The Astrophysical Journal 887
December(III) 2019

A hot cusp-shaped confined solar flare.
Hernandez-Perez, A. ; Su, Y. ; Thalmann, J. ; Veronig, A.M. ; Dickson, E.C. ; Dissauer, K. ; Joshi, B. ; Chandra, R.
Kinetic verification of the stochastic ion heating mechanism in collisionless magnetic reconnection.
Yoon, Y.D.; Bellan, P.M.
Faint repetitions from a bright fast radio burst source.
Kumar, P. ; Shannon, R.M. ; Oslowski, S. ; Qiu, H. (2) ; Bhandari, S. ; Farah, W. ; Flynn, C. ; Kerr, M. ; Lorimer, D.R. (5) ; Macquart, J.-P. ; Ng, C. ; Phillips, C.J. ; Price, D.C. (1) ; Spiewak, R. (1)
The challenging detection of nucleobases from pre-accretional astrophysical ice analogs.
Ruf, A. ; Lange, J. ; Eddhif, B. ; Geffroy, C. ; Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt, L. ; Poinot, P. ; Danger, G.
Variable warm dust around the Herbig Ae star HD 169142: birth of a ring?
Chen, L. ; Moor, A. ; Kreplin, A. ; Kospal, A. (1) ; Abraham, P. ; Matter, A. ; Carmona, A. (5) ; Hofmann, K.-H. ; Schertl, D. ; Weigelt, G.
Superabundance of exoplanet sub-Neptunes explained by fugacity crisis.
Kite, E.S. ; Fegley, B. Jr; Schaefer, L. ; Ford, E.B. (4) (5) (6)
Spectropolarimetric insight into plasma sheet dynamics of a solar flare.
French, R.J. ; Judge, P.G. ; Matthews, S.A. ; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. (1) (3)
Filling the mass gap: how kilonova observations can unveil the nature of the compact object merging with the neutron star.
Barbieri, C. (1) ; Salafia, O.S. (2) ; Colpi, M. (1) ; Ghirlanda, G. (2) ; Perego, A. (2) ; Colombo, A.
Gravitational-wave sources from mergers of binary black holes catalyzed by flyby interactions in the field.
Michaely, E. ; Perets, H.B.
The acceleration and confinement of energetic electrons by a termination shock in a magnetic trap: an explanation for nonthermal loop-top sources during solar flares.
Kong, X. (1) ; Guo, F. (3) ; Shen, C. ; Chen, B. ; Chen, Y. ; Musset, S. ; Glesener, L. ; Pongkitiwanichakul, P. ; Giacalone, J.
LBT/PEPSI spectropolarimetry of a magnetic morphology shift in old solar-type stars.
Metcalfe, T.S. (1) ; Kochukhov, O. ; Ilyin, I.V. ; Strassmeier, K.G. ; Godoy-Rivera, D. ; Pinsonneault, M.H.
Candidate hypervelocity red clump stars in the Galactic bulge found using the VVV and Gaia surveys.
Luna, A. (1) ; Minniti, D. (2) (3) ; Alonso-Garcia, J. (3)
First identification of 10 kpc [C II] 158 µm halos around star-forming galaxies at z = 5-7.
Fujimoto, S. (1) (2) ; Ouchi, M. (1) ; Ferrara, A. (4) ; Pallottini, A. (5) ; Ivison, R.J. (7) ; Behrens, C. ; Gallerani, S. ; Arata, S. ; Yajima, H. ; Nagamine, K. (4) (9)
Massive-star formation via the collapse of subvirial and virialized turbulent massive cores.
Rosen, A.L. (1) (5) ; Li, P.S. ; Zhang, Q. ; Burkhart, B. (3)
2019ApJ...887..109T – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/109)
Eclipsing binaries in the open cluster Ruprecht 147. II. EPIC 219568666.
Torres, G. ; Vanderburg, A. (2) ; Curtis, J.L. ; Ciardi, D. ; Kraus, A.L. ; Rizzuto, A.C. ; Ireland, M.J. ; Lund, M.B. ; Christiansen, J.L. ; Beichman, C.A.
Influence of density dependence of symmetry energy in hot and dense matter for supernova simulations.
Sumiyoshi, K. ; Nakazato, K. ; Suzuki, H. ; Hu, J. ; Shen, H.
Mapping spatial variations of H I turbulent properties in the Small and Large Magellanic Cloud.
Szotkowski, S. ; Yoder, D. ; Stanimirovic, S. ; Babler, B. ; McClure-Griffiths, N.M. ; Denes, H. ; Bolatto, A. ; Jameson, K. ; Staveley-Smith, L.
Star formation histories of the LEGUS dwarf galaxies. III. The nonbursty nature of 23 star-forming dwarf galaxies.
Cignoni, M. (1) (2) ; Sacchi, E. ; Tosi, M. ; Aloisi, A. ; Cook, D.O. (5) ; Calzetti, D. ; Lee, J.C. ; Sabbi, E. ; Thilker, D.A. ; Adamo, A. ; Dale, D.A. ; Elmegreen, B.G. ; Gallagher, J.S. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Johnson, K.E. ; Messa, M. ; Smith, L.J. ; Ubeda, L.
Unbiased differential size evolution and the inside-out growth of galaxies in the Deep CANDELS GOODS fields at 1 <= z <= 7.
Whitney, A. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Bhatawdekar, R. ; Duncan, K.
2019ApJ...887..114W – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/114)
Metallicity structure in the Milky Way disk revealed by Galactic H II regions.
Wenger, T.V. (1) (2) ; Balser, D.S. ; Anderson, L.D. (4) (5) ; Bania, T.M.
2019ApJ...887..115N – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/115)
Spectroscopy of the young stellar association Price-Whelan 1: origin in the Magellanic Leading Arm and constraints on the Milky Way hot halo.
Nidever, D.L. (1) ; Price-Whelan, A.M. (3) ; Choi, Y. (1) ; Beaton, R.L. (4) (6) (10) ; Hansen, T.T. ; Boubert, D. ; Aguado, D. ; Ezzeddine, R. ; Oh, S. ; Evans, N.W.
Compressible and incompressible magnetic turbulence observed in the very local interstellar medium by Voyager 1.
Zank, G.P. (1) ; Nakanotani, M. ; Webb, G.M.
Turbulent heating in solar wind thermodynamics.
Livadiotis, G.
Observational analysis on the early evolution of a CME flux rope: preflare reconnection and flux rope's footpoint drift.
Chen, H. (1) (2) ; Yang, J. (1) ; Ji, K. (1) ; Duan, Y.
Narrow-absorption line complex. IV. Line-driven radiative outflows in broad-absorption line quasars.
Lu, W.-J.; Lin, Y.-R.
High-redshift galaxy formation with self-consistently modeled stars and massive black holes: stellar feedback and quasar growth.
Kim, J.-H. ; Wise, J.H. ; Abel, T. (3) ; Jo, Y. ; Primack, J.R. ; Hopkins, P.F.
The generalized ion-sound speed in space and astrophysical plasmas.
Saberian, E. (1)
Nonthermal motions in a polar coronal hole measured with Hinode/EIS during an on-orbit partial solar eclipse on 2017 August 21.
Hara, H. (1)
Anisotropic mass segregation in rotating globular clusters.
Szolgyen, A. ; Meiron, Y. (1) ; Kocsis, B.
The structure of solar coronal mass ejections in the extreme-ultraviolet passbands.
Song, H.Q. ; Zhang, J. ; Li, L.P. ; Liu, Y.D. ; Zhu, B. ; Wang, B. ; Zheng, R.S. ; Chen, Y.
Cosmological constraints from the redshift dependence of the Alcock-Paczynski effect: Fourier space analysis.
Luo, X. ; Wu, Z. ; Li, M. ; Li, Z. ; Sabiu, C.G. ; Li, X.-D.
2019ApJ...887..126G – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/126)
Gravitational lens system PS J0147+4630 (Andromeda's parachute): main lensing galaxy and optical variability of the quasar images.
Goicoechea, L.J. ; Shalyapin, V.N. (1) (2)
On the origin of SN 2016hil - A Type II supernova in the remote outskirts of an elliptical host.
Irani, I. ; Schulze, S. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Lunnan, R. ; Brink, T.G. ; Zheng, W. ; Filippenko, A.V. (3) (4) ; Yang, Yi ; de Jaeger, T. ; Nugent, P.E. (3) ; Kasliwal, M.M. ; Fremling, C. ; Neill, J.D. ; Rebbapragada, U. ; Masci, F.J. ; Sollerman, J. ; Yaron, O.
Ensemble average of three-dimensional Minkowski tensors of a Gaussian random field in redshift space.
Appleby, S. ; Kochappan, J.P. ; Chingangbam, P. ; Park, C.
Morphological classification of G-band bright points based on deep learning.
Yang, Y. (1) ; Li, X. ; Bai, X. ; Zhou, H. ; Liang, Bo ; Zhang, X. ; Feng, S.
Formation and eruption of a mini-sigmoid originating in coronal hole.
Huang, Z.W. (1) ; Cheng, X. (1) ; Su, Y.N. (3) ; Liu, T. (3) ; Ding, M.D. (1)
A remarkably narrow RHESSI X-ray flare on 2011 September 25.
Dennis, B.R. ; Tolbert, A.K. (1)
Modulation of galactic cosmic rays from helium to nickel in the inner heliosphere.
Shen, Z.-N. ; Qin, G. ; Zuo, P. ; Wei, F.
Multi-wavelength variability signatures of relativistic shocks in blazar jets.
Bottcher, M. ; Baring, M.G.
2019ApJ...887..134K – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/134)
Evaluating the classification of Fermi BCUs from the 4FGL catalog using machine learning.
Kang, S.-J. ; Li, E. ; Ou, W. ; Zhu, K. ; Fan, J.-H. ; Wu, Q. ; Yin, Y.
2019ApJ...887..135L – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/135)
Active galactic nuclei with ultrafast outflows monitoring project: the broad-line region of Mrk 79 as a disk wind.
Lu, K.-X. (1) ; Bai, J.-M. (1) ; Zhang, Z.-X. ; Du, Pu ; Hu, C. ; Kim, M. (5) ; Wang, J.-M. ; Ho, L.C. (7) ; Li, Y.-R. ; Bian, W.-H. ; Yuan, Y.-F. ; Xiao, M. ; Feng, H.-C. (1) ; Wang, J.-G. (1) ; Xu, L. (1) ; Ding, Xu (1) ; Yu, X.-G. (1) ; Xin, Y.-X. (1) ; Ye, K. (1) ; Wang, C.-J. (1) ; Lun, B.-L. (1) ; Zhang, J.-J. (1) ; Zhang, X.-L. (1) ; Ji, K.-F. ; Fan, Y.-F. (1) ; Chang, L. (1)
Mapping the magnetic interstellar medium in three dimensions over the full sky with neutral hydrogen.
Clark, S.E. (1) ; Hensley, B.S. (2)
On the observations of rapid forced reconnection in the solar corona.
Srivastava, A.K. ; Mishra, S.K. ; Jelinek, P. ; Samanta, T. ; Tian, H. ; Pant, V. ; Kayshap, P. ; Banerjee, D. ; Doyle, J.G. ; Dwivedi, B.N.
Critical velocity ionization in substellar atmospheres.
Wilson, A.D. ; Dobbs-Dixon, I. ; Diver, D.A. ; Stark, C.R.
Origin of nonaxisymmetric features of Virgo Cluster early-type dwarf galaxies. II. Tidal effects on disk features and stability.
Kwak, S. (1) ; Kim, W.-T. (1) ; Rey, S.-C. ; Quinn, T.R.
Measuring and modeling the rate of separator reconnection between an emerging and an existing active region.
McCarthy, M.I. ; Longcope, D.W. ; Malanushenko, A. ; McKenzie, D.E.
First season MWA Phase II epoch of reionization power spectrum results at redshift 7.
Li, W. ; Pober, J.C. ; Barry, N. (2) ; Hazelton, B.J. (4) ; Morales, M.F. (3) ; Trott, C.M. (3) ; Lanman, A. ; Wilensky, M. ; Sullivan, I. ; Beardsley, A.P. ; Booler, T. ; Bowman, J.D. ; Byrne, R. ; Crosse, B. ; Emrich, D. ; Franzen, T.M.O. (6) ; Hasegawa, K. ; Horsley, L. ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Jacobs, D.C. ; Jordan, C.H. (3) ; Joseph, R.C. (3) ; Kaneuji, T. ; Kaplan, D.L. ; Kenney, D. ; Kubota, K. ; Line, J. (3) ; Lynch, C. (3) ; McKinley, B. (3) ; Mitchell, D.A. ; Murray, S. (3) (6) ; Pallot, D. ; Pindor, B. (2) ; Rahimi, M. ; Riding, J. ; Sleap, G. ; Steele, K. ; Takahashi, K. ; Tingay, S.J. ; Walker, M. ; Wayth, R.B. (3) ; Webster, R.L. (2) ; Williams, A. ; Wu, C. ; Wyithe, J.S.B. (2) ; Yoshiura, S. ; Zheng, Q.
A self-consistent framework for multiline modeling in Line intensity mapping experiments.
Sun, G. ; Hensley, B.S. (2) ; Chang, T.-C. (1) ; Dore, O. (1) ; Serra, P.
ALMA observations of atomic carbon [C I] (3P1 -> 3P0) and low-J CO lines in the starburst galaxy NGC 1808.
Salak, D. ; Nakai, N. (2) ; Seta, M. ; Miyamoto, Y.
Discovery of four apparently cold dusty galaxies at z = 3.62-5.85 in the COSMOS field: direct evidence of cosmic microwave background impact on high-redshift galaxy observables.
Jin, S. (1) (2) (3) (4) ; Daddi, E. ; Magdis, G.E. (6) (7) ; Liu, D. ; Schinnerer, E. ; Papadopoulos, P.P. (10) ; Gu, Q. (1) ; Gao, Y. ; Calabro, A.
Generic regular black holes related to nonlinear electrodynamics with Maxwellian weak-field limit: shadows and images of Keplerian disks.
Stuchlik, Z.; Schee, J.; Ovchinnikov, D.
Active region modulation of coronal hole solar wind.
Macneil, A.R. (1) ; Owen, C.J. ; Baker, D. ; Brooks, D.H. ; Harra, L.K. (2) (4) ; Long, D.M. ; Wicks, R.T. (2)
Kinematics of the M87 jet in the collimation zone: gradual acceleration and velocity stratification.
Park, J. (1) ; Hada, K. (3) ; Kino, M. (5) ; Nakamura, M. ; Hodgson, J. ; Ro, H. ; Cui, Y. (3) ; Asada, K. ; Algaba, J.-C. (2) (7) ; Sawada-Satoh, S. ; Lee, S.-S. (7) ; Cho, I. (7) ; Shen, Z. (12) ; Jiang, Wu (12) ; Trippe, S. ; Niinuma, K. ; Sohn, B.W. (7) (8) ; Jung, T. (7) ; Zhao, G.-Y. ; Wajima, K. ; Tazaki, F. ; Honma, M. (3) ; An, T. (12) ; Akiyama, K. ; Byun, D.-Y. (7) (8) ; Kim, J. ; Zhang, Y. (12) ; Cheng, X. (12) ; Kobayashi, H. ; Shibata, K.M. (3) ; Lee, J.W. (7) ; Roh, D.-G. ; Oh, S.-J. ; Yeom, J.-H. ; Jung, D.-K. ; Oh, C. ; Kim, H.-R. ; Hwang, J.-Y. ; Hagiwara, Y.
The Canada-France Imaging Survey: reconstructing the Milky Way star formation history from its white dwarf population.
Fantin, N.J. (1) ; Cote, P. ; McConnachie, A.W. ; Bergeron, P. ; Cuillandre, J.-C. ; Gwyn, S.D.J. ; Ibata, R.A. ; Thomas, G.F. ; Carlberg, R.G. ; Fabbro, S. ; Haywood, M. ; Lancon, A. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Malhan, K. ; Martin, N.F. (11) ; Navarro, J.F. ; Scott, D. ; Starkenburg, E.
Origins of molecular clouds in early-type galaxies.
Babyk, I.V. (1) (2) ; McNamara, B.R. (1) (2) ; Tamhane, P.D. (1) ; Nulsen, P.E.J. (5) ; Russell, H.R. ; Edge, A.C.
Numerical simulation on the propagation and deflection of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs) interacting with a corotating interaction region in interplanetary space.
Liu, Y. (1) ; Shen, F. (1) (2) ; Yang, Yi (1)
Camouflage of the phase transition to quark matter in neutron stars.
Wei, W. ; Irving, B. (2) ; Salinas, M. ; Klahn, T. ; Jaikumar, P.
Circumplanetary disk dynamics in the isothermal and adiabatic limits.
Fung, J. (1) (2) ; Zhu, Z. ; Chiang, E. (2)
Revisiting metastable dark energy and tensions in the estimation of cosmological parameters.
Li, X. (1) (2) ; Shafieloo, A. (2) ; Sahni, V. ; Starobinsky, A.A. (6)
Spectroscopic and stereoscopic observations of the solar jets.
Lu, L. ; Feng, Li ; Li, Y. ; Li, D. (1) ; Ning, Z. ; Gan, W.
GASP XXIII: a jellyfish galaxy as an astrophysical laboratory of the baryonic cycle.
Poggianti, B.M. ; Ignesti, A. (2) ; Gitti, M. (2) ; Wolter, A. ; Brighenti, F. (2) ; Biviano, A. ; George, K. (5) (15) ; Vulcani, B. ; Gullieuszik, M. ; Moretti, A. ; Paladino, R. ; Bettoni, D. ; Franchetto, A. (1) ; Jaffe, Y.L. ; Radovich, M. ; Roediger, E. ; Tomicic, N. ; Tonnesen, S. ; Bellhouse, C. ; Fritz, J. ; Omizzolo, A. (1)
Spectral evolution and radial dust transport in the prototype young eruptive system EX Lup.
Abraham, P. ; Chen, L. ; Kospal, A. (1) ; Bouwman, J. ; Carmona, A. ; Haas, M. ; Sicilia-Aguilar, A. ; Figaredo, C.S. ; van Boekel, R. ; Varga, J. (1)
The Exoplanet Population Observation Simulator. II. Population synthesis in the era of Kepler.
Mulders, G.D. (1) ; Mordasini, C. ; Pascucci, I. (2) ; Ciesla, F.J. (1) ; Emsenhuber, A. (3) ; Apai, D. (2) (4)
Jellyfish: resolving the kinematics of extreme ram-pressure stripping at z ∼ 0.3.
Kalita, B.S. (1) ; Ebeling, H.
An imprint of the Galactic magnetic field in the diffuse unpolarized dust emission.
Hensley, B.S. ; Zhang, C. ; Bock, J.J. (2)
No evidence for critical balance in field-aligned Alfvenic solar wind turbulence.
Telloni, D. ; Carbone, F. ; Bruno, R. ; Sorriso-Valvo, L. (4) ; Zank, G.P. (6) ; Adhikari, L. ; Hunana, P. (8)
Catastrophic cooling in superwinds: line emission and non-equilibrium ionization.
Gray, W.J. (1) ; Oey, M.S. ; Silich, S. ; Scannapieco, E.
Effects of strong photospheric dissipation on the spectra and structure of accretion disks with nonzero inner torque.
Dezen, T. ; Egger, N. ; Mwansa, L.
Testing cosmic opacity with the combination of strongly lensed and unlensed supernova Ia.
Ma, Y.-B. ; Cao, S. ; Zhang, J. ; Qi, J. ; Liu, T. ; Liu, Y. ; Geng, S.
The generalized hardness-intensity diagram for black hole and neutron star X-ray binaries.
Singh, C.B. (1) (2) ; Garofalo, D. (3) ; Kennedy, K.
DHybridR: a hybrid particle-in-cell code including relativistic ion dynamics.
Haggerty, C.C.; Caprioli, D.
Information in the reflected-light spectra of widely separated giant exoplanets.
Hu, R. (1)
Radiative properties of magnetically arrested disks.
Xie, F.-G. ; Zdziarski, A.A.
The detection of [O III] λ4363 in a lensed, Dwarf galaxy at z = 2.59: testing metallicity indicators and scaling relations at high redshift and Low mass.
Gburek, T. ; Siana, B. ; Alavi, A. (1) ; Emami, N. ; Richard, J. ; Freeman, W.R. ; Stark, D.P. ; Snapp-Kolas, C. ; Lucero, B.
2019ApJ...887..169H – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/169)
Evidence for late-stage eruptive mass loss in the progenitor to SN2018gep, a broad-lined IC supernova: pre-explosion emission and a rapidly rising luminous transient.
Ho, A.Y.Q. ; Goldstein, D.A. (1) ; Schulze, S. ; Khatami, D.K. ; Perley, D.A. ; Ergon, M. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Corsi, A. ; Andreoni, I. ; Barbarino, C. ; Bellm, E.C. ; Blagorodnova, N. ; Bright, J.S. ; Burns, E. ; Cenko, S.B. (11) ; Cunningham, V. ; De, K. ; Dekany, R. ; Dugas, A. ; Fender, R.P. ; Fransson, C. ; Fremling, C. ; Goldstein, A. ; Graham, M.J. ; Hale, D. ; Horesh, A. ; Hung, T. ; Kasliwal, M.M. ; Kuin, N.P. M ; Kulkarni, S.R. ; Kupfer, T. ; Lunnan, R. ; Masci, F.J. ; Ngeow, C.-C. ; Nugent, P.E. ; Ofek, E.O. ; Patterson, M.T. ; Petitpas, G. ; Rusholme, B. ; Sai, H. ; Sfaradi, I. ; Shupe, D.L. ; Sollerman, J. ; Soumagnac, M.T. ; Tachibana, Y. ; Taddia, F. ; Walters, R. ; Wang, X. ; Yao, Y. ; Zhang, X.
Transit signatures of inhomogeneous clouds on hot Jupiters: insights from microphysical cloud modeling.
Powell, D. ; Louden, T. (2) ; Kreidberg, L. (3) ; Zhang, Xi ; Gao, P. (6) ; Parmentier, V.
X-ray observations of a z ∼ 6.2 quasar/galaxy merger.
Connor, T. (1) ; Banados, E. (1) ; Stern, D. ; Decarli, R. ; Schindler, J.-T. ; Fan, X. ; Farina, E.P. ; Mazzucchelli, C. ; Mulchaey, J.S. ; Walter, F. (3)
Estimating the molecular gas mass of low-redshift galaxies from a combination of mid-infrared luminosity and optical properties.
Gao, Y. (1) ; Xiao, T. (1) ; Li, C. ; Jiang, X.-J. ; Tan, Q.-H. ; Gao, Yu ; Wilson, C.D. ; Bureau, M. (7) ; Saintonge, A. ; Sanchez-Gallego, J.R. ; Brown, T. ; Clark, C.J.R. ; Hwang, Ho S. ; Lamperti, I. ; Lin, L. ; Liu, L. ; Lu, D. ; Pan, H.-A. ; Sun, J. ; Williams, T.G.
NuSTAR uncovers an extremely local Compton-thick AGN in NGC 4968.
LaMassa, S.M. ; Yaqoob, T. (2) ; Boorman, P.G. (4) ; Tzanavaris, P. (2) ; Levenson, N.A. ; Gandhi, P. ; Ptak, A.F. ; Heckman, T.M.
Submillimeter signatures from growing supermassive black holes before reionization.
Vasiliev, E.O. (1) ; Shchekinov, Y.A. (2)
The galaxy power spectrum from TGSS ADR1 and the effect of flux calibration systematics.
Tiwari, P. ; Ghosh, S. (2) ; Jain, P.
Star-density profiles of six old star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Lanzoni, B. (1) ; Ferraro, F.R. (1) ; Dalessandro, E. ; Cadelano, M. (1) ; Pallanca, C. (1) ; Raso, S. (1) ; Mucciarelli, A. (1) ; Beccari, G. ; Focardi, P.
Electron temperatures in the dayside ionosphere of Mars derived from O2+ chemistry.
Vigren, E. ; Cui, J. (2) (3)
A kinematic shift of the C IV broad absorption line in quasar SDSS J120819.29+035559.4.
Lu, W.-J.; Lin, Y.-R.
The density gradient inside molecular-gas clumps as a booster of their star formation activity.
Parmentier, G.
The progenitors of calcium-strong transients.
Shen, K.J. ; Quataert, E. ; Pakmor, R.
Exact analytical expression for the synchrotron radiation spectrum in the Gaussian turbulent magnetic field.
Derishev, E. ; Aharonian, F. (2)
X-ray spectra from plasmas with high-energy electrons: κ-distributions and e-e bremsstrahlung.
Cui, X. (1) ; Foster, A.R. ; Yuasa, T. ; Smith, R.K.
On the gas content, star formation efficiency, and environmental quenching of massive galaxies in protoclusters at z ≃ 2.0-2.5.
Zavala, J.A. ; Casey, C.M. ; Scoville, N. ; Champagne, J.B. ; Chiang, Y. ; Dannerbauer, H. (4) ; Drew, P. ; Fu, H. ; Spilker, J. ; Spitler, L. ; Tran, K.V. ; Treister, E. ; Toft, S. (10)
The spin of the black hole GRS 1716-249 determined from the hard intermediate state.
Tao, L. ; Tomsick, J.A. ; Qu, J. ; Zhang, S. ; Zhang, S. (1) (3) ; Bu, Q.
Long-term variability and correlation study of the blazar 3C 454.3 in the radio, NIR, and optical wavebands.
Sarkar, A. ; Chitnis, V.R. ; Gupta, A.C. ; Gaur, H. ; Patel, S.R. (1) ; Wiita, P.J. ; Volvach, A.E. (5) ; Tornikoski, M. ; Chamani, W. (7) ; Enestam, S. (7) ; Lahteenmaki, A. (7) ; Tammi, J. ; Vera, R.J.C. (7) ; Volvach, L.N. (5)
Synthetic large-scale galactic filaments: on their formation, physical properties, and resemblance to observations.
Zucker, C. ; Smith, R. ; Goodman, A. (1)
New s-process mechanism in rapidly rotating massive population II stars.
Banerjee, P. (1) ; Heger, A. (3) ; Qian, Y.-Z. (4)
SN Ia explosions from hybrid Carbon-Oxygen-Neon white dwarf progenitors that have mixed during cooling.
Augustine, C.N. ; Willcox, D.E. ; Brooks, J. ; Townsley, D.M. ; Calder, A.C. (4)
Near L-edge single and multiple photoionization of triply charged iron ions.
Beerwerth, R. (1) ; Buhr, T. ; Perry-Sassmannshausen, A. ; Stock, S.O. (1) ; Bari, S. ; Holste, K. ; Kilcoyne, A.L.D. ; Reinwardt, S. ; Ricz, S. ; Savin, D.W. ; Schubert, K. ; Martins, M. ; Muller, A. ; Fritzsche, S. (1) ; Schippers, S.
Scattering of energetic electrons by heat-flux-driven whistlers in flares.
Roberg-Clark, G.T. (1) ; Agapitov, O. ; Drake, J.F. (3) (4) (5) ; Swisdak, M. (3) (4)
A novel energy-conserving scheme for eight-dimensional Hamiltonian problems.
Hu, S. ; Wu, X. (1) ; Huang, G. ; Liang, E.
Kinetic helicity and lifetime of activity complexes during solar cycle 24.
Komm, R.; Gosain, S.
Elemental abundance distributions in the R, Vphi) plane with LAMOST DR5 and Gaia DR2.
Liang, X. (1) ; Zhao, J. (1) ; Chen, Y. (1) ; Zuo, W. (1) ; Zhang, J. (1) ; Zhu, J. (1) (2) ; Zhao, G. (1)
Impact of clouds and hazes on the simulated JWST transmission spectra of habitable zone planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system.
Fauchez, T.J. (1) (2) ; Turbet, M. (4) ; Villanueva, G.L. (1) ; Wolf, E.T. (6) ; Arney, G. (3) ; Kopparapu, R.K. (3) ; Lincowski, A. (9) ; Mandell, A. (3) ; de Wit, J. ; Pidhorodetska, D. (8) ; Domagal-Goldman, S.D. (3) ; Stevenson, K.B. (14)
A 40 billion solar-mass black hole in the extreme core of Holm 15A, the central galaxy of Abell 85.
Mehrgan, K. (1) ; Thomas, J. (1) ; Saglia, R. (1) ; Mazzalay, X. (1) ; Erwin, P. (1) ; Bender, R. (1) ; Kluge, M. (1) ; Fabricius, M. (1)
2019ApJ...887..196F – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/196)
The REQUIEM survey. I. A search for extended Lyα nebular emission around 31 z > 5.7 quasars.
Farina, E.P. (1) ; Arrigoni-Battaia, F. ; Costa, T. ; Walter, F. ; Hennawi, J.F. (1) ; Drake, A.B. ; Decarli, R. ; Gutcke, T.A. ; Mazzucchelli, C. ; Neeleman, M. ; Georgiev, I. ; Eilers, A.-C. ; Davies, F.B. ; Banados, E. ; Fan, X. ; Onoue, M. ; Schindler, J.-T. ; Venemans, B.P. ; Wang, F. ; Yang, J. ; Rabien, S. ; Busoni, L.
Climates of warm Earth-like planets. III. Fractional habitability from a water cycle perspective.
Del Genio, A.D.; Way, M.J. (1) ; Kiang, N.Y. ; Aleinov, I. ; Puma, M.J. ; Cook, B.
Supernovae within pre-existing wind-blown bubbles: dust injection versus ambient dust destruction.
Martinez-Gonzalez, S. ; Wunsch, R. ; Silich, S. ; Tenorio-Tagle, G. ; Palous, J. ; Ferrara, A.
Combined effects of rotation and age spreads on extended main-sequence turn offs.
Gossage, S. ; Conroy, C. ; Dotter, A. ; Cabrera-Ziri, I. (1) ; Dolphin, A.E. ; Bastian, N. ; Dalcanton, J.J. ; Goudfrooij, P. ; Johnson, L.C. ; Williams, B.F. ; Rosenfield, P. (1) ; Kalirai, J. (5) ; Fouesneau, M.
A dissection of spatially resolved AGN feedback across the electromagnetic spectrum.
Fischer, T. (1) (2) ; Smith, K.L. ; Kraemer, S. ; Schmitt, H. ; Crenshaw, D.M. ; Koss, M. ; Mushotzky, R. ; Larson, K. ; Vivian, U. ; Rigby, J.
On the rapid orbital expansion in the compact low-mass X-ray binary 2A 1822-371.
Xing, Z.-P. ; Li, X.-D. (1)
Consequences of energetic magnetar-like outbursts of nearby neutron stars: 14C events and the cosmic electron spectrum.
Wang, F.Y. (1) ; Li, X. (3) (4) ; Chernyshov, D.O. ; Hui, C.Y. ; Zhang, G.Q. ; Cheng, K.S.
2019ApJ...887..203T – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/203)
Core-envelope coupling in intermediate-mass core-helium burning stars.
Tayar, J. (1) (2) ; Beck, P.G. (3) (4) ; Pinsonneault, M.H. ; Garcia, R.A. ; Mathur, S. (4) (5) (7)
Spatially resolved properties of galaxies from CANDELS+MUSE: radial extinction profile and insights on quenching.
Jafariyazani, M. ; Mobasher, B. ; Hemmati, S. ; Fetherolf, T. ; Khostovan, A.A. ; Chartab, N.
Thermal state of the intergalactic medium at z ∼ 2-4.
Telikova, K.N.; Shternin, P.S.; Balashev, S.A.
Deep ATCA and VLA radio observations of Short-GRB host galaxies. Constraints on star formation rates, afterglow flux, and kilonova radio flares.
Klose, S. ; Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A.M. ; Michalowski, M.J. (2) ; Hunt, L.K. ; Hartmann, D.H. ; Greiner, J. ; Rossi, A. (7) ; Palazzi, E. ; Bernuzzi, S.
The contribution of galaxies to the 3.4 µm cosmic infrared background as measured using WISE.
Lake, S.E. (1) (2) ; Wright, E.L. ; Assef, R.J. ; Jarrett, T.H. ; Petty, S. ; Stanford, S.A. (7) ; Tsai, C.-W. (1) (2) (3)
Proton-proton collisions in the turbulent solar wind: Hybrid Boltzmann-Maxwell simulations.
Pezzi, O. (1) (2) ; Perrone, D. (4) ; Servidio, S. ; Valentini, F. ; Sorriso-Valvo, L. (6) ; Veltri, P.
Protostellar evolution in Serpens Main: possible origin of disk-size diversity.
Aso, Y. ; Hirano, N. ; Aikawa, Y. ; Machida, M.N. ; Ohashi, N. (1) ; Saito, M. (5) ; Takakuwa, S. (1) ; Yen, H.-W. ; Williams, J.P.
Impact of a spinning supermassive black hole on the orbit and gravitational waves of a nearby compact binary.
Fang, Y. (1) ; Chen, X. (3) ; Huang, Q.-G. (1)
Primordial Earth mantle heterogeneity caused by the Moon-forming giant impact?
Deng, H. ; Ballmer, M.D. ; Reinhardt, C. ; Meier, M.M.M. ; Mayer, L. ; Stadel, J. ; Benitez, F.
MAESTROeX: a massively parallel low Mach number astrophysical solver.
Fan, D. ; Nonaka, A. ; Almgren, A.S. ; Harpole, A. ; Zingale, M.
Stochastic chemical evolution of radioactive isotopes with a Monte Carlo approach.
Cote, B. (1) (2) (3) (5) ; Yague, A. (1) ; Vilagos, B. ; Lugaro, M. (1)
Planck far-infrared detection of Hyper Suprime-Cam protoclusters at z ∼ 4: hidden AGN and star formation activity.
Kubo, M. ; Toshikawa, J. (2) ; Kashikawa, N. ; Chiang, Y.-K. ; Overzier, R. (6) ; Uchiyama, H. (1) ; Clements, D.L. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Matsuda, Y. (1) ; Kodama, T. ; Ono, Y. ; Goto, T. ; Cheng, T.-A. ; Ito, K.
On the origin of solar torsional oscillations and extended solar cycle.
Pipin, V.V. ; Kosovichev, A.G. (2)
Imaging the Sun's far-side active regions by applying multiple measurement schemes on multiskip acoustic waves.
Zhao, J. ; Hing, D. ; Chen, R. ; Hess Webber, S.
Radiation pressure from interstellar hydrogen observed by IBEX through solar cycle 24.
Rahmanifard, F. ; Mobius, E. ; Schwadron, N.A. ; Galli, A. ; Richards, N. ; Kucharek, H. ; Sokol, J.M. ; Heirtzler, D. ; Lee, M.A. ; Bzowski, M. ; Kowalska-Leszczynska, I. ; Kubiak, M.A. ; Wurz, P. ; Fuselier, S.A. (4) ; McComas, D.J.
The spectral evolution of AT 2018dyb and the presence of metal lines in tidal disruption events.
Leloudas, G. ; Dai, L. (2) ; Arcavi, I. (4) ; Vreeswijk, P.M. ; Mockler, B. (3) ; Roy, R. ; Malesani, D.B. (1) (3) ; Schulze, S. ; Wevers, T. ; Fraser, M. ; Ramirez-Ruiz, E. (3) ; Auchettl, K. ; Burke, J. (13) ; Cannizzaro, G. (6) ; Charalampopoulos, P. (1) ; Chen, T.-W. ; Cikota, A. ; Della Valle, M. (18) ; Galbany, L. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Heintz, K.E. ; Hiramatsu, D. (13) ; Jonker, P.G. (6) ; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z. (6) ; Maguire, K. (23) ; Mandel, I. (25) ; Nicholl, M. (26) ; Onori, F. ; Roth, N. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Young, D.R.
Gamma-ray burst host galaxies: specific star formation rate versus metallicity.
Bjornsson, G.
Recurrent two-sided loop jets caused by magnetic reconnection between erupting minifilaments and a nearby large filament.
Yang, Bo (1) (2) ; Yang, J. (1) ; Bi, Yi (1) (2) ; Xu, Z. ; Hong, J. (1) ; Li, H. (1) ; Chen, H. (1) (2)
Transition region loops in the very late phase of flux emergence in IRIS sit-and-stare observations.
Huang, Z.; Li, Bo; Xia, L.; Shi, M.; Fu, H.; Hou, Z.
From Sun to interplanetary space: what is the pathlength of Solar energetic particles?
Laitinen, T.; Dalla, S.
Angular scattering in charge exchange: issues and implications for secondary interstellar hydrogen.
Swaczyna, P. ; McComas, D.J. ; Zirnstein, E.J. ; Heerikhuisen, J.
The 3D structure of CO depletion in high-mass prestellar regions.
Bovino, S. ; Ferrada-Chamorro, S. ; Lupi, A. ; Sabatini, G. (1) (3) ; Giannetti, A. ; Schleicher, D.R.G.
Solar cycle variation of coronal temperature, emission measure, and soft X-ray irradiance observed with Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope.
Takeda, A. ; Acton, L. ; Albanese, N.
Importance of giant impact ejecta for orbits of planets formed during the giant impact era.
Kobayashi, H.; Isoya, K.; Sato, Y.
Black hole spin measurement based on time-domain VLBI observations of infalling gas clouds.
Moriyama, K. (1) ; Mineshige, S. ; Honma, M. ; Akiyama, K. (1) (2) (4)
Modeling the thermal bulge of a hot Jupiter with the two-stream approximation.
Gu, P.-G. ; Peng, D.-K. (1) ; Yen, C.-C. (1)
ROME (Radio Observations of Magnetized Exoplanets). II. HD 189733 does not accrete significant material from its exoplanet like a T Tauri star from a disk.
Route, M. ; Looney, L.W.
Various size-sorting processes for millimeter-sized particles in the Sun's protoplanetary disk? Evidence from chondrules in ordinary chondrites.
Metzler, K. ; Hezel, D.C. ; Nellesen, J.
Sulfate aerosol hazes and SO2 gas as constraints on rocky exoplanets' surface liquid water.
Loftus, K. ; Wordsworth, R.D. (1) ; Morley, C.V.
The formation and evolution of wide-orbit stellar multiples in magnetized clouds.
Lee, A.T. ; Offner, S.S.R. ; Kratter, K.M. ; Smullen, R.A. ; Li, P.S.
On the expansion, age, and origin of the puzzling shell/pulsar-wind nebula G310.6-1.6.
Reynolds, S.P.; Borkowski, K.J.
Linear stability in the inner heliosphere: Helios re-evaluated.
Klein, K.G. ; Martinovic, M. (1) ; Stansby, D. ; Horbury, T.S.
Automated mining of the ALMA archive in the Cosmos field (A3COSMOS). II. Cold molecular gas evolution out to redshift 6.
Liu, D. ; Schinnerer, E. ; Groves, B. (2) ; Magnelli, B. ; Lang, P. ; Leslie, S. ; Jimenez-Andrade, E. (4) ; Riechers, D.A. (1) ; Popping, G. (1) ; Magdis, G.E. (8) (9) (10) ; Daddi, E. ; Sargent, M. ; Gao, Yu ; Fudamoto, Y. ; Oesch, P.A. ; Bertoldi, F.
Comparison of the UV and optical Fe II emission in Type 1 AGNs.
Le, H.A.N. (1) (2) ; Woo, J.-H.
Resolving the metallicity distribution of the stellar halo with the H3 Survey.
Conroy, C. ; Naidu, R.P. ; Zaritsky, D. ; Bonaca, A. ; Cargile, P. ; Johnson, B.D. ; Caldwell, N.
Local metallicity distribution function derived from Galactic large-scale radial iron pattern modeling.
Mishurov, Y.N.; Tkachenko, R.V.
Transfer of twists from a mini-filament to large-scale loops by magnetic reconnection.
Yang, L. (1) (2) ; Yan, X. (1) (2) ; Xue, Z. (1) (2) ; Li, T. ; Wang, J. (1) ; Li, Q. (1) ; Cheng, X. (3)
Understanding the plasma and magnetic field evolution of a filament using observations and nonlinear force-free field modeling.
Yardley, S.L. (1) ; Savcheva, A. ; Green, L.M. ; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. (1) (4) ; Long, D. ; Williams, D.R. ; Mackay, D.H.
An efficient spectral selection of M giants using XGBoost.
Yi, Z. ; Chen, Z. ; Pan, J. ; Yue, L. ; Lu, Y. ; Li, J. ; Luo, A.-L.
Tracing the formation of molecular clouds in a low-metallicity galaxy: an H I narrow self-absorption survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Liu, B. (1) (2) (3) ; Li, Di (1) (2) ; Staveley-Smith, L. (4) ; Qian, L. (1) ; Wong, T. ; Goldsmith, P.
Chemical properties of two dense cores in a Planck Galactic Cold Clump G168.72-15.48.
Tang, M. ; Ge, J.X. ; Qin, S.-L. ; Liu, T. ; Wu, Y. ; Kim, K.-T. (5) ; Liu, S.-Y. ; Zhang, C. (1) ; He, J.H. (8) (9) ; Ju, B.-G. ; Fang, X.
Exploring the grain properties in the disk of HL Tau with an evolutionary model.
Tapia, C. ; Lizano, S. ; Sierra, A. ; Carrasco-Gonzalez, C. ; Bayona-Bobadilla, E. (1)
The black hole-bulge mass relation including dwarf galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei.
Schutte, Z. ; Reines, A.E. ; Greene, J.E.
Observations and 3D magnetohydrodynamic modeling of a confined helical jet launched by a filament eruption.
Doyle, L. (1) ; Wyper, P.F. ; Scullion, E. ; McLaughlin, J.A. ; Ramsay, G. ; Doyle, J.G.
The Interstellar ribbon: a unifying explanation.
Schwadron, N.A. (1) ; McComas, D.J.
Aggregate growth and internal structures of chondrite parent bodies forming from dense clumps.
Matsumoto, Y. ; Wakita, S. (2) (3) ; Hasegawa, Y. ; Oshino, S. (6)
Supernova ejecta interacting with a circumstellar disk. I. Two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic simulations.
Suzuki, A. ; Moriya, T.J. (1) ; Takiwaki, T. (1)
Deciphering residual emissions: time-dependent models for the nonthermal interstellar radiation from the Milky Way.
Porter, T.A. ; Johannesson, G. (2) ; Moskalenko, I.V.
The star-forming interstellar medium of Lyman break galaxy analogs.
Wu, J.F. (1) ; Baker, A.J. ; Heckman, T.M. ; Hicks, E.K.S. ; Lutz, D. ; Tacconi, L.J.
A deep targeted search for fast radio bursts from the sites of low-redshift short gamma-ray bursts.
Madison, D.R. (1) ; Agarwal, D. (1) ; Aggarwal, K. (1) ; Young, O. (1) ; Cromartie, H.T. ; Lam, M.T. (1) (2) ; Chatterjee, S. (5) ; Cordes, J.M. (5) ; Garver-Daniels, N. (1) ; Lorimer, D.R. (1) ; Lynch, R.S. ; McLaughlin, M.A. (1) ; Ransom, S.M. ; Wharton, R.S.
Exploring the convective core of the hybrid δ Scuti-γ Doradus star CoRoT 100866999 with asteroseismology.
Chen, X. (1) ; Li, Y. (1) (2) (3) ; Zhang, X.
GRB 180620A: evidence for late-time energy injection.
Becerra, R.L. ; De Colle, F. ; Watson, A.M. ; Fraija, N. ; Butler, N.R. ; Lee, W.H. ; Roman-Zuniga, C.G. ; Bloom, J.S. ; Gonzalez, J.J. ; Kutyrev, A.S. ; Prochaska, J.X. ; Ramirez-Ruiz, E. ; Richer, M.G. ; Troja, E. (8)
The broadband X-ray spectrum of the X-ray-obscured Type 1 AGN 2MASX J193013.80+341049.5.
Kamraj, N. ; Balokovic, M. (2) ; Brightman, M. ; Stern, D. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Assef, R.J. ; Koss, M.J. ; Oh, K. (7) (8) ; Walton, D.J.
Thermal instability of thin accretion disks in the presence of wind and a toroidal magnetic field.
Habibi, A.; Abbassi, S.
Multiple temperature components of the hot circumgalactic medium of the Milky Way.
Das, S. ; Mathur, S. (1) ; Gupta, A. (1) ; Nicastro, F. (4) ; Krongold, Y.
A comparison between Faraday Tomography and synchrotron Polarization Gradients.
Ho, Ka W. (1) ; Yuen, Ka Ho ; Leung, Po K. ; Lazarian, A.
Globular cluster systems and X-ray atmospheres in galaxies.
Harris, G.L.H. ; Babyk, I.V. (1) ; Harris, W.E. ; McNamara, B.R.
New insights on the collisional depolarization of the second solar spectrum of the Sr I 4607 Å line.
Derouich, M.
2019ApJ...887..261M – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/261)
Exomoons in the habitable zones of M dwarfs.
Martinez-Rodriguez, H. ; Caballero, J.A. ; Cifuentes, C. ; Piro, A.L. ; Barnes, R. (4)
Photoionization of CO using R-matrix theory.
Modak, P.; Antony, B.
Onset mechanism of M6.5 solar flare observed in active region 12371.
Kang, J. ; Inoue, S. ; Kusano, K. ; Park, S.-H. ; Moon, Y.-J.
The impact of the dynamical state of Galaxy groups on the stellar populations of central galaxies.
Raouf, M. ; Smith, R. ; Khosroshahi, H.G. ; Dariush, A.A. ; Driver, S. ; Ko, J. ; Hwang, Ho S.
Nonlinear reconstruction of the velocity field.
Yu, Yu ; Zhu, H.-M. (2)
X-shaped radio galaxies: optical properties, large-scale environment, and relationship to radio structure.
Joshi, R. ; Krishna, G. (2) ; Yang, X. (1) ; Shi, J. ; Yu, S.-Y. (1) ; Wiita, P.J. ; Ho, L.C. (1) ; Wu, X.-B. (1) ; An, T. ; Wang, R. (1) ; Subramanian, S. ; Yesuf, H.
2019ApJ...887..267M – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/267)
The 3D kinematics of gas in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Murray, C.E. (1) ; Peek, J.E.G. (1) ; Di Teodoro, E.M. ; McClure-Griffiths, N.M. ; Dickey, J.M. ; Denes, H.
2019ApJ...887..268C – (Tables: J/ApJ/887/268)
Finding the brightest cosmic beacons in the southern hemisphere.
Calderone, G. ; Boutsia, K. ; Cristiani, S. (1) (3) ; Grazian, A. ; Amorin, R. (6) ; D'Odorico, V. (1) ; Cupani, G. ; Fontanot, F. (1) ; Salvato, M.
Erratum: "on the gamma-ray nebula of Vela pulsar. II. The soft spectrum of the extended radio nebula" (2019, ApJ, 881, 148).
Bao, Y. ; Chen, Y. (1)
Erratum: "the role of magnetic helicity in coronal heating" (2019, ApJ, 883, 26).
Knizhnik, K.J. ; Antiochos, S.K. ; Klimchuk, J.A. ; DeVore, C.R.
Erratum: "3d electrostatic waveforms of the solar wind turbulence" (2018, ApJ, 853, 14).
Kellogg, P.J.; Goetz, K.; Monson, S.J.
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