Monthly Notices of the RAS 302
January(I) 1999
- 1999MNRAS.302L...1P
- Orbital modulation and longer term variability in the radio emission from Cygnus X-1.
- Pooley, G.G. ; Fender, R.P. ; Brocksopp, C.
- 1999MNRAS.302L...7R
- High-resolution UKIRT observations of circumnuclear star formation in M100.
- Ryder, S.D. ; Knapen, J.H.
- 1999MNRAS.302L..13R
- Detection of a subarcsecond dust shell around the Wolf–Rayet star WR 112.
- Ragland, S.; Richichi, A.
- 1999MNRAS.302L..17R
- Mass-loaded jet models of fast low-ionization features in planetary nebulae
- Redman, M.P. ; Dyson, J.E.
- 1999MNRAS.302L..21R
- Optical spectroscopy of a brown dwarf candidate.
- Reid, I.Neill
- 1999MNRAS.302L..24C
- A new direct method for measuring the Hubble constant from reverberating accretion discs in active galaxies.
- Collier, Stefan ; Horne, Keith ; Wanders, Ignaz ; Peterson, Bradley M.
- 1999MNRAS.302....1H
- High-resolution observations of the J=1-0 transition of cyanoacetylene in Sgr B2.
- Hunt, M.R. ; Whiteoak, J.B. ; Cragg, D.M. ; White, G.L. ; Jones, P.A.
- 1999MNRAS.302....9C
- The mass and dynamical state of Abell 2218.
- Cannon, D.B.; Ponman, T.J.; Hobbs, I.S.
- 1999MNRAS.302...22C
- Homogeneous photometry and metal abundances for a large sample of Hipparcos metal-poor stars.
- Clementini, G. ; Gratton, R.G. ; Carretta, E. ; Sneden, C.
- 1999MNRAS.302...37M
- The outer atmosphere of Tau – I. A new chromospheric model.
- McMurry, A.D.
- 1999MNRAS.302...48M
- The outer atmosphere of Tau – II. Fluorescent lines.
- McMurry, A.D. ; Jordan, C. ; Carpenter, K.G.
- 1999MNRAS.302...59M
- Utrecht Echelle spectroscopy of a flare in VB 8.
- Martín, E.L.
- 1999MNRAS.302...68F
- Investigating the geometry of quasars with microlensing.
- Fluke, C.J.; Webster, R.L.
- 1999MNRAS.302...75D
- Bayesian statistical analysis of asteroid rotation rates.
- Donnison, J.R. ; Wiper, M.P.
- 1999MNRAS.302...81E
- Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems – I. Pre-collapse, equal-mass system.
- Einsel, Christian ; Spurzem, Rainer
- 1999MNRAS.302...96I
- An X-ray investigation of powerful far-infrared galaxies.
- Iwasawa, K.
- 1999MNRAS.302..111L
- Environmental influences on dark matter haloes and consequences for the galaxies within them.
- Lemson, Gerard ; Kauffmann, Guinevere
- 1999MNRAS.302..118G
- A simultaneous maximum likelihood approach for galaxy–galaxy lensing and cluster lens reconstruction.
- Geiger, Bernhard ; Schneider, Peter
- 1999MNRAS.302..131L
- A new statistic for picking out non-Gaussianity in the CMB.
- Lewin, Alex; Albrecht, Andreas; Magueijo, João
- 1999MNRAS.302..139S
- The immersed echelle – I. Basic properties.
- Szumski, R.; Walker, D.D.
- 1999MNRAS.302..145C
- 1-m spectroscopy of normal OB stars.
- Conti, Peter S. ; Howarth, Ian D.
- 1999MNRAS.302..152K
- A Bayesian classifier for photometric redshifts: identification of high-redshift clusters.
- Kodama, Tadayuki ; Bell, Eric F. ; Bower, Richard G.
- 1999MNRAS.302..167C
- Long-term variability of the Be/X-ray binary A0535+26 – III. Photometry.
- Clark, J.S. ; Lyuty, V.M. ; Zaitseva, G.V. ; Larionov, V.M. ; Larionova, L.V. ; Finger, M. ; Tarasov, A.E. ; Roche, P. ; Coe, M.J.
- 1999MNRAS.302..173G
- Monte Carlo simulations of the disc white dwarf population.
- García-Berro, Enrique ; Torres, Santiago ; Isern, Jordi ; Burkert, Andreas
- 1999MNRAS.302..189M
- The effects of tidally induced disc structure on white dwarf accretion in intermediate polars.
- Murray, J.R. ; Armitage, P.J. ; Ferrario, L. ; Wickramasinghe, D.T.
- 1999MNRAS.302..197D
- The optical interstellar spectrum of Vel (HD 81188) and a measurement of interstellar cloud turbulence.
- Dunkin, S.K.; Crawford, I.A.
- 1999MNRAS.302..203L
- Magnetic braking of the present Sun.
- Li, Jianke
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