Astron. Astrophys. 660
April(I) 2022

Accretion-to-jet energy conversion efficiency in GW170817 (Corrigendum).
Salafia, O.S.; Giacomazzo, B.
Self-absorption in [C II], 12CO, and H II in RCW120. Building up a geometrical and physical model of the region (Corrigendum).
Kabanovic, S.; Schneider, N.; Ossenkopf-Okada, V.; Falasca, F.; Gusten, R.; Stutzki, J.; Simon, R.; Buchbender, C.; Anderson, L.; Bonne, L.; Guevara, C.; Higgins, R.; Koribalski, B.; Luisi, M.; Mertens, M.; Okada, Y.; Rollig, M.; Seifried, D.; Tiwari, M.; Wyrowski, F.; Zavagno, A.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.
Retrieving the three-dimensional matter power spectrum and galaxy biasing parameters from lensing tomography (Corrigendum).
Simon, P.
The in situ origin of the globular cluster NGC 6388 from abundances of Sc, V, and Zn of a large sample of stars.
Carretta, E.; Bragaglia, A.
Gravity darkening and tidally perturbed stellar pulsation in the misaligned exoplanet system WASP-33.
Kalman, S.; Bokon, A.; Derekas, A.; Szabo, G.M.; Hegedus, V.; Nagy, K.
Distance to the Brick cloud using stellar kinematics.
Martinez-Arranz, A.; Schodel, R.; Nogueras-Lara, F.; Shahzamanian, B.
Cloud-cloud collision as origin of the G31.41+0.31 massive protocluster.
Beltran, M.T.; Rivilla, V.M.; Kumar, M.S.N.; Cesaroni, R.; Galli, D.
The first ground-level enhancement of solar cycle 25 on 28 October 2021.
Papaioannou, A.; Kouloumvakos, A.; Mishev, A.; Vainio, R.; Usoskin, I.; Herbst, K.; Rouillard, A.P.; Anastasiadis, A.; Gieseler, J.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.; Kuhl, P.
The ALMA-PILS survey: First tentative detection of 3-hydroxypropenal (HOCHCHCHO) in the interstellar medium and chemical modeling of the C3H4O2 isomers.
Coutens, A.; Loison, J.-C.; Boulanger, A.; Caux, E.; Muller, H.S.P.; Wakelam, V.; Manigand, S.; Jorgensen, J.K.
Orion A's complete 3D magnetic field morphology.
Tahani, M.; Glover, J.; Lupypciw, W.; West, J.L.; Kothes, R.; Plume, R.; Inutsuka, S.; Lee, M.-Y.; Grenier, I.A.; Knee, L.B.G.; Brown, J.C.; Doi, Y.; Robishaw, T.; Haverkorn, M.
Bipolar planetary nebulae from common-envelope evolution of binary stars.
Ondratschek, P.A.; Ropke, F.K.; Schneider, F.R.N.; Fendt, C.; Sand, C.; Ohlmann, S.T.; Pakmor, R.; Springel, V.
Modeling the signatures of interaction in Type II supernovae: UV emission, high-velocity features, broad-boxy profiles.
Dessart, L.; Hillier, D.J.
Discovery of X-shaped morphology of the giant radio galaxy 0503-286.
Dabhade, P.; Krishna, G.
Evidence of ram-pressure stripping of WLM, a dwarf galaxy far away from any large host galaxy.
Yang, Y.; Ianjamasimanana, R.; Hammer, F.; Higgs, C.; Namumba, B.; Carignan, C.; Jozsa, G.I.G.; McConnachie, A.W.
Evidence of a vertical kinematic oscillation beyond the Radcliffe wave.
Thulasidharan, L.; D'Onghia, E.; Poggio, E.; Drimmel, R.; Gallagher III, J.S.; Swiggum, C.; Benjamin, R.A.; Alves, J.
Dual-high-frequency VLBI study of blazar-jet brightness-temperature gradients and collimation profiles.
Burd, P.R.; Kadler, M.; Mannheim, K.; Baczko, A.-K.; Ringholz, J.; Ros, E.
The discovery of a radio galaxy of at least 5 Mpc.
Oei, M.S.S.L.; van Weeren, R.J.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Botteon, A.; Shimwell, T.W.; Dabhade, P.; Gast, A.R.D.J.G.I.B.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Bruggen, M.; Tasse, C.; Williams, W.L.; Shulevski, A.
Anisotropic nonthermal motions in the transition region of solar active regions.
Mou, C.; Peter, H.; Xia, L.; Huang, Z.
2022A&A...660A...4H – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A4)
Newly detected open clusters in the Galactic disk using Gaia EDR3.
Hao, C.J.; Xu, Y.; Wu, Z.Y.; Lin, Z.H.; Liu, D.J.; Li, Y.J.
3D hydrodynamical simulations of the impact of mechanical feedback on accretion in supersonic stellar-mass black holes.
Bosch-Ramon, V.
Testing solar surface flux transport models in the first days after active region emergence.
Gottschling, N.; Schunker, H.; Birch, A.C.; Cameron, R.; Gizon, L.
2022A&A...660A...7F – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A7)
Stellar population astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. The chemical content of the red supergiant population in the Perseus complex.
Fanelli, C.; Origlia, L.; Oliva, E.; Dalessandro, E.; Mucciarelli, A.; Sanna, N.
Pulsar wind nebula origin of the LHAASO-detected ultra-high energy γ-ray sources.
Breuhaus, M.; Reville, B.; Hinton, J.A.
Euclid: Constraining ensemble photometric redshift distributions with stacked spectroscopy.
Cagliari, M.S.; Granett, B.R.; Guzzo, L.; Bolzonella, M.; Pozzetti, L.; Tutusaus, I.; Camera, S.; Amara, A.; Auricchio, N.; Bender, R.; Bodendorf, C.; Bonino, D.; Branchini, E.; Brescia, M.; Capobianco, V.; Carbone, C.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.J.; Castellano, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cimatti, A.; Cledassou, R.; Congedo, G.; Conselice, C.J.; Conversi, L.; Copin, Y.; Corcione, L.; Cropper, M.; Degaudenzi, H.; Douspis, M.; Dubath, F.; Dusini, S.; Ealet, A.; Ferriol, S.; Fourmanoit, N.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Franzetti, P.; Garilli, B.; Giocoli, C.; Grazian, A.; Grupp, F.; Haugan, S.V.H.; Hoekstra, H.; Holmes, W.; Hormuth, F.; Hudelot, P.; Jahnke, K.; Kermiche, S.; Kiessling, A.; Kilbinger, M.; Kitching, T.; Kummel, M.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Ligori, S.; Lilje, P.B.; Lloro, I.; Maiorano, E.; Mansutti, O.; Marggraf, O.; Markovic, K.; Massey, R.; Meneghetti, M.; Merlin, E.; Meylan, G.; Moresco, M.; Moscardini, L.; Niemi, S.M.; Padilla, C.; Paltani, S.; Pasian, F.; Pedersen, K.; Percival, W.J.; Pettorino, V.; Pires, S.; Poncet, M.; Popa, L.; Raison, F.; Rebolo, R.; Rhodes, J.; Rix, H.-W.; Roncarelli, M.; Rossetti, E.; Saglia, R.; Scaramella, R.; Schneider, P.; Scodeggio, M.; Secroun, A.; Seidel, G.; Serrano, S.; Sirignano, C.; Sirri, G.; Tavagnacco, D.; Taylor, A.N.; Tereno, I.; Toledo-Moreo, R.; Valentijn, E.A.; Valenziano, L.; Wang, Y.; Welikala, N.; Weller, J.; Zamorani, G.; Zoubian, J.; Baldi, M.; Farinelli, R.; Medinaceli, E.; Mei, S.; Polenta, G.; Romelli, E.; Vassallo, T.; Humphrey, A.
Deciphering stellar metallicities in the early Universe: case study of a young galaxy at z = 4.77 in the MUSE eXtremely Deep Field.
Matthee, J.; Feltre, A.; Maseda, M.; Nanayakkara, T.; Boogaard, L.; Bacon, R.; Verhamme, A.; Leclercq, F.; Kusakabe, H.; Urrutia, T.; Wisotzki, L.
2022A&A...660A..11G – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A11)
Gaia EDR3 distances of the young stellar clusters in the extended Carina Nebula complex.
Goppl, C.; Preibisch, T.
Analysis of the heliospheric current sheet's local structure based on a magnetic model.
Arrazola, D.; Blanco, J.J.; Hidalgo, M.A.
The dark mass signature in the orbit of S2.
Heissel, G.; Paumard, T.; Perrin, G.; Vincent, F.
The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: The population of [CII]-undetected galaxies and their role in the L[CII]-SFR relation.
Romano, M.; Morselli, L.; Cassata, P.; Ginolfi, M.; Schaerer, D.; Bethermin, M.; Capak, P.; Faisst, A.; Le Fevre, O.; Silverman, J.D.; Yan, L.; Bardelli, S.; Boquien, M.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Fujimoto, S.; Hathi, N.P.; Jones, G.C.; Koekemoer, A.M.; Lemaux, B.C.; Mendez-Hernandez, H.; Narayanan, D.; Talia, M.; Vergani, D.; Zamorani, G.; Zucca, E.
Stellar dating using chemical clocks and Bayesian inference.
Moya, A.; Sarro, L.M.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Chaplin, W.J.; Adibekyan, V.; Blanco-Cuaresma, S.
2022A&A...660A..16S – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A16)
Quasars with large proper motions: A selection from the LQAC-5 catalogue combined with Gaia EDR3. Focusing on astrometric and photometric properties.
Souchay, J.; Secrest, N.; Lambert, S.; Zacharias, N.; Taris, F.; Barache, C.; Arias, F.; Makarov, V.
Binary-object spectral-synthesis in 3D (BOSS-3D). Modelling Hα emission in the enigmatic multiple system LB-1.
Hennicker, L.; Kee, N.D.; Shenar, T.; Bodensteiner, J.; Abdul-Masih, M.; El Mellah, I.; Sana, H.; Sundqvist, J.O.
agnpy: An open-source python package modelling the radiative processes of jetted active galactic nuclei.
Nigro, C.; Sitarek, J.; Gliwny, P.; Sanchez, D.; Tramacere, A.; Craig, M.
Continuum, cyclotron line, and absorption variability in the high-mass X-ray binary Vela X-1.
Diez, C.M.; Grinberg, V.; Furst, F.; Sokolova-Lapa, E.; Santangelo, A.; Wilms, J.; Pottschmidt, K.; Martinez-Nunez, S.; Malacaria, C.; Kretschmar, P.
Mass of the dynamically hot inner stellar halo predicts the ancient accreted stellar mass.
Zhu, L.; Pillepich, A.; van de Ven, G.; Leaman, R.; Hernquist, L.; Nelson, D.; Pakmor, R.; Vogelsberger, M.; Zhang, L.
3D MHD wave propagation near a coronal null point: New wave mode decomposition approach.
Yadav, N.; Keppens, R.; Popescu Braileanu, B.
Revealing new high-redshift quasar populations through Gaussian mixture model selection.
Wagenveld, J.D.; Saxena, A.; Duncan, K.J.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Zhang, M.
Three-dimensional analyses of an aspherical coronal mass ejection and its driven shock.
Ying, B.; Feng, L.; Inhester, B.; Mierla, M.; Gan, W.; Lu, L.; Li, S.
Excitation of ion-acoustic waves by non-linear finite-amplitude standing Alfven waves.
Terradas, J.; Vinas, A.F.; Araneda, J.A.
Analytical techniques for polarimetric imaging of accretion flows in the Schwarzschild metric.
Loktev, V.; Veledina, A.; Poutanen, J.
Stochastic gravitational-wave background as a tool for investigating multi-channel astrophysical and primordial black-hole mergers.
Bavera, S.S.; Franciolini, G.; Cusin, G.; Riotto, A.; Zevin, M.; Fragos, T.
Joint constraints on cosmology and the impact of baryon feedback: Combining KiDS-1000 lensing with the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect from Planck and ACT.
Troster, T.; Mead, A.J.; Heymans, C.; Yan, Z.; Alonso, D.; Asgari, M.; Bilicki, M.; Dvornik, A.; Hildebrandt, H.; Joachimi, B.; Kannawadi, A.; Kuijken, K.; Schneider, P.; Shan, H.Y.; van Waerbeke, L.; Wright, A.H.
Origin of the spectacular tidal shells of galaxy NGC 474.
Bilek, M.; Fensch, J.; Ebrova, I.; Nagesh, S.T.; Famaey, B.; Duc, P.-A.; Kroupa, P.
2022A&A...660A..29T – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A29)
The Cetus-Palca stream: A disrupted small dwarf galaxy. A prequel to the science possible with WEAVE with precise spectro-photometric distances.
Thomas, G.F.; Battaglia, G.
New simulations of accreting DA white dwarfs: Inferring accretion rates from the surface contamination.
Wachlin, F.C.; Vauclair, G.; Vauclair, S.; Althaus, L.G.
NICER observations of the evidence of Poynting-Robertson drag and disk reflection during type I X-ray bursts from 4U 1636-536.
Zhao, G.; Li, Z.; Pan, Y.; Falanga, M.; Ji, L.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, S.
Detection of a radio-filled X-ray cavity within the interstellar medium of NGC 5141.
Macconi, D.; Grandi, P.; Gitti, M.; Vignali, C.; Torresi, E.; Brighenti, F.
Rieger-type cycles on the solar-like star KIC 2852336.
Gurgenashvili, E.; Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Kukhianidze, V.; Reiners, A.; Reinhold, T.; Lanza, A.F.
2022A&A...660A..34V – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A34)
The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL): Data Release 3.
Verro, K.; Trager, S.C.; Peletier, R.F.; Lancon, A.; Gonneau, A.; Vazdekis, A.; Prugniel, P.; Chen, Y.-P.; Coelho, P.R.T.; Sanchez-Blazquez, P.; Martins, L.; Arentsen, A.; Lyubenova, M.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Dries, M.
2022A&A...660A..35N – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A35)
The VVV survey: Long-period variable stars. I. Photometric catalog of ten VVV/OGLE tiles.
Nikzat, F.; Ferreira Lopes, C.E.; Catelan, M.; Contreras Ramos, R.; Zoccali, M.; Rojas-Arriagada, A.; Braga, V.F.; Minniti, D.; Borissova, J.; Becker, I.
Evidence of a primordial isotopic gradient in the inner region of the solar protoplanetary disc.
Mah, J.; Brasser, R.; Woo, J.M.Y.; Bouvier, A.; Mojzsis, S.J.
DeSIRe: Departure coefficient aided Stokes Inversion based on Response functions.
Ruiz Cobo, B.; Quintero Noda, C.; Gafeira, R.; Uitenbroek, H.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Paez Mana, E.
2022A&A...660A..38W – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A38)
Ultracool dwarfs identified using spectra in LAMOST DR7.
Wang, Y.-F.; Luo, A.-L.; Chen, W.-P.; Jones, H.R.A.; Du, B.; Li, Y.-B.; Zhang, S.; Bai, Z.-R.; Kong, X.; Guo, Y.-X.
Connecting Galactic and extragalactic outflows: From the Cygnus-X cluster to active galaxies.
Skretas, I.M.; Kristensen, L.E.
Type II supernovae from the Carnegie Supernova Project-I. I. Bolometric light curves of 74 SNe II using uBgVriYJH photometry.
Martinez, L.; Bersten, M.C.; Anderson, J.P.; Hamuy, M.; Gonzalez-Gaitan, S.; Stritzinger, M.; Phillips, M.M.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Burns, C.; Contreras, C.; de Jaeger, T.; Ertini, K.; Folatelli, G.; Forster, F.; Galbany, L.; Hoeflich, P.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Morrell, N.; Orellana, M.; Pessi, P.J.; Suntzeff, N.B.
Type II supernovae from the Carnegie Supernova Project-I. II. Physical parameter distributions from hydrodynamical modelling.
Martinez, L.; Bersten, M.C.; Anderson, J.P.; Hamuy, M.; Gonzalez-Gaitan, S.; Forster, F.; Orellana, M.; Stritzinger, M.; Phillips, M.M.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Burns, C.; Contreras, C.; de Jaeger, T.; Ertini, K.; Folatelli, G.; Galbany, L.; Hoeflich, P.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Morrell, N.; Pessi, P.J.; Suntzeff, N.B.
Type II supernovae from the Carnegie Supernova Project-I. III. Understanding SN II diversity through correlations between physical and observed properties.
Martinez, L.; Anderson, J.P.; Bersten, M.C.; Hamuy, M.; Gonzalez-Gaitan, S.; Orellana, M.; Stritzinger, M.; Phillips, M.M.; Gutierrez, C.P.; Burns, C.; de Jaeger, T.; Ertini, K.; Folatelli, G.; Forster, F.; Galbany, L.; Hoeflich, P.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Morrell, N.; Pessi, P.J.; Suntzeff, N.B.
Search for glitches in gamma-ray pulsars with deep learning.
Sokolova, E.V.; Panin, A.G.
The MUSE eXtremely Deep Field: Individual detections of Lyα haloes around rest-frame UV-selected galaxies at z ≃ 2.9-4.4.
Kusakabe, H.; Verhamme, A.; Blaizot, J.; Garel, T.; Wisotzki, L.; Leclercq, F.; Bacon, R.; Schaye, J.; Gallego, S.G.; Kerutt, J.; Matthee, J.; Maseda, M.; Nanayakkara, T.; Pello, R.; Richard, J.; Tresse, L.; Urrutia, T.; Vitte, E.
Eruptions from coronal bright points: A spectroscopic view by IRIS of a mini-filament eruption, QSL reconnection, and reconnection-driven outflows.
Madjarska, M.S.; Mackay, D.H.; Galsgaard, K.; Wiegelmann, T.; Xie, H.
2022A&A...660A..46K – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A46)
Abundance of zirconium in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae: a possible Zr-Na correlation?*,**.
Kolomiecas, E.; Dobrovolskas, V.; Kucinskas, A.; Bonifacio, P.; Korotin, S.
A new 12C + 12C nuclear reaction rate: Impact on stellar evolution.
Monpribat, E.; Martinet, S.; Courtin, S.; Heine, M.; Ekstrom, S.; Jenkins, D.G.; Choplin, A.; Adsley, P.; Curien, D.; Moukaddam, M.; Nippert, J.; Tsiatsiou, S.; Meynet, G.
2022A&A...660A..48L – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A48)
A depolarizing H I tidal tail in the western lobe of Fornax A.
Loi, F.; Serra, P.; Murgia, M.; Govoni, F.; Anderson, C.; Heald, G.; Kleiner, D.; Lenc, E.; Vacca, V.; Maccagni, F.M.; Dettmar, R.J.
New exocomets of β Pic.
Pavlenko, Y.; Kulyk, I.; Shubina, O.; Vasylenko, M.; Dobrycheva, D.; Korsun, P.
Reconstruction of the magnetic connection from Mercury to the solar corona during enhancements in the solar proton fluxes at Mercury.
Ippolito, A.; Plainaki, C.; Zimbardo, G.; Alberti, T.; Massetti, S.; Milillo, A.; Orsini, S.
Two-dimensional simulations of solar-like models with artificially enhanced luminosity. II. Impact on internal gravity waves.
Le Saux, A.; Guillet, T.; Baraffe, I.; Vlaykov, D.G.; Constantino, T.; Pratt, J.; Goffrey, T.; Sylvain, M.; Reville, V.; Brun, A.S.
CaRM: Exploring the chromatic Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. The cases of HD 189733b and WASP-127b.
Cristo, E.; Santos, N.C.; Demangeon, O.; Martins, J.H.C.; Figueira, P.; Casasayas-Barris, N.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Borsa, F.; Sousa, S.G.; Oshagh, M.; Micela, G.; Tabernero, H.M.; Seidel, J.V.; Cristiani, S.; Pepe, F.; Rebolo, R.; Adibekyan, V.; Allart, R.; Alibert, Y.; Azevedo Silva, T.; Bourrier, V.; Cabral, A.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Lillo-Box, J.; Lo Curto, G.; Lovis, C.; Manescau, A.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Megevand, D.; Mehner, A.; Nunes, N.J.; Palle, E.; Sozzetti, A.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Udry, S.
Mixing fraction in classical novae.
Guo, Y.; Wu, C.; Wang, B.
Extension and validation of the pendulum model for longitudinal solar prominence oscillations.
Luna, M.; Terradas, J.; Karpen, J.; Ballester, J.L.
Magnetic field evolution around a fast-moving pore emerging from the quiet Sun.
Xu, Z.; Ji, H.; Hong, J.; Ji, K.; Yang, J.
2022A&A...660A..56A – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A56)
Velocity structure of the 50 pc long NGC 6334 filamentary cloud. Hints of multiple compressions and their impact on the cloud properties.
Arzoumanian, D.; Russeil, D.; Zavagno, A.; Chun-Yuan Chen, M.; Andre, P.; Inutsuka, S.-I.; Misugi, Y.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Schilke, P.; Men'shchikov, A.; Kohno, M.
Grammage of cosmic rays in the proximity of supernova remnants embedded in a partially ionized medium.
Recchia, S.; Galli, D.; Nava, L.; Padovani, M.; Gabici, S.; Marcowith, A.; Ptuskin, V.; Morlino, G.
Opacity effect on core-shift and the spectral properties of jets.
Sharma, R.; Massi, M.; Torricelli-Ciamponi, G.
2022A&A...660A..59M – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A59)
Search and analysis of giant radio galaxies with associated nuclei (SAGAN). III. New insights into giant radio quasars.
Mahato, M.; Dabhade, P.; Saikia, D.J.; Combes, F.; Bagchi, J.; Ho, L.C.; Raychaudhury, S.
VLA detects CO(1-0) emission in the z = 3.65 quasar SDSS J160705+533558.
Fogasy, J.; Knudsen, K.K.; Varenius, E.
Do the majority of stars form as gravitationally unbound?
Dinnbier, F.; Kroupa, P.; Anderson, R.I.
Speed of sound in dense matter and two families of compact stars.
Traversi, S.; Char, P.; Pagliara, G.; Drago, A.
UV and X-ray pulse amplitude variability in the transitional millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038.
Miraval Zanon, A.; Ambrosino, F.; Coti Zelati, F.; Campana, S.; Papitto, A.; Illiano, G.; Israel, G.L.; Stella, L.; D'Avanzo, P.; Baglio, M.C.
Analysis of multiscale structures at the quasi-perpendicular Venus bow shock. Results from Solar Orbiter's first Venus flyby.
Dimmock, A.P.; Khotyaintsev, Y.V.; Lalti, A.; Yordanova, E.; Edberg, N.J.T.; Steinvall, K.; Graham, D.B.; Hadid, L.Z.; Allen, R.C.; Vaivads, A.; Maksimovic, M.; Bale, S.D.; Chust, T.; Krasnoselskikh, V.; Kretzschmar, M.; Lorfevre, E.; Plettemeier, D.; Soucek, J.; Steller, M.; Stverak, S.; Travnicek, P.; Vecchio, A.; Horbury, T.S.; O'Brien, H.; Evans, V.; Angelini, V.
Radio emission in a nearby, ultra-cool dwarf binary: A multifrequency study.
Climent, J.B.; Guirado, J.C.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Zakhozhay, O.V.; Perez-Torres, M.; Azulay, R.; Gauza, B.; Rebolo, R.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Lefevre, C.
Are low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in accretion flows the disk response to jet instability?
Ferreira, J.; Marcel, G.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Rodriguez, J.; Malzac, J.; Belmont, R.; Clavel, M.; Henri, G.; Corbel, S.; Coriat, M.
Euclid: Forecast constraints on consistency tests of the ΛCDM model.
Nesseris, S.; Sapone, D.; Martinelli, M.; Camarena, D.; Marra, V.; Sakr, Z.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Clarkson, C.; Da Silva, A.; Fleury, P.; Lombriser, L.; Mimoso, J.P.; Casas, S.; Pettorino, V.; Tutusaus, I.; Amara, A.; Auricchio, N.; Bodendorf, C.; Bonino, D.; Branchini, E.; Brescia, M.; Capobianco, V.; Carbone, C.; Carretero, J.; Castellano, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cimatti, A.; Cledassou, R.; Congedo, G.; Conversi, L.; Copin, Y.; Corcione, L.; Courbin, F.; Cropper, M.; Degaudenzi, H.; Douspis, M.; Dubath, F.; Duncan, C.A.J.; Dupac, X.; Dusini, S.; Ealet, A.; Farrens, S.; Fosalba, P.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Fumana, M.; Garilli, B.; Gillis, B.; Giocoli, C.; Grazian, A.; Grupp, F.; Haugan, S.V.H.; Holmes, W.; Hormuth, F.; Jahnke, K.; Kermiche, S.; Kiessling, A.; Kitching, T.; Kummel, M.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Ligori, S.; Lilje, P.B.; Lloro, I.; Mansutti, O.; Marggraf, O.; Markovic, K.; Marulli, F.; Massey, R.; Meneghetti, M.; Merlin, E.; Meylan, G.; Moresco, M.; Moscardini, L.; Munari, E.; Niemi, S.M.; Padilla, C.; Paltani, S.; Pasian, F.; Pedersen, K.; Percival, W.J.; Poncet, M.; Popa, L.; Racca, G.D.; Raison, F.; Rhodes, J.; Roncarelli, M.; Saglia, R.; Sartoris, B.; Schneider, P.; Secroun, A.; Seidel, G.; Serrano, S.; Sirignano, C.; Sirri, G.; Stanco, L.; Starck, J.-L.; Tallada-Crespi, P.; Taylor, A.N.; Tereno, I.; Toledo-Moreo, R.; Torradeflot, F.; Valentijn, E.A.; Valenziano, L.; Wang, Y.; Welikala, N.; Zamorani, G.; Zoubian, J.; Andreon, S.; Baldi, M.; Camera, S.; Medinaceli, E.; Mei, S.; Renzi, A.
Predictions for LISA and PTA based on SHARK galaxy simulations.
Curylo, M.; Bulik, T.
2022A&A...660A..69W – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A69)
Stellar masses, sizes, and radial profiles for 465 nearby early-type galaxies: An extension to the Spitzer survey of stellar structure in Galaxies (S4G).
Watkins, A.E.; Salo, H.; Laurikainen, E.; Diaz-Garcia, S.; Comeron, S.; Janz, J.; Su, A.H.; Buta, R.; Athanassoula, E.; Bosma, A.; Ho, L.C.; Holwerda, B.W.; Kim, T.; Knapen, J.H.; Laine, S.; Menendez-Delmestre, K.; Peletier, R.F.; Sheth, K.; Zaritsky, D.
2022A&A...660A..70M – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A70)
Long-period Ap stars discovered with TESS data: The northern ecliptic hemisphere.
Mathys, G.; Kurtz, D.W.; Holdsworth, D.L.
Excitation of Langmuir waves at shocks and solar type II radio bursts.
Mann, G.; Vocks, C.; Warmuth, A.; Magdalenic, J.; Bisi, M.; Carley, E.; Dabrowski, B.; Gallagher, P.; Krankowski, A.; Matyjasiak, B.; Rotkaehl, H.; Zucca, P.
WD 1145+017: Alternative models of the atmosphere, dust clouds, and gas rings.
Budaj, J.; Maliuk, A.; Hubeny, I.
Exploring the region encompassing γ Cygni SNR and MAGIC J2019+408 with the GMRT at 325 and 610 MHz.
Paredes, J.M.; Benaglia, P.; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Bosch-Ramon, V.; Strzys, M.
Central engine of the highest redshift blazar.
Belladitta, S.; Caccianiga, A.; Diana, A.; Moretti, A.; Severgnini, P.; Pedani, M.; Cassara, L.P.; Spingola, C.; Ighina, L.; Rossi, A.; Della Ceca, R.
X-ray variability of HD 189733 across eight years of XMM-Newton observations.
Pillitteri, I.; Micela, G.; Maggio, A.; Sciortino, S.; Lopez-Santiago, J.
CHEMOUT: CHEMical complexity in star-forming regions of the OUTer Galaxy. I. Organic molecules and tracers of star-formation activity.
Fontani, F.; Colzi, L.; Bizzocchi, L.; Rivilla, V.M.; Elia, D.; Beltran, M.T.; Caselli, P.; Magrini, L.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Testi, L.; Romano, D.
Stellar feedback in M83 as observed with MUSE. I. Overview, an unprecedented view of the stellar and gas kinematics and evidence of outflowing gas.
Della Bruna, L.; Adamo, A.; Amram, P.; Rosolowsky, E.; Usher, C.; Sirressi, M.; Schruba, A.; Emsellem, E.; Leroy, A.; Bik, A.; Blair, W.P.; McLeod, A.F.; Ostlin, G.; Renaud, F.; Robert, C.; Rousseau-Nepton, L.; Smith, L.J.
2022A&A...660A..78B – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A78)
The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky. I. LoTSS-DR2: New detections and sample overview.
Botteon, A.; Shimwell, T.W.; Cassano, R.; Cuciti, V.; Zhang, X.; Bruno, L.; Camillini, L.; Natale, R.; Jones, A.; Gastaldello, F.; Simionescu, A.; Rossetti, M.; Akamatsu, H.; van Weeren, R.J.; Brunetti, G.; Bruggen, M.; Groeneveld, C.; Hoang, D.N.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Ignesti, A.; Di Gennaro, G.; Bonafede, A.; Drabent, A.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Hoeft, M.; de Gasperin, F.
2022A&A...660A..79L – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A79)
Recent star formation history of the dwarf irregular galaxy Leo A.
Lescinskaite, A.; Stonkute, R.; Vansevicius, V.
Account of the baryonic feedback effect in γ-ray measurements of intergalactic magnetic fields.
Bondarenko, K.; Boyarsky, A.; Korochkin, A.; Neronov, A.; Semikoz, D.; Sokolenko, A.
Radio footprints of a minor merger in the Shapley Supercluster: From supercluster down to galactic scales.
Venturi, T.; Giacintucci, S.; Merluzzi, P.; Bardelli, S.; Busarello, G.; Dallacasa, D.; Sikhosana, S.P.; Marvil, J.; Smirnov, O.; Bourdin, H.; Mazzotta, P.; Rossetti, M.; Rudnick, L.; Bernardi, G.; Bruggen, M.; Carretti, E.; Cassano, R.; Di Gennaro, G.; Gastaldello, F.; Kale, R.; Knowles, K.; Koribalski, B.S.; Heywood, I.; Hopkins, A.M.; Norris, R.P.; Reiprich, T.H.; Tasse, C.; Vernstrom, T.; Zucca, E.; Bester, L.H.; Diego, J.M.; Kanapathippillai, J.
APEX and NOEMA observations of H2S in nearby luminous galaxies and the ULIRG Mrk 231. A possible relation between dense gas properties and molecular outflows.
Sato, M.T.; Aalto, S.; Kohno, K.; Konig, S.; Harada, N.; Viti, S.; Izumi, T.; Nishimura, Y.; Gorski, M.
2022A&A...660A..83S – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A83)
Spatially resolved star-formation relations of dense molecular gas in NGC 1068.
Sanchez-Garcia, M.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Colina, L.; Usero, A.; Querejeta, M.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Fuente, A.
The first widespread solar energetic particle event of solar cycle 25 on 2020 November 29. Shock wave properties and the wide distribution of solar energetic particles.
Kouloumvakos, A.; Kwon, R.Y.; Rodriguez-Garcia, L.; Lario, D.; Dresing, N.; Kilpua, E.K.J.; Vainio, R.; Torok, T.; Plotnikov, I.; Rouillard, A.P.; Downs, C.; Linker, J.A.; Malandraki, O.E.; Pinto, R.F.; Riley, P.; Allen, R.C.
Forming Planets Around Stars With Non-Solar Elemental Composition.
Jorge, D.M.; Kamp, I.E.E.; Waters, L.B.F.M.; Woitke, P.; Spaargaren, R.J.
2022A&A...660A..86M – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A86)
TOI-1759 b: A transiting sub-Neptune around a low mass star characterized with SPIRou and TESS.
Martioli, E.; Hebrard, G.; Fouque, P.; Artigau, E.; Donati, J.-F.; Cadieux, C.; Bellotti, S.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Doyon, R.; do Nascimento, J.-D.; Arnold, L.; Carmona, A.; Cook, N.J.; Cortes-Zuleta, P.; de Almeida, L.; Delfosse, X.; Folsom, C.P.; Konig, P.-C.; Moutou, C.; Ould-Elhkim, M.; Petit, P.; Stassun, K.G.; Vidotto, A.A.; Vandal, T.; Benneke, B.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; Boyd, P.; Brasseur, C.; Charbonneau, D.; Cloutier, R.; Collins, K.; Cristofari, P.; Crossfield, I.; Diaz, R.F.; Fausnaugh, M.; Figueira, P.; Forveille, T.; Furlan, E.; Girardin, E.; Gnilka, C.L.; Gomes da Silva, J.; Gu, P.-G.; Guerra, P.; Howell, S.B.; Hussain, G.A.J.; Jenkins, J.M.; Kiefer, F.; Latham, D.W.; Matson, R.A.; Matthews, E.C.; Morin, J.; Naves, R.; Ricker, G.; Seager, S.; Takami, M.; Twicken, J.D.; Vanderburg, A.; Vanderspek, R.; Winn, J.
2022A&A...660A..87B – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A87)
Machine learning methods for constructing probabilistic Fermi-LAT catalogs.
Bhat, A.; Malyshev, D.
2022A&A...660A..88L – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A88)
The chemical composition of globular clusters in the Local Group.
Larsen, S.S.; Eitner, P.; Magg, E.; Bergemann, M.; Moltzer, C.A.S.; Brodie, J.P.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Strader, J.
2022A&A...660A..89R – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A89)
A VLT/FLAMES survey for massive binaries in Westerlund 1. VIII. Binary systems and orbital parameters.
Ritchie, B.W.; Clark, J.S.; Negueruela, I.; Najarro, F.
AGN in the ULIRG HE 0435-5304.
Hryniewicz, K.; Bankowicz, M.; Malek, K.; Herzig, A.; Pollo, A.
Type III radio bursts and excitation of Langmuir waves by energetic electrons.
Mann, G.; Vocks, C.; Warmuth, A.
Role of observable nonlinearities in solar cycle modulation.
Talafha, M.; Nagy, M.; Lemerle, A.; Petrovay, K.
The LOFAR view of giant, early-type galaxies: Radio emission from active nuclei and star formation.
Capetti, A.; Brienza, M.; Balmaverde, B.; Best, P.N.; Baldi, R.D.; Drabent, A.; Gurkan, G.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Tasse, C.; Webster, B.
2022A&A...660A..94G – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A94)
ATOMIUM: ALMA tracing the origins of molecules in dust forming oxygen rich M-type stars. Motivation, sample, calibration, and initial results.
Gottlieb, C.A.; Decin, L.; Richards, A.M.S.; De Ceuster, F.; Homan, W.; Wallstrom, S.H.J.; Danilovich, T.; Millar, T.J.; Montarges, M.; Wong, K.T.; McDonald, I.; Baudry, A.; Bolte, J.; Cannon, E.; De Beck, E.; de Koter, A.; El Mellah, I.; Etoka, S.; Gobrecht, D.; Gray, M.; Herpin, F.; Jeste, M.; Kervella, P.; Khouri, T.; Lagadec, E.; Maes, S.; Malfait, J.; Menten, K.M.; Muller, H.S.P.; Pimpanuwat, B.; Plane, J.M.C.; Sahai, R.; Van de Sande, M.; Waters, L.B.F.M.; Yates, J.; Zijlstra, A.
Black hole virial masses from single-epoch photometry. The miniJPAS test case.
Chaves-Montero, J.; Bonoli, S.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Fernandez-Centeno, A.; Queiroz, C.; Diaz-Garcia, L.A.; Gonzalez Delgado, R.M.; Hernan-Caballero, A.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Lopen-Sanjuan, C.; Overzier, R.; Sobral, D.; Abramo, L.R.; Alcaniz, J.; Benitez, N.; Carneiro, S.; Cenarro, A.J.; Cristobal-Hornillos, D.; Dupke, R.A.; Ederoclite, A.; Marin-Franch, A.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Moles, M.; Sodre, L.; Taylor, K.; Varela, J.; Vazquez Ramio, H.; Civera, T.
Stable nickel production in type Ia supernovae: A smoking gun for the progenitor mass?
Blondin, S.; Bravo, E.; Timmes, F.X.; Dessart, L.; Hillier, D.J.
3D magnetic-field morphology of the Perseus molecular cloud.
Tahani, M.; Lupypciw, W.; Glover, J.; Plume, R.; West, J.L.; Kothes, R.; Inutsuka, S.; Lee, M.-Y.; Robishaw, T.; Knee, L.B.G.; Brown, J.C.; Doi, Y.; Grenier, I.A.; Haverkorn, M.
Testing the accretion scenario of λ Boo stars.
Alacoria, J.; Saffe, C.; Jaque Arancibia, M.; Angeloni, R.; Miquelarena, P.; Flores, M.; Veramendi, M.E.; Collado, A.
Orbital alignment of HD 332231 b. The warm Saturn HD 332231 b/TOI-1456 b travels on a well-aligned, circular orbit around a bright F8 dwarf.
Knudstrup, E.; Albrecht, S.H.
The Influence Of Individual Stars On The long-Term Dynamics Of Comets C/2014 UN271 And C/2017 K2.
Dybczynski, P.A.; Krolikowska, M.
Binary orbital evolution driven by a circumbinary disc.
Penzlin, A.B.T.; Kley, W.; Audiffren, H.; Schafer, C.M.
2022A&A...660A.102A – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A102)
Water content trends in K2-138 and other low-mass multi-planetary systems.
Acuna, L.; Lopez, T.A.; Morel, T.; Deleuil, M.; Mousis, O.; Aguichine, A.; Marcq, E.; Santerne, A.
Development of a cometosheath at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. A case study comparison of Rosetta observations.
Williamson, H.N.; Nilsson, H.; Stenberg Wieser, G.; Moeslinger, A.; Goetz, C.
Adiabatic-radiative shock systems in YSO jets and novae outflows.
del Valle, M.V.; Araudo, A.; Suzuki-Vidal, F.
The Fornax3D project: The environmental impact on gas metallicity gradients in Fornax cluster galaxies.
Lara-Lopez, M.A.; Galan-de Anta, P.M.; Sarzi, M.; Iodice, E.; Davis, T.A.; Zabel, N.; Corsini, E.M.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Fahrion, K.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Gadotti, D.A.; McDermid, R.M.; Pinna, F.; Rodriguez-Gomez, V.; van de Ven, G.; Zhu, L.; Coccato, L.; Lyubenova, M.; Martin-Navarro, I.
Star formation in two irradiated globules around Cygnus OB2.
Comeron, F.; Schneider, N.; Djupvik, A.A.
Impact of non-thermal particles on the spectral and structural properties of M87.
Fromm, C.M.; Cruz-Osorio, A.; Mizuno, Y.; Nathanail, A.; Younsi, Z.; Porth, O.; Olivares, H.; Davelaar, J.; Falcke, H.; Kramer, M.; Rezzolla, L.
Accretion variability from minute to decade timescales in the classical T Tauri star CR Cha.
Zsidi, G.; Manara, C.F.; Kospal, A.; Hussain, G.A.J.; Abraham, P.; Alecian, E.; Bodi, A.; Pal, A.; Sarkis, P.
Breaking Orion's Veil with fossil outflows.
Kavak, U.; Goicoechea, J.R.; Pabst, C.H.M.; Bally, J.; van der Tak, F.F.S.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.
Dynamo effect caused by non-stationary turbulence in strongly magnetized, hot, low-density plasma.
Mizerski, K.A.
Moment expansion of polarized dust SED: A new path towards capturing the CMB B-modes with LiteBIRD.
Vacher, L.; Aumont, J.; Montier, L.; Azzoni, S.; Boulanger, F.; Remazeilles, M.
X-ray characterisation of the massive galaxy cluster ClG J104803.7+313843 at z = 0.76 with XMM-Newton.
Bartalucci, I.; Gastaldello, F.; Piconcelli, E.; Zappacosta, L.; Rossetti, M.; Ghizzardi, S.; De Grandi, S.; Molendi, S.; Laurenti, M.
Cosmology with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect: Independent of the optical depth and σ8.
Kuruvilla, J.
Euclid: Covariance of weak lensing pseudo-Cl estimates. Calculation, comparison to simulations, and dependence on survey geometry.
Upham, R.E.; Brown, M.L.; Whittaker, L.; Amara, A.; Auricchio, N.; Bonino, D.; Branchini, E.; Brescia, M.; Brinchmann, J.; Capobianco, V.; Carbone, C.; Carretero, J.; Castellano, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cimatti, A.; Cledassou, R.; Congedo, G.; Conversi, L.; Copin, Y.; Corcione, L.; Cropper, M.; Da Silva, A.; Degaudenzi, H.; Douspis, M.; Dubath, F.; Duncan, C.A.J.; Dupac, X.; Dusini, S.; Ealet, A.; Farrens, S.; Ferriol, S.; Fosalba, P.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Fumana, M.; Garilli, B.; Gillis, B.; Giocoli, C.; Grupp, F.; Haugan, S.V.H.; Hoekstra, H.; Holmes, W.; Hormuth, F.; Hornstrup, A.; Jahnke, K.; Kermiche, S.; Kiessling, A.; Kilbinger, M.; Kitching, T.; Kummel, M.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Ligori, S.; Lilje, P.B.; Lloro, I.; Marggraf, O.; Markovic, K.; Marulli, F.; Meneghetti, M.; Meylan, G.; Moresco, M.; Moscardini, L.; Munari, E.; Niemi, S.M.; Padilla, C.; Paltani, S.; Pasian, F.; Pedersen, K.; Pettorino, V.; Pires, S.; Poncet, M.; Popa, L.; Raison, F.; Rhodes, J.; Rossetti, E.; Saglia, R.; Sartoris, B.; Schneider, P.; Secroun, A.; Seidel, G.; Sirignano, C.; Sirri, G.; Stanco, L.; Starck, J.-L.; Tallada-Crespi, P.; Tavagnacco, D.; Taylor, A.N.; Tereno, I.; Toledo-Moreo, R.; Torradeflot, F.; Valenziano, L.; Wang, Y.; Zamorani, G.; Zoubian, J.; Andreon, S.; Baldi, M.; Camera, S.; Cardone, V.F.; Fabbian, G.; Polenta, G.; Renzi, A.; Joachimi, B.; Hall, A.; Loureiro, A.; Sellentin, E.
Methodology for estimating the magnetic Prandtl number and application to solar surface small-scale dynamo simulations.
Riva, F.; Steiner, O.
Spectroscopic observation of a transition region network jet.
Gorman, J.; Chitta, L.P.; Peter, H.
A "no-drift" runaway pile-up of pebbles in protoplanetary disks. II. Characteristics of the resulting planetesimal belt.
Hyodo, R.; Ida, S.; Guillot, T.
Emission from HCN and CH3OH in comets. Onsala 20-m observations and radiative transfer modelling.
Bergman, P.; Lerner, M.S.; Olofsson, A.O.H.; Wirstrom, E.; Black, J.H.; Bjerkeli, P.; Parra, R.; Torstensson, K.
Discovery of late-time X-ray flare and anomalous emission line enhancement after the nuclear optical outburst in a narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy.
Zhang, W.J.; Shu, X.W.; Sheng, Z.F.; Sun, L.M.; Dou, L.M.; Jiang, N.; Wang, J.G.; Hu, X.Y.; Wang, Y.B.; Wang, T.G.
Apsidal motion in massive eccentric binaries in NGC 6231. The case of HD 152219.
Rosu, S.; Rauw, G.; Farnir, M.; Dupret, M.-A.; Noels, A.
Missing large-angle correlations versus even-odd point-parity imbalance in the cosmic microwave background.
Sanchis-Lozano, M.-A.; Melia, F.; Lopez-Corredoira, M.; Sanchis-Gual, N.
2022A&A...660A.122R – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A122)
Probing the low-mass end of the companion mass function for O-type stars.
Reggiani, M.; Rainot, A.; Sana, H.; Almeida, L.A.; Caballero-Nieves, S.; Kratter, K.; Lacour, S.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Zinnecker, H.
Physically-motivated basis functions for temperature maps of exoplanets.
Morris, B.M.; Heng, K.; Jones, K.; Piaulet, C.; Demory, B.-O.; Kitzmann, D.; Jens Hoeijmakers, H.
Analysis of the public HARPS/ESO spectroscopic archive. Jupiter-like planets around HD103891 and HD105779.
Sreenivas, K.R.; Perdelwitz, V.; Tal-Or, L.; Trifonov, T.; Zucker, S.; Mazeh, T.
Ionization of heavy elements and the adiabatic exponent in the solar plasma.
Baturin, V.A.; Oreshina, A.V.; Dappen, W.; Ayukov, S.V.; Gorshkov, A.B.; Gryaznov, V.K.; Iosilevskiy, I.L.
Tracing pebble drift and trapping using radial carbon depletion profiles in protoplanetary disks.
Sturm, J.A.; McClure, M.K.; Harsono, D.; Facchini, S.; Long, F.; Kama, M.; Bergin, E.A.; van Dishoeck, E.F.
Crater production on Titan and surface chronology.
Rossignoli, N.L.; Di Sisto, R.P.; Parisi, M.G.
Barium stars as tracers of s-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars. I. 28 stars with independently derived AGB mass.
Cseh, B.; Vilagos, B.; Roriz, M.P.; Pereira, C.B.; D'Orazi, V.; Karakas, A.I.; Soos, B.; Drake, N.A.; Junqueira, S.; Lugaro, M.
Characterization of the Gamma-ray Emission from the Kepler Supernova Remnant with Fermi-LAT.
Acero, F.; Lemoine-Goumard, M.; Ballet, J.
Diffuse Galactic emission spectrum between 0.5 and 8.0 MeV.
Siegert, T.; Berteaud, J.; Calore, F.; Serpico, P.D.; Weinberger, C.
2022A&A...660A.131M – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A131)
VVVX Near-IR Photometry for 99 Low-mass Stars in the Gaia EDR3 Catalog of Nearby Stars.
Mejias, A.; Minniti, D.; Alonso-Garcia, J.; Beamin, J.C.; Saito, R.K.; Solano, E.
Stellar population gradients at cosmic noon as a constraint to the evolution of passive galaxies.
Ditrani, F.R.; Andreon, S.; Longhetti, M.; Newman, A.
A search for ionised gas outflows in an Hα imaging atlas of nearby LINERs.
Hermosa Munoz, L.; Marquez, I.; Cazzoli, S.; Masegosa, J.; Agis-Gonzalez, B.
2022A&A...660A.134S – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A134)
System equivalent flux density of a low-frequency polarimetric phased array interferometer.
Sutinjo, A.T.; Ung, D.C.X.; Sokolowski, M.; Kovaleva, M.; McSweeney, S.
2022A&A...660A.135V – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A135)
The Gaia-ESO survey: Age-chemical-clock relations spatially resolved in the Galactic disc.
Viscasillas Vazquez, C.; Magrini, L.; Casali, G.; Tautvaisiene, G.; Spina, L.; Van der Swaelmen, M.; Randich, S.; Bensby, T.; Bragaglia, A.; Friel, E.; Feltzing, S.; Sacco, G.G.; Turchi, A.; Jimenez-Esteban, F.; D'Orazi, V.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Mikolaitis, S.; Drazdauskas, A.; Minkeviciute, R.; Stonkute, E.; Bagdonas, V.; Montes, D.; Guiglion, G.; Baratella, M.; Tabernero, H.M.; Gilmore, G.; Alfaro, E.; Francois, P.; Korn, A.; Smiljanic, R.; Bergemann, M.; Franciosini, E.; Gonneau, A.; Hourihane, A.; Worley, C.C.; Zaggia, S.
Construction of coronal hole and active region magnetohydrostatic solutions in two dimensions: Force and energy balance.
Terradas, J.; Soler, R.; Oliver, R.; Antolin, P.; Arregui, I.; Luna, M.; Piantschitsch, I.; Soubrie, E.; Ballester, J.L.
2022A&A...660A.137G – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A137)
Tomography of the environment of the COSMOS/AzTEC-3 submillimeter galaxy at z ∼ 5.3 revealed by Lyα and MUSE observations.
Guaita, L.; Aravena, M.; Gurung-Lopez, S.; Cantalupo, S.; Marino, R.; Riechers, D.; da Cunha, E.; Wagg, J.; Algera, H.S.B.; Dannerbauer, H.; Cox, P.
2022A&A...660A.138S – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A138)
PGIR 20eid (SN 2020qmp): A Type IIP Supernova at 15.6 Mpc discovered by the Palomar Gattini-IR survey.
Srinivasaragavan, G.P.; Sfaradi, I.; Jencson, J.; De, K.; Horesh, A.; Kasliwal, M.M.; Tinyanont, S.; Hankins, M.; Schulze, S.; Ashley, M.C.B.; Graham, M.J.; Karambelkar, V.; Lau, R.; Mahabal, A.A.; Moore, A.M.; Ofek, E.O.; Sharma, Y.; Sollerman, J.; Soon, J.; Soria, R.; Travouillon, T.; Walters, R.
CMASS galaxy sample and the ontological status of the cosmological principle.
Kim, Y.; Park, C.-G.; Noh, H.; Hwang, J.-C.
Calibration of quasi-static aberrations in exoplanet direct-imaging instruments with a Zernike phase-mask sensor. IV. Temporal stability of non-common path aberrations in VLT/SPHERE.
Vigan, A.; Dohlen, K.; N'Diaye, M.; Cantalloube, F.; Girard, J.H.; Milli, J.; Sauvage, J.-F.; Wahhaj, Z.; Zins, G.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Caillat, A.; Costille, A.; Le Merrer, J.; Mouillet, D.; Tourenq, S.
2022A&A...660A.141L – (Tables: J/A+A/660/A141)
Topological changes in the magnetic field of LQ Hya during an activity minimum,.
Lehtinen, J.J.; Kapyla, M.J.; Hackman, T.; Kochukhov, O.; Willamo, T.; Marsden, S.C.; Jeffers, S.V.; Henry, G.W.; Jetsu, L.
A3COSMOS: A census on the molecular gas mass and extent of main-sequence galaxies across cosmic time.
Wang, T.-M.; Magnelli, B.; Schinnerer, E.; Liu, D.; Modak, Z.A.; Jimenez-Andrade, E.F.; Karoumpis, C.; Kokorev, V.; Bertoldi, F.
The magnetic drivers of campfires seen by the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) on Solar Orbiter.
Kahil, F.; Hirzberger, J.; Solanki, S.K.; Chitta, L.P.; Peter, H.; Auchere, F.; Sinjan, J.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Albert, K.; Albelo Jorge, N.; Appourchaux, T.; Alvarez-Herrero, A.; Blanco Rodriguez, J.; Gandorfer, A.; Germerott, D.; Guerrero, L.; Gutierrez Marquez, P.; Kolleck, M.; del Toro Iniesta, J.C.; Volkmer, R.; Woch, J.; Fiethe, B.; Gomez Cama, J.M.; Perez-Grande, I.; Sanchis Kilders, E.; Balaguer Jimenez, M.; Bellot Rubio, L.R.; Calchetti, D.; Carmona, M.; Deutsch, W.; Fernandez-Rico, G.; Fernandez-Medina, A.; Garcia Parejo, P.; Gasent-Blesa, J.L.; Gizon, L.; Grauf, B.; Heerlein, K.; Lagg, A.; Lange, T.; Lopez Jimenez, A.; Maue, T.; Meller, R.; Michalik, H.; Moreno Vacas, A.; Muller, R.; Nakai, E.; Schmidt, W.; Schou, J.; Schuhle, U.; Staub, J.; Strecker, H.; Torralbo, I.; Valori, G.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Teriaca, L.; Berghmans, D.; Verbeeck, C.; Kraaikamp, E.; Gissot, S.
Tracking the 3D evolution of a halo coronal mass ejection using the revised cone model.
Zhang, Q.M.
The bimodality in the mass-metallicity relation in SDSS-MaNGA galaxy pairs.
Omori, K.C.; Takeuchi, T.T.
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