Monthly Notices of the RAS 302
January(III) 1999
- 1999MNRAS.302L..45G
- Ambipolar diffusion in magnetized cloud cores.
- Greaves, J.S. ; Holland, W.S.
- 1999MNRAS.302L..49V
- The new magnetic / non-magnetic double degenerate system EUVE J1439+75.0.
- Vennes, Stéphane ; Ferrario, Lilia ; Wickramasinghe, Dayal T.
- 1999MNRAS.302L..53C
- Relativistic effects on the solar radius.
- Castellani, V. ; Degl'Innocenti, S. ; Fiorentini, G.
- 1999MNRAS.302..417S
- The large-scale HI structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud.
- Stanimirovic, S. ; Staveley-Smith, L. ; Dickey, J.M. ; Sault, R.J. ; Snowden, S.L.
- 1999MNRAS.302..437D
- Magnetic topology and prominence patterns on AB Doradus.
- Donati, J.-F. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Hussain, G.A.J. ; Semel, M.
- 1999MNRAS.302..457D
- Magnetic cycles of HR 1099 and LQ Hydrae.
- Donati, J.-F.
- 1999MNRAS.302..482P
- Metal-containing molecules: some new candidates for interstellar detection.
- Petrie, Simon
- 1999MNRAS.302..491F
- The effects of magnetic fields in cold clouds in cooling flows.
- Friaça, A.C.S. ; Jafelice, L.C.
- 1999MNRAS.302..499H
- The interstellar and intrinsic polarizations of EZ CMa.
- Harries, T.J. ; Howarth, I.D. ; Schulte-Ladbeck, R.E. ; Hillier, D.J.
- 1999MNRAS.302..512K
- Near-infrared photometry of the final helium shell flash object V4334 Sagittarii.
- Kamath, U.S. ; Ashok, N.M.
- 1999MNRAS.302..515K
- On the cosmological evolution of the FR II radio source population.
- Kaiser, Christian R. ; Alexander, Paul
- 1999MNRAS.302..530M
- Kinematical signatures of hidden stellar discs.
- Magorrian, John
- 1999MNRAS.302..537T
- Constraints on galaxy formation from α-enhancement in luminous elliptical galaxies.
- Thomas, D. ; Greggio, L. ; Bender, R.
- 1999MNRAS.302..549S
- Infrared line-profile variability in Wolf–Rayet binary systems.
- Stevens, Ian R. ; Howarth, Ian D.
- 1999MNRAS.302..561A
- Multifrequency observations of the interacting galaxy NGC 4922 (UCM 1259 + 2934).
- Alonso-Herrero, Almudena ; Ward, Martin J. ; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso ; Zamorano, Jaime
- 1999MNRAS.302..571R
- Radio study of X-ray clusters of galaxies – II. A1300: a post-merger cluster at z=0.31 containing a halo and a relic.
- Reid, A.D. ; Hunstead, R.W. ; Lémonon, L. ; Pierre, M.M.
- 1999MNRAS.302..582C
- Astronomical time-series analysis – II. A search for periodicity using the Shannon entropy.
- Cincotta, Pablo M. ; Helmi, Amina ; Méndez, Mariano ; Núñez, Josué A. ; Vucetich, Héctor
- 1999MNRAS.302..587D
- Calibration of the Faber–Jackson relation for M31 globular clusters using Hipparcos data.
- Di Nella-Courtois, H.; Lanoix, P. ; Paturel, G.
- 1999MNRAS.302..593M
- Progressive covering of the accretion disc corona during dipping in the LMXB XB 1916-053.
- Morley, R. ; Church, M.J. ; Smale, A.P. ; Balucinska-Church, M.
- 1999MNRAS.302..599A
- A non-local thermodynamic equilibrium spherical line-blanketed stellar atmosphere model of the early B giant β CMa.
- Aufdenberg, J.P. ; Hauschildt, P.H. ; Baron, E.
- 1999MNRAS.302..612M
- Six intermediate-mass stars with far-infrared excess: a search for evolutionary connections.
- Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. ; Mulliss, Christopher L. ; Bjorkman, Karen S. ; Morrison, Nancy D. ; Kuratov, Kenesken S. ; Wisniewski, John P.
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