Astron. Astrophys. 666
October 2022

TOPoS. VI. The metal-weak tail of the metallicity distribution functions of the Milky Way and the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus structure (Corrigendum).
Bonifacio, P.; Monaco, L.; Salvadori, S.; Caffau, E.; Spite, M.; Sbordone, L.; Spite, F.; Ludwig, H.-G.; Di Matteo, P.; Haywood, M.; Francois, P.; Koch-Hansen, A.J.; Christlieb, N.; Zaggia, S.
Dust emissivity in the star-forming filament OMC 2/3 (Corrigendum).
Sadavoy, S.I.; Stutz, A.; Schnee, S.; Mason, B.; Di Francesco, J.; Friesen, R.
Low temperature MIR to submillimeter mass absorption coefficient of interstellar dust analogues. I. Mg-rich glassy silicates (Corrigendum).
Demyk, K.; Meny, C.; Lu, X.-H.; Papatheodorou, G.; Toplis, M.J.; Leroux, H.; Depecker, C.; Brubach, J.-B.; Roy, P.; Nayral, C.; Ojo, W.-S.; Delpech, F.; Paradis, D.; Gromov, V.
Low-temperature MIR to submillimeter mass absorption coefficient of interstellar dust analogues. II. Mg and Fe-rich amorphous silicates (Corrigendum).
Demyk, K.; Meny, C.; Leroux, H.; Depecker, C.; Brubach, J.-B.; Roy, P.; Nayral, C.; Ojo, W.-S.; Delpech, F.
Detection of Paschen β absorption in the atmosphere of KELT-9 b. A new window into the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters.
Sanchez-Lopez, A.; Lin, L.; Snellen, I.A.G.; Casasayas-Barris, N.; Garcia Munoz, A.; Lampon, M.; Lopez-Puertas, M.
What drives decayless kink oscillations in active-region coronal loops on the Sun?
Mandal, S.; Chitta, L.P.; Antolin, P.; Peter, H.; Solanki, S.K.; Auchere, F.; Berghmans, D.; Zhukov, A.N.; Teriaca, L.; Cuadrado, R.A.; Schuhle, U.; Parenti, S.; Buchlin, E.; Harra, L.; Verbeeck, C.; Kraaikamp, E.; Long, D.M.; Rodriguez, L.; Pelouze, G.; Schwanitz, C.; Barczynski, K.; Smith, P.J.
Importance of radiative pumping for the excitation of the H2O submillimeter lines in galaxies.
Gonzalez-Alfonso, E.; Fischer, J.; Goicoechea, J.R.; Yang, C.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Stewart, K.P.
2022A&A...666L...4P – (Tables: J/A+A/666/L4)
The chemical signature of the Galactic spiral arms revealed by Gaia DR3.
Poggio, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Palicio, P.A.; Re Fiorentin, P.; de Laverny, P.; Drimmel, R.; Kordopatis, G.; Lattanzi, M.G.; Schultheis, M.; Spagna, A.; Spitoni, E.
A high angular resolution view of the PAH emission in Seyfert galaxies using JWST/MRS data.
Garcia-Bernete, I.; Rigopoulou, D.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Donnan, F.R.; Roche, P.F.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Labiano, A.; Peralta de Arriba, L.; Izumi, T.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Shimizu, T.; Honig, S.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Rosario, D.J.; Ward, M.J.; Bellocchi, E.; Hicks, E.K.S.; Fuller, L.; Packham, C.
Radio interferometric imaging of RS Oph bipolar ejecta for the 2021 nova outburst.
Munari, U.; Giroletti, M.; Marcote, B.; O'Brien, T.J.; Veres, P.; Yang, J.; Williams, D.R.A.; Woudt, P.
Missing metals in DQ stars: A simple explanation.
Blouin, S.
Machine learning-accelerated chemistry modeling of protoplanetary disks.
Smirnov-Pinchukov, G.V.; Molyarova, T.; Semenov, D.A.; Akimkin, V.V.; van Terwisga, S.; Francheschi, R.; Henning, T.
2022A&A...666L...9C – (Tables: J/A+A/666/L9)
First JWST observations of a gravitational lens. Mass model from new multiple images with near-infrared observations of SMACS J0723.3-7327.
Caminha, G.B.; Suyu, S.H.; Mercurio, A.; Brammer, G.; Bergamini, P.; Acebron, A.; Vanzella, E.
Detection of barium in the atmospheres of the ultra-hot gas giants WASP-76b and WASP-121b. Together with new detections of Co and Sr+ on WASP-121b.
Azevedo Silva, T.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Santos, N.C.; Allart, R.; Borsa, F.; Cristo, E.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Seidel, J.V.; Palle, E.; Sousa, S.G.; Tabernero, H.M.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Cristiani, S.; Pepe, F.; Rebolo, R.; Adibekyan, V.; Alibert, Y.; Barros, S.C.C.; Bouchy, F.; Bourrier, V.; Lo Curto, G.; Di Marcantonio, P.; D'Odorico, V.; Ehrenreich, D.; Figueira, P.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Lovis, C.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Mehner, A.; Micela, G.; Molaro, P.; Mounzer, D.; Nunes, N.J.; Sozzetti, A.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Udry, S.
No evidence for radius inflation in hot Jupiters from vertical advection of heat.
Schneider, A.D.; Carone, L.; Decin, L.; Jorgensen, U.G.; Helling, C.
2022A&A...666L..12Z – (Tables: J/A+A/666/L12)
Solid confirmation of the broad DIB around 864.8 nm using stacked Gaia-RVS spectra.
Zhao, H.; Schultheis, M.; Zwitter, T.; Bailer-Jones, C.A.L.; Panuzzo, P.; Sartoretti, P.; Seabroke, G.M.; Recio-Blanco, A.; de Laverny, P.; Kordopatis, G.; Creevey, O.L.; Dharmawardena, T.E.; Fremat, Y.; Sordo, R.; Drimmel, R.; Marshall, D.J.; Palicio, P.A.; Contursi, G.; Alvarez, M.A.; Baker, S.; Benson, K.; Cropper, M.; Dolding, C.; Huckle, H.E.; Smith, M.; Marchal, O.; Ordenovic, C.; Pailler, F.; Slezak, I.
Analysing the structure of the bulge with Mira variables.
Chrobakova, Z.; Lopez-Corredoira, M.; Garzon, F.
Using LSST late-time photometry to constrain Type Ibc supernovae and their progenitors.
Dessart, L.; Prieto, J.L.; Hillier, D.J.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Hueichapan, E.D.
2022A&A...666L..15Y – (Tables: J/A+A/666/L15)
Discovery of non-metastable ammonia masers in Sagittarius B2.
Yan, Y.T.; Henkel, C.; Menten, K.M.; Gong, Y.; Nguyen, H.; Ott, J.; Ginsburg, A.; Wilson, T.L.; Brunthaler, A.; Belloche, A.; Zhang, J.S.; Budaiev, N.; Jeff, D.
A possible nearby microlensing stellar remnant hiding in Gaia DR3 astrometry.
Jablonska, M.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Rybicki, K.A.; Kruszynska, K.; Kaczmarek, Z.; Penoyre, Z.
2022A&A...666A...1S – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A1)
Strong lensing in UNIONS: Toward a pipeline from discovery to modeling.
Savary, E.; Rojas, K.; Maus, M.; Clement, B.; Courbin, F.; Gavazzi, R.; Chan, J.H.H.; Lemon, C.; Vernardos, G.; Canameras, R.; Schuldt, S.; Suyu, S.H.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Fabbro, S.; Gwyn, S.; Hudson, M.J.; Kilbinger, M.; Scott, D.; Stone, C.
Evidence for past interaction with an asymmetric circumstellar shell in the young SNR Cassiopeia A.
Orlando, S.; Wongwathanarat, A.; Janka, H.-T.; Miceli, M.; Nagataki, S.; Ono, M.; Bocchino, F.; Vink, J.; Milisavljevic, D.; Patnaude, D.J.; Peres, G.
Abell 1033: Radio halo and gently reenergized tail at 54 MHz.
Edler, H.W.; de Gasperin, F.; Brunetti, G.; Botteon, A.; Cuciti, V.; van Weeren, R.J.; Cassano, R.; Shimwell, T.W.; Bruggen, M.; Drabent, A.
Validation and atmospheric exploration of the sub-Neptune TOI-2136b around a nearby M3 dwarf.
Kawauchi, K.; Murgas, F.; Palle, E.; Narita, N.; Fukui, A.; Hirano, T.; Parviainen, H.; Ishikawa, H.T.; Watanabe, N.; Esparaza-Borges, E.; Kuzuhara, M.; Orell-Miquel, J.; Krishnamurthy, V.; Mori, M.; Kagetani, T.; Zou, Y.; Isogai, K.; Livingston, J.H.; Howell, S.B.; Crouzet, N.; de Leon, J.P.; Kimura, T.; Kodama, T.; Korth, J.; Kurita, S.; Laza-Ramos, A.; Luque, R.; Madrigal-Aguado, A.; Miyakawa, K.; Morello, G.; Nishiumi, T.; Rodriguez, G.E.F.; Sanchez-Benavente, M.; Stangret, M.; Teng, H.; Terada, Y.; Gnilka, C.L.; Guerrero, N.; Harakawa, H.; Hodapp, K.; Hori, Y.; Ikoma, M.; Jacobson, S.; Konishi, M.; Kotani, T.; Kudo, T.; Kurokowa, T.; Kusakabe, N.; Nishikawa, J.; Omiya, M.; Serizawa, T.; Tamura, M.; Ueda, A.; Vievard, S.
Particle acceleration and radiation reaction in a strongly magnetised rotating dipole.
Petri, J.
An elliptical accretion disk following the tidal disruption event AT 2020zso.
Wevers, T.; Nicholl, M.; Guolo, M.; Charalampopoulos, P.; Gromadzki, M.; Reynolds, T.M.; Kankare, E.; Leloudas, G.; Anderson, J.P.; Arcavi, I.; Cannizzaro, G.; Chen, T.-W.; Ihanec, N.; Inserra, C.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Jonker, P.G.; Lawrence, A.; Magee, M.R.; Muller-Bravo, T.E.; Onori, F.; Ridley, E.; Schulze, S.; Short, P.; Hiramatsu, D.; Newsome, M.; Terwel, J.H.; Yang, S.; Young, D.
Population synthesis of pulsar wind nebulae and pulsar halos in the Milky Way. Predicted contributions to the very-high-energy sky.
Martin, P.; Tibaldo, L.; Marcowith, A.; Abdollahi, S.
2022A&A...666A...8S – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A8)
Using the polarization properties of double radio relics to probe the turbulent compression scenario.
Stuardi, C.; Bonafede, A.; Rajpurohit, K.; Bruggen, M.; de Gasperin, F.; Hoang, D.; van Weeren, R.J.; Vazza, F.
Half-sibling regression meets exoplanet imaging: PSF modeling and subtraction using a flexible, domain knowledge-driven, causal framework.
Gebhard, T.D.; Bonse, M.J.; Quanz, S.P.; Scholkopf, B.
A hot sub-Neptune in the desert and a temperate super-Earth around faint M dwarfs. Color validation of TOI-4479b and TOI-2081b.
Esparza-Borges, E.; Parviainen, H.; Murgas, F.; Palle, E.; Maas, A.; Morello, G.; Zapatero-Osorio, M.R.; Barkaoui, K.; Narita, N.; Fukui, A.; Casasayas-Barris, N.; Oshagh, M.; Crouzet, N.; Galan, D.; Fernandez, G.E.; Kagetani, T.; Kawauchi, K.; Kodama, T.; Korth, J.; Kusakabe, N.; Laza-Ramos, A.; Luque, R.; Livingston, J.; Madrigal-Aguado, A.; Mori, M.; Orell-Miquel, J.; Puig-Subira, M.; Stangret, M.; Terada, Y.; Watanabe, N.; Zou, Y.; Baliga Savel, A.; Belinski, A.A.; Collins, K.; Dressing, C.D.; Giacalone, S.; Gill, H.; Goliguzova, M.V.; Ikoma, M.; Jenkins, J.M.; Tamura, M.; Twicken, J.D.; Ricker, G.R.; Schwarz, R.P.; Seager, S.; Shporer, A.; Vanderspek, R.; Winn, J.
2022A&A...666A..11P – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A11)
X-ray illuminated accretion discs and quasar microlensing disc sizes.
Papadakis, I.E.; Dovciak, M.; Kammoun, E.S.
2022A&A...666A..12K – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A12)
Dust depletion of metals from local to distant galaxies. I. Peculiar nucleosynthesis effects and grain growth in the ISM.
Konstantopoulou, C.; De Cia, A.; Krogager, J.-K.; Ledoux, C.; Noterdaeme, P.; Fynbo, J.P.U.; Heintz, K.E.; Watson, D.; Andersen, A.C.; Ramburuth-Hurt, T.; Jermann, I.
The Hubble constant from two sibling Type Ia supernovae in the nearby galaxy NGC 4414: SN 1974G and SN 2021J.
Gallego-Cano, E.; Izzo, L.; Dominguez-Tagle, C.; Prada, F.; Perez, E.; Khetan, N.; Jang, In S.
Are the host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts more compact than star-forming galaxies of the field?
Schneider, B.; Le Floc'h, E.; Arabsalmani, M.; Vergani, S.D.; Palmerio, J.T.
MADYS: the Manifold Age Determination for Young Stars. I. Isochronal age estimates and model comparison.
Squicciarini, V.; Bonavita, M.
Updated orbital monitoring and dynamical masses for nearby M-dwarf binaries.
Calissendorff, P.; Janson, M.; Rodet, L.; Kohler, R.; Bonnefoy, M.; Brandner, W.; Brown-Sevilla, S.; Chauvin, G.; Delorme, P.; Desidera, S.; Durkan, S.; Fontanive, C.; Gratton, R.; Hagelberg, J.; Henning, T.; Hippler, S.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Langlois, M.; Lazzoni, C.; Maire, A.-L.; Messina, S.; Meyer, M.; Moller-Nilsson, O.; Rabus, M.; Schlieder, J.; Vigan, A.; Wahhaj, Z.; Wildi, F.; Zurlo, A.
Supermassive black holes at high redshift are expected to be obscured by their massive host galaxies' interstellar medium.
Gilli, R.; Norman, C.; Calura, F.; Vito, F.; Decarli, R.; Marchesi, S.; Iwasawa, K.; Comastri, A.; Lanzuisi, G.; Pozzi, F.; D'Amato, Q.; Vignali, C.; Brusa, M.; Mignoli, M.; Cox, P.
Constraining the overcontact phase in massive binary evolution. II. Period stability of known O+O overcontact systems.
Abdul-Masih, M.; Escorza, A.; Menon, A.; Mahy, L.; Marchant, P.
Self-consistent model for dust-gas coupling in protoplanetary disks.
Batygin, K.; Morbidelli, A.
A decade-long magnetic monitoring of Vega.
Petit, P.; Bohm, T.; Folsom, C.P.; Lignieres, F.; Cang, T.
The European Solar Telescope.
Quintero Noda, C.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Bellot Rubio, L.R.; Lofdahl, M.G.; Khomenko, E.; Jurcak, J.; Leenaarts, J.; Kuckein, C.; Gonzalez Manrique, S.J.; Gunar, S.; Nelson, C.J.; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J.; Tziotziou, K.; Tsiropoula, G.; Aulanier, G.; Aboudarham, J.; Allegri, D.; Alsina Ballester, E.; Amans, J.P.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Bailen, F.J.; Balaguer, M.; Baldini, V.; Balthasar, H.; Barata, T.; Barczynski, K.; Barreto Cabrera, M.; Baur, A.; Bechet, C.; Beck, C.; Belio-Asin, M.; Bello-Gonzalez, N.; Belluzzi, L.; Bentley, R.D.; Berdyugina, S.V.; Berghmans, D.; Berlicki, A.; Berrilli, F.; Berkefeld, T.; Bettonvil, F.; Bianda, M.; Bienes Perez, J.; Bonaque-Gonzalez, S.; Brajsa, R.; Bommier, V.; Bourdin, P.-A.; Burgos Martin, J.; Calchetti, D.; Calcines, A.; Calvo Tovar, J.; Campbell, R.J.; Carballo-Martin, Y.; Carbone, V.; Carlin, E.S.; Carlsson, M.; Castro Lopez, J.; Cavaller, L.; Cavallini, F.; Cauzzi, G.; Cecconi, M.; Chulani, H.M.; Cirami, R.; Consolini, G.; Coretti, I.; Cosentino, R.; Cozar-Castellano, J.; Dalmasse, K.; Danilovic, S.; De Juan Ovelar, M.; Del Moro, D.; del Pino Aleman, T.; del Toro Iniesta, J.C.; Denker, C.; Dhara, S.K.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Diaz Baso, C.J.; Diercke, A.; Dineva, E.; Diaz-Garcia, J.J.; Doerr, H.-P.; Doyle, G.; Erdelyi, R.; Ermolli, I.; Escobar Rodriguez, A.; Esteban Pozuelo, S.; Faurobert, M.; Felipe, T.; Feller, A.; Feijoo Amoedo, N.; Femenia Castella, B.; Fernandes, J.; Ferro Rodriguez, I.; Figueroa, I.; Fletcher, L.; Franco Ordovas, A.; Gafeira, R.; Gardenghi, R.; Gelly, B.; Giorgi, F.; Gisler, D.; Giovannelli, L.; Gonzalez, F.; Gonzalez, J.B.; Gonzalez-Cava, J.M.; Gonzalez Garcia, M.; Gomory, P.; Gracia, F.; Grauf, B.; Greco, V.; Grivel, C.; Guerreiro, N.; Guglielmino, S.L.; Hammerschlag, R.; Hanslmeier, A.; Hansteen, V.; Heinzel, P.; Hernandez-Delgado, A.; Hernandez Suarez, E.; Hidalgo, S.L.; Hill, F.; Hizberger, J.; Hofmeister, S.; Jagers, A.; Janett, G.; Jarolim, R.; Jess, D.; Jimenez Mejias, D.; Jolissaint, L.; Kamlah, R.; Kapitan, J.; Kasparova, J.; Keller, C.U.; Kentischer, T.; Kiselman, D.; Kleint, L.; Klvana, M.; Kontogiannis, I.; Krishnappa, N.; Kucera, A.; Labrosse, N.; Lagg, A.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Langlois, M.; Lafon, M.; Laforgue, D.; Le Men, C.; Lepori, B.; Lepreti, F.; Lindberg, B.; Lilje, P.B.; Lopez Ariste, A.; Lopez Fernandez, V.A.; Lopez Jimenez, A.C.; Lopez Lopez, R.; Manso Sainz, R.; Marassi, A.; Marco de la Rosa, J.; Marino, J.; Marrero, J.; Martin, A.; Martin Galvez, A.; Martin Hernando, Y.; Masciadri, E.; Martinez Gonzalez, M.; Matta-Gomez, A.; Mato, A.; Mathioudakis, M.; Matthews, S.; Mein, P.; Merlos Garcia, F.; Moity, J.; Montilla, I.; Molinaro, M.; Molodij, G.; Montoya, L.M.; Munari, M.; Murabito, M.; Nunez Cagigal, M.; Oliviero, M.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Ortiz, A.; Padilla-Hernandez, C.; Paez Mana, E.; Paletou, F.; Pancorbo, J.; Pastor Canedo, A.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Peat, A.W.; Pedichini, F.; Peixinho, N.; Penate, J.; Perez de Taoro, A.; Peter, H.; Petrovay, K.; Piazzesi, R.; Pietropaolo, E.; Pleier, O.; Poedts, S.; Potzi, W.; Podladchikova, T.; Prieto, G.; Quintero Nehrkorn, J.; Ramelli, R.; Ramos Sapena, Y.; Rasilla, J.L.; Reardon, K.; Rebolo, R.; Regalado Olivares, S.; Reyes Garcia-Talavera, M.; Riethmuller, T.L.; Rimmele, T.; Rodriguez Delgado, H.; Rodriguez Gonzalez, N.; Rodriguez-Losada, J.A.; Rodriguez Ramos, L.F.; Romano, P.; Roth, M.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Rudawy, P.; Ruiz de Galarreta, C.; Rybak, J.; Salvade, A.; Sanchez-Capuchino, J.; Sanchez Rodriguez, M.L.; Sangiorgi, M.; Sayede, F.; Scharmer, G.; Scheiffelen, T.; Schmidt, W.; Schmieder, B.; Scire, C.; Scuderi, S.; Siegel, B.; Sigwarth, M.; Simoes, P.J.A.; Snik, F.; Sliepen, G.; Sobotka, M.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Sola La Serna, P.; Solanki, S.K.; Soler Trujillo, M.; Soltau, D.; Sordini, A.; Sosa Mendez, A.; Stangalini, M.; Steiner, O.; Stenflo, J.O.; Stepan, J.; Strassmeier, K.G.; Sudar, D.; Suematsu, Y.; Sutterlin, P.; Tallon, M.; Temmer, M.; Tenegi, F.; Tritschler, A.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Turchi, A.; Utz, D.; van Harten, G.; van Noort, M.; van Werkhoven, T.; Vansintjan, R.; Vaz Cedillo, J.J.; Vega Reyes, N.; Verma, M.; Veronig, A.M.; Viavattene, G.; Vitas, N.; Vogler, A.; von der Luhe, O.; Volkmer, R.; Waldmann, T.A.; Walton, D.; Wisniewska, A.; Zeman, J.; Zeuner, F.; Zhang, L.Q.; Zuccarello, F.; Collados, M.
Simulation view of galaxy clusters with low X-ray surface brightness.
Ragagnin, A.; Andreon, S.; Puddu, E.
2022A&A...666A..23M – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A23)
Towards a consistent model of the hot quadruple system HD 93206 = QZ Carinae. I. Observations and their initial analyses.
Mayer, P.; Harmanec, P.; Zasche, P.; Broz, M.; Catalan-Hurtado, R.; Barlow, B.N.; Frondorf, W.; Wolf, M.; Drechsel, H.; Chini, R.; Nasseri, A.; Pigulski, A.; Labadie-Bartz, J.; Christie, G.W.; Walker, W.S.G.; Blackford, M.; Blane, D.; Henden, A.A.; Bohlsen, T.; Bozic, H.; Jonak, J.
Towards a consistent model of the hot quadruple system HD 93206 = QZ Carinae. II. N-body model.
Broz, M.; Harmanec, P.; Zasche, P.; Catalan-Hurtado, R.; Barlow, B.N.; Frondorf, W.; Wolf, M.; Drechsel, H.; Chini, R.; Nasseri, A.; Labadie-Bartz, J.; Christie, G.W.; Walker, W.S.G.; Blackford, M.; Blane, D.; Henden, A.A.; Bohlsen, T.; Bozic, H.; Jonak, J.
Analytical representation for the numerical ephemeris of Titan within short time spans.
Xi, X.J.; Vienne, A.
2022A&A...666A..26B – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A26)
Surveying the inner structure of massive young stellar objects using L-band spectroscopy.
Barr, A.G.; Li, J.; Boogert, A.; Lee, A.; DeWitt, C.N.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.
Fast methods for tracking grain coagulation and ionization. II. Extension to thermal ionization.
Marchand, P.; Guillet, V.; Lebreuilly, U.; Mac Low, M.-M.
Thermally enhanced tearing in solar current sheets: Explosive reconnection with plasmoid-trapped condensations.
Sen, S.; Keppens, R.
2022A&A...666A..29D – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A29)
Stellar feedback in M 83 as observed with MUSE. II. Analysis of the H II region population: Ionisation budget and pre-SN feedback.
Della Bruna, L.; Adamo, A.; McLeod, A.F.; Smith, L.J.; Savard, G.; Robert, C.; Sun, J.; Amram, P.; Bik, A.; Blair, W.P.; Long, K.S.; Renaud, F.; Walterbos, R.; Usher, C.
SN 2018bsz: A Type I superluminous supernova with aspherical circumstellar material.
Pursiainen, M.; Leloudas, G.; Paraskeva, E.; Cikota, A.; Anderson, J.P.; Angus, C.R.; Brennan, S.; Bulla, M.; Camacho-Iniguez, E.; Charalampopoulos, P.; Chen, T.-W.; Delgado Mancheno, M.; Fraser, M.; Frohmaier, C.; Galbany, L.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Gromadzki, M.; Inserra, C.; Maund, J.; Muller-Bravo, T.E.; Munoz Torres, S.; Nicholl, M.; Onori, F.; Patat, F.; Pessi, P.J.; Roy, R.; Spyromilio, J.; Wiseman, P.; Young, D.R.
2022A&A...666A..31M – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A31)
The physical and chemical structure of Sagittarius B2. VI. UCHii regions in Sgr B2.
Meng, F.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Schilke, P.; Ginsburg, A.; DePree, C.; Budaiev, N.; Jeff, D.; Schmiedeke, A.; Schworer, A.; Veena, V.S.; Moller, T.
Reference-star differential imaging on SPHERE/IRDIS.
Xie, C.; Choquet, E.; Vigan, A.; Cantalloube, F.; Benisty, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Bonnefoy, M.; Desgrange, C.; Garufi, A.; Girard, J.; Hagelberg, J.; Janson, M.; Kenworthy, M.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Langlois, M.; Menard, F.; Zurlo, A.
The SHARDDS survey: limits on planet occurrence rates based on point sources analysis via the Auto-RSM framework.
Dahlqvist, C.-H.; Milli, J.; Absil, O.; Cantalloube, F.; Matra, L.; Choquet, E.; del Burgo, C.; Marshall, J.P.; Wyatt, M.; Ertel, S.
Cluster counts. III. ΛCDM extensions and the cluster tension.
Sakr, Z.; Ilic, S.; Blanchard, A.
The formation of CO2 through consumption of gas-phase CO on vacuum-UV irradiated water ice.
Terwisscha van Scheltinga, J.; Ligterink, N.F.W.; Bosman, A.D.; Hogerheijde, M.R.; Linnartz, H.
The hunt for extraterrestrial high-energy neutrino counterparts.
Liodakis, I.; Hovatta, T.; Pavlidou, V.; Readhead, A.C.S.; Blandford, R.D.; Kiehlmann, S.; Lindfors, E.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Pearson, T.J.; Petropoulou, M.
Fluid simulation of dust-acoustic solitary waves in the presence of suprathermal particles: Application to the magnetosphere of Saturn.
Singh, K.; Kakad, A.; Kakad, B.; Kourakis, I.
Bridging the gap between Monte Carlo simulations and measurements of the LISA Pathfinder test-mass charging for LISA.
Grimani, C.; Villani, M.; Fabi, M.; Cesarini, A.; Sabbatini, F.
A first search of transients in the Galactic center from 230 GHz ALMA observations.
Mus, A.; Marti-Vidal, I.; Wielgus, M.; Stroud, G.
The structure of jets launched from post-AGB binary systems.
Bollen, D.; Kamath, D.; Van Winckel, H.; De Marco, O.; Verhamme, O.; Kluska, J.; Wardle, M.
Constraints on dark matter self-interaction from the internal density profiles of X-COP galaxy clusters.
Eckert, D.; Ettori, S.; Robertson, A.; Massey, R.; Pointecouteau, E.; Harvey, D.; McCarthy, I.G.
Large-scale dynamo model for accretion disks.
Peralta, C.; Sraibman, L.; Minotti, F.
Atomic diffusion and turbulent mixing in solar-like stars: Impact on the fundamental properties of FG-type stars.
Moedas, N.; Deal, M.; Bossini, D.; Campilho, B.
Bulge formation inside quiescent lopsided stellar disks: Connecting accretion, star formation, and morphological transformation in a z ∼ 3 galaxy group.
Kalita, B.S.; Daddi, E.; Bournaud, F.; Rich, R.M.; Valentino, F.; Gomez-Guijarro, C.; Codis, S.; Delvecchio, I.; Elbaz, D.; Strazzullo, V.; de Souza Magalhaes, V.; Pety, J.; Tan, Q.
Predicting binding energies of astrochemically relevant molecules via machine learning.
Villadsen, T.; Ligterink, N.F.W.; Andersen, M.
2022A&A...666A..46U – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A46)
Two long-period transiting exoplanets on eccentric orbits: NGTS-20 b (TOI-5152 b) and TOI-5153 b.
Ulmer-Moll, S.; Lendl, M.; Gill, S.; Villanueva, S.; Hobson, M.J.; Bouchy, F.; Brahm, R.; Dragomir, D.; Grieves, N.; Mordasini, C.; Anderson, D.R.; Acton, J.S.; Bayliss, D.; Bieryla, A.; Burleigh, M.R.; Casewell, S.L.; Chaverot, G.; Eigmuller, P.; Feliz, D.; Gaudi, B.S.; Gillen, E.; Goad, M.R.; Gupta, A.F.; Gunther, M.N.; Henderson, B.A.; Henning, T.; Jenkins, J.S.; Jones, M.; Jordan, A.; Kendall, A.; Latham, D.W.; Mireles, I.; Moyano, M.; Nadol, J.; Osborn, H.P.; Pepper, J.; Pinto, M.T.; Psaridi, A.; Queloz, D.; Quinn, S.; Rojas, F.; Sarkis, P.; Schlecker, M.; Tilbrook, R.H.; Torres, P.; Trifonov, T.; Udry, S.; Vines, J.I.; West, R.; Wheatley, P.; Yao, X.; Zhao, Y.; Zhou, G.
2022A&A...666A..47Z – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A47)
Transmission spectroscopy of the ultra-hot Jupiter MASCARA-4 b. Disentangling the hydrostatic and exospheric regimes of ultra-hot Jupiters.
Zhang, Y.; Snellen, I.A.G.; Wyttenbach, A.; Nielsen, L.D.; Lendl, M.; Casasayas-Barris, N.; Chaverot, G.; Kesseli, A.Y.; Lovis, C.; Pepe, F.A.; Psaridi, A.; Seidel, J.V.; Udry, S.; Ulmer-Moll, S.
Investigating the accuracy achievable in reconstructing the angular sizes of stars through stellar intensity interferometry observations.
Fiori, M.; Naletto, G.; Zampieri, L.; Martinez, I.J.; Wunderlich, C.
Nano-grain depletion in photon-dominated regions.
Schirmer, T.; Ysard, N.; Habart, E.; Jones, A.P.; Abergel, A.; Verstraete, L.
2022A&A...666A..50V – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A50)
Millimeter wave spectrum and search for vinyl isocyanate toward Sgr B2(N) with ALMA.
Vavra, K.; Kolesnikova, L.; Belloche, A.; Garrod, R.T.; Koucky, J.; Uhlikova, T.; Lukova, K.; Guillemin, J.-C.; Kania, P.; Muller, H.S.P.; Menten, K.M.; Urban, S.
Cyclic changes in the interacting binary RX Cassiopeiae.
Mennickent, R.E.; Djurasevic, G.; Petrovic, J.; Gorrini, P.; Burgos, F.; Jurkovic, M.I.; Magalhaes, A.M.; Schleicher, D.; Calderon, P.
The evolution of high-density cores of the BOSS Great Wall superclusters.
Einasto, M.; Tenjes, P.; Gramann, M.; Lietzen, H.; Kipper, R.; Liivamagi, L.J.; Tempel, E.; Sankhyayan, S.; Einasto, J.
Orbital evolution of circumbinary planets due to creep tides.
Zoppetti, F.A.; Folonier, H.; Leiva, A.M.; Gomes, G.O.
2022A&A...666A..54C – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A54)
Physical properties of more than one thousand brightest cluster galaxies detected in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey.
Chu, A.; Sarron, F.; Durret, F.; Marquez, I.
2022A&A...666A..55F – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A55)
Monitoring accretion rate variability in the Orion Nebula Cluster with the Wendelstein Wide Field Imager.
Flaischlen, S.; Preibisch, T.; Kluge, M.; Manara, C.F.; Ercolano, B.
Metal content of the circumgalactic medium around star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 2.6 as revealed by the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey.
Mendez-Hernandez, H.; Cassata, P.; Ibar, E.; Amorin, R.; Aravena, M.; Bardelli, S.; Cucciati, O.; Garilli, B.; Giavalisco, M.; Guaita, L.; Hathi, N.; Koekemoer, A.; Le Brun, V.; Lemaux, B.C.; Maccagni, D.; Ribeiro, B.; Tasca, L.; Tejos, N.; Thomas, R.; Tresse, L.; Vergani, D.; Zamorani, G.; Zucca, E.
Fundamental physics with ESPRESSO: Constraining a simple parametrisation for varying α.
da Fonseca, V.; Barreiro, T.; Nunes, N.J.; Cristiani, S.; Cupani, G.; D'Odorico, V.; Leite, A.C.O.; Marques, C.M.J.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Milakovic, D.; Molaro, P.; Murphy, M.T.; Schmidt, T.M.; Abreu, M.; Adibekyan, V.; Cabral, A.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Palle, E.; Pepe, F.A.; Rebolo, R.; Santos, N.C.; Sousa, S.G.; Sozzetti, A.; Mascareno, A.S.; Osorio, M.-R.Z.
2022A&A...666A..58X – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A58)
A method for identifying metal-poor stars with Gaia BP/RP spectra.
Xylakis-Dornbusch, T.; Christlieb, N.; Lind, K.; Nordlander, T.
2022A&A...666A..59N – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A59)
A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. V. 6.7 GHz methanol maser catalogue.
Nguyen, H.; Rugel, M.R.; Murugeshan, C.; Menten, K.M.; Brunthaler, A.; Urquhart, J.S.; Dokara, R.; Dzib, S.A.; Gong, Y.; Khan, S.; Medina, S.-N.X.; Ortiz-Leon, G.N.; Reich, W.; Wyrowski, F.; Yang, A.Y.; Beuther, H.; Cotton, W.D.; Pandian, J.D.
2022A&A...666A..60K – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A60)
Stellar limb darkening. A new MPS-ATLAS library for Kepler, TESS, CHEOPS, and PLATO passbands,.
Kostogryz, N.M.; Witzke, V.; Shapiro, A.I.; Solanki, S.K.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Kurucz, R.L.; Gizon, L.
2022A&A...666A..61K – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A61)
Eclipse of the V773 Tau B circumbinary disc.
Kenworthy, M.A.; Gonzalez Picos, D.; Elizondo, E.; Martin, R.G.; van Dam, D.M.; Rodriguez, J.E.; Kennedy, G.M.; Ginski, C.; Mugrauer, M.; Vogt, N.; Adam, C.; Oelkers, R.J.
High-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of globular cluster and field stars toward the Galactic bulge.
Lim, D.; Koch-Hansen, A.J.; Chun, S.-H.; Hong, S.; Lee, Y.-W.
Trapping (sub-)Neptunes similar to TOI-216b at the inner disk rim. Implications for the disk viscosity and the Neptunian desert.
Chrenko, O.; Chametla, R.O.; Nesvorny, D.; Flock, M.
2022A&A...666A..64R – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A64)
The Sagittarius stream in Gaia Early Data Release 3 and the origin of the bifurcations.
Ramos, P.; Antoja, T.; Yuan, Z.; Arentsen, A.; Oria, P.-A.; Famaey, B.; Ibata, R.; Mateu, C.; Carballo-Bello, J.A.
The diurnal Yarkovsky effect of irregularly shaped asteroids.
Xu, Y.-B.; Zhou, L.-Y.; Hui, H.; Li, J.-Y.
IRIS burst properties in active regions.
Nelson, C.J.; Kleint, L.
Hubble constant and nuclear equation of state from kilonova spectro-photometric light curves.
Perez-Garcia, M.A.; Izzo, L.; Barba-Gonzalez, D.; Bulla, M.; Sagues-Carracedo, A.; Perez, E.; Albertus, C.; Dhawan, S.; Prada, F.; Agnello, A.; Angus, C.R.; Bruun, S.H.; del Burgo, C.; Dominguez-Tagle, C.; Gall, C.; Goobar, A.; Hjorth, J.; Jones, D.; Lopez-Sanchez, A.R.; Sollerman, J.
Scattering properties of protoplanetary dust analogs with microwave analogy: Aggregates of fractal dimensions from 1.5 to 2.8.
Tobon Valencia, V.; Geffrin, J.-M.; Menard, F.; Milli, J.; Renard, J.-B.; Tortel, H.; Eyraud, C.; Litman, A.; Rannou, P.; Maalouf, A.; Laur, V.
Vibrationally excited HCN transitions in circumstellar envelopes of carbon-rich AGB stars.
Jeste, M.; Gong, Y.; Wong, Ka T.; Menten, K.M.; Kaminski, T.; Wyrowski, F.
Neural networks and PCA coefficients to identify and correct aberrations in adaptive optics.
Terreri, A.; Pedichini, F.; Del Moro, D.; Li Causi, G.; Stangalini, M.; Mattioli, M.; Piazzesi, R.
AGN jets do not prevent the suppression of conduction by the heat buoyancy instability in simulated galaxy clusters.
Beckmann, R.S.; Dubois, Y.; Pellissier, A.; Polles, F.L.; Olivares, V.
Kinematic data rebuild the nuclear star cluster as the most metal-rich region of the Galaxy.
Nogueras-Lara, F.
Toward a population synthesis of disks and planets. I. Evolution of dust with entrainment in winds and radiation pressure.
Burn, R.; Emsenhuber, A.; Weder, J.; Volkel, O.; Klahr, H.; Birnstiel, T.; Ercolano, B.; Mordasini, C.
Synthetic Next Generation Very Large Array line observations of a massive star-forming cloud.
Juvela, M.; Mannfors, E.; Liu, T.; Toth, L.V.
Binary open clusters in the Gaia data.
Song, F.; Esamdin, A.; Hu, Q.; Zhang, M.
Multiscale entropy analysis of astronomical time series. Discovering subclusters of hybrid pulsators.
Audenaert, J.; Tkachenko, A.
2022A&A...666A..77C – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A77)
Zero-phase angle asteroid taxonomy classification using unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
Colazo, M.; Alvarez-Candal, A.; Duffard, R.
The Lensed Lyman-Alpha MUSE Arcs Sample (LLAMAS). I. Characterisation of extended Lyman-alpha halos and spatial offsets.
Claeyssens, A.; Richard, J.; Blaizot, J.; Garel, T.; Kusakabe, H.; Bacon, R.; Bauer, F.E.; Guaita, L.; Jeanneau, A.; Lagattuta, D.; Leclercq, F.; Maseda, M.; Matthee, J.; Nanayakkara, T.; Pello, R.; Thai, T.T.; Tuan-Anh, P.; Verhamme, A.; Vitte, E.; Wisotzki, L.
2022A&A...666A..79F – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A79)
SN 2019zrk, a bright SN 2009ip analog with a precursor.
Fransson, C.; Sollerman, J.; Strotjohann, N.L.; Yang, S.; Schulze, S.; Barbarino, C.; Kool, E.C.; Ofek, E.O.; Crellin-Quick, A.; De, K.; Drake, A.J.; Fremling, C.; Gal-Yam, A.; Ho, A.Y.Q.; Kasliwal, M.M.
2022A&A...666A..80N – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A80)
Metallicities and ages for star clusters and their surrounding fields in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Narloch, W.; Pietrzynski, G.; Gieren, W.; Piatti, A.E.; Karczmarek, P.; Gorski, M.; Graczyk, D.; Smolec, R.; Hajdu, G.; Suchomska, K.; Zgirski, B.; Wielgorski, P.; Pilecki, B.; Taormina, M.; Kaluszynski, M.; Pych, W.; Rojas Garcia, G.; Lewis, M.O.
A robust model for the origin of optical quasi-periodic variability in supersoft X-ray sources.
Zhao, W.; Meng, X.; Cui, Y.; Liu, Z.-W.
Type IIP supernova SN2016X in radio frequencies.
Ruiz-Carmona, R.; Sfaradi, I.; Horesh, A.
The BINGO project. VIII. Recovering the BAO signal in HI intensity mapping simulations.
Novaes, C.P.; Zhang, J.; de Mericia, E.J.; Abdalla, F.B.; Liccardo, V.; Wuensche, C.A.; Delabrouille, J.; Remazeilles, M.; Santos, L.; Landim, R.G.; Abdalla, E.; Barosi, L.; Queiroz, A.; Villela, T.; Wang, B.; Costa, A.A.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; Marins, A.; dos Santos, M.V.
The miniJPAS survey. The role of group environment in quenching star formation.
Gonzalez Delgado, R.M.; Rodriguez-Martin, J.E.; Diaz-Garcia, L.A.; de Amorim, A.; Garcia-Benito, R.; Martinez-Solaeche, G.; Lopes, P.A.A.; Maturi, M.; Perez, E.; Cid Fernandes, R.; Cortesi, A.; Finoguenov, A.; Carrasco, E.R.; Hernan-Caballero, A.; Abramo, L.R.; Alcaniz, J.; Benitez, N.; Bonoli, S.; Cenarro, A.J.; Cristobal-Hornillos, D.; Diego, J.M.; Dupke, R.A.; Ederoclite, A.; Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A.; Lopez-Sanjuan, C.; Marin-Franch, A.; Marquez, I.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Moles, M.; Pintos, I.; Sodre, L.; Taylor, K.; Varela, J.; Vazquez Ramio, H.; Vilchez, J.M.
Galaxy morphoto-Z with neural Networks (GaZNets). I. Optimized accuracy and outlier fraction from imaging and photometry.
Li, R.; Napolitano, N.R.; Feng, H.; Li, R.; Amaro, V.; Xie, L.; Tortora, C.; Bilicki, M.; Brescia, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Radovich, M.
Spiral arms in broad-line regions of active galactic nuclei. I. Reverberation and differential interferometric signals of tightly wound cases.
Wang, J.-M.; Du, Pu; Songsheng, Y.-Y.; Li, Y.-R.
Photometric redshift-aided classification using ensemble learning.
Cunha, P.A.C.; Humphrey, A.
Trojan asteroids and the co-orbital dust ring of Venus.
Xu, Y.-B.; Zhou, L.; Lhotka, C.; Zhou, L.-Y.; Ip, W.-H.
CENN: A fully convolutional neural network for CMB recovery in realistic microwave sky simulations.
Casas, J.M.; Bonavera, L.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Cueli, M.M.; Crespo, D.; Goitia, E.; Santos, J.D.; Sanchez, M.L.; de Cos, F.J.
Exploring multiple generations of planetary embryos.
Voelkel, O.; Klahr, H.; Mordasini, C.; Emsenhuber, A.
Redundant apodization for direct imaging of exoplanets. II. Application to island effects.
Leboulleux, L.; Carlotti, A.; N'Diaye, M.; Bertrou-Cantou, A.; Milli, J.; Pourre, N.; Cantalloube, F.; Mouillet, D.; Verinaud, C.
Morphology and dynamical stability of self-gravitating vortices. Numerical simulations.
Rendon Restrepo, S.; Barge, P.
Calibration scheme for space-borne full-disk vector magnetograph under the influence of orbiter velocity.
Hu, Z.; Ji, K.; Chen, J.; Deng, Y.; Su, J.; Bai, X.; Liu, S.; Guo, J.; Liu, J.; Wintoft, P.
Gas condensation in brightest group galaxies unveiled with MUSE. Morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas.
Olivares, V.; Salome, P.; Hamer, S.L.; Combes, F.; Gaspari, M.; Kolokythas, K.; O'Sullivan, E.; Beckmann, R.S.; Babul, A.; Polles, F.L.; Lehnert, M.; Loubser, S.I.; Donahue, M.; Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L.; Lagos, P.; Pineau des Forets, G.; Godard, B.; Rose, T.; Tremblay, G.; Ferland, G.; Guillard, P.
Cosmological simulations of self-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate dark matter.
Hartman, S.T.H.; Winther, H.A.; Mota, D.F.
Stellar population in the vicinity of the H II region G331.03-00.15.
Cardenas, S.B.; Blanco, A.B.; Gamen, R.; Cichowolski, S.
2022A&A...666A..97L – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A97)
A pair of early- and late-forming galaxy cluster samples: A novel way of studying halo assembly bias assisted by a constrained simulation.
Lin, Y.-T.; Miyatake, H.; Guo, H.; Chiang, Y.-K.; Chen, K.-F.; Lan, T.-W.; Chang, Y.-Y.
The coexistence of the streaming instability and the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks. Planetesimal formation thresholds explored in two-dimensional global models.
Schafer, U.; Johansen, A.
2022A&A...666A..99H – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A99)
A study of globular clusters in a lenticular galaxy in Hydra I from deep HST/ACS photometry.
Hazra, N.; Cantiello, M.; Raimondo, G.; Mirabile, M.; Blakeslee, J.P.; Branchesi, M.; Brocato, E.
MUSE spectroscopy of the ULX NGC 1313 X-1: A shock-ionised bubble, an X-ray photoionised nebula, and two supernova remnants.
Gurpide, A.; Parra, M.; Godet, O.; Contini, T.; Olive, J.-F.
Monte Carlo radiative transfer with explicit absorption to simulate absorption, scattering, and stimulated emission.
Baes, M.; Camps, P.; Matsumoto, K.
The chemical footprint of AGN feedback in the outflowing circumnuclear disk of NGC 1068.
Huang, K.-Y.; Viti, S.; Holdship, J.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Kohno, K.; Taniguchi, A.; Martn, S.; Aladro, R.; Fuente, A.; Sanchez-Garcia, M.
Shape of the outer stellar warp in the Large Magellanic Cloud disk.
Saroon, S.; Subramanian, S.
Spectral modelling of Type IIb supernovae. Comparison with SN 2011dh and the effect of macroscopic mixing.
Ergon, M.; Fransson, C.
Studying a precessing jet of a massive young stellar object within a chemically rich region.
Paron, S.; Mast, D.; Farina, C.; Areal, M.B.; Ortega, M.E.; Martinez, N.C.; Celis Pena, M.
Multi-frequency angular power spectrum of the 21 cm signal from the Epoch of Reionisation using the Murchison Widefield Array.
Trott, C.M.; Mondal, R.; Mellema, G.; Murray, S.G.; Greig, B.; Line, J.L.B.; Barry, N.; Morales, M.F.
COSMOGLOBE: Simulating zodiacal emission with ZodiPy.
San, M.; Herman, D.; Erikstad, G.B.; Galloway, M.; Watts, D.
Growing the seeds of pebble accretion through planetesimal accretion.
Lorek, S.; Johansen, A.
The survey of planetary nebulae in Andromeda (M31). V. Chemical enrichment of the thin and thicker discs of Andromeda: Oxygen to argon abundance ratios for planetary nebulae and HII regions.
Arnaboldi, M.; Bhattacharya, S.; Gerhard, O.; Kobayashi, C.; Freeman, K.C.; Caldwell, N.; Hartke, J.; McConnachie, A.; Guhathakurta, P.
Multiwavelength observations of Swift J0243.6+6124 from 2017 to 2022.
Liu, W.; Yan, J.; Reig, P.; Wang, X.; Xiao, G.; Lin, H.; Zhang, X.; Sai, H.; Chen, Z.; Yan, S.; Liu, Q.
Magnetic thread twisting in a simulated solar atmosphere.
Sumner, C.; Taroyan, Y.
Disentangling emission from star-forming regions in the Magellanic Clouds: Linking [O III]λ88 um and 24 um.
Lambert-Huyghe, A.; Madden, S.C.; Lebouteiller, V.; Galliano, F.; Abel, N.; Hu, D.; Ramambason, L.; Polles, F.L.
2022A&A...666A.113D – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A113)
The galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function in the presence of cluster-to-cluster IMF variations.
Dib, S.
2022A&A...666A.114S – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A114)
Toward the limits of complexity of interstellar chemistry: Rotational spectroscopy and astronomical search for n- and i-butanal.
Sanz-Novo, M.; Belloche, A.; Rivilla, V.M.; Garrod, R.T.; Alonso, J.L.; Redondo, P.; Barrientos, C.; Kolesnikova, L.; Valle, J.C.; Rodriguez-Almeida, L.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Muller, H.S.P.; Menten, K.M.
2022A&A...666A.115P – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A115)
Measuring chemical abundances in AGN from infrared nebular lines: HII-CHI-MISTRY-IR for AGN.
Perez-Diaz, B.; Perez-Montero, E.; Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A.; Vilchez, J.M.
2022A&A...666A.116A – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A116)
Asteroid spin-states of a 4 Gyr collisional family,.
Athanasopoulos, D.; Hanus, J.; Avdellidou, C.; Bonamico, R.; Delbo, M.; Conjat, M.; Ferrero, A.; Gazeas, K.; Rivet, J.P.; Sioulas, N.; van Belle, G.; Antonini, P.; Audejean, M.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; Brinsfield, J.W.; Brouillard, S.; Brunetto, L.; Fauvaud, M.; Fauvaud, S.; Gonzalez, R.; Higgins, D.; Holoien, T.W.-S.; Kober, G.; Koff, R.A.; Kryszczynska, A.; Livet, F.; Marciniak, A.; Oey, J.; Pejcha, O.; Rives, J.J.; Roy, R.
First absolute wind measurements in Saturn's stratosphere from ALMA observations.
Benmahi, B.; Cavalie, T.; Fouchet, T.; Moreno, R.; Lellouch, E.; Bardet, D.; Guerlet, S.; Hue, V.; Spiga, A.
2022A&A...666A.118J – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A118)
The stable climate of KELT-9b,.
Jones, K.; Morris, B.M.; Demory, B.-O.; Heng, K.; Hooton, M.J.; Billot, N.; Ehrenreich, D.; Hoyer, S.; Simon, A.E.; Lendl, M.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Sousa, S.G.; Bonfanti, A.; Wilson, T.G.; Salmon, S.; Csizmadia, S.; Parviainen, H.; Bruno, G.; Alibert, Y.; Alonso, R.; Anglada, G.; Barczy, T.; Barrado, D.; Barros, S.C.C.; Baumjohann, W.; Beck, M.; Beck, T.; Benz, W.; Bonfils, X.; Brandeker, A.; Broeg, C.; Cabrera, J.; Charnoz, S.; Collier Cameron, A.; Davies, M.B.; Deleuil, M.; Deline, A.; Delrez, L.; Erikson, A.; Fortier, A.; Fossati, L.; Fridlund, M.; Gandolfi, D.; Gillon, M.; Gudel, M.; Isaak, K.G.; Kiss, L.L.; Laskar, J.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Lovis, C.; Magrin, D.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Nascimbeni, V.; Olofsson, G.; Ottensamer, R.; Pagano, I.; Palle, E.; Peter, G.; Piotto, G.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.; Ragazzoni, R.; Rando, N.; Ratti, F.; Rauer, H.; Reimers, C.; Ribas, I.; Santos, N.C.; Scandariato, G.; Segransan, D.; Smith, A.M.S.; Steller, M.; Szabo, G.M.; Thomas, N.; Udry, S.; Van Grootel, V.; Walter, I.; Walton, N.A.; Wang Jungo, W.
The H.E.S.S. transients follow-up system.
Hoischen, C.; Fussling, M.; Ohm, S.; Balzer, A.; Ashkar, H.; Bernlohr, K.; Hofverberg, P.; Holch, T.L.; Murach, T.; Prokoph, H.; Schussler, F.; Zhu, S.J.; Berge, D.; Egberts, K.; Stegmann, C.
The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products.
Gilmore, G.; Randich, S.; Worley, C.C.; Hourihane, A.; Gonneau, A.; Sacco, G.G.; Lewis, J.R.; Magrini, L.; Francois, P.; Jeffries, R.D.; Koposov, S.E.; Bragaglia, A.; Alfaro, E.J.; Allende Prieto, C.; Blomme, R.; Korn, A.J.; Lanzafame, A.C.; Pancino, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Smiljanic, R.; Van Eck, S.; Zwitter, T.; Bensby, T.; Flaccomio, E.; Irwin, M.J.; Franciosini, E.; Morbidelli, L.; Damiani, F.; Bonito, R.; Friel, E.D.; Vink, J.S.; Prisinzano, L.; Abbas, U.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Held, E.V.; Jordi, C.; Paunzen, E.; Spagna, A.; Jackson, R.J.; Maiz Apellaniz, J.; Asplund, M.; Bonifacio, P.; Feltzing, S.; Binney, J.; Drew, J.; Ferguson, A.M.N.; Micela, G.; Negueruela, I.; Prusti, T.; Rix, H.-W.; Vallenari, A.; Bergemann, M.; Casey, A.R.; de Laverny, P.; Frasca, A.; Hill, V.; Lind, K.; Sbordone, L.; Sousa, S.G.; Adibekyan, V.; Caffau, E.; Daflon, S.; Feuillet, D.K.; Gebran, M.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Guiglion, G.; Herrero, A.; Lobel, A.; Merle, T.; Mikolaitis, S.; Montes, D.; Morel, T.; Ruchti, G.; Soubiran, C.; Tabernero, H.M.; Tautvaisiene, G.; Traven, G.; Valentini, M.; Van der Swaelmen, M.; Villanova, S.; Viscasillas Vazquez, C.; Bayo, A.; Biazzo, K.; Carraro, G.; Edvardsson, B.; Heiter, U.; Jofre, P.; Marconi, G.; Martayan, C.; Masseron, T.; Monaco, L.; Walton, N.A.; Zaggia, S.; Aguirre Borsen-Koch, V.; Alves, J.; Balaguer-Nunez, L.; Barklem, P.S.; Barrado, D.; Bellazzini, M.; Berlanas, S.R.; Binks, A.S.; Bressan, A.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Casagrande, L.; Casamiquela, L.; Collins, R.S.; D'Orazi, V.; Dantas, M.L.L.; Debattista, V.P.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Drazdauskas, A.; Evans, N.W.; Famaey, B.; Franchini, M.; Fremat, Y.; Fu, X.; Geisler, D.; Gerhard, O.; Gonzalez Solares, E.A.; Grebel, E.K.; Gutierrez Albarran, M.L.; Jimenez-Esteban, F.; Jonsson, H.; Khachaturyants, T.; Kordopatis, G.; Kos, J.; Lagarde, N.; Ludwig, H.-G.; Mahy, L.; Mapelli, M.; Marfil, E.; Martell, S.L.; Messina, S.; Miglio, A.; Minchev, I.; Moitinho, A.; Montalban, J.; Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G.; Morossi, C.; Mowlavi, N.; Mucciarelli, A.; Murphy, D.N.A.; Nardetto, N.; Ortolani, S.; Paletou, F.; Palous, J.; Pickering, J.C.; Quirrenbach, A.; Re Fiorentin, P.; Read, J.I.; Romano, D.; Ryde, N.; Sanna, N.; Santos, W.; Seabroke, G.M.; Spina, L.; Steinmetz, M.; Stonkute, E.; Sutorius, E.; Thevenin, F.; Tosi, M.; Tsantaki, M.; Wright, N.; Wyse, R.F.G.; Zoccali, M.; Zorec, J.; Zucker, D.B.
2022A&A...666A.121R – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A121)
The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Implementation, data products, open cluster survey, science, and legacy,.
Randich, S.; Gilmore, G.; Magrini, L.; Sacco, G.G.; Jackson, R.J.; Jeffries, R.D.; Worley, C.C.; Hourihane, A.; Gonneau, A.; Viscasillas Vazquez, C.; Franciosini, E.; Lewis, J.R.; Alfaro, E.J.; Allende Prieto, C.; Bensby, T.; Blomme, R.; Bragaglia, A.; Flaccomio, E.; Francois, P.; Irwin, M.J.; Koposov, S.E.; Korn, A.J.; Lanzafame, A.C.; Pancino, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Smiljanic, R.; Van Eck, S.; Zwitter, T.; Asplund, M.; Bonifacio, P.; Feltzing, S.; Binney, J.; Drew, J.; Ferguson, A.M.N.; Micela, G.; Negueruela, I.; Prusti, T.; Rix, H.-W.; Vallenari, A.; Bayo, A.; Bergemann, M.; Biazzo, K.; Carraro, G.; Casey, A.R.; Damiani, F.; Frasca, A.; Heiter, U.; Hill, V.; Jofre, P.; de Laverny, P.; Lind, K.; Marconi, G.; Martayan, C.; Masseron, T.; Monaco, L.; Morbidelli, L.; Prisinzano, L.; Sbordone, L.; Sousa, S.G.; Zaggia, S.; Adibekyan, V.; Bonito, R.; Caffau, E.; Daflon, S.; Feuillet, D.K.; Gebran, M.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Guiglion, G.; Herrero, A.; Lobel, A.; Maiz Apellaniz, J.; Merle, T.; Mikolaitis, S.; Montes, D.; Morel, T.; Soubiran, C.; Spina, L.; Tabernero, H.M.; Tautvaisiene, G.; Traven, G.; Valentini, M.; Van der Swaelmen, M.; Villanova, S.; Wright, N.J.; Abbas, U.; Aguirre Borsen-Koch, V.; Alves, J.; Balaguer-Nunez, L.; Barklem, P.S.; Barrado, D.; Berlanas, S.R.; Binks, A.S.; Bressan, A.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Casagrande, L.; Casamiquela, L.; Collins, R.S.; D'Orazi, V.; Dantas, M.L.L.; Debattista, V.P.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Drazdauskas, A.; Evans, N.W.; Famaey, B.; Franchini, M.; Fremat, Y.; Friel, E.D.; Fu, X.; Geisler, D.; Gerhard, O.; Gonzalez Solares, E.A.; Grebel, E.K.; Gutierrez Albarran, M.L.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Held, E.V.; Jimenez-Esteban, F.; Jonsson, H.; Jordi, C.; Khachaturyants, T.; Kordopatis, G.; Kos, J.; Lagarde, N.; Mahy, L.; Mapelli, M.; Marfil, E.; Martell, S.L.; Messina, S.; Miglio, A.; Minchev, I.; Moitinho, A.; Montalban, J.; Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G.; Morossi, C.; Mowlavi, N.; Mucciarelli, A.; Murphy, D.N.A.; Nardetto, N.; Ortolani, S.; Paletou, F.; Palous, J.; Paunzen, E.; Pickering, J.C.; Quirrenbach, A.; Re Fiorentin, P.; Read, J.I.; Romano, D.; Ryde, N.; Sanna, N.; Santos, W.; Seabroke, G.M.; Spagna, A.; Steinmetz, M.; Stonkute, E.; Sutorius, E.; Thevenin, F.; Tosi, M.; Tsantaki, M.; Vink, J.S.; Wright, N.; Wyse, R.F.G.; Zoccali, M.; Zorec, J.; Zucker, D.B.; Walton, N.A.
2022A&A...666A.122M – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A122)
A machine-learning photometric classifier for massive stars in nearby galaxies. I. The method.
Maravelias, G.; Bonanos, A.Z.; Tramper, F.; de Wit, S.; Yang, M.; Bonfini, P.
Latitudinal dynamics of co-orbital charged dust in the heliosphere.
Reiter, S.; Lhotka, C.
A deep spectromorphological study of the γ-ray emission surrounding the young massive stellar cluster Westerlund 1.
Aharonian, F.; Ashkar, H.; Backes, M.; Barbosa Martins, V.; Becherini, Y.; Berge, D.; Bi, B.; Bottcher, M.; de Bony de Lavergne, M.; Bradascio, F.; Brose, R.; Brun, F.; Bulik, T.; Burger-Scheidlin, C.; Cangemi, F.; Caroff, S.; Casanova, S.; Cerruti, M.; Chand, T.; Chandra, S.; Chen, A.; Chibueze, O.; Cristofari, P.; Damascene Mbarubucyeye, J.; Djannati-Atai, A.; Ernenwein, J.-P.; Feijen, K.; Fichet de Clairfontaine, G.; Fontaine, G.; Funk, S.; Gabici, S.; Gallant, Y.A.; Ghafourizadeh, S.; Giavitto, G.; Giunti, L.; Glawion, D.; Glicenstein, J.F.; Goswami, P.; Grondin, M.-H.; Harer, L.K.; Haupt, M.; Hinton, J.A.; Horbe, M.; Hofmann, W.; Holch, T.L.; Holler, M.; Horns, D.; Jamrozy, M.; Joshi, V.; Jung-Richardt, I.; Kasai, E.; Katarzynski, K.; Katz, U.; Khelifi, B.; Kluzniak, W.; Komin, N.; Kosack, K.; Kostunin, D.; Kukec Mezek, G.; Lang, R.G.; Le Stum, S.; Lemiere, A.; Lemoine-Goumard, M.; Lenain, J.-P.; Leuschner, F.; Lohse, T.; Luashvili, A.; Lypova, I.; Mackey, J.; Majumdar, J.; Malyshev, D.; Marandon, V.; Marchegiani, P.; Marcowith, A.; Marti-Devesa, G.; Marx, R.; Maurin, G.; Meyer, M.; Mitchell, A.; Moderski, R.; Mohrmann, L.; Montanari, A.; Moulin, E.; Muller, J.; Murach, T.; Nakashima, K.; de Naurois, M.; Nayerhoda, A.; Niemiec, J.; Ohm, S.; Olivera-Nieto, L.; de Ona Wilhelmi, E.; Ostrowski, M.; Panny, S.; Panter, M.; Parsons, R.D.; Peron, G.; Prokhorov, D.A.; Puhlhofer, G.; Punch, M.; Quirrenbach, A.; Rauth, R.; Reichherzer, P.; Reimer, A.; Reimer, O.; Renaud, M.; Reville, B.; Rieger, F.; Rowell, G.; Rudak, B.; Ruiz-Velasco, E.; Sahakian, V.; Salzmann, H.; Sanchez, D.A.; Santangelo, A.; Sasaki, M.; Schussler, F.; Schutte, H.M.; Schwanke, U.; Shapopi, J.N.S.; Specovius, A.; Spencer, S.; Stawarz, L.; Steenkamp, R.; Steinmassl, S.; Steppa, C.; Sushch, I.; Suzuki, H.; Takahashi, T.; Tanaka, T.; Terrier, R.; Thorpe-Morgan, C.; Tsirou, M.; Tsuji, N.; Tuffs, R.; Unbehaun, T.; van Eldik, C.; van Soelen, B.; Vecchi, M.; Veh, J.; Venter, C.; Vink, J.; Wagner, S.J.; White, R.; Wierzcholska, A.; Wong, Y.W.; Zacharias, M.; Zargaryan, D.; Zdziarski, A.A.; Zhu, S.J.; Zouari, S.; Zywucka, N.; Blackwell, R.; Braiding, C.; Burton, M.; Cubuk, K.; Filipovic, M.; Tothill, N.; Wong, G.
2022A&A...666A.125F – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A125)
Abundances of disk and bulge giants from high-resolution optical spectra. V. Molybdenum: The p-process element,.
Forsberg, R.; Ryde, N.; Jonsson, H.; Rich, R.M.; Johansen, A.
Detecting chiral asymmetry in the interstellar medium using propylene oxide.
Lankhaar, B.
Black hole mass estimation using X-ray variability measurements in Seyfert galaxies.
Akylas, A.; Papadakis, I.; Georgakakis, A.
2022A&A...666A.128G – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A128)
Surface brightness-colour relations of dwarf stars from detached eclipsing binaries. I. Calibrating sample.
Graczyk, D.; Pietrzynski, G.; Galan, C.; Southworth, J.; Gieren, W.; Kaluszynski, M.; Zgirski, B.; Gallenne, A.; Gorski, M.; Hajdu, G.; Karczmarek, P.; Kervella, P.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Nardetto, N.; Narloch, W.; Pilecki, B.; Pych, W.; Rojas Garcia, G.; Storm, J.; Suchomska, K.; Taormina, M.; Wielgorski, P.
Euclid: Fast two-point correlation function covariance through linear construction.
Keihanen, E.; Lindholm, V.; Monaco, P.; Blot, L.; Carbone, C.; Kiiveri, K.; Sanchez, A.G.; Viitanen, A.; Valiviita, J.; Amara, A.; Auricchio, N.; Baldi, M.; Bonino, D.; Branchini, E.; Brescia, M.; Brinchmann, J.; Camera, S.; Capobianco, V.; Carretero, J.; Castellano, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cimatti, A.; Cledassou, R.; Congedo, G.; Conversi, L.; Copin, Y.; Corcione, L.; Cropper, M.; Da Silva, A.; Degaudenzi, H.; Douspis, M.; Dubath, F.; Duncan, C.A.J.; Dupac, X.; Dusini, S.; Ealet, A.; Farrens, S.; Ferriol, S.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Fumana, M.; Gillis, B.; Giocoli, C.; Grazian, A.; Grupp, F.; Guzzo, L.; Haugan, S.V.H.; Hoekstra, H.; Holmes, W.; Hormuth, F.; Jahnke, K.; Kummel, M.; Kermiche, S.; Kiessling, A.; Kitching, T.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Ligori, S.; Lilje, P.B.; Lloro, I.; Maiorano, E.; Mansutti, O.; Marggraf, O.; Marulli, F.; Massey, R.; Melchior, M.; Meneghetti, M.; Meylan, G.; Moresco, M.; Morin, B.; Moscardini, L.; Munari, E.; Niemi, S.M.; Padilla, C.; Paltani, S.; Pasian, F.; Pedersen, K.; Pettorino, V.; Pires, S.; Polenta, G.; Poncet, M.; Popa, L.; Raison, F.; Renzi, A.; Rhodes, J.; Romelli, E.; Saglia, R.; Sartoris, B.; Schneider, P.; Schrabback, T.; Secroun, A.; Seidel, G.; Sirignano, C.; Sirri, G.; Stanco, L.; Surace, C.; Tallada-Crespi, P.; Tavagnacco, D.; Taylor, A.N.; Tereno, I.; Toledo-Moreo, R.; Torradeflot, F.; Valentijn, E.A.; Valenziano, L.; Vassallo, T.; Wang, Y.; Weller, J.; Zamorani, G.; Zoubian, J.; Andreon, S.; Maino, D.; de la Torre, S.
Towards a fully consistent Milky Way disk model. V. The disk model for 4-14 kpc.
Sysoliatina, K.; Just, A.
2022A&A...666A.131S – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A131)
Shaping physical properties of galaxy subtypes in the VIPERS survey: Environment matters.
Siudek, M.; Malek, K.; Pollo, A.; Iovino, A.; Haines, C.P.; Bolzonella, M.; Cucciati, O.; Gargiulo, A.; Granett, B.; Krywult, J.; Moutard, T.; Scodeggio, M.
KMT-2017-BLG-0673Lb and KMT-2019-BLG-0414Lb: Two microlensing planets detected in peripheral fields of KMTNet survey.
Han, C.; Lee, C.-U.; Gould, A.; Jung, Y.K.; Albrow, M.D.; Chung, S.-J.; Hwang, K.-H.; Kim, D.; Ryu, Y.-H.; Shin, I.-G.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Yang, H.; Yee, J.C.; Zang, W.; Cha, S.-M.; Kim, D.-J.; Kim, S.-L.; Lee, D.-J.; Lee, Y.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R.W.
Orbital and dynamical analysis of the system around HR 8799. New astrometric epochs from VLT/SPHERE and LBT/LUCI.
Zurlo, A.; Gozdziewski, K.; Lazzoni, C.; Mesa, D.; Nogueira, P.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Marzari, F.; Langlois, M.; Pinna, E.; Chauvin, G.; Delorme, P.; Girard, J.H.; Hagelberg, J.; Henning, T.; Janson, M.; Rickman, E.; Kervella, P.; Avenhaus, H.; Bhowmik, T.; Biller, B.; Boccaletti, A.; Bonaglia, M.; Bonavita, M.; Bonnefoy, M.; Cantalloube, F.; Cheetham, A.; Claudi, R.; D'Orazi, V.; Feldt, M.; Galicher, R.; Ghose, E.; Lagrange, A.-M.; le Coroller, H.; Ligi, R.; Kasper, M.; Maire, A.-L.; Medard, F.; Meyer, M.; Peretti, S.; Perrot, C.; Puglisi, A.T.; Rossi, F.; Rothberg, B.; Schmidt, T.; Sissa, E.; Vigan, A.; Wahhaj, Z.
Laboratory detection and astronomical study of interstellar acetohydroxamic acid, a glycine isomer.
Sanz-Novo, M.; Alonso, J.L.; Rivilla, V.M.; McGuire, B.A.; Leon, I.; Mata, S.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Martin-Pintado, J.
Theory of solar oscillations in the inertial frequency range: Amplitudes of equatorial modes from a nonlinear rotating convection simulation.
Bekki, Y.; Cameron, R.H.; Gizon, L.
2022A&A...666A.136H – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A136)
V1294 Aql = HD 184279: A bad boy among Be stars or an important clue to the Be phenomenon?
Harmanec, P.; Bozic, H.; Koubsky, P.; Yang, S.; Ruzdjak, D.; Sudar, D.; Slechta, M.; Wolf, M.; Korcakova, D.; Zasche, P.; Oplistilova, A.; Vrsnak, D.; Ak, H.; Eenens, P.; Bakis, H.; Bakis, V.; Otero, S.; Chini, R.; Demsky, T.; Barlow, B.N.; Svoboda, P.; Jonak, J.; Vitovsky, K.; Harmanec, A.
DoG-HiT: A novel VLBI multiscale imaging approach.
Muller, H.; Lobanov, A.P.
Investigating magnetically induced distortions of neutron stars through gamma-ray burst X-ray plateaus.
Lin, T.; Du, S.; Wang, W.; Hou, S.; Xu, R.
Ices in planet-forming disks: Self-consistent ice opacities in disk models.
Arabhavi, A.M.; Woitke, P.; Cazaux, S.M.; Kamp, I.; Rab, C.; Thi, W.-F.
2022A&A...666A.140R – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A140)
Analysis of four solar occultations by Titan's atmosphere with the infrared channel of the VIMS instrument: Haze, CH4, CH3D, and CO vertical profiles.
Rannou, P.; Coutelier, M.; Rey, M.; Vinatier, S.
Revealing impacts of stellar mass and environment on galaxy quenching.
Mao, Z.; Kodama, T.; Perez-Martinez, J.M.; Suzuki, T.L.; Yamamoto, N.; Adachi, K.
2022A&A...666A.142S – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A142)
Periodic variable A-F spectral type stars in the northern TESS continuous viewing zone. I. Identification and classification.
Skarka, M.; Zak, J.; Fedurco, M.; Paunzen, E.; Henzl, Z.; Masek, M.; Karjalainen, R.; Sanchez Arias, J.P.; Sodor, A.; Auer, R.F.; Kabath, P.; Karjalainen, M.; Liska, J.; Stegner, D.
2022A&A...666A.143K – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A143)
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Stable radial-velocity variations at the rotation period of AD Leonis: A test case study of current limitations to treating stellar activity.
Kossakowski, D.; Kurster, M.; Henning, Th; Trifonov, T.; Caballero, J.A.; Lafarga, M.; Bauer, F.F.; Stock, S.; Kemmer, J.; Jeffers, S.V.; Amado, P.J.; Perez-Torres, M.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Cortes-Contreras, M.; Ribas, I.; Reiners, A.; Quirrenbach, A.; Aceituno, J.; Baroch, D.; Cifuentes, C.; Dreizler, S.; Hatzes, A.; Kaminski, A.; Montes, D.; Morales, J.C.; Pavlov, A.; Pena, L.; Perdelwitz, V.; Reffert, S.; Revilla, D.; Lopez, C.R.; Rosich, A.; Sadegi, S.; Sanz-Forcada, J.; Schofer, P.; Schweitzer, A.; Zechmeister, M.
Ejection velocities, age, and formation process of SPE meteoroid cluster.
Capek, D.; Koten, P.; Spurny, P.; Shrbeny, L.
A bottom-up search for Lyman-continuum leakage in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.
Rivera-Thorsen, T.E.; Hayes, M.; Melinder, J.
Analytic theory for the tangential YORP produced by the asteroid regolith.
Golubov, O.; Lipatova, V.
J-PLUS: Discovery and characterisation of ultracool dwarfs using Virtual Observatory tools. II. Second data release and machine learning methodology.
Mas-Buitrago, P.; Solano, E.; Gonzalez-Marcos, A.; Rodrigo, C.; Martin, E.L.; Caballero, J.A.; Jimenez-Esteban, F.; Cruz, P.; Ederoclite, A.; Ordieres-Mere, J.; Bello-Garcia, A.; Dupke, R.A.; Cenarro, A.J.; Cristobal-Hornillos, D.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Lopez-Sanjuan, C.; Marin-Franch, A.; Moles, M.; Varela, J.; Vazquez Ramio, H.; Alcaniz, J.; Sodre, L.; Angulo, R.E.
XMM-Newton and SRG/eROSITA observations of the isolated neutron star candidate 4XMM J022141.5-735632.
Pires, A.M.; Motch, C.; Kurpas, J.; Schwope, A.D.; Valdes, F.; Haberl, F.; Traulsen, I.; Tubin, D.; Becker, W.; Comparat, J.; Maitra, C.; Meisner, A.; Moustakas, J.; Salvato, M.
Cosmic voids and the kinetic analysis.
Gurzadyan, V.G.; Fimin, N.N.; Chechetkin, V.M.
An intermediate polar candidate toward the Galactic plane.
Mondal, S.; Ponti, G.; Haberl, F.; Anastasopoulou, K.; Campana, S.; Mori, K.; Hailey, C.J.; Rea, N.
Determining the dust environment of an unknown comet for a spacecraft flyby: The case of ESA's Comet Interceptor mission.
Marschall, R.; Zakharov, V.; Tubiana, C.; Kelley, M.S.P.; van Damme, C.C.; Snodgrass, C.; Jones, G.H.; Ivanovski, S.L.; Postberg, F.; Della Corte, V.; Vincent, J.-B.; Munoz, O.; La Forgia, F.; Levasseur-Regourd, A.-C.; (The Comet Interceptor Team Collaboration)
2022A&A...666A.152L – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A152)
Amateur PN discoveries and their spectral confirmation: A significant new addition to the Galactic PN inventory,.
Le Du, P.; Mulato, L.; Parker, Q.A.; Petit, T.; Ritter, A.; Drechsler, M.; Strottner, X.; Patchick, D.; Prestgard, T.; Garde, O.; Outters, N.; Raffaelli, T.
Influence of grain growth on CO2 ice spectroscopic profiles. Modelling for dense cores and disks.
Dartois, E.; Noble, J.A.; Ysard, N.; Demyk, K.; Chabot, M.
Precise mass determination for the keystone sub-Neptune planet transiting the mid-type M dwarf G 9-40.
Luque, R.; Nowak, G.; Hirano, T.; Kossakowski, D.; Palle, E.; Nixon, M.C.; Morello, G.; Amado, P.J.; Albrecht, S.H.; Caballero, J.A.; Cifuentes, C.; Cochran, W.D.; Deeg, H.J.; Dreizler, S.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Fukui, A.; Gandolfi, D.; Goffo, E.; Guenther, E.W.; Hatzes, A.P.; Henning, T.; Kabath, P.; Kawauchi, K.; Korth, J.; Kotani, T.; Kudo, T.; Kuzuhara, M.; Lafarga, M.; Lam, K.W.F.; Livingston, J.; Morales, J.C.; Muresan, A.; Murgas, F.; Narita, N.; Osborne, H.L.M.; Parviainen, H.; Passegger, V.M.; Persson, C.M.; Quirrenbach, A.; Redfield, S.; Reffert, S.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Serrano, L.M.; Tamura, M.; Van Eylen, V.; Watanabe, N.; Osorio, M.R.Z.
2022A&A...666A.155C – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A155)
TOI-1468: A system of two transiting planets, a super-Earth and a mini-Neptune, on opposite sides of the radius valley.
Chaturvedi, P.; Bluhm, P.; Nagel, E.; Hatzes, A.P.; Morello, G.; Brady, M.; Korth, J.; Molaverdikhani, K.; Kossakowski, D.; Caballero, J.A.; Guenther, E.W.; Palle, E.; Espinoza, N.; Seifahrt, A.; Lodieu, N.; Cifuentes, C.; Furlan, E.; Amado, P.J.; Barclay, T.; Bean, J.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Bergond, G.; Boyle, A.W.; Ciardi, D.; Collins, K.A.; Collins, K.I.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Fukui, A.; Gnilka, C.L.; Goeke, R.; Guerra, P.; Henning, T.; Herrero, E.; Howell, S.B.; Jeffers, S.V.; Jenkins, J.M.; Jensen, E.L.N.; Kasper, D.; Kodama, T.; Latham, D.W.; Lopez-Gonzalez, M.J.; Luque, R.; Montes, D.; Morales, J.C.; Mori, M.; Murgas, F.; Narita, N.; Nowak, G.; Parviainen, H.; Passegger, V.M.; Quirrenbach, A.; Reffert, S.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Ricker, G.R.; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez-Lopez, C.; Schlecker, M.; Schwarz, R.P.; Schweitzer, A.; Seager, S.; Stefansson, G.; Stockdale, C.; Tal-Or, L.; Twicken, J.D.; Vanaverbeke, S.; Wang, G.; Watanabe, D.; Winn, J.N.; Zechmeister, M.
The eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS). X-ray emission around star-forming and quiescent galaxies at 0.05 < z < 0.3.
Comparat, J.; Truong, N.; Merloni, A.; Pillepich, A.; Ponti, G.; Driver, S.; Bellstedt, S.; Liske, J.; Aird, J.; Bruggen, M.; Bulbul, E.; Davies, L.; Villalba, J.A.G.; Georgakakis, A.; Haberl, F.; Liu, T.; Maitra, C.; Nandra, K.; Popesso, P.; Predehl, P.; Robotham, A.; Salvato, M.; Thorne, J.E.; Zhang, Yi
Euclid: Searching for pair-instability supernovae with the Deep Survey.
Moriya, T.J.; Inserra, C.; Tanaka, M.; Cappellaro, E.; Della Valle, M.; Hook, I.; Kotak, R.; Longo, G.; Mannucci, F.; Mattila, S.; Tao, C.; Altieri, B.; Amara, A.; Auricchio, N.; Bonino, D.; Branchini, E.; Brescia, M.; Brinchmann, J.; Camera, S.; Capobianco, V.; Carbone, C.; Carretero, J.; Castellano, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cimatti, A.; Cledassou, R.; Congedo, G.; Conselice, C.J.; Conversi, L.; Copin, Y.; Corcione, L.; Courbin, F.; Cropper, M.; Da Silva, A.; Degaudenzi, H.; Douspis, M.; Dubath, F.; Duncan, C.A.J.; Dupac, X.; Dusini, S.; Ealet, A.; Farrens, S.; Ferriol, S.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Fumana, M.; Garilli, B.; Gillard, W.; Gillis, B.; Giocoli, C.; Grazian, A.; Grupp, F.; Haugan, S.V.H.; Holmes, W.; Hormuth, F.; Hornstrup, A.; Jahnke, K.; Kermiche, S.; Kiessling, A.; Kilbinger, M.; Kitching, T.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Ligori, S.; Lilje, P.B.; Lloro, I.; Maiorano, E.; Mansutti, O.; Marggraf, O.; Markovic, K.; Marulli, F.; Massey, R.; McCracken, H.J.; Melchior, M.; Meneghetti, M.; Meylan, G.; Moresco, M.; Moscardini, L.; Munari, E.; Niemi, S.M.; Padilla, C.; Paltani, S.; Pasian, F.; Pedersen, K.; Pettorino, V.; Poncet, M.; Popa, L.; Raison, F.; Rhodes, J.; Riccio, G.; Rossetti, E.; Saglia, R.; Sartoris, B.; Schneider, P.; Secroun, A.; Seidel, G.; Sirignano, C.; Sirri, G.; Stanco, L.; Tallada-Crespi, P.; Taylor, A.N.; Tereno, I.; Toledo-Moreo, R.; Torradeflot, F.; Wang, Y.; Zamorani, G.; Zoubian, J.; Andreon, S.; Scottez, V.; Morris, P.W.
2022A&A...666A.158K – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A158)
Millimetre-wave spectroscopy of 2-hydroxyprop-2-enal and an astronomical search with ALMA.
Koucky, J.; Kolesnikova, L.; Lukova, K.; Vavra, K.; Kania, P.; Coutens, A.; Loison, J.-C.; Jorgensen, J.K.; Belloche, A.; Urban, S.
Chemical composition of the young massive cluster NGC 1569-B.
Gvozdenko, A.; Larsen, S.S.; Beasley, M.A.; Brodie, J.
The miniJPAS survey. Galaxy populations in the most massive cluster in miniJPAS: mJPC2470-1771.
Rodriguez-Martin, J.E.; Gonzalez Delgado, R.M.; Martinez-Solaeche, G.; Diaz-Garcia, L.A.; de Amorim, A.; Garcia-Benito, R.; Perez, E.; Cid Fernandes, R.; Carrasco, E.R.; Maturi, M.; Finoguenov, A.; Lopes, P.A.A.; Cortesi, A.; Lucatelli, G.; Diego, J.M.; Chies-Santos, A.L.; Dupke, R.A.; Jimenez-Teja, Y.; Vilchez, J.M.; Abramo, L.R.; Alcaniz, J.; Benitez, N.; Bonoli, S.; Cenarro, A.J.; Cristobal-Hornillos, D.; Ederoclite, A.; Hernan-Caballero, A.; Lopez-Sanjuan, C.; Marin-Franch, A.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Moles, M.; Sodre, L.; Taylor, K.; Varela, J.; Vazquez Ramio, H.; Marquez, I.
2022A&A...666A.161B – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A161)
Spatially resolved gas and stellar kinematics in compact starburst galaxies.
Bik, A.; Ostlin, G.; Hayes, M.; Melinder, J.; Menacho, V.
ShapePipe: A new shape measurement pipeline and weak-lensing application to UNIONS/CFIS data.
Guinot, A.; Kilbinger, M.; Farrens, S.; Peel, A.; Pujol, A.; Schmitz, M.; Starck, J.-L.; Erben, T.; Gavazzi, R.; Gwyn, S.; Hudson, M.J.; Hildebrandt, H.; Tobias, L.; Miller, L.; Spitzer, I.; Van Waerbeke, L.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Fabbro, S.; McConnachie, A.; Mellier, Y.
Sublimation origin of active asteroid P/2018 P3.
Kim, Y.; Agarwal, J.; Jewitt, D.; Mutchler, M.; Larson, S.; Weaver, H.; Mommert, M.
Characterization of the MASCOT landing area by Hayabusa2.
Schroder, S.; Sakatani, N.; Honda, R.; Tatsumi, E.; Yokota, Y.; Domingue, D.; Cho, Y.; Kameda, S.; Kitazato, K.; Kouyama, T.; Matsuoka, M.; Miura, A.; Morota, T.; Okada, T.; Sawada, H.; Senshu, H.; Shimaki, Y.; Sugita, S.; Tanaka, S.; Yabuta, H.; Yamada, M.; Grott, M.; Hamm, M.; Ho, T.-M.; Jaumann, R.; Mottola, S.; Otto, K.; Schmitz, N.; Scholten, F.
Understanding star formation in molecular clouds. IV. Column density PDFs from quiescent to massive molecular clouds.
Schneider, N.; Ossenkopf-Okada, V.; Clarke, S.; Klessen, R.S.; Kabanovic, S.; Veltchev, T.; Bontemps, S.; Dib, S.; Csengeri, T.; Federrath, C.; Di Francesco, J.; Motte, F.; Andre, P.; Arzoumanian, D.; Beattie, J.R.; Bonne, L.; Didelon, P.; Elia, D.; Konyves, V.; Kritsuk, A.; Ladjelate, B.; Myers, P.; Pezzuto, S.; Robitaille, J.F.; Roy, A.; Seifried, D.; Simon, R.; Soler, J.; Ward-Thompson, D.
Overexpansion-dominated coronal mass ejection formation and induced radio bursts.
Wang, B.T.; Cheng, X.; Song, H.Q.; Ding, M.D.
Diffuse non-thermal emission in the disks of the Magellanic Clouds.
Persic, M.; Rephaeli, Y.
2022A&A...666A.168P – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A168)
Vertically extended and asymmetric CN emission in the Elias 2-27 protoplanetary disk.
Paneque-Carreno, T.; Miotello, A.; van Dishoeck, E.F.; Perez, L.M.; Facchini, S.; Izquierdo, A.F.; Tychoniec, L.; Testi, L.
Breaking the rules at z ≃ 0.45: The rebel case of RBS 1055.
Marinucci, A.; Vietri, G.; Piconcelli, E.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Stern, D.; Vignali, C.
Aging of galaxies along the morphological sequence, marked by bulge growth and disk quenching.
Quilley, L.; de Lapparent, V.
ULISSE: A tool for one-shot sky exploration and its application for detection of active galactic nuclei.
Doorenbos, L.; Torbaniuk, O.; Cavuoti, S.; Paolillo, M.; Longo, G.; Brescia, M.; Sznitman, R.; Marquez-Neila, P.
The spectral-timing analysis of Cygnus X-1 with Insight-HXMT.
Zhou, M.; Grinberg, V.; Bu, Q.-C.; Santangelo, A.; Cangemi, F.; Diez, C.M.; Konig, O.; Ji, L.; Nowak, M.A.; Pottschmidt, K.; Rodriguez, J.; Wilms, J.; Zhang, S.; Qu, J.-L.; Zhang, S.-N.
Probing the surface environment of large T-type asteroids.
Kwon, Y.G.; Hasegawa, S.; Fornasier, S.; Ishiguro, M.; Agarwal, J.
Constraints on the merging binary neutron star mass distribution and equation of state based on the incidence of jets in the population.
Salafia, Om S.; Colombo, A.; Gabrielli, F.; Mandel, I.
The EDGE-CALIFA survey: The role of spiral arms and bars in driving central molecular gas concentrations.
Yu, S.-Y.; Kalinova, V.; Colombo, D.; Bolatto, A.D.; Wong, T.; Levy, R.C.; Villanueva, V.; Sanchez, S.F.; Ho, L.C.; Vogel, S.N.; Teuben, P.; Rubio, M.
Inferring properties of dust in supernovae with neural networks.
Ansari, Z.; Gall, C.; Wesson, R.; Krause, O.
Multiple stellar populations in the high-temperature regime: Potassium abundances in the globular cluster M 54 (NGC 6715).
Carretta, E.
The polarization signals of the solar K I D lines and their magnetic sensitivity.
Alsina Ballester, E.
GRB 080928 afterglow imaging and spectro-polarimetry.
Brivio, R.; Covino, S.; D'Avanzo, P.; Wiersema, K.; Maund, J.R.; Bernardini, M.G.; Campana, S.; Melandri, A.
Pushing least-squares deconvolution to the next level: Application to binary stars.
Tkachenko, A.; Tsymbal, V.; Zvyagintsev, S.; Lehmann, H.; Petermann, F.; Mkrtichian, D.E.
Improving the accuracy of estimators for the two-point correlation function.
Kerscher, M.
Hot subdwarfs in close binaries observed from space. I. Orbital, atmospheric, and absolute parameters, and the nature of their companions.
Schaffenroth, V.; Pelisoli, I.; Barlow, B.N.; Geier, S.; Kupfer, T.
A warm super-Neptune around the G-dwarf star TOI-1710 revealed with TESS, SOPHIE, and HARPS-N.
Konig, P.-C.; Damasso, M.; Hebrard, G.; Naponiello, L.; Cortes-Zuleta, P.; Biazzo, K.; Santos, N.C.; Bonomo, A.S.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Zeng, L.; Hoyer, S.; Sozzetti, A.; Affer, L.; Almenara, J.M.; Benatti, S.; Bieryla, A.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Boschin, W.; Carmona, A.; Claudi, R.; Collins, K.A.; Dalal, S.; Deleuil, M.; Delfosse, X.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Desidera, S.; Diaz, R.F.; Forveille, T.; Heidari, N.; Hussain, G.A.J.; Jenkins, J.; Kiefer, F.; Lacedelli, G.; Latham, D.W.; Malavolta, L.; Mancini, L.; Martioli, E.; Micela, G.; Miles-Paez, P.A.; Moutou, C.; Nardiello, D.; Nascimbeni, V.; Pinamonti, M.; Piotto, G.; Ricker, G.; Schwarz, R.P.; Seager, S.; Stognone, R.G.; Strom, P.A.; Vanderspek, R.; Winn, J.; Wittrock, J.
TOI-2196 b: Rare planet in the hot Neptune desert transiting a G-type star.
Persson, C.M.; Georgieva, I.Y.; Gandolfi, D.; Acuna, L.; Aguichine, A.; Muresan, A.; Guenther, E.; Livingston, J.; Collins, K.A.; Dai, F.; Fridlund, M.; Goffo, E.; Jenkins, J.S.; Kabath, P.; Korth, J.; Levine, A.M.; Serrano, L.M.; Vines, J.; Barragan, O.; Carleo, I.; Colon, K.D.; Cochran, W.D.; Christiansen, J.L.; Deeg, H.J.; Deleuil, M.; Dragomir, D.; Esposito, M.; Gan, T.; Grziwa, S.; Hatzes, A.P.; Hesse, K.; Horne, K.; Jenkins, J.M.; Kielkopf, J.F.; Klagyivik, P.; Lam, K.W.F.; Latham, D.W.; Luque, R.; Orell-Miquel, J.; Mortier, A.; Mousis, O.; Narita, N.; Osborne, H.L.M.; Palle, E.; Papini, R.; Ricker, G.R.; Schmerling, H.; Seager, S.; Stassun, K.G.; Van Eylen, V.; Vanderspek, R.; Wang, G.; Winn, J.N.; Wohler, B.; Zambelli, R.; Ziegler, C.
Photometric behavior of Ryugu's NIR spectral parameters.
Longobardo, A.; Palomba, E.; Galiano, A.; Dirri, F.; Zinzi, A.; D'Amore, M.; Domingue, D.; Kitazato, K.; Yokota, Y.; Schroeder, S.E.; Iwata, T.; Matsuoka, M.; Hiroi, T.; Takir, D.; Nakamura, T.; Abe, M.; Ohtake, M.; Matsuura, S.; Watanabe, S.; Yoshikawa, M.; Saiki, T.; Tanaka, S.; Okada, T.; Yamamoto, Y.; Takei, Y.; Shirai, K.; Hirata, N.; Matsumoto, K.; Tsuda, Y.
2022A&A...666A.186D – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A186)
Mass-metallicity and star formation rate in galaxies: A complex relation tuned to stellar age.
Duarte Puertas, S.; Vilchez, J.M.; Iglesias-Paramo, J.; Molla, M.; Perez-Montero, E.; Kehrig, C.; Pilyugin, L.S.; Zinchenko, I.A.
2022A&A...666A.187D – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A187)
A quarter century of spectroscopic monitoring of the nearby M dwarf Gl 514. A super-Earth on an eccentric orbit moving in and out of the habitable zone,.
Damasso, M.; Perger, M.; Almenara, J.M.; Nardiello, D.; Perez-Torres, M.; Sozzetti, A.; Hara, N.C.; Quirrenbach, A.; Bonfils, X.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Amado, P.J.; Forveille, T.; Lillo-Box, J.; Alibert, Y.; Caballero, J.A.; Cifuentes, C.; Delfosse, X.; Figueira, P.; Galadi-Enriquez, D.; Hatzes, A.P.; Henning, T.; Kaminski, A.; Mayor, M.; Murgas, F.; Montes, D.; Pinamonti, M.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Schweitzer, A.; Zechmeister, M.
The He I λ10830 Å line as a probe of winds and accretion in young stars in Lupus and Upper Scorpius.
Erkal, J.; Manara, C.F.; Schneider, P.C.; Vincenzi, M.; Nisini, B.; Coffey, D.; Alcala, J.M.; Fedele, D.; Antoniucci, S.
Stellar wind properties of the nearly complete sample of O stars in the low metallicity young star cluster NGC 346 in the SMC galaxy.
Rickard, M.J.; Hainich, R.; Hamann, W.-R.; Oskinova, L.M.; Prinja, R.K.; Ramachandran, V.; Pauli, D.; Todt, H.; Sander, A.A.C.; Shenar, T.; Chu, Y.-H.; Gallagher, J.S.
2022A&A...666A.190S – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A190)
Kharkiv database of asteroid absolute magnitudes: Comparative analysis with other datasets.
Shevchenko, V.G.; Belskaya, I.N.; Slyusarev, I.G.; Mikhalchenko, O.I.; Krugly, Y.N.; Chiorny, V.G.; Lupishko, D.F.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Gritsevich, M.; Muinonen, K.; Penttila, A.
2022A&A...666A.191W – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A191)
Confirmation of the outflow in L1451-mm: SiO line and CH3OH maser detections,.
Wakelam, V.; Coutens, A.; Gratier, P.; Vidal, T.H.G.; Vaytet, N.
Low-temperature optical constants of amorphous silicate dust analogues.
Demyk, K.; Gromov, V.; Meny, C.; Ysard, N.; Paradis, D.; Jones, A.P.; Petitprez, D.; Hubert, P.; Leroux, H.; Nayral, C.; Delpech, F.
SPRITZ is sparkling: Simulated CO and [C II] luminosities.
Bisigello, L.; Vallini, L.; Gruppioni, C.; Esposito, F.; Calura, F.; Delvecchio, I.; Feltre, A.; Pozzi, F.; Rodighiero, G.
Constraining hierarchical mergers of binary black holes detectable with LIGO-Virgo.
Li, G.-P.
Automatic detection technique for solar filament oscillations in GONG data.
Luna, M.; Merou Mestre, J.R.; Auchere, F.
2022A&A...666A.196A – (Tables: J/A+A/666/A196)
Automatic model-based telluric correction for the ESPRESSO data reduction software. Model description and application to radial velocity computation.
Allart, R.; Lovis, C.; Faria, J.; Dumusque, X.; Sosnowska, D.; Figueira, P.; Silva, A.M.; Mehner, A.; Pepe, F.; Cristiani, S.; Rebolo, R.; Santos, N.C.; Adibekyan, V.; Cupani, G.; Di Marcantonio, P.; D'Odorico, V.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Milakovic, D.; Nunes, N.J.; Sozzetti, A.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Tabernero, H.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.
Closing of the astrotail.
Czechowski, A.; Grygorczuk, J.
X-ray flares of the young planet host Ds Tucanae A.
Pillitteri, I.; Argiroffi, C.; Maggio, A.; Micela, G.; Benatti, S.; Reale, F.; Colombo, S.; Wolk, S.J.
Impact of Population III homogeneous stellar evolution on early cosmic reionisation.
Sibony, Y.; Liu, B.; Simmonds, C.; Meynet, G.; Bromm, V.
Euclid preparation. XXI. Intermediate-redshift contaminants in the search for z > 6 galaxies within the Euclid Deep Survey.
van Mierlo, S.E.; Caputi, K.I.; Ashby, M.; Atek, H.; Bolzonella, M.; Bowler, R.A.A.; Brammer, G.; Conselice, C.J.; Cuby, J.; Dayal, P.; Diaz-Sanchez, A.; Finkelstein, S.L.; Hoekstra, H.; Humphrey, A.; Ilbert, O.; McCracken, H.J.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Oesch, P.A.; Pello, R.; Rodighiero, G.; Schirmer, M.; Toft, S.; Weaver, J.R.; Wilkins, S.M.; Willott, C.J.; Zamorani, G.; Amara, A.; Auricchio, N.; Baldi, M.; Bender, R.; Bodendorf, C.; Bonino, D.; Branchini, E.; Brescia, M.; Brinchmann, J.; Camera, S.; Capobianco, V.; Carbone, C.; Carretero, J.; Castellano, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cimatti, A.; Cledassou, R.; Congedo, G.; Conversi, L.; Copin, Y.; Corcione, L.; Courbin, F.; Da Silva, A.; Degaudenzi, H.; Douspis, M.; Dubath, F.; Dupac, X.; Dusini, S.; Farrens, S.; Ferriol, S.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Franzetti, P.; Fumana, M.; Galeotta, S.; Garilli, B.; Gillard, W.; Gillis, B.; Giocoli, C.; Grazian, A.; Grupp, F.; Haugan, S.V.H.; Holmes, W.; Hormuth, F.; Hornstrup, A.; Jahnke, K.; Kummel, M.; Kiessling, A.; Kilbinger, M.; Kitching, T.; Kohley, R.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Laureijs, R.; Ligori, S.; Lilje, P.B.; Lloro, I.; Maiorano, E.; Mansutti, O.; Marggraf, O.; Markovic, K.; Marulli, F.; Massey, R.; Maurogordato, S.; Medinaceli, E.; Meneghetti, M.; Merlin, E.; Meylan, G.; Moresco, M.; Moscardini, L.; Munari, E.; Niemi, S.M.; Padilla, C.; Paltani, S.; Pasian, F.; Pedersen, K.; Pettorino, V.; Pires, S.; Poncet, M.; Popa, L.; Pozzetti, L.; Raison, F.; Renzi, A.; Rhodes, J.; Riccio, G.; Romelli, E.; Rossetti, E.; Saglia, R.; Sapone, D.; Sartoris, B.; Schneider, P.; Secroun, A.; Sirignano, C.; Sirri, G.; Stanco, L.; Starck, J.-L.; Surace, C.; Tallada-Crespi, P.; Taylor, A.N.; Tereno, I.; Toledo-Moreo, R.; Torradeflot, F.; Tutusaus, I.; Valentijn, E.A.; Valenziano, L.; Vassallo, T.; Wang, Y.; Zacchei, A.; Zoubian, J.; Andreon, S.; Bardelli, S.; Boucaud, A.; Gracia-Carpio, J.; Maino, D.; Mauri, N.; Mei, S.; Sureau, F.; Zucca, E.; Aussel, H.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balaguera-Antolinez, A.; Biviano, A.; Blanchard, A.; Borgani, S.; Bozzo, E.; Burigana, C.; Cabanac, R.; Calura, F.; Cappi, A.; Carvalho, C.S.; Casas, S.; Castignani, G.; Colodro-Conde, C.; Cooray, A.R.; Coupon, J.; Courtois, H.M.; Crocce, M.; Cucciati, O.; Davini, S.; Dole, H.; Escartin, J.A.; Escoffier, S.; Fabricius, M.; Farina, M.; Ganga, K.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; George, K.; Giacomini, F.; Gozaliasl, G.; Gwyn, S.; Hook, I.; Huertas-Company, M.; Kansal, V.; Kashlinsky, A.; Keihanen, E.; Kirkpatrick, C.C.; Lindholm, V.; Maoli, R.; Martinelli, M.; Martinet, N.; Maturi, M.; Metcalf, R.B.; Monaco, P.; Morgante, G.; Nucita, A.A.; Patrizii, L.; Peel, A.; Pollack, J.; Popa, V.; Porciani, C.; Potter, D.; Reimberg, P.; Sanchez, A.G.; Scottez, V.; Sefusatti, E.; Stadel, J.; Teyssier, R.; Valiviita, J.; Viel, M.
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