Astron. Astrophys. 664
August(I) 2022

NIKA 150 GHz polarization observations of the Crab nebula and its spectral energy distribution (Corrigendum).
Ritacco, A.; Macias-Perez, J.F.; Ponthieu, N.; Adam, R.; Ade, P.; Andre, P.; Aumont, J.; Beelen, A.; Benoit, A.; Bideaud, A.; Billot, N.; Bourrion, O.; Bracco, A.; Calvo, M.; Catalano, A.; Coiffard, G.; Comis, B.; D'Addabbo, A.; De Petris, M.; Desert, F.-X.; Doyle, S.; Goupy, J.; Kramer, C.; Lagache, G.; Leclercq, S.; Lestrade, J.-F.; Mauskopf, P.; Mayet, F.; Maury, A.; Monfardini, A.; Pajot, F.; Pascale, E.; Perotto, L.; Pisano, G.; Rebolo-Iglesias, M.; Reveret, V.; Rodriguez, L.; Romero, C.; Roussel, H.; Ruppin, F.; Schuster, K.; Sievers, A.; Siringo, G.; Thum, C.; Triqueneaux, S.; Tucker, C.; Wiesemeyer, H.; Zylka, R.
HOLISMOKES. IV. Efficient mass modeling of strong lenses through deep learning (Corrigendum).
Schuldt, S.; Suyu, S.H.; Meinhardt, T.; Leal-Taixe, L.; Canameras, R.; Taubenberger, S.; Halkola, A.
Solar cyclic activity over the last millennium reconstructedfrom annual 14C data (Corrigendum).
Usoskin, I.G.; Solanki, S.K.; Krivova, N.; Hofer, B.; Kovaltsov, G.A.; Wacker, L.; Brehm, N.; Kromer, B.
Backtracing the internal rotation history of the β Cep star HD 129929.
Salmon, S.J.A.J.; Moyano, F.D.; Eggenberger, P.; Haemmerle, L.; Buldgen, G.
Nitrogen fractionation towards a pre-stellar core traces isotope-selective photodissociation.
Spezzano, S.; Caselli, P.; Sipila, O.; Bizzocchi, L.
Rotation-induced granular motion on the secondary component of binary asteroids: Application to the DART impact on Dimorphos.
Agrusa, H.F.; Ballouz, R.; Meyer, A.J.; Tasev, E.; Noiset, G.; Karatekin, O.; Michel, P.; Richardson, D.C.; Hirabayashi, M.
Gaia-supported re-discovery of a remarkable weak line quasar from a variability and proper motion survey.
Meusinger, H.; Scholz, R.-D.
A tentative ∼1000 km s–1 offset between the [CII] 158 µm and Lyα line emission in a star-forming galaxy at z = 7.2.
Baier-Soto, R.; Herrera-Camus, R.; Forster Schreiber, N.M.; Contursi, A.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Tacconi, L.
Intervelocity of galaxy pairs in ΛCDM. Observed velocity peak at ∼130 km s–1 not unique to modified Newtonian dynamics.
Pawlowski, M.S.; Kanehisa, K.J.; Taibi, S.; Li, P.
PENELLOPE. III. The peculiar accretion variability of XX Cha and its impact on the observed spread of accretion rates.
Claes, R.A.B.; Manara, C.F.; Garcia-Lopez, R.; Natta, A.; Fang, M.; Fockter, Z.P.; Abraham, P.; Alcala, J.M.; Campbell-White, J.; Caratti o Garatti, A.; Covino, E.; Fedele, D.; Frasca, A.; Gameiro, J.F.; Herczeg, G.J.; Kospal, A.; Petr-Gotzens, M.G.; Rosotti, G.; Venuti, L.; Zsidi, G.
Tracking of magnetic helicity evolution in the inner heliosphere. A radial alignment study.
Alberti, T.; Narita, Y.; Hadid, L.Z.; Heyner, D.; Milillo, A.; Plainaki, C.; Auster, H.-U.; Richter, I.
EMISSA (Exploring millimetre indicators of solar-stellar activity). II. Towards a robust indicator of stellar activity.
Mohan, A.; Wedemeyer, S.; Hauschildt, P.H.; Pandit, S.; Saberi, M.
A slow bar in the lenticular barred galaxy NGC 4277.
Buttitta, C.; Corsini, E.M.; Cuomo, V.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; Coccato, L.; Costantin, L.; Dalla Bonta, E.; Debattista, V.P.; Iodice, E.; Mendez-Abreu, J.; Morelli, L.; Pizzella, A.
Circumnuclear dense gas disk fuelling the active galactic nucleus in the nearby radio galaxy NGC 4261.
Sawada-Satoh, S.; Kameno, S.; Trippe, S.
KMHK 1762: Another star cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud age gap.
Gatto, M.; Ripepi, V.; Bellazzini, M.; Tosi, M.; Tortora, C.; Cignoni, M.; Dall'Ora, M.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Cusano, F.; Longo, G.; Marconi, M.; Musella, I.; Schipani, P.; Spavone, M.
The Radcliffe wave as the gas spine of the Orion arm.
Swiggum, C.; Alves, J.; D'Onghia, E.; Benjamin, R.A.; Thulasidharan, L.; Zucker, C.; Poggio, E.; Drimmel, R.; Gallagher III, J.S.; Goodman, A.
Resonant energization of particles by radio AGN.
Mahajan, S.M.; Osmanov, Z.N.
2022A&A...664L..15M – (Tables: J/A+A/664/L15)
A stellar occultation by the transneptunian object (50000) Quaoar observed by CHEOPS.
Morgado, B.E.; Bruno, G.; Gomes-Junior, A.R.; Pagano, I.; Sicardy, B.; Fortier, A.; Desmars, J.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Queloz, D.; Sousa, S.G.; Ortiz, J.L.; Brandeker, A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Pereira, C.L.; Floren, H.G.; Hara, N.; Souami, D.; Isaak, K.G.; Olofsson, G.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Wilson, T.G.; Broughton, J.; Alibert, Y.; Alonso, R.; Anglada, G.; Barczy, T.; Barrado, D.; Barros, S.C.C.; Baumjohann, W.; Beck, M.; Beck, T.; Benz, W.; Billot, N.; Bonfils, X.; Broeg, C.; Cabrera, J.; Charnoz, S.; Csizmadia, S.; Davies, M.B.; Deleuil, M.; Delrez, L.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Demory, B.O.; Ehrenreich, D.; Erikson, A.; Fossati, L.; Fridlund, M.; Gandolfi, D.; Gillon, M.; Gudel, M.; Heng, K.; Hoyer, S.; Kiss, L.L.; Laskar, J.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Lendl, M.; Lovis, C.; Magrin, D.; Marafatto, L.; Nascimbeni, V.; Ottensamer, R.; Palle, E.; Peter, G.; Piazza, D.; Piotto, G.; Pollacco, D.; Ragazzoni, R.; Rando, N.; Ratti, F.; Rauer, H.; Reimers, C.; Ribas, I.; Santos, N.C.; Scandariato, G.; Segransan, D.; Simon, A.E.; Smith, A.M.S.; Steller, M.; Szabo, G.M.; Thomas, N.; Udry, S.; Van Grootel, V.; Walton, N.A.; Westerdorff, K.
Rotation in stellar interiors: General formulation and an asteroseismic-calibrated transport by the Tayler instability.
Eggenberger, P.; Moyano, F.D.; den Hartogh, J.W.
Extremely young asteroid pair (458271) 2010 UM26 and 2010 RN221.
Vokrouhlicky, D.; Fatka, P.; Micheli, M.; Pravec, P.; Christensen, E.J.
The impostor revealed: SN 2016jbu was a terminal explosion.
Brennan, S.J.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Fraser, M.; Van Dyk, S.D.; Lyman, J.D.
Dynamics of co-orbital exoplanets in a first-order resonance chain with tidal dissipation.
Couturier, J.; Robutel, P.; Correia, A.C.M.
Reconstructing solar magnetic fields from historical observations. VIII. AIA 1600 Å contrast as a proxy of solar magnetic fields.
Tahtinen, I.; Virtanen, I.I.; Pevtsov, A.A.; Mursula, K.
Cold dark matter protohalo structure around collapse: Lagrangian cosmological perturbation theory versus Vlasov simulations.
Saga, S.; Taruya, A.; Colombi, S.
Finding strong gravitational lenses through self-attention. Study based on the Bologna Lens Challenge.
Thuruthipilly, H.; Zadrozny, A.; Pollo, A.; Biesiada, M.
Formation of NaCl by radiative association in interstellar environments.
Simsova-Zamecnikova, M.; Soldan, P.; Gustafsson, M.
Viscous inertial modes on a differentially rotating sphere: Comparison with solar observations.
Fournier, D.; Gizon, L.; Hyest, L.
Magnetically gated accretion model: Application to short bursts in the intermediate polar V1223 Sgr.
Hameury, J.-M.; Lasota, J.-P.; Shaw, A.W.
Spatio-temporal analysis of chromospheric heating in a plage region.
Morosin, R.; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J.; Diaz Baso, C.J.; Leenaarts, J.
A scaled-up planetary system around a supernova progenitor.
Squicciarini, V.; Gratton, R.; Janson, M.; Mamajek, E.E.; Chauvin, G.; Delorme, P.; Langlois, M.; Vigan, A.; Ringqvist, S.C.; Meeus, G.; Reffert, S.; Kenworthy, M.; Meyer, M.R.; Bonnefoy, M.; Bonavita, M.; Mesa, D.; Samland, M.; Desidera, S.; D'Orazi, V.; Engler, N.; Alecian, E.; Miglio, A.; Henning, T.; Quanz, S.P.; Mayer, L.; Flasseur, O.; Marleau, G.-D.
Magnetic effect on equilibrium tides and its influence on the orbital evolution of binary systems.
Wei, X.
2022A&A...664A..11M – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A11)
NIR spectroscopic survey of protostellar jets in the star-forming region IC 1396N,.
Massi, F.; Lopez, R.; Beltran, M.T.; Estalella, R.; Girart, J.M.
Revisiting the V1309 Sco 2008 outburst spectra. Observational evidence for the theoretical modeling of stellar mergers.
Mason, E.; Shore, S.N.
Systematic KMTNet planetary anomaly search. V. Complete sample of 2018 prime-field.
Gould, A.; Han, C.; Zang, W.; Yang, H.; Hwang, K.-H.; Udalski, A.; Bond, I.A.; Albrow, M.D.; Chung, S.-J.; Jung, Y.K.; Ryu, Y.-H.; Shin, I.-G.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Yee, J.C.; Cha, S.-M.; Kim, D.-J.; Kim, H.-W.; Kim, S.-L.; Lee, C.-U.; Lee, D.-J.; Lee, Y.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R.W.; (The KMTNet Collaboration); Mroz, P.; Szymanski, M.K.; Skowron, J.; Poleski, R.; Soszynski, I.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Kozlowski, S.; Ulaczyk, K.; Rybicki, K.A.; Iwanek, P.; Wrona, M.; (The OGLE Collaboration); Abe, F.; Barry, R.; Bennett, D.P.; Bhattacharya, A.; Fujii, H.; Fukui, A.; Hirao, Y.; Silva, S.I.; Kirikawa, R.; Kondo, I.; Koshimoto, N.; Matsubara, Y.; Matsumoto, S.; Miyazaki, S.; Muraki, Y.; Okamura, A.; Olmschenk, G.; Ranc, C.; Rattenbury, N.J.; Satoh, Y.; Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Toda, T.; Tristram, P.J.; Vandorou, A.; Yama, H.; (The MOA Collaboration); Beichman, C.; Bryden, G.; Novati, S.C.; Gaudi, B.S.; Henderson, C.B.; Penny, M.T.; Jacklin, S.; Stassun, K.G.; (The UKIRT Microlensing Team)
The BINGO project. I. Baryon acoustic oscillations from integrated neutral gas observations.
Abdalla, E.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; Landim, R.G.; Costa, A.A.; Fornazier, K.S.F.; Abdalla, F.B.; Barosi, L.; Brito, F.A.; Queiroz, A.R.; Villela, T.; Wang, B.; Wuensche, C.A.; Marins, A.; Novaes, C.P.; Liccardo, V.; Shan, C.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, Z.; Browne, I.; Delabrouille, J.; Santos, L.; dos Santos, M.V.; Xu, H.; Anton, S.; Battye, R.; Chen, T.; Dickinson, C.; Ma, Y.-Z.; Maffei, B.; de Mericia, E.J.; Motta, P.; Otobone, C.H.N.; Peel, M.W.; Roychowdhury, S.; Remazeilles, M.; Ribeiro, R.M.; Sang, Y.; Santos, J.R.L.; dos Santos, J.F.R.; Silva, G.B.; Vieira, F.; Vieira, J.; Xiao, L.; Zhang, X.; Zhu, Y.
The BINGO project. II. Instrument description.
Wuensche, C.A.; Villela, T.; Abdalla, E.; Liccardo, V.; Vieira, F.; Browne, I.; Peel, M.W.; Radcliffe, C.; Abdalla, F.B.; Marins, A.; Barosi, L.; Brito, F.A.; Queiroz, A.R.; Wang, B.; Costa, A.A.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; Fornazier, K.S.F.; Landim, R.G.; Novaes, C.P.; Santos, L.; dos Santos, M.V.; Zhang, J.; Chen, T.; Delabrouille, J.; Dickinson, C.; de Gasperis, G.; Gurjao, E.C.; Harper, S.; Ma, Y.-Z.; Machado, T.; Maffei, B.; de Mericia, E.J.; Monstein, C.; Motta, P.; Otobone, C.H.N.; Reitano, L.A.; Remazeilles, M.; Roychowdhury, S.; Santos, J.R.L.; Serres, A.J.R.; Souza, A.P.; Strauss, C.; Vieira, J.; Xu, H.
The BINGO Project. III. Optical design and optimization of the focal plane.
Abdalla, F.B.; Marins, A.; Motta, P.; Abdalla, E.; Ribeiro, R.M.; Wuensche, C.A.; Delabrouille, J.; Fornazier, K.S.F.; Liccardo, V.; Maffei, B.; de Mericia, E.J.; Otobone, C.H.N.; dos Santos, J.F.R.; Silva, G.B.; Vieira, J.; Barretos, J.A.M.; Barosi, L.; Brito, F.A.; Queiroz, A.R.; Villela, T.; Wang, B.; Costa, A.A.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; Landim, R.G.; Novaes, C.P.; Peel, M.W.; Santos, L.; dos Santos, M.V.; Zhang, J.
The BINGO project. IV. Simulations for mission performance assessment and preliminary component separation steps.
Liccardo, V.; de Mericia, E.J.; Wuensche, C.A.; Abdalla, E.; Abdalla, F.B.; Barosi, L.; Brito, F.A.; Queiroz, A.; Villela, T.; Peel, M.W.; Wang, B.; Costa, A.A.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; Fornazier, K.S.F.; Novaes, C.P.; Santos, L.; dos Santos, M.V.; Remazeilles, M.; Zhang, J.; Dickinson, C.; Harper, S.; Landim, R.G.; Marins, A.; Vieira, F.
The BINGO project. V. Further steps in component separation and bispectrum analysis.
Fornazier, K.S.F.; Abdalla, F.B.; Remazeilles, M.; Vieira, J.; Marins, A.; Abdalla, E.; Santos, L.; Delabrouille, J.; Mericia, E.; Landim, R.G.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; Barosi, L.; Queiroz, A.R.; Villela, T.; Wang, B.; Wuensche, C.A.; Costa, A.A.; Liccardo, V.; Paiva Novaes, C.; Peel, M.W.; dos Santos, M.V.; Zhang, J.
The BINGO project. VI. H I halo occupation distribution and mock building.
Zhang, J.; Motta, P.; Novaes, C.P.; Abdalla, F.B.; Costa, A.A.; Wang, B.; Zhu, Z.; Shan, C.; Xu, H.; Abdalla, E.; Barosi, L.; Brito, F.A.; Queiroz, A.; Villela, T.; Wuensche, C.A.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; Fornazier, K.S.F.; Marins, A.; Santos, L.; Vargas dos Santos, M.; Landim, R.G.; Liccardo, V.
The BINGO project. VII. Cosmological forecasts from 21 cm intensity mapping.
Costa, A.A.; Landim, R.G.; Novaes, C.P.; Xiao, L.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; Abdalla, F.B.; Wang, B.; Abdalla, E.; Battye, R.A.; Marins, A.; Wuensche, C.A.; Barosi, L.; Brito, F.A.; Queiroz, A.R.; Villela, T.; Fornazier, K.S.F.; Liccardo, V.; Santos, L.; dos Santos, M.V.; Zhang, J.
Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE). I. Improved exoplanet detection yield estimates for a large mid-infrared space-interferometer mission.
Quanz, S.P.; Ottiger, M.; Fontanet, E.; Kammerer, J.; Menti, F.; Dannert, F.; Gheorghe, A.; Absil, O.; Airapetian, V.S.; Alei, E.; Allart, R.; Angerhausen, D.; Blumenthal, S.; Buchhave, L.A.; Cabrera, J.; Carrion-Gonzalez, O.; Chauvin, G.; Danchi, W.C.; Dandumont, C.; Defrere, D.; Dorn, C.; Ehrenreich, D.; Ertel, S.; Fridlund, M.; Munoz, A.G.; Gascon, C.; Girard, J.H.; Glauser, A.; Grenfell, J.L.; Guidi, G.; Hagelberg, J.; Helled, R.; Ireland, M.J.; Janson, M.; Kopparapu, R.K.; Korth, J.; Kozakis, T.; Kraus, S.; Leger, A.; Leedjarv, L.; Lichtenberg, T.; Lillo-Box, J.; Linz, H.; Liseau, R.; Loicq, J.; Mahendra, V.; Malbet, F.; Mathew, J.; Mennesson, B.; Meyer, M.R.; Mishra, L.; Molaverdikhani, K.; Noack, L.; Oza, A.V.; Palle, E.; Parviainen, H.; Quirrenbach, A.; Rauer, H.; Ribas, I.; Rice, M.; Romagnolo, A.; Rugheimer, S.; Schwieterman, E.W.; Serabyn, E.; Sharma, S.; Stassun, K.G.; Szulagyi, J.; Wang, H.S.; Wunderlich, F.; Wyatt, M.C.; (The LIFE Collaboration)
Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE). II. Signal simulation, signal extraction, and fundamental exoplanet parameters from single-epoch observations.
Dannert, F.A.; Ottiger, M.; Quanz, S.P.; Laugier, R.; Fontanet, E.; Gheorghe, A.; Absil, O.; Dandumont, C.; Defrere, D.; Gascon, C.; Glauser, A.M.; Kammerer, J.; Lichtenberg, T.; Linz, H.; Loicq, J.; (The LIFE collaboration)
Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE). III. Spectral resolution, wavelength range, and sensitivity requirements based on atmospheric retrieval analyses of an exo-Earth.
Konrad, B.S.; Alei, E.; Quanz, S.P.; Angerhausen, D.; Carrion-Gonzalez, O.; Fortney, J.J.; Grenfell, J.L.; Kitzmann, D.; Molliere, P.; Rugheimer, S.; Wunderlich, F.; (The LIFE Collaboration)
Toward fully compressible numerical simulations of stellar magneto-convection with the RAMSES code.
Canivete Cuissa, J.R.; Teyssier, R.
2022A&A...664A..25K – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A25)
Seeing the forest and the trees: A radio investigation of the ULIRG Mrk 273.
Kukreti, P.; Morganti, R.; Bondi, M.; Oosterloo, T.; Tadhunter, C.; Morabito, L.K.; Adams, E.A.K.; Adebahr, B.; de Blok, W.J.G.; de Gasperin, F.; Drabent, A.; Hess, K.M.; Ivashina, M.V.; Kutkin, A.; Mika, A.M.; Oostrum, L.C.; Shimwell, T.W.; van der Hulst, J.M.; van Leeuwen, J.; van Weeren, R.J.; Vohl, D.; Ziemke, J.
2022A&A...664A..26P – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A26)
ALMA-IMF. III. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: top-heavy core mass function in the W43-MM2&MM3 mini-starburst.
Pouteau, Y.; Motte, F.; Nony, T.; Galvan-Madrid, R.; Men'shchikov, A.; Bontemps, S.; Robitaille, J.-F.; Louvet, F.; Ginsburg, A.; Herpin, F.; Lopez-Sepulcre, A.; Dell'Ova, P.; Gusdorf, A.; Sanhueza, P.; Stutz, A.M.; Brouillet, N.; Thomasson, B.; Armante, M.; Baug, T.; Bonfand, M.; Busquet, G.; Csengeri, T.; Cunningham, N.; Fernandez-Lopez, M.; Liu, H.-L.; Olguin, F.; Towner, A.P.M.; Bally, J.; Braine, J.; Bronfman, L.; Joncour, I.; Gonzalez, M.; Hennebelle, P.; Lu, X.; Menten, K.M.; Moraux, E.; Tatematsu, K.; Walker, D.; Whitworth, A.P.
2022A&A...664A..27R – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A27)
TRAPUM discovery of 13 new pulsars in NGC 1851 using MeerKAT.
Ridolfi, A.; Freire, P.C.C.; Gautam, T.; Ransom, S.M.; Barr, E.D.; Buchner, S.; Burgay, M.; Abbate, F.; Venkatraman Krishnan, V.; Vleeschower, L.; Possenti, A.; Stappers, B.W.; Kramer, M.; Chen, W.; Padmanabh, P.V.; Champion, D.J.; Bailes, M.; Levin, L.; Keane, E.F.; Breton, R.P.; Bezuidenhout, M.; Griessmeier, J.-M.; Kunkel, L.; Men, Y.; Camilo, F.; Geyer, M.; Hugo, B.V.; Jameson, A.; Parthasarathy, A.; Serylak, M.
A highly dynamic small-scale jet in a polar coronal hole.
Mandal, S.; Chitta, L.P.; Peter, H.; Solanki, S.K.; Cuadrado, R.A.; Teriaca, L.; Schuhle, U.; Berghmans, D.; Auchere, F.
The defocused observations of bright sources with Athena/X-IFU.
Kammoun, E.S.; Barret, D.; Peille, P.; Willingale, R.; Dauser, T.; Wilms, J.; Guainazzi, M.; Miller, J.M.
The rotational kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich contribution to the temperature asymmetry toward the M 31 halo.
Tahir, N.; De Paolis, F.; Qadir, A.; Nucita, A.A.
Unravelling UBC 274: A morphological, kinematical, and chemical analysis of a disrupting open cluster.
Casamiquela, L.; Olivares, J.; Tarricq, Y.; Ferrone, S.; Soubiran, C.; Jofre, P.; di Matteo, P.; Espinoza-Rojas, F.; Castro-Ginard, A.; de Brito Silva, D.; Chaname, J.
Pulsational instability of pre-main-sequence models from accreting protostars. II. Modelling echelle diagrams of δ Scuti stars without rotational splitting.
Steindl, T.; Zwintz, K.; Mullner, M.
Four sub-Jovian-mass planets detected by high-cadence microlensing surveys.
Han, C.; Kim, D.; Gould, A.; Udalski, A.; Bond, I.A.; Bozza, V.; Jung, Y.K.; Albrow, M.D.; Chung, S.-J.; Hwang, K.-H.; Ryu, Y.-H.; Shin, I.-G.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Yee, J.C.; Zang, W.; Cha, S.-M.; Kim, D.-J.; Kim, S.-L.; Lee, C.-U.; Lee, D.-J.; Lee, Y.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R.W.; (The KMTNet Collaboration); Mroz, P.; Szymanski, M.K.; Skowron, J.; Poleski, R.; Soszynski, I.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Kozlowski, S.; Ulaczyk, K.; Rybicki, K.A.; Iwanek, P.; (The OGLE Collaboration); Abe, F.; Barry, R.K.; Bennett, D.P.; Bhattacharya, A.; Fujii, H.; Fukui, A.; Hirao, Y.; Itow, Y.; Kirikawa, R.; Koshimoto, N.; Kondo, I.; Matsubara, Y.; Matsumoto, S.; Miyazaki, S.; Muraki, Y.; Olmschenk, G.; Okamura, A.; Ranc, C.; Rattenbury, N.J.; Satoh, Y.; Silva, S.I.; Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Toda, T.; Tristram, P.J.; Vandorou, A.; Yama, H.; (The MOA Collaboration)
2022A&A...664A..34A – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A34)
Measuring precise radial velocities on individual spectral lines. III. Dependence of stellar activity signal on line formation temperature.
Al Moulla, K.; Dumusque, X.; Cretignier, M.; Zhao, Y.; Valenti, J.A.
Sub-surface stratification and dielectric permittivity distribution at the Chang'E-4 landing site revealed by the lunar penetrating radar.
Chen, R.; Xu, Y.; Xie, M.; Zhang, L.; Niu, S.; Bugiolacchi, R.
VLBI observations of GRB 201015A, a relatively faint GRB with a hint of very high-energy gamma-ray emission.
Giarratana, S.; Rhodes, L.; Marcote, B.; Fender, R.; Ghirlanda, G.; Giroletti, M.; Nava, L.; Paredes, J.M.; Ravasio, M.E.; Ribo, M.; Patel, M.; Rastinejad, J.; Schroeder, G.; Fong, W.; Gompertz, B.P.; Levan, A.J.; O'Brien, P.
Revisiting the Pushchino RRAT search using a neural network.
Tyul'bashev, S.A.; Pervukhin, D.V.; Kitaeva, M.A.; Tyul'basheva, G.E.; Brylyakova, E.A.; Chernosov, A.V.
2022A&A...664A..38W – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A38)
J-PLUS: Support vector regression to measure stellar parameters.
Wang, C.; Bai, Y.; Yuan, H.; Liu, J.; Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A.; Coelho, P.R.T.; Jimenez-Esteban, F.; Galarza, C.A.; Angulo, R.E.; Cenarro, A.J.; Cristobal-Hornillos, D.; Dupke, R.A.; Ederoclite, A.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Lopez-Sanjuan, C.; Marin-Franch, A.; Moles, M.; Sodre, L. Jr; Ramio, H.V.; Varela, J.
The [CII] and FIR properties of z > 6 radio-loud quasars.
Khusanova, Y.; Banados, E.; Mazzucchelli, C.; Rojas-Ruiz, S.; Momjian, E.; Walter, F.; Decarli, R.; Venemans, B.; Farina, E.P.; Meyer, R.; Wang, F.; Yang, J.
Galactic mass-to-light ratios with superfluid dark matter.
Mistele, T.; McGaugh, S.; Hossenfelder, S.
Properties of intra-cluster low-mass X-ray binaries in Fornax globular clusters.
Riccio, G.; Paolillo, M.; Cantiello, M.; D'Abrusco, R.; Jin, X.; Li, Z.; Puzia, T.; Mieske, S.; Prole, D.J.; Iodice, E.; D'Ago, G.; Gatto, M.; Spavone, M.
The halo-finding problem revisited: a deep revision of the ASOHF code.
Valles-Perez, D.; Planelles, S.; Quilis, V.
Yutu-2 radar observation of the lunar regolith heterogeneity at the Chang'E-4 landing site.
Ding, C.; Xiong, S.; Li, J.; Su, Y.; Huang, S.
2022A&A...664A..44B – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A44)
The evolution of the H2O maser emission in the accretion burst source G358.93-0.03.
Bayandina, O.S.; Brogan, C.L.; Burns, R.A.; Caratti o Garatti, A.; Chibueze, J.O.; van den Heever, S.P.; Kurtz, S.E.; MacLeod, G.C.; Moscadelli, L.; Sobolev, A.M.; Sugiyama, K.; Val'tts, I.E.; Yonekura, Y.
2022A&A...664A..45A – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A45)
Characterisation of Galactic carbon stars and related stars from Gaia EDR3.
Abia, C.; de Laverny, P.; Romero-Gomez, M.; Figueras, F.
2022A&A...664A..46A – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A46)
Localizing narrow Fe Kα emission within bright AGN.
Andonie, C.; Bauer, F.E.; Carraro, R.; Arevalo, P.; Alexander, D.M.; Brandt, W.N.; Buchner, J.; He, A.; Koss, M.J.; Ricci, C.; Salinas, V.; Solimano, M.; Tortosa, A.; Treister, E.
2022A&A...664A..47K – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A47)
Near-infrared and optical emission of WASP-5 b.
Kovacs, G.; Dekany, I.; Karamiqucham, B.; Chen, G.; Zhou, G.; Rabus, M.; Kovacs, T.
Coronal loop kink oscillation periods derived from the information of density, magnetic field, and loop geometry.
Chen, G.Y.; Chen, L.Y.; Guo, Y.; Ding, M.D.; Chen, P.F.; Erdelyi, R.
Radio observations of massive stars in the Galactic centre: The Quintuplet cluster.
Gallego-Calvente, A.T.; Schodel, R.; Alberdi, A.; Najarro, F.; Yusef-Zadeh, F.; Shahzamanian, B.; Nogueras-Lara, F.
Benchmark tests of transmission spectroscopy using transiting white dwarfs.
Jiang, C.; Chen, G.; Palle, E.; Parviainen, H.; Murgas, F.; Ma, Y.
2022A&A...664A..51R – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A51)
A new approach to feature-based asteroid taxonomy in 3D color space. I. SDSS photometric system.
Roh, D.-G.; Moon, H.-K.; Shin, M.-S.; DeMeo, F.E.
Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE). IV. Ideal kernel-nulling array architectures for a space-based mid-infrared nulling interferometer.
Hansen, J.T.; Ireland, M.J.; (The LIFE Collaboration)
2022A&A...664A..53S – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A53)
A general stability-driven approach for the refinement of multi-planet systems.
Stalport, M.; Delisle, J.-B.; Udry, S.; Matthews, E.C.; Bourrier, V.; Leleu, A.
Upgraded GMRT survey for pulsars in globular clusters. I. Discovery of a millisecond binary pulsar in NGC 6652.
Gautam, T.; Ridolfi, A.; Freire, P.C.C.; Wharton, R.S.; Gupta, Y.; Ransom, S.M.; Oswald, L.S.; Kramer, M.; DeCesar, M.E.
Two-fluid implementation in MPI-AMRVAC with applications to the solar chromosphere.
Braileanu, B.P.; Keppens, R.
Exploring the deep atmospheres of HD 209458b and WASP-43b using a non-gray general circulation model.
Schneider, A.D.; Carone, L.; Decin, L.; Jorgensen, U.G.; Molliere, P.; Baeyens, R.; Kiefer, S.; Helling, C.
XMM-Newton study of six massive, X-ray luminous galaxy cluster systems in the redshift range z = 0.25-0.5.
Bohringer, H.; Chon, G.; Ellis, R.S.; Barrena, R.; Laporte, N.
Warp and flare of the Galactic disc revealed with supergiants by Gaia EDR3.
Chrobakova, Z.; Nagy, R.; Lopez-Corredoira, M.
Exoplanet cartography using convolutional neural networks.
Meinke, K.; Stam, D.M.; Visser, P.M.
Compact molecular gas emission in local LIRGs among low- and high-z galaxies.
Bellocchi, E.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Colina, L.; Labiano, A.; Sanchez-Garcia, M.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Arribas, S.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Villar-Martin, M.; Rigopoulou, D.; Valentino, F.; Puglisi, A.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Cazzoli, S.; Usero, A.
COSMOS2020: Cosmic evolution of the stellar-to-halo mass relation for central and satellite galaxies up to z ∼ 5.
Shuntov, M.; McCracken, H.J.; Gavazzi, R.; Laigle, C.; Weaver, J.R.; Davidzon, I.; Ilbert, O.; Kauffmann, O.B.; Faisst, A.; Dubois, Y.; Koekemoer, A.M.; Moneti, A.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Mobasher, B.; Sanders, D.B.; Toft, S.
2022A&A...664A..62G – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A62)
X-ray spectra of the Fe-L complex. III. Systematic uncertainties in atomic data.
Gu, L.; Shah, C.; Mao, J.; Raassen, A.J.J.; de Plaa, J.; Pinto, C.; Akamatsu, H.; Werner, N.; Simionescu, A.; Mernier, F.; Sawada, M.; Mohanty, P.; Amaro, P.; Gu, M.F.; Porter, F.S.; Lopez-Urrutia, J.R.C.; Kaastra, J.S.
Starbursts with suppressed velocity dispersion revealed in a forming cluster at z = 2.51.
Xiao, M.-Y.; Wang, T.; Elbaz, D.; Iono, D.; Lu, X.; Bing, L.-J.; Daddi, E.; Magnelli, B.; Gomez-Guijarro, C.; Bournaud, F.; Gu, Q.-S.; Jin, S.; Valentino, F.; Zanella, A.; Gobat, R.; Martin, S.; Brammer, G.; Kohno, K.; Schreiber, C.; Ciesla, L.; Yu, X.-L.; Okumura, K.
2022A&A...664A..64G – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A64)
Detailed stellar activity analysis and modelling of GJ 832. Reassessment of the putative habitable zone planet GJ 832c.
Gorrini, P.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Dreizler, S.; Damasso, M.; Diaz, R.F.; Bonfils, X.; Jeffers, S.V.; Barnes, J.R.; Del Sordo, F.; Almenara, J.-M.; Artigau, E.; Bouchy, F.; Charbonneau, D.; Delfosse, X.; Doyon, R.; Figueira, P.; Forveille, T.; Haswell, C.A.; Lopez-Gonzalez, M.J.; Melo, C.; Mennickent, R.E.; Gaisne, G.; Morales Morales, N.; Murgas, F.; Pepe, F.; Rodriguez, E.; Santos, N.C.; Tal-Or, L.; Tsapras, Y.; Udry, S.
2022A&A...664A..65P – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A65)
HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XV. Planetary occurrence rates around early-M dwarfs,.
Pinamonti, M.; Sozzetti, A.; Maldonado, J.; Affer, L.; Micela, G.; Bonomo, A.S.; Lanza, A.F.; Perger, M.; Ribas, I.; Hernandez, J.I.G.; Bignamini, A.; Claudi, R.; Covino, E.; Damasso, M.; Desidera, S.; Giacobbe, P.; Gonzalez-Alvarez, E.; Herrero, E.; Leto, G.; Maggio, A.; Molinari, E.; Morales, J.C.; Pagano, I.; Petralia, A.; Piotto, G.; Poretti, E.; Rebolo, R.; Scandariato, G.; Mascareno, A.S.; Toledo-Padron, B.; Sanchez, R.Z.
2022A&A...664A..66M – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A66)
Gaia EDR3 comparative study of protoplanetary disk fractions in young stellar clusters.
Mendigutia, I.; Solano, E.; Vioque, M.; Balaguer-Nunez, L.; Ribas, A.; Huelamo, N.; Rodrigo, C.
The KOSMA-τ PDR model. I. Recent updates to the numerical model of photo-dissociated regions.
Rollig, M.; Ossenkopf-Okada, V.
Runko: Modern multiphysics toolbox for plasma simulations.
Nattila, J.
Discovery of an asteroid family linked to (22) Kalliope and its moon Linus.
Broz, M.; Ferrais, M.; Vernazza, P.; Sevecek, P.; Jutzi, M.
2022A&A...664A..70G – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A70)
Lithium depletion boundary, stellar associations, and Gaia.
Galindo-Guil, F.J.; Barrado, D.; Bouy, H.; Olivares, J.; Bayo, A.; Morales-Calderon, M.; Huelamo, N.; Sarro, L.M.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Stoev, H.; Montesinos, B.; Stauffer, J.R.
Toward on-sky adaptive optics control using reinforcement learning. Model-based policy optimization for adaptive optics.
Nousiainen, J.; Rajani, C.; Kasper, M.; Helin, T.; Haffert, S.Y.; Verinaud, C.; Males, J.R.; Van Gorkom, K.; Close, L.M.; Long, J.D.; Hedglen, A.D.; Guyon, O.; Schatz, L.; Kautz, M.; Lumbres, J.; Rodack, A.; Knight, J.M.; Miller, K.
Properties of ubiquitous magnetic reconnection events in the lower solar atmosphere.
Joshi, J.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.H.M.
2022A&A...664A..73B – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A73)
The ALMA-ALPINE [CII] survey. The star formation history and the dust emission of star-forming galaxies at 4.5 < z < 6.2.
Burgarella, D.; Bogdanoska, J.; Nanni, A.; Bardelli, S.; Bethermin, M.; Boquien, M.; Buat, V.; Faisst, A.L.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Fudamoto, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Giavalisco, M.; Ginolfi, M.; Gruppioni, C.; Hathi, N.P.; Ibar, E.; Jones, G.C.; Koekemoer, A.M.; Kohno, K.; Lemaux, B.C.; Narayanan, D.; Oesch, P.; Ouchi, M.; Riechers, D.A.; Pozzi, F.; Romano, M.; Schaerer, D.; Talia, M.; Theule, P.; Vergani, D.; Zamorani, G.; Zucca, E.; Cassata, P.; (The ALPINE Team)
A 3D parametric Martian magnetic pileup boundary model with the effects of solar wind density, velocity, and IMF.
Wang, M.; Sui, H.Y.; Lu, J.Y.; Xie, L.; Kabin, K.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, H.X.; Qu, B.H.; Guan, Z.J.; Qiao, F.H.; Li, L.
The environmental dependence of the stellar and gas-phase mass-metallicity relation at 2 < z < 4.
Calabro, A.; Guaita, L.; Pentericci, L.; Fontanot, F.; Castellano, M.; De Lucia, G.; Garofalo, T.; Santini, P.; Cullen, F.; Carnall, A.; Garilli, B.; Talia, M.; Cresci, G.; Franco, M.; Fynbo, J.P.U.; Hathi, N.P.; Hirschmann, M.; Koekemoer, A.; Llerena, M.; Xie, L.
The transfer of polarized radiation in resonance lines with partial frequency redistribution, J-state interference, and arbitrary magnetic fields. A radiative transfer code and useful approximations.
Alsina Ballester, E.; Belluzzi, L.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
Pure-mode correlation functions for cosmic shear and application to KiDS-1000.
Schneider, P.; Asgari, M.; Jozani, Y.N.; Dvornik, A.; Giblin, B.; Harnois-Deraps, J.; Heymans, C.; Hildebrandt, H.; Hoekstra, H.; Kuijken, K.; Shan, H.; Troster, T.; Wright, A.H.
2022A&A...664A..78F – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A78)
Characterization of Kepler targets based on medium-resolution LAMOST spectra analyzed with ROTFIT,.
Frasca, A.; Molenda-Zakowicz, J.; Alonso-Santiago, J.; Catanzaro, G.; De Cat, P.; Fu, J.N.; Zong, W.; Wang, J.X.; Cang, T.; Wang, J.T.
K2 and Spitzer phase curves of the rocky ultra-short-period planet K2-141 b hint at a tenuous rock vapor atmosphere.
Zieba, S.; Zilinskas, M.; Kreidberg, L.; Nguyen, T.G.; Miguel, Y.; Cowan, N.B.; Pierrehumbert, R.; Carone, L.; Dang, L.; Hammond, M.; Louden, T.; Lupu, R.; Malavolta, L.; Stevenson, K.B.
ATLASGAL-selected massive clumps in the inner Galaxy. X. Observations of atomic carbon at 492 GHz.
Lee, M.-Y.; Wyrowski, F.; Menten, K.; Tiwari, M.; Gusten, R.
O'TRAIN: A robust and flexible 'real or bogus' classifier for the study of the optical transient sky.
Makhlouf, K.; Turpin, D.; Corre, D.; Karpov, S.; Kann, D.A.; Klotz, A.
2022A&A...664A..82T – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A82)
A mini-chemical scheme with net reactions for 3D general circulation models. I. Thermochemical kinetics.
Tsai, S.-M.; Lee, E.K.H.; Pierrehumbert, R.
2022A&A...664A..83H – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A83)
Nearby galaxies in the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. I. Insights into the non-linearity of the radio-SFR relation.
Heesen, V.; Staffehl, M.; Basu, A.; Beck, R.; Stein, M.; Tabatabaei, F.S.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Chyzy, K.T.; Shimwell, T.W.; Adebahr, B.; Beswick, R.; Bomans, D.J.; Botteon, A.; Brinks, E.; Bruggen, M.; Dettmar, R.-J.; Drabent, A.; de Gasperin, F.; Gurkan, G.; Heald, G.H.; Horellou, C.; Nikiel-Wroczynski, B.; Paladino, R.; Piotrowska, J.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Smith, D.J.B.; Tasse, C.
The SEDIGISM survey: Molecular cloud morphology. II. Integrated source properties.
Neralwar, K.R.; Colombo, D.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Urquhart, J.S.; Mattern, M.; Wyrowski, F.; Menten, K.M.; Barnes, P.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Rigby, A.J.; Mazumdar, P.; Eden, D.; Csengeri, T.; Dobbs, C.L.; Veena, V.S.; Neupane, S.; Henning, T.; Schuller, F.; Leurini, S.; Wienen, M.; Yang, A.Y.; Ragan, S.E.; Medina, S.; Nguyen-Luong, Q.
Methanediol CH2(OH)2 and hydroxymethyl CH2OH+: key organic intermediates on the path to complex organic molecules.
Heyser Valencia, C.; Inostroza-Pino, N.
Growth after the streaming instability: The radial distance dependence of the planetary growth.
Jang, H.; Liu, B.; Johansen, A.
Resonance capture and long-term evolution of planets in binary star systems.
Roisin, A.; Doukhanin, N.; Teyssandier, J.; Libert, A.-S.
2022A&A...664A..88E – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A88)
Filamentary structures of ionized gas in Cygnus X.
Emig, K.L.; White, G.J.; Salas, P.; Karim, R.L.; van Weeren, R.J.; Teuben, P.J.; Zavagno, A.; Chiu, P.; Haverkorn, M.; Oonk, J.B.R.; Orru, E.; Polderman, I.M.; Reich, W.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.
Supernova remnant G46.8-0.3: A new case of interaction with molecular material.
Supan, L.; Fischetto, G.; Castelletti, G.
Dark matter in galaxy clusters: Parametric strong-lensing approach.
Limousin, M.; Beauchesne, B.; Jullo, E.
Chromospheric extension of the MURaM code.
Przybylski, D.; Cameron, R.; Solanki, S.K.; Rempel, M.; Leenaarts, J.; Anusha, L.S.; Witzke, V.; Shapiro, A.I.
2022A&A...664A..92H – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A92)
GALAPAGOS-2/GALFITM/GAMA - Multi-wavelength measurement of galaxy structure: Separating the properties of spheroid and disk components in modern surveys.
Haussler, B.; Vika, M.; Bamford, S.P.; Johnston, E.J.; Brough, S.; Casura, S.; Holwerda, B.W.; Kelvin, L.S.; Popescu, C.
2022A&A...664A..93D – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A93)
A spectroscopic multiplicity survey of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars. II. The northern WNE sequence.
Dsilva, K.; Shenar, T.; Sana, H.; Marchant, P.
2022A&A...664A..94P – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A94)
Three new brown dwarfs and a massive hot Jupiter revealed by TESS around early-type stars.
Psaridi, A.; Bouchy, F.; Lendl, M.; Grieves, N.; Stassun, K.G.; Carmichael, T.; Gill, S.; Rojas, P.A.P.; Gan, T.; Shporer, A.; Bieryla, A.; Brahm, R.; Christiansen, J.L.; Crossfield, I.J.M.; Galland, F.; Hooton, M.J.; Jenkins, J.M.; Jenkins, J.S.; Latham, D.W.; Lund, M.B.; Rodriguez, J.E.; Ting, E.B.; Udry, S.; Ulmer-Moll, S.; Wittenmyer, R.A.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, G.; Addison, B.; Cointepas, M.; Collins, K.A.; Collins, K.I.; Deline, A.; Dressing, C.D.; Evans, P.; Giacalone, S.; Heitzmann, A.; Mireles, I.; Mounzer, D.; Otegi, J.; Radford, D.J.; Rudat, A.; Schlieder, J.E.; Schwarz, R.P.; Srdoc, G.; Stockdale, C.; Suarez, O.; Wright, D.J.; Zhao, Y.
Water, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and dust production from distant comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1,.
Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Biver, N.; Schambeau, C.A.; Crovisier, J.; Opitom, C.; de Val Borro, M.; Lellouch, E.; Hartogh, P.; Vandenbussche, B.; Jehin, E.; Kidger, M.; Kuppers, M.; Lis, D.C.; Moreno, R.; Szutowicz, S.; Zakharov, V.
2022A&A...664A..96Z – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A96)
Multiply eclipsing candidates from the TESS satellite.
Zasche, P.; Henzl, Z.; Masek, M.
2022A&A...664A..97P – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A97)
Regularized 3D spectroscopy with CubeFit: Method and application to the Galactic Center circumnuclear disk,.
Paumard, T.; Ciurlo, A.; Morris, M.R.; Do, T.; Ghez, A.M.
Apsidal motion in massive eccentric binaries: The case of CPD-41° 7742, and HD 152218 revisited.
Rosu, S.; Rauw, G.; Naze, Y.; Gosset, E.; Sterken, C.
XMM-Newton and Swift observations of supergiant high mass X-ray binaries.
Ferrigno, C.; Bozzo, E.; Romano, P.
Discovery of optical and infrared accretion disc wind signatures in the black hole candidate MAXI J1348-630.
Panizo-Espinar, G.; Armas Padilla, M.; Munoz-Darias, T.; Koljonen, K.I.I.; Cuneo, V.A.; Sanchez-Sierras, J.; Mata Sanchez, D.; Casares, J.; Corral-Santana, J.; Fender, R.P.; Jimenez-Ibarra, F.; Ponti, G.; Steeghs, D.; Torres, M.A.P.
Exploratory scenarios for the differential nuclear and tidal evolution of TZ Fornacis.
Claret, A.
System equivalent flux density of Stokes I, Q, U, and V of a polarimetric interferometer.
Sutinjo, A.T.; Ung, D.C.X.; Sokolowski, M.
Revisiting the high-mass transfer close binary star system AU Monocerotis.
Armeni, A.; Shore, S.N.
Simultaneous X-ray and optical spectroscopy of V404 Cygni supports the multi-phase nature of X-ray binary accretion disc winds.
Munoz-Darias, T.; Ponti, G.
2022A&A...664A.105F – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A105)
The stellar content of the ROSAT all-sky survey.
Freund, S.; Czesla, S.; Robrade, J.; Schneider, P.C.; Schmitt, J.H.M.M.
New limits from microlensing on Galactic black holes in the mass range 10 M < M < 1000 M.
Blaineau, T.; Moniez, M.; Afonso, C.; Albert, J.-N.; Ansari, R.; Aubourg, E.; Coutures, C.; Glicenstein, J.-F.; Goldman, B.; Hamadache, C.; Lasserre, T.; Le Guillou, L.; Lesquoy, E.; Magneville, C.; Marquette, J.-B.; Palanque-Delabrouille, N.; Perdereau, O.; Rich, J.; Spiro, M.; Tisserand, P.
Near-ultraviolet to visible spectroscopy of the Themis and Polana-Eulalia complex families.
Tatsumi, E.; Tinaut-Ruano, F.; de Leon, J.; Popescu, M.; Licandro, J.
Magnetic fields and hot gas in M 101.
Wezgowiec, M.; Beck, R.; Hanasz, M.; Soida, M.; Ehle, M.; Dettmar, R.-J.; Urbanik, M.
2022A&A...664A.109P – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A109)
The Gaia EDR3 view of Johnson-Kron-Cousins standard stars: the curated Landolt and Stetson collections.
Pancino, E.; Marrese, P.M.; Marinoni, S.; Sanna, N.; Turchi, A.; Tsantaki, M.; Rainer, M.; Altavilla, G.; Monelli, M.; Monaco, L.
Properties of IR-selected active galactic nuclei.
Bornancini, C.G.; Oio, G.A.; Alonso, M.V.; Garcia Lambas, D.
2022A&A...664A.111B – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A111)
Infrared spectroscopy of free-floating planet candidates in Upper Scorpius and Ophiuchus.
Bouy, H.; Tamura, M.; Barrado, D.; Motohara, K.; Castro Rodriguez, N.; Miret-Roig, N.; Konishi, M.; Koyama, S.; Takahashi, H.; Huelamo, N.; Bertin, E.; Olivares, J.; Sarro, L.M.; Berihuete, A.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Galli, P.A.B.; Yoshii, Y.; Miyata, T.
2022A&A...664A.112M – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A112)
Benchmarking the ab initio hydrogen equation of state for the interior structure of Jupiter.
Mazevet, S.; Licari, A.; Soubiran, F.
A search for transiting planets around hot subdwarfs. II. Supplementary methods and results from TESS Cycle 1.
Thuillier, A.; Van Grootel, V.; Devora-Pajares, M.; Pozuelos, F.J.; Charpinet, S.; Siess, L.
KMT-2021-BLG-0240: Microlensing event with a deformed planetary signal.
Han, C.; Kim, D.; Yang, H.; Gould, A.; Jung, Y.K.; Albrow, M.D.; Chung, S.-J.; Hwang, K.-H.; Lee, C.-U.; Ryu, Y.-H.; Shin, I.-G.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Yee, J.C.; Zang, W.; Cha, S.-M.; Kim, D.-J.; Kim, S.-L.; Lee, D.-J.; Lee, Y.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R.W.; (The KMTNet Collaboration)
The Fornax3D project: Discovery of ancient massive merger events in the Fornax cluster galaxies NGC 1380 and NGC 1427.
Zhu, L.; van de Ven, G.; Leaman, R.; Pillepich, A.; Coccato, L.; Ding, Y.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Iodice, E.; Navarro, I.M.; Pinna, F.; Corsini, E.M.; Gadotti, D.A.; Fahrion, K.; Lyubenova, M.; Mao, S.; McDermid, R.; Poci, A.; Sarzi, M.; de Zeeuw, T.
Long-term scintillation studies of EPTA pulsars. I. Observations and basic results.
Liu, Y.; Verbiest, J.P.W.; Main, R.A.; Wu, Z.; Ambalappat, K.M.; Champion, D.J.; Cognard, I.; Guillemot, L.; Gaikwad, M.; Janssen, G.H.; Kramer, M.; Keith, M.J.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kunkel, L.; Liu, K.; McKee, J.W.; Mickaliger, M.B.; Stappers, B.W.; Shaifullah, G.M.; Theureau, G.
2022A&A...664A.117D – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A117)
A structure function analysis of VST-COSMOS AGN.
De Cicco, D.; Bauer, F.E.; Paolillo, M.; Sanchez-Saez, P.; Brandt, W.N.; Vagnetti, F.; Pignata, G.; Radovich, M.; Vaccari, M.
Wide-angle protostellar outflows driven by narrow jets in stratified cores.
Rabenanahary, M.; Cabrit, S.; Meliani, Z.; Pineau des Forets, G.
Deuteration of c-C3H2 towards the pre-stellar core L1544.
Giers, K.; Spezzano, S.; Alves, F.; Caselli, P.; Redaelli, E.; Sipila, O.; Ben Khalifa, M.; Wiesenfeld, L.; Brunken, S.; Bizzocchi, L.
What can be learnt from UHECR anisotropies observations. I. Large-scale anisotropies and composition features.
Allard, D.; Aublin, J.; Baret, B.; Parizot, E.
Transmission spectroscopy of MASCARA-1b with ESPRESSO: Challenges of overlapping orbital and Doppler tracks.
Casasayas-Barris, N.; Borsa, F.; Palle, E.; Allart, R.; Bourrier, V.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Kesseli, A.; Sanchez-Lopez, A.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Snellen, I.A.G.; Orell-Miquel, J.; Stangret, M.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Lovis, C.; Hooton, M.J.; Lend, M.; Smith, A.M.S.; Pepe, F.; Rebolo, R.; Cristiani, S.; Santos, N.C.; Adibekyan, V.; Alibert, Y.; Cristo, E.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Figueira, P.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Micela, G.; Seidel, J.V.; Azevedo Silva, T.; Sousa, S.G.; Sozzetti, A.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Tabernero, H.M.
The halo around HD 32297: µm-sized cometary dust.
Olofsson, J.; Thebault, P.; Kennedy, G.M.; Bayo, A.
Important stellar perturbers found during the StePPeD database update based on Gaia EDR3 data.
Dybczynski, P.A.; Berski, F.; Tokarek, J.; Podlewska-Gaca, E.; Langner, K.; Bartczak, P.
Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS). V. Cleaning the foreground populations from Galactic bulge colour-magnitude diagrams using Gaia EDR3.
Marchetti, T.; Johnson, C.I.; Joyce, M.; Rich, R.M.; Simion, I.T.; Young, M.D.; Clarkson, W.; Pilachowski, C.A.; Michael, S.; Kunder, A.; Koch-Hansen, A.J.
Central star formation in double-peak, gas-rich radio galaxies.
Maschmann, D.; Melchior, A.-L.; Combes, F.; Mazzilli Ciraulo, B.; Freundlich, J.; Halle, A.; Drabent, A.
2022A&A...664A.126L – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A126)
The eROSITA extragalactic CalPV serendipitous catalog.
Liu, T.; Merloni, A.; Wolf, J.; Salvato, M.; Reiprich, T.H.; Comparat, J.; Arcodia, R.; Lamer, G.; Georgakakis, A.; Dwelly, T.; Sanders, J.; Buchner, J.; Haberl, F.; Ramos-Ceja, M.E.; Wilms, J.; Nandra, K.; Brunner, H.; Brusa, M.; Schwope, A.; Robrade, J.; Freyberg, M.; Boller, T.; Maitra, C.; Veronica, A.; Malyali, A.
Accounting for stellar activity signals in radial-velocity data by using change point detection techniques.
Simola, U.; Bonfanti, A.; Dumusque, X.; Cisewski-Kehe, J.; Kaski, S.; Corander, J.
2022A&A...664A.128C – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A128)
Power-2 limb-darkening coefficients for the uvby, UBVRIJHK, SDSS ugriz, Gaia, Kepler, and TESS photometric systems. I. ATLAS stellar atmosphere models.
Claret, A.; Southworth, J.
2022A&A...664A.129D – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A129)
J-PLUS: Detecting and studying extragalactic globular clusters. The case of NGC 1023.
de Brito Silva, D.; Coelho, P.; Cortesi, A.; Bruzual, G.; Magris, G.C.; Chies-Santos, A.L.; Hernandez-Jimenez, J.A.; Ederoclite, A.; San Roman, I.; Varela, J.; Forbes, D.A.; Jimenez-Teja, Y.; Cenarro, J.; Cristobal-Hornillos, D.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Lopez-Sanjuan, C.; Marin-Franch, A.; Moles, M.; Vazquez Ramio, H.; Dupke, R.; Sodre, L. Jr; Angulo, R.E.
Physical properties of the trans-Neptunian object (38628) Huya from a multi-chord stellar occultation.
Santos-Sanz, P.; Ortiz, J.L.; Sicardy, B.; Popescu, M.; Benedetti-Rossi, G.; Morales, N.; Vara-Lubiano, M.; Camargo, J.I.B.; Pereira, C.L.; Rommel, F.L.; Assafin, M.; Desmars, J.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Duffard, R.; Marques Oliveira, J.; Vieira-Martins, R.; Fernandez-Valenzuela, E.; Morgado, B.E.; Acar, M.; Anghel, S.; Atalay, E.; Ates, A.; Bakis, H.; Bakis, V.; Eker, Z.; Erece, O.; Kaspi, S.; Kayhan, C.; Kilic, S.E.; Kilic, Y.; Manulis, I.; Nedelcu, D.A.; Niaei, M.S.; Nir, G.; Ofek, E.; Ozisik, T.; Petrescu, E.; Satir, O.; Solmaz, A.; Sonka, A.; Tekes, M.; Unsalan, O.; Yesilyaprak, C.; Anghel, R.; Bertesteanu, D.; Curelaru, L.; Danescu, C.; Dumitrescu, V.; Gherase, R.; Hudin, L.; Stoian, A.-M.; Tercu, J.O.; Truta, R.; Turcu, V.; Vantdevara, C.; Belskaya, I.; Dementiev, T.O.; Gazeas, K.; Karampotsiou, S.; Kashuba, V.; Kiss, C.; Koshkin, N.; Kozhukhov, O.M.; Krugly, Y.; Lecacheux, J.; Pal, A.; Puskullu, C.; Szakats, R.; Zhukov, V.; Bamberger, D.; Mondon, B.; Perello, C.; Pratt, A.; Schnabel, C.; Selva, A.; Teng, J.P.; Tigani, K.; Tsamis, V.; Weber, C.; Wells, G.; Kalkan, S.; Kudak, V.; Marciniak, A.; Ogloza, W.; Ozdemir, T.; Pakstiene, E.; Perig, V.; Zejmo, M.
A proposed network of gamma-ray burst detectors on the global navigation satellite system Galileo G2.
Greiner, J.; Hugentobler, U.; Burgess, J.M.; Berlato, F.; Rott, M.; Tsvetkova, A.
The properties of 0.11 keV-344 MeV ion spectra in the inner heliosheath using regularized κ-distributions.
Scherer, K.; Dialynas, K.; Fichtner, H.; Galli, A.; Roussos, E.
Electron dynamics in small magnetospheres. Insights from global, fully kinetic plasma simulations of the planet Mercury.
Lavorenti, F.; Henri, P.; Califano, F.; Deca, J.; Aizawa, S.; Andre, N.; Benkhoff, J.
Deep learning-based imaging in radio interferometry.
Schmidt, K.; Geyer, F.; Frose, S.; Blomenkamp, P.-S.; Bruggen, M.; de Gasperin, F.; Elsasser, D.; Rhode, W.
Unexplored outflows in nearby low luminosity AGNs. The case of NGC 1052.
Cazzoli, S.; Hermosa Munoz, L.; Marquez, I.; Masegosa, J.; Castillo-Morales, A.; Gil de Paz, A.; Hernandez-Garcia, L.; La Franca, F.; Ramos Almeida, C.
Euclid-Roman joint microlensing survey: Early mass measurement, free floating planets, and exomoons.
Bachelet, E.; Specht, D.; Penny, M.; Hundertmark, M.; Awiphan, S.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Dominik, M.; Kerins, E.; Maoz, D.; Meade, E.; Nucita, A.A.; Poleski, R.; Ranc, C.; Rhodes, J.; Robin, A.C.
2022A&A...664A.137G – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A137)
Distribution of solids in the rings of the HD 163296 disk: a multiwavelength study.
Guidi, G.; Isella, A.; Testi, L.; Chandler, C.J.; Liu, H.B.; Schmid, H.M.; Rosotti, G.; Meng, C.; Jennings, J.; Williams, J.P.; Carpenter, J.M.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Li, H.; Liu, S.F.; Ortolani, S.; Quanz, S.P.; Ricci, L.; Tazzari, M.
2022A&A...664A.138S – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A138)
Calibrated gas accretion and orbital migration of protoplanets in 1D disc models.
Schib, O.; Mordasini, C.; Helled, R.
In-depth direct imaging and spectroscopic characterization of the young Solar System analog HD 95086.
Desgrange, C.; Chauvin, G.; Christiaens, V.; Cantalloube, F.; Lefranc, L.-X.; Le Coroller, H.; Rubini, P.; Otten, G.P.P.L.; Beust, H.; Bonavita, M.; Delorme, P.; Devinat, M.; Gratton, R.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Langlois, M.; Mesa, D.; Milli, J.; Szulagyi, J.; Nowak, M.; Rodet, L.; Rojo, P.; Petrus, S.; Janson, M.; Henning, T.; Kral, Q.; van Holstein, R.G.; Menard, F.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Biller, B.; Boccaletti, A.; Bonnefoy, M.; Brown, S.; Costille, A.; Delboulbe, A.; Desidera, S.; D'Orazi, V.; Feldt, M.; Fusco, T.; Galicher, R.; Hagelberg, J.; Lazzoni, C.; Ligi, R.; Maire, A.-L.; Messina, S.; Meyer, M.; Potier, A.; Ramos, J.; Rouan, D.; Schmidt, T.; Vigan, A.; Zurlo, A.
A multiwavelength study of the W33 Main ultracompact HII region.
Khan, S.; Pandian, J.D.; Lal, D.V.; Rugel, M.R.; Brunthaler, A.; Menten, K.M.; Wyrowski, F.; Medina, S.-N.X.; Dzib, S.A.; Nguyen, H.
SHAPEPIPE: A modular weak-lensing processing and analysis pipeline.
Farrens, S.; Guinot, A.; Kilbinger, M.; Liaudat, T.; Baumont, L.; Jimenez, X.; Peel, A.; Pujol, A.; Schmitz, M.; Starck, J.-L.; Vitorelli, A.Z.
ALMA imaging of the cold molecular and dusty disk in the type 2 active nucleus of the Circinus galaxy.
Tristram, K.R.W.; Impellizzeri, C.M.V.; Zhang, Z.-Y.; Villard, E.; Henkel, C.; Viti, S.; Burtscher, L.; Combes, F.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Martin, S.; Meisenheimer, K.; van der Werf, P.P.
Differential astrometry with Gaia. Investigating relativistic light deflection close to Jupiter.
Abbas, U.; Bucciarelli, B.; Lattanzi, M.G.; Crosta, M.; Morbidelli, R.; Busonero, D.; Bramante, L.; Messineo, R.
Warm ionized gas in the blue compact galaxy Haro 14 viewed by MUSE. The diverse ionization mechanisms acting in low-mass starbursts.
Cairos, L.M.; Gonzalez-Perez, J.N.; Weilbacher, P.M.; Manso Sainz, R.
Stellar collisions in globular clusters: Constraints on the initial mass function of the first generation of stars.
Dib, S.; Kravtsov, V.V.; Haghi, H.; Zonoozi, A.H.; Belinchon, J.A.
2022A&A...664A.146N – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A146)
Westerlund 1 under the light of Gaia EDR3: Distance, isolation, extent, and a hidden population.
Negueruela, I.; Alfaro, E.J.; Dorda, R.; Marco, A.; Maiz Apellaniz, J.; Gonzalez-Fernandez, C.
Impact drag force exerted on a projectile penetrating into a hierarchical granular bed.
Okubo, F.; Katsuragi, H.
Milky Way archaeology using RR Lyrae and type II Cepheids. II. High-velocity RR Lyrae stars and Milky Way mass.
Prudil, Z.; Koch-Hansen, A.J.; Lemasle, B.; Grebel, E.K.; Marchetti, T.; Hansen, C.J.; Crestani, J.; Braga, V.F.; Bono, G.; Chaboyer, B.; Fabrizio, M.; Dall'Ora, M.; Martinez-Vazquez, C.E.
Retraction notice to: r-process nucleosynthesis in the MHD+neutrino-heated collapsar jet.
Nakamura, K.; Kajino, T.; Mathews, G.J.; Sato, S.; Harikae, S.
Cosmic-ray-induced H2 line emission. Astrochemical modeling and implications for JWST observations.
Gaches, B.A.L.; Bialy, S.; Bisbas, T.G.; Padovani, M.; Seifried, D.; Walch, S.
The morphology of CS Cha circumbinary disk suggesting the existence of a Saturn-mass planet.
Kurtovic, N.T.; Pinilla, P.; Penzlin, A.B.T.; Benisty, M.; Perez, L.; Ginski, C.; Isella, A.; Kley, W.; Menard, F.; Perez, S.; Bayo, A.
Aspects of thermal modeling using digital terrain models. Assessing indirect radiation, the solar limb darkening effect, and depth profiles: Application to Mercury's north polar MLA DTM.
Glaser, P.
2022A&A...664A.153P – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A153)
Extremely high spectral resolution measurements of the 450 um atmospheric window at Chajnantor with APEX,.
Pardo, J.R.; De Breuck, C.; Muders, D.; Gonzalez, J.; Montenegro-Montes, F.M.; Perez-Beaupuits, J.P.; Cernicharo, J.; Prigent, C.; Serabyn, E.; Mroczkowski, T.; Phillips, N.
CHEMOUT: CHEMical complexity in star-forming regions of the OUTer Galaxy. II. Methanol formation at low metallicity.
Fontani, F.; Schmiedeke, A.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Colzi, L.; Elia, D.; Rivilla, V.M.; Beltran, M.T.; Bizzocchi, L.; Caselli, P.; Magrini, L.; Romano, D.
Questioning Planck-selected star-forming high-redshift galaxy protoclusters and their fate.
Gouin, C.; Aghanim, N.; Dole, H.; Polletta, M.; Park, C.
2022A&A...664A.156O – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A156)
Uncovering the true periods of the young sub-Neptunes orbiting TOI-2076.
Osborn, H.P.; Bonfanti, A.; Gandolfi, D.; Hedges, C.; Leleu, A.; Fortier, A.; Futyan, D.; Gutermann, P.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Borsato, L.; Collins, K.A.; Gomes da Silva, J.; Gomez Maqueo Chew, Y.; Hooton, M.J.; Lendl, M.; Parviainen, H.; Salmon, S.; Schanche, N.; Serrano, L.M.; Sousa, S.G.; Tuson, A.; Ulmer-Moll, S.; Van Grootel, V.; Wells, R.D.; Wilson, T.G.; Alibert, Y.; Alonso, R.; Anglada, G.; Asquier, J.; Barrado y Navascues, D.; Baumjohann, W.; Beck, T.; Benz, W.; Biondi, F.; Bonfils, X.; Bouchy, F.; Brandeker, A.; Broeg, C.; Barczy, T.; Barros, S.C.C.; Cabrera, J.; Charnoz, S.; Collier Cameron, A.; Csizmadia, S.; Davies, M.B.; Deleuil, M.; Delrez, L.; Demory, B.-O.; Ehrenreich, D.; Erikson, A.; Fossati, L.; Fridlund, M.; Gillon, M.; Gomez-Munoz, M.A.; Gudel, M.; Heng, K.; Hoyer, S.; Isaak, K.G.; Kiss, L.; Laskar, J.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Lovis, C.; Magrin, D.; Malavolta, L.; McCormac, J.; Nascimbeni, V.; Olofsson, G.; Ottensamer, R.; Pagano, I.; Palle, E.; Peter, G.; Piazza, D.; Piotto, G.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.; Ragazzoni, R.; Rando, N.; Rauer, H.; Reimers, C.; Ribas, I.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Smith, A.M.S.; Sabin, L.; Santos, N.; Scandariato, G.; Schroffenegger, U.; Schwarz, R.P.; Shporer, A.; Simon, A.E.; Steller, M.; Szabo, G.M.; Segransan, D.; Thomas, N.; Udry, S.; Walter, I.; Walton, N.
How cooling influences circumbinary discs.
Sudarshan, P.; Penzlin, A.B.T.; Ziampras, A.; Kley, W.; Nelson, R.P.
2022A&A...664A.158R – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A158)
Energetic nuclear transients in luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies.
Reynolds, T.M.; Mattila, S.; Efstathiou, A.; Kankare, E.; Kool, E.; Ryder, S.; Pena-Monino, L.; Perez-Torres, M.A.
2022A&A...664A.159M – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A159)
Identifying quiescent compact objects in massive Galactic single-lined spectroscopic binaries.
Mahy, L.; Sana, H.; Shenar, T.; Sen, K.; Langer, N.; Marchant, P.; Abdul-Masih, M.; Banyard, G.; Bodensteiner, J.; Bowman, D.M.; Dsilva, K.; Fabry, M.; Hawcroft, C.; Janssens, S.; Van Reeth, T.; Eldridge, C.
Investigating the detection rates and inference of gravitational-wave and radio emission from black hole neutron star mergers.
Boersma, O.M.; van Leeuwen, J.
The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXV. Fundamental properties of transiting exoplanet host stars.
Biazzo, K.; D'Orazi, V.; Desidera, S.; Turrini, D.; Benatti, S.; Gratton, R.; Magrini, L.; Sozzetti, A.; Baratella, M.; Bonomo, A.S.; Borsa, F.; Claudi, R.; Covino, E.; Damasso, M.; Di Mauro, M.P.; Lanza, A.F.; Maggio, A.; Malavolta, L.; Maldonado, J.; Marzari, F.; Micela, G.; Poretti, E.; Vitello, F.; Affer, L.; Bignamini, A.; Carleo, I.; Cosentino, R.; Fiorenzano, A.F.M.; Giacobbe, P.; Harutyunyan, A.; Leto, G.; Mancini, L.; Molinari, E.; Molinaro, M.; Nardiello, D.; Nascimbeni, V.; Pagano, I.; Pedani, M.; Piotto, G.; Rainer, M.; Scandariato, G.
2022A&A...664A.162M – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A162)
The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXVI. Measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and revising the physical and orbital parameters of the HAT-P-15, HAT-P-17, HAT-P-21, HAT-P-26, HAT-P-29 eccentric planetary systems,.
Mancini, L.; Esposito, M.; Covino, E.; Southworth, J.; Poretti, E.; Andreuzzi, G.; Barbato, D.; Biazzo, K.; Borsato, L.; Bruni, I.; Damasso, M.; Di Fabrizio, L.; Evans, D.F.; Granata, V.; Lanza, A.F.; Naponiello, L.; Nascimbeni, V.; Pinamonti, M.; Sozzetti, A.; Tregloan-Reed, J.; Basilicata, M.; Bignamini, A.; Bonomo, A.S.; Claudi, R.; Cosentino, R.; Desidera, S.; Fiorenzano, A.F.M.; Giacobbe, P.; Harutyunyan, A.; Henning, T.; Knapic, C.; Maggio, A.; Micela, G.; Molinari, E.; Pagano, I.; Pedani, M.; Piotto, G.
2022A&A...664A.163N – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A163)
The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXVII. A precise density measurement of the young ultra-short period planet TOI-1807 b,.
Nardiello, D.; Malavolta, L.; Desidera, S.; Baratella, M.; D'Orazi, V.; Messina, S.; Biazzo, K.; Benatti, S.; Damasso, M.; Rajpaul, V.M.; Bonomo, A.S.; Capuzzo Dolcetta, R.; Mallonn, M.; Cale, B.; Plavchan, P.; El Mufti, M.; Bignamini, A.; Borsa, F.; Carleo, I.; Claudi, R.; Covino, E.; Lanza, A.F.; Maldonado, J.; Mancini, L.; Micela, G.; Molinari, E.; Pinamonti, M.; Piotto, G.; Poretti, E.; Scandariato, G.; Sozzetti, A.; Andreuzzi, G.; Boschin, W.; Cosentino, R.; Fiorenzano, A.F.M.; Harutyunyan, A.; Knapic, C.; Pedani, M.; Affer, L.; Maggio, A.; Rainer, M.
Coupling between turbulence and solar-like oscillations: A combined Lagrangian PDF/SPH approach. II. Mode driving, damping and modal surface effect.
Philidet, J.; Belkacem, K.; Goupil, M.-J.
2022A&A...664A.165M – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A165)
TUVO-21acq: A new cataclysmic variable discovered through a UV outburst.
Modiano, D.; Wijnands, R.; Buckley, D.A.H.; Gromadzki, M.; Verberne, S.; van Etten, M.
Exploring the disk-jet connection in NGC 315.
Ricci, L.; Boccardi, B.; Nokhrina, E.; Perucho, M.; MacDonald, N.; Mattia, G.; Grandi, P.; Madika, E.; Krichbaum, T.P.; Zensus, J.A.
2022A&A...664A.167S – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A167)
Photometric properties of nuclear star clusters and their host galaxies in the Fornax cluster.
Su, A.H.; Salo, H.; Janz, J.; Venhola, A.; Peletier, R.F.
2022A&A...664A.168D – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A168)
Ca II triplet spectroscopy of Small Magellanic Cloud red giants. VI. Analysis of chemical properties of the main body.
De Bortoli, B.J.; Parisi, M.C.; Bassino, L.P.; Geisler, D.; Dias, B.; Gimeno, G.; Angelo, M.S.; Mauro, F.
Desorption of organic molecules from interstellar ices, combining experiments and computer simulations: Acetaldehyde as a case study.
Molpeceres, G.; Kastner, J.; Herrero, V.J.; Pelaez, R.J.; Mate, B.
KiDS-1000: Cosmic shear with enhanced redshift calibration.
van den Busch, J.L.; Wright, A.H.; Hildebrandt, H.; Bilicki, M.; Asgari, M.; Joudaki, S.; Blake, C.; Heymans, C.; Kannawadi, A.; Shan, H.Y.; Troster, T.
FAUST. V. Hot methanol in the [BHB2007] 11 protobinary system: hot corino versus shock origin.
Vastel, C.; Alves, F.; Ceccarelli, C.; Bouvier, M.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Sakai, T.; Caselli, P.; Evans, L.; Fontani, F.; Le Gal, R.; Chandler, C.J.; Svoboda, B.; Maud, L.; Codella, C.; Sakai, N.; Lopez-Sepulcre, A.; Moellenbrock, G.; Aikawa, Y.; Balucani, N.; Bianchi, E.; Busquet, G.; Caux, E.; Charnley, S.; Cuello, N.; De Simone, M.; Dulieu, F.; Duran, A.; Fedele, D.; Feng, S.; Francis, L.; Hama, T.; Hanawa, T.; Herbst, E.; Hirota, T.; Imai, M.; Isella, A.; Johnstone, D.; Lefloch, B.; Loinard, L.; Maureira, M.; Murillo, N.M.; Mercimek, S.; Mori, S.; Menard, F.; Miotello, A.; Nakatani, R.; Nomura, H.; Oba, Y.; Ohashi, S.; Okoda, Y.; Ospina-Zamudio, J.; Oya, Y.; Pineda, J.E.; Podio, L.; Rimola, A.; Segura-Cox, D.; Shirley, Y.; Testi, L.; Viti, S.; Watanabe, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Witzel, A.; Xue, C.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, B.; Yamamoto, S.
2022A&A...664A.172T – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A172)
Ocean signatures in the total flux and polarization spectra of Earth-like exoplanets.
Trees, V.J.H.; Stam, D.M.
First light of BEaTriX, the new testing facility for the modular X-ray optics of the ATHENA mission.
Basso, S.; Salmaso, B.; Spiga, D.; Ghigo, M.; Vecchi, G.; Sironi, G.; Cotroneo, V.; Conconi, P.; Redaelli, E.; Bianco, A.; Pareschi, G.; Tagliaferri, G.; Sisana, D.; Pelliciari, C.; Fiorini, M.; Incorvaia, S.; Uslenghi, M.; Paoletti, L.; Ferrari, C.; Lolli, R.; Zappettini, A.; del Rio, M.S.; Parodi, G.; Burwitz, V.; Rukdee, S.; Hartner, G.; Muller, T.; Schmidt, T.; Langmeier, A.; Della Monica Ferreira, D.; Massahi, S.; Gellert, N.C.; Christensen, F.; Bavdaz, M.; Ferreira, I.; Collon, M.; Vacanti, G.; Barriere, N.M.
2022A&A...664A.174V – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A174)
Three-dimensional extinction maps: Inverting inter-calibrated extinction catalogues.
Vergely, J.L.; Lallement, R.; Cox, N.L.J.
2022A&A...664A.175P – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A175)
Low-mass young stars in the Milky Way unveiled by DBSCAN and Gaia EDR3: Mapping the star forming regions within 1.5 kpc.
Prisinzano, L.; Damiani, F.; Sciortino, S.; Flaccomio, E.; Guarcello, M.G.; Micela, G.; Tognelli, E.; Jeffries, R.D.; Alcala, J.M.
Nonradial and nonpolytropic astrophysical outflows. XI. Simulations of the circumstellar environment of RY Tauri.
Sauty, C.; de Albuquerque, R.M.G.; Cayatte, V.; Lima, J.J.G.; Gameiro, J.F.
Quasi-periodic oscillations in precursor flares via seismic aftershocks from resonant shattering.
Suvorov, A.G.; Kuan, H.J.; Kokkotas, K.D.
Nonthermal radiation from the central region of super-accreting active galactic nuclei.
Sotomayor, P.; Romero, G.E.
The BEHOMO project: Λ Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi N-body simulations.
Marra, V.; Castro, T.; Camarena, D.; Borgani, S.; Ragagnin, A.
RV-detected planets around M dwarfs: Challenges for core accretion models.
Schlecker, M.; Burn, R.; Sabotta, S.; Seifert, A.; Henning, T.; Emsenhuber, A.; Mordasini, C.; Reffert, S.; Shan, Y.; Klahr, H.
Very massive star winds as sources of the short-lived radioactive isotope 26Al.
Martinet, S.; Meynet, G.; Nandal, D.; Ekstrom, S.; Georgy, C.; Haemmerle, L.; Hirschi, R.; Yusof, N.; Gounelle, M.; Dwarkadas, V.
Investigating magnetic field inference from the spectral region around the Mg I b2 line using the weak-field approximation.
Vukadinovic, D.; Milic, I.; Atanackovic, O.
Impact of spatially correlated fluctuations in sunspots on metrics related to magnetic twist.
Baumgartner, C.; Birch, A.C.; Schunker, H.; Cameron, R.H.; Gizon, L.
The X-ray Emission of γ Cassiopeiae During the 2020-2021 Disc Eruption.
Rauw, G.; Naze, Y.; Motch, C.; Smith, M.A.; Guarro Flo, J.; Lopes de Oliveira, R.
Revisiting viscous transonic decretion disks of Be stars.
Cure, M.; Meneses, R.; Araya, I.; Arcos, C.; Pena, G.; Machuca, N.; Rodriguez, A.
Deciphering the ultra-steep-spectrum diffuse radio sources discovered in the cool-core cluster Abell 980.
Salunkhe, S.; Paul, S.; Krishna, G.; Sonkamble, S.; Bhagat, S.
Dust emissivity in resolved spiral galaxies.
Bianchi, S.; Casasola, V.; Corbelli, E.; Galliano, F.; Magrini, L.; Nersesian, A.; Salvestrini, F.; Baes, M.; Cassara, L.P.; Clark, C.J.R.; De Looze, I.; Jones, A.P.; Madden, S.C.; Mosenkov, A.; Ysard, N.
Prospects for a local detection of dark matter with future missions to Uranus and Neptune.
Zwick, L.; Soyuer, D.; Bucko, J.
Contribution of flows around active regions to the north-south helioseismic travel-time measurements.
Poulier, P.-L.; Liang, Z.-C.; Fournier, D.; Gizon, L.
The role of highly vibrationally excited H2 initiating the nitrogen chemistry. Quantum study and 3σ detection of NH emission in the Orion Bar PDR.
Goicoechea, J.R.; Roncero, O.
Chromatic drift of the Espresso Fabry-Perot etalon.
Schmidt, T.M.; Chazelas, B.; Lovis, C.; Dumusque, X.; Bouchy, F.; Pepe, F.; Figueira, P.; Sosnowska, D.
2022A&A...664A.192R – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A192)
Dorado and its member galaxies. III. Mapping star formation with FUV imaging from UVIT.
Rampazzo, R.; Mazzei, P.; Marino, A.; Bianchi, L.; Postma, J.; Ragusa, R.; Spavone, M.; Iodice, E.; Ciroi, S.; Held, E.V.
Probing the nature of dissipation in compressible MHD turbulence.
Richard, T.; Lesaffre, P.; Falgarone, E.; Lehmann, A.
X-ray view of the 2021 outburst of SXP 15.6: Constraints on the binary orbit and magnetic field of the neutron star.
Vasilopoulos, G.; Jaisawal, G.K.; Maitra, C.; Haberl, F.; Maggi, P.; Karaferias, A.S.
Evolution of the flow field in decaying active regions. II. Converging flows at the periphery of naked spots.
Strecker, H.; Bello Gonzalez, N.
2022A&A...664A.196E – (Tables: J/A+A/664/A196)
Euclid preparation. XX. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey: LBT observations and data release.
EUCLID COLLABORATION; Saglia, R.; De Nicola, S.; Fabricius, M.; Guglielmo, V.; Snigula, J.; Zoller, R.; Bender, R.; Heidt, J.; Masters, D.; Stern, D.; Paltani, S.; Amara, A.; Auricchio, N.; Baldi, M.; Bodendorf, C.; Bonino, D.; Branchini, E.; Brescia, M.; Brinchmann, J.; Camera, S.; Capobianco, V.; Carbone, C.; Carretero, J.; Castellano, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cledassou, R.; Congedo, G.; Conselice, C.J.; Conversi, L.; Copin, Y.; Corcione, L.; Courbin, F.; Cropper, M.; Da Silva, A.; Degaudenzi, H.; Douspis, M.; Dubath, F.; Duncan, C.A.J.; Dupac, X.; Dusini, S.; Farrens, S.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Galeotta, S.; Garilli, B.; Gillard, W.; Gillis, B.; Giocoli, C.; Grazian, A.; Grupp, F.; Haugan, S.V.H.; Hoekstra, H.; Holmes, W.; Hormuth, F.; Hornstrup, A.; Jahnke, K.; Kummel, M.; Kermiche, S.; Kiessling, A.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Laureijs, R.; Ligori, S.; Lilje, P.B.; Lloro, I.; Maiorano, E.; Marggraf, O.; Markovic, K.; Marulli, F.; Massey, R.; McCracken, H.J.; Melchior, M.; Meylan, G.; Moresco, M.; Moscardini, L.; Munari, E.; Niemi, S.M.; Padilla, C.; Pasian, F.; Pedersen, K.; Percival, W.J.; Pettorino, V.; Pires, S.; Poncet, M.; Popa, L.; Pozzetti, L.; Raison, F.; Renzi, A.; Rhodes, J.; Riccio, G.; Romelli, E.; Rossetti, E.; Sapone, D.; Sartoris, B.; Schneider, P.; Secroun, A.; Seidel, G.; Sirignano, C.; Sirri, G.; Stanco, L.; Tallada-Crespi, P.; Tavagnacco, D.; Taylor, A.N.; Tereno, I.; Toledo-Moreo, R.; Torradeflot, F.; Tutusaus, I.; Valentijn, E.A.; Valenziano, L.; Vassallo, T.; Wang, Y.; Zacchei, A.; Zamorani, G.; Zoubian, J.; Andreon, S.; Bardelli, S.; Gracia-Carpio, J.; Maino, D.; Mauri, N.; Tramacere, A.; Zucca, E.; Alvarez Ayllon, A.; Aussel, H.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balaguera-Antolinez, A.; Ballardini, M.; Biviano, A.; Bolzonella, M.; Bozzo, E.; Burigana, C.; Cabanac, R.; Cappi, A.; Carvalho, C.S.; Casas, S.; Castignani, G.; Cooray, A.; Coupon, J.; Courtois, H.M.; Davini, S.; Desprez, G.; Dole, H.; Escartin, J.A.; Escoffier, S.; Farina, M.; Fotopoulou, S.; Ganga, K.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; George, K.; Giacomini, F.; Gozaliasl, G.; Hildebrandt, H.; Hook, I.; Ilbert, O.; Kansal, V.; Kashlinsky, A.; Keihanen, E.; Kirkpatrick, C.C.; Loureiro, A.; Macias-Perez, J.; Magliocchetti, M.; Mainetti, G.; Maoli, R.; Martinelli, M.; Martinet, N.; Metcalf, R.B.; Morgante, G.; Nadathur, S.; Nucita, A.A.; Patrizii, L.; Popa, V.; Porciani, C.; Potter, D.; Pourtsidou, A.; Reimberg, P.; Sanchez, A.G.; Sakr, Z.; Schirmer, M.; Sefusatti, E.; Sereno, M.; Stadel, J.; Teyssier, R.; Valieri, C.; Valiviita, J.; Veropalumbo, A.; Viel, M.
Numerical solutions to linear transfer problems of polarized radiation. III. Parallel preconditioned Krylov solver tailored for modeling PRD effects.
Benedusi, P.; Janett, G.; Riva, S.; Krause, R.; Belluzzi, L.
Gas distribution from clusters to filaments in IllustrisTNG.
Gouin, C.; Gallo, S.; Aghanim, N.
The HD 260655 system: Two rocky worlds transiting a bright M dwarf at 10 pc.
Luque, R.; Fulton, B.J.; Kunimoto, M.; Amado, P.J.; Gorrini, P.; Dreizler, S.; Hellier, C.; Henry, G.W.; Molaverdikhani, K.; Morello, G.; Pena-Monino, L.; Perez-Torres, M.; Pozuelos, F.J.; Shan, Y.; Anglada-Escude, G.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Bergond, G.; Boyle, A.W.; Caballero, J.A.; Charbonneau, D.; Ciardi, D.R.; Dufoer, S.; Espinoza, N.; Everett, M.; Fischer, D.; Hatzes, A.P.; Henning, T.; Hesse, K.; Howard, A.W.; Howell, S.B.; Isaacson, H.; Jeffers, S.V.; Jenkins, J.M.; Kane, S.R.; Kemmer, J.; Khalafinejad, S.; Kidwell, R.C.; Kossakowski, D.; Latham, D.W.; Lillo-Box, J.; Lissauer, J.J.; Montes, D.; Orell-Miquel, J.; Palle, E.; Pollacco, D.; Quirrenbach, A.; Reffert, S.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Ricker, G.R.; Rogers, L.A.; Sanz-Forcada, J.; Schlecker, M.; Schweitzer, A.; Seager, S.; Shporer, A.; Stassun, K.G.; Stock, S.; Tal-Or, L.; Ting, E.B.; Trifonov, T.; Vanaverbeke, S.; Vanderspek, R.; Villasenor, J.; Winn, J.N.; Winters, J.G.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.
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