Monthly Notices of the RAS 303
February(III) 1999

Searching for the hidden broad-line region in Centaurus A.
Alexander, D.M. ; Hough, J.H. ; Young, S. ; Bailey, J.A. ; Heisler, C.A. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Robinson, A.
Optical and infrared observations of the luminous quasar PDS 456: a radio-quiet analogue of 3C 273?.
Simpson, Chris ; Ward, Martin ; O'Brien, Paul ; Reeves, James
[CII] emission and star formation in late-type galaxies.
Pierini, D. ; Leech, K.J. ; Tuffs, R.J. ; Völk, H.J.
The mass density in black holes inferred from the X-ray background.
Fabian, A.C. ; Iwasawa, K.
Near- and mid-infrared imaging polarimetry of NGC 1068.
Lumsden, S.L. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Smith, C. ; Fujiyoshi, T. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Ward, M.J.
Frequency dependence of the periodicity of the intensity of the non-magnetic component of solar radio emission.
Das, T.K. ; Nag, T.K.
A time-variable scattered component to broad Hα in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509.
Young, S. ; Corbett, E.A. ; Giannuzzo, M.E. ; Hough, J.H. ; Robinson, A. ; Bailey, J.A. ; Axon, D.J.
The radiative association of Si and N atoms, C and O atoms, and C atoms and S+ ions.
Singh, P.D. ; Sanzovo, G.C. ; Borin, A.C. ; Ornellas, F.R.
The conductivity of dense molecular gas.
Wardle, Mark ; Ng, Cindy
Gravitational wave background from a cosmological population of core-collapse supernovae.
Ferrari, Valeria ; Matarrese, Sabino ; Schneider, Raffaella
Stochastic background of gravitational waves generated by a cosmological population of young, rapidly rotating neutron stars.
Ferrari, Valeria ; Matarrese, Sabino ; Schneider, Raffaella
Theoretical stellar models for old galactic clusters.
Castellani, V. ; Degl'Innocenti, S. ; Marconi, M.
The γ Dor variable HR 8799: results from a multisite campaign.
Zerbi, F.M. ; Rodríguez, E. ; Garrido, R. ; Martín, S. ; Ferro, A.Arellano ; Sareyan, J.P. ; Krisciunas, K. ; Akan, M.C. ; Evren, S. ; Ibanogbrevelu, C. ; Keskin, V. ; Pekünlü, R. ; Tunca, Z. ; Luedeke, K. ; Paparó, M. ; Nuspl, J. ; Guerrero, G.
Principal component analysis of synthetic galaxy spectra.
Ronen, Shai ; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso ; Lahav, Ofer
On the irregular temporal behaviour of the variable star R Scuti.
König, M. ; Paunzen, E. ; Timmer, J.
Limits on dust and metallicity evolution of Lyα forest clouds from COBE.
Ferrara, Andrea ; Nath, Biman ; Sethi, Shiv K. ; Shchekinov, Yuri
Rotating accretion flows around black holes: convection and variability.
Igumenshchev, Igor V. ; Abramowicz, Marek A.
On DDO 154 and cold dark matter halo profiles.
Gelato, Sergio ; Sommer-Larsen, Jesper
Newtonian models for black hole–gaseous star close binary systems.
Uryu, Koji ; Eriguchi, Yoshiharu
A Godunov-type scheme for relativistic magnetohydrodynamics.
Komissarov, S.S.
Mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of the southern HII region RCW 38.
Smith, Craig H. ; Bourke, Tyler L. ; Wright, Christopher M. ; Spoon, Henrik W.W.Spoon ; Aitken, David K. ; Robinson, Garry ; Storey, John W.V. ; Fujiyoshi, Takuya ; Roche, Patrick F. ; Lehmann, Thomas
S-curves of X-ray heated accretion discs and the black hole soft X-ray transients.
El-Khoury, Walid ; Wickramasinghe, Dayal
On an example of an N-body method for the study of small perturbations in galaxies.
Vandervoort, Peter O.
Radio-quiet QSO environments – I. The correlation of QSOs and bJ<23 galaxies.
Croom, Scott M. ; Shanks, T.
Statistical lensing by galactic discs.
Blain, A.W. ; Möller, Ole ; Maller, Ariyeh H.
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