Vortex-interface interactions and generation of glitches in pulsars
Sedrakian, Armen; Cordes, James M.
The origin of scaling in the galaxy distribution
Jones, Bernard J.T.
From snakes to stars: the statistics of collapsed objects - I.Lower order clustering properties.
Munshi, Dipak ; Coles, Peter ; Melott, Adrian L.
Variations in the broad-band spectra of BL Lac objects: millimetre observations of an X-ray-selected sample.
Stevens, J.A.; Gear, W.K.
An eclipse of the X-ray flux from the dwarf nova OY Carinae in quiescence.
Pratt, Gabriel W. ; Hassall, B.J.M. ; Naylor, T. ; Wood, Janet H.
Radio-optical alignments in a low radio luminosity sample.
Lacy, Mark ; Ridgway, Susan E. ; Wold, Margrethe ; Lilje, Per B. ; Rawlings, Steve
The kinematics and the origin of the ionized gas in NGC 4036.
Cinzano, P. ; Rix, H.-W. ; Sarzi, M. ; Corsini, E.M. ; Zeilinger, W.W. ; Bertola, F.
Thermal instability and evaporation of accretion disc atmospheres.
de Kool, Martijn; Wickramasinghe, Dayal
Evolution of the multipolar magnetic field in isolated neutron stars.
Mitra, Dipanjan ; Konar, Sushan ; Bhattacharya, Dipankar
Pre-heated isentropic gas in groups of galaxies
Balogh, Mike L.; Babul, Arif; Patton, David R.
Erratum: The history of star formation in dusty galaxies.
Blain, A.W.; Smail, Ian; Ivison, R.J.; Kneib, J.-P.
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