Monthly Notices of the RAS 306
July(II) 1999
- 1999MNRAS.306L..45G
- Accurate analytical nutation series.
- Getino, Juan ; Ferrándiz, José M.
- 1999MNRAS.306L..50J
- Pulsar braking indices revisited.
- Johnston, Simon ; Galloway, David
- 1999MNRAS.306L..55F
- The contribution of faint active galactic nuclei to the hard X-ray background.
- Fiore, F. ; La Franca, F. ; Giommi, P. ; Elvis, M. ; Matt, G. ; Comastri, A. ; Molendi, S. ; Gioia, I.
- 1999MNRAS.306..753M
- Solving the kilosecond quasi-periodic oscillation problem of the intermediate polar GK Persei.
- Morales-Rueda, L. ; Still, M.D. ; Roche, P.
- 1999MNRAS.306..766V
- Physical Parameter Eclipse Mapping.
- Vrielmann, Sonja ; Horne, Keith ; Hessman, Frederic V.
- 1999MNRAS.306..779D
- Statistical characteristics of formation and evolution of structure in the Universe.
- Demianski, M. ; Doroshkevich, A.G.
- 1999MNRAS.306..799M
- Optical and infrared observations of the Centaur 1997 CU26.
- McBride, N. ; Davies, J.K. ; Green, S.F. ; Foster, M.J.
- 1999MNRAS.306..806S
- Detecting planets in planetary nebulae
- Soker, Noam
- 1999MNRAS.306..809R
- Simultaneous optical polarimetry and X-ray observations of the magnetic CV CP Tuc (AX J2315-592)
- Ramsay, Gavin ; Potter, S.B. ; Buckley, David A.H. ; Wheatley, Peter J.
- 1999MNRAS.306..815C
- RR Lyrae variables in M5 as a test of pulsational theory
- Caputo, F. ; Castellani, V. ; Marconi, M. ; Ripepi, V.
- 1999MNRAS.306..828S
- Thermal-infrared imaging of 3C radio galaxies at z∼1.
- Simpson, Chris ; Rawlings, Steve ; Lacy, Mark
- 1999MNRAS.306..843G
- Measurement of the star formation rate from Hα in field galaxies at z=1
- Glazebrook, Karl ; Blake, Chris ; Economou, Frossie ; Lilly, Simon ; Colless, Matthew
- 1999MNRAS.306..857C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/306/857)
- The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - III. Optical spectra of the central cluster galaxies.
- Crawford, C.S. ; Allen, S.W. ; Ebeling, H. ; Edge, A.C. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 1999MNRAS.306..897P
- Quasar absorption-line systems and the chemical evolution of galactic discs.
- Pitts, E.; Tayler, R.J.
- 1999MNRAS.306..903Z
- A search for diffuse absorption bands in the spectra of two PPN candidate stars: HD 179821 and SAO 34504.
- Zacs, Laimons ; Schmidt, Mirek R. ; Szczerba, Ryszard
- 1999MNRAS.306..913R
- Magnetic shear-flow instability in thin accretion discs.
- Rüdiger, G.; Primavera, L.; Arlt, R.; Elstner, D.
- 1999MNRAS.306..919K
- Multiple ejections during the 1975 outburst of A0620-00.
- Kuulkers, Erik ; Fender, R.P. ; Spencer, Ralph E. ; Davis, Richard J. ; Morison, Ian
- 1999MNRAS.306..926G
- The pattern speed of the bar in NGC 4596.
- Gerssen, Joris ; Kuijken, Konrad ; Merrifield, Michael R.
- 1999MNRAS.306..931D
- M4-18: the planetary nebula and its WC10 central star
- De Marco, Orsola ; Crowther, Paul A.
- 1999MNRAS.306..943M
- Constraints on the clustering, biasing and redshift distribution of radio sources.
- Magliocchetti, M. ; Maddox, S.J. ; Lahav, O. ; Wall, J.V.
- 1999MNRAS.306..954R
- Maser mapping of small-scale structure in the circumstellar envelope of S Persei.
- Richards, A.M.S. ; Yates, J.A. ; Cohen, R.J.
- 1999MNRAS.306..975G
- Global velocity field and bubbles in the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk86.
- Gil de Paz, A.; Zamorano, J.; Gallego, J.
- 1999MNRAS.306..988M
- The redshift evolution of clustering in the Hubble Deep Field
- Magliocchetti, M. ; Maddox, S.J.
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