Astron. Astrophys. 639
July(I) 2020

MONOS: Multiplicity Of Northern O-type Spectroscopic systems. I. Project description and spectral classifications and visual multiplicity of previously known objects (Corrigendum).
Maiz Apellaniz, J.; Trigueros Paez, E.; Negueruela, I.; Barba, R.H.; Simon-Diaz, S.; Lorenzo, J.; Sota, A.; Gamen, R.C.; Farina, C.; Salas, J.; Caballero, J.A.; Morrell, N.I.; Pellerin, A.; Alfaro, E.J.; Herrero, A.; Arias, J.I.; Marco, A.
Magnetic coupling of planets and small bodies with a pulsar wind (Corrigendum).
Mottez, F.; Heyvaerts, J.
Ongoing flyby in the young multiple system UX Tauri.
Menard, F.; Cuello, N.; Ginski, C.; van der Plas, G.; Villenave, M.; Gonzalez, J.-F.; Pinte, C.; Benisty, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Price, D.J.; Boehler, Y.; Chripko, S.; de Boer, J.; Dominik, C.; Garufi, A.; Gratton, R.; Hagelberg, J.; Henning, T.; Langlois, M.; Maire, A.L.; Pinilla, P.; Ruane, G.J.; Schmid, H.M.; van Holstein, R.G.; Vigan, A.; Zurlo, A.; Hubin, N.; Pavlov, A.; Rochat, S.; Sauvage, J.-F.; Stadler, E.
The Gaia-ESO Survey: an extremely Li-rich giant in globular cluster NGC 1261.
Sanna, N.; Franciosini, E.; Pancino, E.; Mucciarelli, A.; Tsantaki, M.; Charbonnel, C.; Smiljanic, R.; Fu, X.; Bragaglia, A.; Lagarde, N.; Tautvaisiene, G.; Magrini, L.; Randich, S.; Bensby, T.; Korn, A.J.; Bayo, A.; Bergemann, M.; Carraro, G.; Morbidelli, L.
The Large Magellanic Cloud stellar content with SMASH. I. Assessing the stability of the Magellanic spiral arms.
Ruiz-Lara, T.; Gallart, C.; Monelli, M.; Nidever, D.; Dorta, A.; Choi, Y.; Olsen, K.; Besla, G.; Bernard, E.J.; Cassisi, S.; Massana, P.; Noel, N.E.D.; Perez, I.; Rusakov, V.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Majewski, S.R.; van der Marel, R.P.; Martinez-Delgado, D.; Monachesi, A.; Monteagudo, L.; Munoz, R.R.; Stringfellow, G.S.; Surot, F.; Vivas, A.K.; Walker, A.R.; Zaritsky, D.
V363 Cassiopeiae: a new lithium-rich Galactic Cepheid.
Catanzaro, G.; Ripepi, V.; Clementini, G.; Cusano, F.; De Somma, G.; Leccia, S.; Marconi, M.; Molinaro, R.; Moretti, M.I.; Musella, I.; Testa, V.
Preflare very long-periodic pulsations observed in Hα emission before the onset of a solar flare.
Li, D.; Feng, S.; Su, W.; Huang, Yu
2020A&A...639L...6S – (Tables: J/A+A/639/L6)
The "hidden" companion in LB-1 unveiled by spectral disentangling.
Shenar, T.; Bodensteiner, J.; Abdul-Masih, M.; Fabry, M.; Mahy, L.; Marchant, P.; Banyard, G.; Bowman, D.M.; Dsilva, K.; Hawcroft, C.; Reggiani, M.; Sana, H.
Prospects for radio detection of stellar plasma beams.
Vedantham, H.K.
ISO-ChaI 52: a weakly accreting young stellar object with a dipper light curve.
Frasca, A.; Manara, C.F.; Alcala, J.M.; Biazzo, K.; Venuti, L.; Covino, E.; Rosotti, G.; Stelzer, B.; Fedele, D.
Larger λR in the disc of isolated active spiral galaxies than in their non-active twins.
del Moral-Castro, I.; Garcia-Lorenzo, B.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Ruiz-Lara, T.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Sanchez, S.F.; Sanchez-Blazquez, P.; Marquez, I.; Masegosa, J.
2020A&A...639L..10M – (Tables: J/A+A/639/L10)
The sustained post-outburst brightness of Nova Per 2018, the evolved companion, and the long orbital period.
Munari, U.; Moretti, S.; Maitan, A.
Broad-line type Ic SN 2020bvc. Signatures of an off-axis gamma-ray burst afterglow.
Izzo, L.; Auchettl, K.; Hjorth, J.; De Colle, F.; Gall, C.; Angus, C.R.; Raimundo, S.I.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.
2020A&A...639L..12S – (Tables: J/A+A/639/L12)
NLTE modeling and spectroscopically derived abundances of lithium and beryllium for classical nova ejecta.
Shore, S.N.; De Gennaro Aquino, I.
2020A&A...639L..13N – (Tables: J/A+A/639/L13)
Gas, dust, and star formation in the positive AGN feedback candidate 4C 41.17 at z = 3.8.
Nesvadba, N.P.H.; Bicknell, G.V.; Mukherjee, D.; Wagner, A.Y.
Molecular globules in the Veil bubble of Orion. IRAM 30 m 12CO, 13CO, and C18O (2-1) expanded maps of Orion A.
Goicoechea, J.R.; Pabst, C.H.M.; Kabanovic, S.; Santa-Maria, M.G.; Marcelino, N.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Hacar, A.; Berne, O.; Buchbender, C.; Cuadrado, S.; Higgins, R.; Kramer, C.; Stutzki, J.; Suri, S.; Teyssier, D.; Wolfire, M.
Expanding bubbles in Orion A: [C II] observations of M 42, M 43, and NGC 1977.
Pabst, C.H.M.; Goicoechea, J.R.; Teyssier, D.; Berne, O.; Higgins, R.D.; Chambers, E.T.; Kabanovic, S.; Gusten, R.; Stutzki, J.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.
Aluminium oxide in the atmosphere of hot Jupiter WASP-43b.
Chubb, K.L.; Min, M.; Kawashima, Y.; Helling, C.; Waldmann, I.
Infrared spectra of complex organic molecules in astronomically relevant ice mixtures. II. Acetone.
Rachid, M.G.; Terwisscha van Scheltinga, J.; Koletzki, D.; Linnartz, H.
2020A&A...639A...5M – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A5)
X-ray absorption in INTEGRAL active galactic nuclei. Host galaxy inclination.
Malizia, A.; Bassani, L.; Stephen, J.B.; Bazzano, A.; Ubertini, P.
Contribution of the ageing effect to the observed asymmetry of interplanetary magnetic clouds.
Demoulin, P.; Dasso, S.; Lanabere, V.; Janvier, M.
2020A&A...639A...7J – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A7)
Li-rich K giants, dust excess, and binarity.
Jorissen, A.; Van Winckel, H.; Siess, L.; Escorza, A.; Pourbaix, D.; Van Eck, S.
Understanding the rotational variability of K2 targets. HgMn star KIC 250152017 and blue horizontal branch star KIC 249660366.
Krticka, J.; Kawka, A.; Mikulasek, Z.; Fossati, L.; Krtickova, I.; Prvak, M.; Janik, J.; Skarka, M.; Liptaj, R.
New multi-part collisional model of the main belt: the contribution to near-Earth asteroids.
Zain, P.S.; de Elia, G.C.; Di Sisto, R.P.
Understanding Saturn's interior from the Cassini Grand Finale gravity measurements.
Ni, D.
2020A&A...639A..11R – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A11)
Exocomets: A spectroscopic survey.
Rebollido, I.; Eiroa, C.; Montesinos, B.; Maldonado, J.; Villaver, E.; Absil, O.; Bayo, A.; Canovas, H.; Carmona, A.; Chen, C.; Ertel, S.; Henning, T.; Iglesias, D.P.; Launhardt, R.; Liseau, R.; Meeus, G.; Moor, A.; Mora, A.; Olofsson, J.; Rauw, G.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.
Processes governing the VIS/NIR spectral reflectance behavior of lunar swirls.
Hess, M.; Wohler, C.; Bhatt, M.; Berezhnoy, A.A.; Grumpe, A.; Wohlfarth, K.; Bhardwaj, A.; Shevchenko, V.V.
The obscured X-ray binaries V404 Cyg, Cyg X-3, V4641 Sgr, and GRS 1915+105.
Koljonen, K.I.I.; Tomsick, J.A.
The Fornax Deep Survey with VST. VIII. Connecting the accretion history with the cluster density.
Spavone, M.; Iodice, E.; van de Ven, G.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Raj, M.A.; Hilker, M.; Peletier, R.P.; Capaccioli, M.; Mieske, S.; Venhola, A.; Napolitano, N.R.; Cantiello, M.; Paolillo, M.; Schipani, P.
Probing binary neutron star mergers in dense environments using afterglow counterparts.
Duque, R.; Beniamini, P.; Daigne, F.; Mochkovitch, R.
Relative thermodynamic stability of the [C,N,O] linkages as an indication of the most abundant structures in the ISM.
Fourre, I.; Matz, O.; Ellinger, Y.; Guillemin, J.-C.
XMM-Newton observations of eleven intermediate polars and possible candidates.
Worpel, H.; Schwope, A.D.; Traulsen, I.; Mukai, K.; Ok, S.
The nature of the companion in the Wolf-Rayet system EZ Canis Majoris.
Koenigsberger, G.; Schmutz, W.
High-resolution spectroscopy of a surge in an emerging flux region.
Verma, M.; Denker, C.; Diercke, A.; Kuckein, C.; Balthasar, H.; Dineva, E.; Kontogiannis, I.; Pal, P.S.; Sobotka, M.
Self-consistent 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations of coronal rain formation and evolution.
Kohutova, P.; Antolin, P.; Popovas, A.; Szydlarski, M.; Hansteen, V.H.
Non-thermal line broadening due to braiding-induced turbulence in solar coronal loops.
Pontin, D.I.; Peter, H.; Chitta, L.P.
Case study of multi-temperature coronal jets for emerging flux MHD models.
Joshi, R.; Chandra, R.; Schmieder, B.; Moreno-Insertis, F.; Aulanier, G.; Nobrega-Siverio, D.; Devi, P.
2020A&A...639A..23P – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A23)
International observational campaign of the 2014 eclipse of EE Cephei.
Pienkowski, D.; Galan, C.; Tomov, T.; Gazeas, K.; Wychudzki, P.; Mikolajewski, M.; Kubicki, D.; Staels, B.; Zola, S.; Pakonska, P.; Debski, B.; Kundera, T.; Ogloza, W.; Drozdz, M.; Baran, A.; Winiarski, M.; Siwak, M.; Dimitrov, D.; Kjurkchieva, D.; Marchev, D.; Arminski, A.; Miller, I.; Kolaczkowski, Z.; Mozdzierski, D.; Zahajkiewicz, E.; Brus, P.; Pigulski, A.; Smela, T.; Conseil, E.; Boyd, D.; Conidis, G.J.; Plauchu-Frayn, I.; Heras, T.A.; Kardasis, E.; Biskupski, M.; Kneip, R.; Hambalek, L.; Pribulla, T.; Kundra, E.; Garai, Z.; Rodriguez, D.; Kaminski, T.; Dubois, F.; Logie, L.; Capetillo Blanco, A.; Kankiewicz, P.; Swierczynski, E.; Martignoni, M.; Sergey, I.; Kare Trandem Qvam, J.; Semkov, E.; Ibryamov, S.; Peneva, S.; Gonzalez Carballo, J.-L.; Ribeiro, J.; Dean, S.; Apostolovska, G.; Donchev, Z.; Corp, L.; McDonald, P.; Rodriguez, M.; Sanchez, A.; Wiersema, K.; Conseil, E.; Menke, J.; Sergey, I.; Richardson, N.
Binary evolution along the red giant branch with BINSTAR: The barium star perspective.
Escorza, A.; Siess, L.; Van Winckel, H.; Jorissen, A.
2020A&A...639A..25L – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A25)
Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of Lande g-factors for ions of astrophysical interest: B II, C I-IV, Al I-II, Si I-IV, P II, S II, Cl III, Ar IV, Ca I, Ti II, Zr III, and Sn II.
Li, W.; Rynkun, P.; Radziute, L.; Gaigalas, G.; Atalay, B.; Papoulia, A.; Wang, K.; Hartman, H.; Ekman, J.; Brage, T.; Chen, C.Y.; Jonsson, P.
2020A&A...639A..26K – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A26)
H I filaments are cold and associated with dark molecular gas. HI4PI-based estimates of the local diffuse CO-dark H2 distribution.
Kalberla, P.M.W.; Kerp, J.; Haud, U.
Radio emission during the formation of stellar clusters in M 33.
Corbelli, E.; Braine, J.; Tabatabaei, F.S.
2020A&A...639A..28L – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A28)
High angular resolution study of the super star cluster population in IRAS 17138-1017.
Lam, N.T.; Gratadour, D.; Rouan, D.; Grosset, L.
Method for retrieval of atmospheric water vapor using OH airglow for correction of astronomical observations.
Xu, J.Y.; Liu, W.J.; Bian, J.C.; Liu, X.; Yuan, W.; Wang, C.
Interactions among intermediate redshift galaxies. The case of SDSS J134420.86+663717.8.
Misquitta, P.; Bowles, M.; Eckart, A.; Yttergren, M.; Busch, G.; Valencia-S., M.; Fazeli, N.
Long-period Ap stars discovered with TESS data.
Mathys, G.; Kurtz, D.W.; Holdsworth, D.L.
A new study of the spectroscopic binary 7 Vul with a Be star primary.
Harmanec, P.; Liptak, J.; Koubsky, P.; Bozic, H.; Labadie-Bartz, J.; Slechta, M.; Yang, S.; Harmanec, A.
Observational appearance of rapidly rotating neutron stars. X-ray bursts, cooling tail method, and radius determination.
Suleimanov, V.F.; Poutanen, J.; Werner, K.
TESS unveils the phase curve of WASP-33b. Characterization of the planetary atmosphere and the pulsations from the star.
von Essen, C.; Mallonn, M.; Borre, C.C.; Antoci, V.; Stassun, K.G.; Khalafinejad, S.; Tautvaisiene, G.
2020A&A...639A..35H – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A35)
The correlation between photometric variability and radial velocity jitter. Based on TESS and HARPS observations.
Hojjatpanah, S.; Oshagh, M.; Figueira, P.; Santos, N.C.; Amazo-Gomez, E.M.; Sousa, S.G.; Adibekyan, V.; Akinsanmi, B.; Demangeon, O.; Faria, J.; Gomes da Silva, J.; Meunier, N.
A transition between the hot and the ultra-hot Jupiter atmospheres.
Baxter, C.; Desert, J.-M.; Parmentier, V.; Line, M.; Fortney, J.; Arcangeli, J.; Bean, J.L.; Todorov, K.O.; Mansfield, M.
The variation of carbon abundance in galaxies and its implications.
Romano, D.; Franchini, M.; Grisoni, V.; Spitoni, E.; Matteucci, F.; Morossi, C.
Basis function expansions for galactic dynamics: Spherical versus cylindrical coordinates.
Wang, Y.; Athanassoula, E.; Mao, S.
Erosion of planetesimals by gas flow.
Schaffer, N.; Johansen, A.; Cedenblad, L.; Mehling, B.; Mitra, D.
Long-term evolution of the Galilean satellites: the capture of Callisto into resonance.
Lari, G.; Saillenfest, M.; Fenucci, M.
BSE versus StarTrack: Implementations of new wind, remnant-formation, and natal-kick schemes in NBODY7 and their astrophysical consequences.
Banerjee, S.; Belczynski, K.; Fryer, C.L.; Berczik, P.; Hurley, J.R.; Spurzem, R.; Wang, L.
Simultaneous observations of the blazar PKS 2155-304 from ultra-violet to TeV energies.
Abdalla, H.; Adam, R.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Anguner, E.O.; Arakawa, M.; Arcaro, C.; Armand, C.; Ashkar, H.; Backes, M.; Barbosa Martins, V.; Barnard, M.; Becherini, Y.; Berge, D.; Bernlohr, K.; Blackwell, R.; Bottcher, M.; Boisson, C.; Bolmont, J.; Bonnefoy, S.; Bregeon, J.; Breuhaus, M.; Brun, F.; Brun, P.; Bryan, M.; Buchele, M.; Bulik, T.; Bylund, T.; Caroff, S.; Carosi, A.; Casanova, S.; Cerruti, M.; Chand, T.; Chandra, S.; Chen, A.; Colafrancesco, S.; Curylo, M.; Davids, I.D.; Deil, C.; Devin, J.; deWilt, P.; Dirson, L.; Djannati-Atai, A.; Dmytriiev, A.; Donath, A.; Doroshenko, V.; Dyks, J.; Egberts, K.; Emery, G.; Ernenwein, J.-P.; Eschbach, S.; Feijen, K.; Fegan, S.; Fiasson, A.; Fontaine, G.; Funk, S.; Fussling, M.; Gabici, S.; Gallant, Y.A.; Gate, F.; Giavitto, G.; Giunti, L.; Glawion, D.; Glicenstein, J.F.; Gottschall, D.; Grondin, M.-H.; Hahn, J.; Haupt, M.; Heinzelmann, G.; Henri, G.; Hermann, G.; Hinton, J.A.; Hofmann, W.; Hoischen, C.; Holch, T.L.; Holler, M.; Horns, D.; Huber, D.; Iwasaki, H.; Jamrozy, M.; Jankowsky, D.; Jankowsky, F.; Jardin-Blicq, A.; Jung-Richardt, I.; Kastendieck, M.A.; Katarzynski, K.; Katsuragawa, M.; Katz, U.; Khangulyan, D.; Khelifi, B.; King, J.; Klepser, S.; Kluzniak, W.; Komin, N.; Kosack, K.; Kostunin, D.; Kreter, M.; Lamanna, G.; Lemiere, A.; Lemoine-Goumard, M.; Lenain, J.-P.; Leser, E.; Levy, C.; Lohse, T.; Lypova, I.; Mackey, J.; Majumdar, J.; Malyshev, D.; Marandon, V.; Marcowith, A.; Mares, A.; Mariaud, C.; Marti-Devesa, G.; Marx, R.; Maurin, G.; Meintjes, P.J.; Mitchell, A.M.W.; Moderski, R.; Mohamed, M.; Mohrmann, L.; Moore, C.; Moulin, E.; Muller, J.; Murach, T.; Nakashima, S.; de Naurois, M.; Ndiyavala, H.; Niederwanger, F.; Niemiec, J.; Oakes, L.; O'Brien, P.; Odaka, H.; Ohm, S.; de Ona Wilhelmi, E.; Ostrowski, M.; Oya, I.; Panter, M.; Parsons, R.D.; Perennes, C.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Peyaud, B.; Piel, Q.; Pita, S.; Poireau, V.; Priyana Noel, A.; Prokhorov, D.A.; Prokoph, H.; Puhlhofer, G.; Punch, M.; Quirrenbach, A.; Raab, S.; Rauth, R.; Reimer, A.; Reimer, O.; Remy, Q.; Renaud, M.; Rieger, F.; Rinchiuso, L.; Romoli, C.; Rowell, G.; Rudak, B.; Ruiz-Velasco, E.; Sahakian, V.; Sailer, S.; Saito, S.; Sanchez, D.A.; Santangelo, A.; Sasaki, M.; Schlickeiser, R.; Schussler, F.; Schulz, A.; Schutte, H.M.; Schwanke, U.; Schwemmer, S.; Seglar-Arroyo, M.; Senniappan, M.; Seyffert, A.S.; Shafi, N.; Shiningayamwe, K.; Simoni, R.; Sinha, A.; Sol, H.; Specovius, A.; Spir-Jacob, M.; Stawarz, L.; Steenkamp, R.; Stegmann, C.; Steppa, C.; Takahashi, T.; Tavernier, T.; Taylor, A.M.; Terrier, R.; Tiziani, D.; Tluczykont, M.; Trichard, C.; Tsirou, M.; Tsuji, N.; Tuffs, R.; Uchiyama, Y.; van der Walt, D.J.; van Eldik, C.; van Rensburg, C.; van Soelen, B.; Vasileiadis, G.; Veh, J.; Venter, C.; Vincent, P.; Vink, J.; Volk, H.J.; Vuillaume, T.; Wadiasingh, Z.; Wagner, S.J.; White, R.; Wierzcholska, A.; Yang, R.; Yoneda, H.; Zacharias, M.; Zanin, R.; Zdziarski, A.A.; Zech, A.; Zorn, J.; Zywucka, N.; Madejski, G.M.; Nalewajko, K.; Madsen, K.K.; Chiang, J.; Balokovic, M.; Paneque, D.; Furniss, A.K.; Hayashida, M.; Urry, C.M.; Ajello, M.; Harrison, F.A.; Giebels, B.; Stern, D.; Forster, K.; Giommi, P.; Perri, M.; Puccetti, S.; Zoglauer, A.; Tagliaferri, G.
Cold molecular gas and PAH emission in the nuclear and circumnuclear regions of Seyfert galaxies.
Alonso-Herrero, A.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Rigopoulou, D.; Garcia-Bernete, I.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Dominguez-Fernandez, A.J.; Combes, F.; Davies, R.I.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Esparza-Arredondo, D.; Gonzalez-Martin, O.; Hernan-Caballero, A.; Hicks, E.K.S.; Honig, S.F.; Levenson, N.A.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Roche, P.F.; Rosario, D.
Distinguishing between flaring and nonflaring active regions.
Hazra, S.; Sardar, G.; Chowdhury, P.
Numerical simulations of the lower solar atmosphere heating by two-fluid nonlinear Alfven waves.
Kuzma, B.; Wojcik, D.; Murawski, K.; Yuan, D.; Poedts, S.
Statistics of solar wind electron breakpoint energies using machine learning techniques.
Bakrania, M.R.; Rae, I.J.; Walsh, A.P.; Verscharen, D.; Smith, A.W.; Bloch, T.; Watt, C.E.J.
2020A&A...639A..47M – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A47)
Orbital and spectral characterization of the benchmark T-type brown dwarf HD 19467B.
Maire, A.-L.; Molaverdikhani, K.; Desidera, S.; Trifonov, T.; Molliere, P.; D'Orazi, V.; Frankel, N.; Baudino, J.-L.; Messina, S.; Muller, A.; Charnay, B.; Cheetham, A.C.; Delorme, P.; Ligi, R.; Bonnefoy, M.; Brandner, W.; Mesa, D.; Cantalloube, F.; Galicher, R.; Henning, T.; Biller, B.A.; Hagelberg, J.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Lavie, B.; Rickman, E.; Segransan, D.; Udry, S.; Chauvin, G.; Gratton, R.; Langlois, M.; Vigan, A.; Meyer, M.R.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Bhowmik, T.; Boccaletti, A.; Lazzoni, C.; Perrot, C.; Schmidt, T.; Zurlo, A.; Gluck, L.; Pragt, J.; Ramos, J.; Roelfsema, R.; Roux, A.; Sauvage, J.-F.
Stellar impact on disequilibrium chemistry and observed spectra of hot Jupiter atmospheres.
Shulyak, D.; Lara, L.M.; Rengel, M.; Nemec, N.-E.
The GAPS programme at TNG. XXII. The GIARPS view of the extended helium atmosphere of HD 189733 b accounting for stellar activity.
Guilluy, G.; Andretta, V.; Borsa, F.; Giacobbe, P.; Sozzetti, A.; Covino, E.; Bourrier, V.; Fossati, L.; Bonomo, A.S.; Esposito, M.; Giampapa, M.S.; Harutyunyan, A.; Rainer, M.; Brogi, M.; Bruno, G.; Claudi, R.; Frustagli, G.; Lanza, A.F.; Mancini, L.; Pino, L.; Poretti, E.; Scandariato, G.; Affer, L.; Baffa, C.; Baruffolo, A.; Benatti, S.; Biazzo, K.; Bignamini, A.; Boschin, W.; Carleo, I.; Cecconi, M.; Cosentino, R.; Damasso, M.; Desidera, S.; Falcini, G.; Martinez Fiorenzano, A.F.; Ghedina, A.; Gonzalez-Alvarez, E.; Guerra, J.; Hernandez, N.; Leto, G.; Maggio, A.; Malavolta, L.; Maldonado, J.; Micela, G.; Molinari, E.; Nascimbeni, V.; Pagano, I.; Pedani, M.; Piotto, G.; Reiners, A.
2020A&A...639A..50B – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A50)
The GAPS programme at TNG. XXIII. HD 164922 d: close-in super-Earth discovered with HARPS-N in a system with a long-period Saturn mass companion.
Benatti, S.; Damasso, M.; Desidera, S.; Marzari, F.; Biazzo, K.; Claudi, R.; Di Mauro, M.P.; Lanza, A.F.; Pinamonti, M.; Barbato, D.; Malavolta, L.; Poretti, E.; Sozzetti, A.; Affer, L.; Bignamini, A.; Bonomo, A.S.; Borsa, F.; Brogi, M.; Bruno, G.; Carleo, I.; Cosentino, R.; Covino, E.; Frustagli, G.; Giacobbe, P.; Gonzalez, M.; Gratton, R.; Harutyunyan, A.; Knapic, C.; Leto, G.; Lodi, M.; Maggio, A.; Maldonado, J.; Mancini, L.; Martinez Fiorenzano, A.; Micela, G.; Molinari, E.; Molinaro, M.; Nardiello, D.; Nascimbeni, V.; Pagano, I.; Pedani, M.; Piotto, G.; Rainer, M.; Scandariato, G.
2020A&A...639A..51I – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A51)
The XMM deep survey in the CDFS. XI. X-ray spectral properties of 185 bright sources.
Iwasawa, K.; Comastri, A.; Vignali, C.; Gilli, R.; Lanzuisi, G.; Brandt, W.N.; Tozzi, P.; Brusa, M.; Carrera, F.J.; Ranalli, P.; Mainieri, V.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Puccetti, S.; Paolillo, M.
On-sky verification of Fast and Furious focal-plane wavefront sensing: Moving forward toward controlling the island effect at Subaru/SCExAO.
Bos, S.P.; Vievard, S.; Wilby, M.J.; Snik, F.; Lozi, J.; Guyon, O.; Norris, B.R.M.; Jovanovic, N.; Martinache, F.; Sauvage, J.-F.; Keller, C.U.
Toward a large bandwidth photonic correlator for infrared heterodyne interferometry. A first laboratory proof of concept.
Bourdarot, G.; Guillet de Chatellus, H.; Berger, J.-P.
VLT/SPHERE survey for exoplanets around young early-type stars, including systems with multi-belt architectures.
Lombart, M.; Chauvin, G.; Rojo, P.; Lagadec, E.; Delorme, P.; Beust, H.; Bonnefoy, M.; Galicher, R.; Gratton, R.; Mesa, D.; Bonavita, M.; Allard, F.; Bayo, A.; Boccaletti, A.; Desidera, S.; Girard, J.; Jenkins, J.S.; Klahr, H.; Laibe, G.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Lazzoni, C.; Marleau, G.-D.; Minniti, D.; Mordasini, C.
Binary star sequence in the outskirts of the disrupting Galactic open cluster UBC 274.
Piatti, A.E.
Using radio triangulation to understand the origin of two subsequent type II radio bursts.
Jebaraj, I.C.; Magdalenic, J.; Podladchikova, T.; Scolini, C.; Pomoell, J.; Veronig, A.M.; Dissauer, K.; Krupar, V.; Kilpua, E.K.J.; Poedts, S.
Cosmic dissonance: are new physics or systematics behind a short sound horizon?
Arendse, N.; Wojtak, R.J.; Agnello, A.; Chen, G.C.-F.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Sluse, D.; Hilbert, S.; Millon, M.; Bonvin, V.; Wong, K.C.; Courbin, F.; Suyu, S.H.; Birrer, S.; Treu, T.; Koopmans, L.V.E.
X-shooter survey of disk accretion in Upper Scorpius. I. Very high accretion rates at age > 5 Myr.
Manara, C.F.; Natta, A.; Rosotti, G.P.; Alcala, J.M.; Nisini, B.; Lodato, G.; Testi, L.; Pascucci, I.; Hillenbrand, L.; Carpenter, J.; Scholz, A.; Fedele, D.; Frasca, A.; Mulders, G.; Rigliaco, E.; Scardoni, C.; Zari, E.
Unveiling the magnetic nature of chromospheric vortices.
Murabito, M.; Shetye, J.; Stangalini, M.; Verwichte, E.; Arber, T.; Ermolli, I.; Giorgi, F.; Goffrey, T.
CO+ first-negative band emission: A tracer for CO in the Martian upper atmosphere.
Raghuram, S.; Bhardwaj, A.
2020A&A...639A..61K – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A61)
Gas and dust cooling along the major axis of M 33 (HerM33es). Herschel/PACS [C II] and [O I] observations.
Kramer, C.; Nikola, T.; Anderl, S.; Bertoldi, F.; Boquien, M.; Braine, J.; Buchbender, C.; Combes, F.; Henkel, C.; Hermelo, I.; Israel, F.; Relano, M.; Rollig, M.; Schuster, K.; Tabatabaei, F.; van der Tak, F.; Verley, S.; van der Werf, P.; Wiedner, M.; Xilouris, E.M.
Gap, shadows, spirals, and streamers: SPHERE observations of binary-disk interactions in GG Tauri A.
Keppler, M.; Penzlin, A.; Benisty, M.; van Boekel, R.; Henning, T.; van Holstein, R.G.; Kley, W.; Garufi, A.; Ginski, C.; Brandner, W.; Bertrang, G.H.-M.; Boccaletti, A.; de Boer, J.; Bonavita, M.; Brown Sevilla, S.; Chauvin, G.; Dominik, C.; Janson, M.; Langlois, M.; Lodato, G.; Maire, A.-L.; Menard, F.; Pantin, E.; Pinte, C.; Stolker, T.; Szulagyi, J.; Thebault, P.; Villenave, M.; Zurlo, A.; Rabou, P.; Feautrier, P.; Feldt, M.; Madec, F.; Wildi, F.
2020A&A...639A..63G – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A63)
Active red giants: Close binaries versus single rapid rotators.
Gaulme, P.; Jackiewicz, J.; Spada, F.; Chojnowski, D.; Mosser, B.; McKeever, J.; Hedlund, A.; Vrard, M.; Benbakoura, M.; Damiani, C.
2020A&A...639A..64R – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A64)
Extended stellar systems in the solar neighborhood. IV. Meingast 1: the most massive stellar stream in the solar neighborhood.
Ratzenbock, S.; Meingast, S.; Alves, J.; Moller, T.; Bomze, I.
What did the seahorse swallow? APEX 170 GHz observations of the chemical conditions in the Seahorse infrared dark cloud.
Miettinen, O.
Planetary mass-radius relations across the galaxy.
Michel, A.; Haldemann, J.; Mordasini, C.; Alibert, Y.
Calibrating the surface brightness - color relation for late-type red giants stars in the visible domain using VEGA/CHARA interferometric observations.
Nardetto, N.; Salsi, A.; Mourard, D.; Hocde, V.; Perraut, K.; Gallenne, A.; Merand, A.; Graczyk, D.; Pietrzynski, G.; Gieren, W.; Kervella, P.; Ligi, R.; Meilland, A.; Morand, F.; Stee, P.; Tallon-Bosc, I.; ten Brummelaar, T.
Kinematics of coronal mass ejections in the LASCO field of view.
Ravishankar, A.; Michalek, G.; Yashiro, S.
HDO and SO2 thermal mapping on Venus. V. Evidence for a long-term anti-correlation.
Encrenaz, T.; Greathouse, T.K.; Marcq, E.; Sagawa, H.; Widemann, T.; Bezard, B.; Fouchet, T.; Lefevre, F.; Lebonnois, S.; Atreya, S.K.; Lee, Y.J.; Giles, R.; Watanabe, S.; Shao, W.; Zhang, X.; Bierson, C.J.
Experimental validation of coronagraphic focal-plane wavefront sensing for future segmented space telescopes.
Leboulleux, L.; Sauvage, J.-F.; Soummer, R.; Fusco, T.; Pueyo, L.; Mugnier, L.M.; Moriarty, C.; Petrone, P.; Brooks, K.
Properties of brightest group galaxies in cosmic web filaments.
Kuutma, T.; Poudel, A.; Einasto, M.; Heinamaki, P.; Lietzen, H.; Tamm, A.; Tempel, E.
Distances to the supernova remnants in the inner disk.
Wang, S.; Zhang, C.; Jiang, B.; Zhao, He; Chen, B.; Chen, X.; Gao, J.; Liu, J.
JoXSZ: Joint X-SZ fitting code for galaxy clusters.
Castagna, F.; Andreon, S.
Galactic halo size in the light of recent AMS-02 data.
Weinrich, N.; Boudaud, M.; Derome, L.; Genolini, Y.; Lavalle, J.; Maurin, D.; Salati, P.; Serpico, P.; Weymann-Despres, G.
Radio and high-energy emission of pulsars revealed by general relativity.
Giraud, Q.; Petri, J.
Three short-period Jupiters from TESS. HIP 65Ab, TOI-157b, and TOI-169b.
Nielsen, L.D.; Brahm, R.; Bouchy, F.; Espinoza, N.; Turner, O.; Rappaport, S.; Pearce, L.; Ricker, G.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D.W.; Seager, S.; Winn, J.N.; Jenkins, J.M.; Acton, J.S.; Bakos, G.; Barclay, T.; Barkaoui, K.; Bhatti, W.; Briceno, C.; Bryant, E.M.; Burleigh, M.R.; Ciardi, D.R.; Collins, K.A.; Collins, K.I.; Cooke, B.F.; Csubry, Z.; dos Santos, L.A.; Eigmuller, P.; Fausnaugh, M.M.; Gan, T.; Gillon, M.; Goad, M.R.; Guerrero, N.; Hagelberg, J.; Hart, R.; Henning, T.; Huang, C.X.; Jehin, E.; Jenkins, J.S.; Jordan, A.; Kielkopf, J.F.; Kossakowski, D.; Lavie, B.; Law, N.; Lendl, M.; de Leon, J.P.; Lovis, C.; Mann, A.W.; Marmier, M.; McCormac, J.; Mori, M.; Moyano, M.; Narita, N.; Osip, D.; Otegi, J.F.; Pepe, F.; Pozuelos, F.J.; Raynard, L.; Relles, H.M.; Sarkis, P.; Segransan, D.; Seidel, J.V.; Shporer, A.; Stalport, M.; Stockdale, C.; Suc, V.; Tamura, M.; Tan, T.G.; Tilbrook, R.H.; Ting, E.B.; Trifonov, T.; Udry, S.; Vanderburg, A.; Wheatley, P.J.; Wingham, G.; Zhan, Z.; Ziegler, C.
2020A&A...639A..77S – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A77)
Revisiting Proxima with ESPRESSO.
Suarez Mascareno, A.; Faria, J.P.; Figueira, P.; Lovis, C.; Damasso, M.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Rebolo, R.; Cristiani, S.; Pepe, F.; Santos, N.C.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Adibekyan, V.; Hojjatpanah, S.; Sozzetti, A.; Murgas, F.; Abreu, M.; Affolter, M.; Alibert, Y.; Aliverti, M.; Allart, R.; Allende Prieto, C.; Alves, D.; Amate, M.; Avila, G.; Baldini, V.; Bandi, T.; Barros, S.C.C.; Bianco, A.; Benz, W.; Bouchy, F.; Broeng, C.; Cabral, A.; Calderone, G.; Cirami, R.; Coelho, J.; Conconi, P.; Coretti, I.; Cumani, C.; Cupani, G.; D'Odorico, V.; Deiries, S.; Delabre, B.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Dumusque, X.; Ehrenreich, D.; Fragoso, A.; Genolet, L.; Genoni, M.; Genova Santos, R.; Hughes, I.; Iwert, O.; Kerber, F.; Knusdstrup, J.; Landoni, M.; Lavie, B.; Lillo-Box, J.; Lizon, J.; Lo Curto, G.; Maire, C.; Manescau, A.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Megevand, D.; Mehner, A.; Micela, G.; Modigliani, A.; Molaro, P.; Monteiro, M.A.; Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G.; Moschetti, M.; Mueller, E.; Nunes, N.J.; Oggioni, L.; Oliveira, A.; Palle, E.; Pariani, G.; Pasquini, L.; Poretti, E.; Rasilla, J.L.; Redaelli, E.; Riva, M.; Santana Tschudi, S.; Santin, P.; Santos, P.; Segovia, A.; Sosnowska, D.; Sousa, S.; Spano, P.; Tenegi, F.; Udry, S.; Zanutta, A.; Zerbi, F.
Sunquake with a second bounce, other sunquakes, and emission associated with the X9.3 flare of 6 September 2017. I. Observations.
Zharkov, S.; Matthews, S.; Zharkova, V.; Druett, M.; Inoue, S.; Dammasch, I.E.; Macrae, C.
Sunquake with a second bounce, other sunquakes, and emission associated with the X9.3 flare of 6 September 2017. II. Proposed interpretation.
Zharkova, V.; Zharkov, S.; Druett, M.; Matthews, S.; Inoue, S.
Diffuse γ-ray emission toward the massive star-forming region, W40.
Sun, X.-N.; Yang, R.-Z.; Liang, Y.-F.; Peng, F.-K.; Zhang, H.-M.; Wang, X.-Y.; Aharonian, F.
2020A&A...639A..81B – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A81)
Variability of OB stars from TESS southern Sectors 1-13 and high-resolution IACOB and OWN spectroscopy.
Burssens, S.; Simon-Diaz, S.; Bowman, D.M.; Holgado, G.; Michielsen, M.; de Burgos, A.; Castro, N.; Barba, R.H.; Aerts, C.
Possible instrumental effects on moments computation of the solar wind proton velocity distribution function: Helios observations.
De Marco, R.; Bruno, R.; D'Amicis, R.; Telloni, D.; Perrone, D.
Global photometric properties of (162173) Ryugu.
Tatsumi, E.; Domingue, D.; Schroder, S.; Yokota, Y.; Kuroda, D.; Ishiguro, M.; Hasegawa, S.; Hiroi, T.; Honda, R.; Hemmi, R.; Le Corre, L.; Sakatani, N.; Morota, T.; Yamada, M.; Kameda, S.; Koyama, T.; Suzuki, H.; Cho, Y.; Yoshioka, K.; Matsuoka, M.; Honda, C.; Hayakawa, M.; Hirata, N.; Yamamoto, Y.; Vilas, F.; Takato, N.; Yoshikawa, M.; Abe, M.; Sugita, S.
Identifying galaxies, quasars, and stars with machine learning: A new catalogue of classifications for 111 million SDSS sources without spectra.
Clarke, A.O.; Scaife, A.M.M.; Greenhalgh, R.; Griguta, V.
The origin of the escape of Lyman α and ionizing photons in Lyman continuum emitters.
Gazagnes, S.; Chisholm, J.; Schaerer, D.; Verhamme, A.; Izotov, Y.
Ionization: a possible explanation for the difference of mean disk sizes in star-forming regions.
Kuffmeier, M.; Zhao, B.; Caselli, P.
2020A&A...639A..87V – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A87)
Complex organic molecules in low-mass protostars on Solar System scales. I. Oxygen-bearing species.
van Gelder, M.L.; Tabone, B.; Tychoniec, L.; van Dishoeck, E.F.; Beuther, H.; Boogert, A.C.A.; Caratti o Garatti, A.; Klaassen, P.D.; Linnartz, H.; Muller, H.S.P.; Taquet, V.
2020A&A...639A..88C – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A88)
Analysis of full-disc Ca II K spectroheliograms. III. Plage area composite series covering 1892-2019.
Chatzistergos, T.; Ermolli, I.; Krivova, N.A.; Solanki, S.K.; Banerjee, D.; Barata, T.; Belik, M.; Gafeira, R.; Garcia, A.; Hanaoka, Y.; Hegde, M.; Klimes, J.; Korokhin, V.V.; Lourenco, A.; Malherbe, J.-M.; Marchenko, G.P.; Peixinho, N.; Sakurai, T.; Tlatov, A.G.
The cloudbow of planet Earth observed in polarisation.
Sterzik, M.F.; Bagnulo, S.; Emde, C.; Manev, M.
Collapse of spherical overdensities in superfluid models of dark matter.
Hartman, S.T.H.; Winther, H.A.; Mota, D.F.
Perfectly parallel cosmological simulations using spatial comoving Lagrangian acceleration.
Leclercq, F.; Faure, B.; Lavaux, G.; Wandelt, B.D.; Jaffe, A.H.; Heavens, A.F.; Percival, W.J.
The effects of a background potential in star cluster evolution. A delay in the relaxation time-scale and runaway collision processes.
Reinoso, B.; Schleicher, D.R.G.; Fellhauer, M.; Leigh, N.W.C.; Klessen, R.S.
APEX CO observations towards the photodissociation region of RCW 120.
Figueira, M.; Zavagno, A.; Bronfman, L.; Russeil, D.; Finger, R.; Schuller, F.
A qualitative classification of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Ivanov, V.D.; Beamin, J.C.; Caceres, C.; Minniti, D.
Ring formation and dust dynamics in wind-driven protoplanetary discs: global simulations.
Riols, A.; Lesur, G.; Menard, F.
Circumnuclear regions of different BPT types in star-forming MaNGA galaxies: AGN detectability.
Pilyugin, L.S.; Grebel, E.K.; Zinchenko, I.A.; Lara-Lopez, M.A.; Nefedyev, Y.A.; Shulga, V.M.
Candidate fossil groups in the CFHTLS: a probabilistic approach.
Adami, C.; Sarron, F.; Martinet, N.; Durret, F.
Asteroseismic sensitivity to internal rotation along the red-giant branch.
Ahlborn, F.; Bellinger, E.P.; Hekker, S.; Basu, S.; Angelou, G.C.
Implications of different stellar spectra for the climate of tidally locked Earth-like exoplanets.
Eager, J.K.; Reichelt, D.J.; Mayne, N.J.; Hugo Lambert, F.; Sergeev, D.E.; Ridgway, R.J.; Manners, J.; Boutle, I.A.; Lenton, T.M.; Kohary, K.
Rapid late-time X-ray brightening of the tidal disruption event OGLE16aaa.
Kajava, J.J.E.; Giustini, M.; Saxton, R.D.; Miniutti, G.
TDCOSMO. I. An exploration of systematic uncertainties in the inference of H0 from time-delay cosmography.
Millon, M.; Galan, A.; Courbin, F.; Treu, T.; Suyu, S.H.; Ding, X.; Birrer, S.; Chen, G.C.-F.; Shajib, A.J.; Sluse, D.; Wong, K.C.; Agnello, A.; Auger, M.W.; Buckley-Geer, E.J.; Chan, J.H.H.; Collett, T.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Hilbert, S.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Motta, V.; Mukherjee, S.; Rusu, C.E.; Sonnenfeld, A.; Spiniello, C.; Van de Vyvere, L.
Polarisation and source structure of solar stationary type IV radio bursts.
Salas-Matamoros, C.; Klein, K.-L.
The Carnegie Supernova Project II. Observations of the intermediate-luminosity red transient SNhunt120.
Stritzinger, M.D.; Taddia, F.; Fraser, M.; Tauris, T.M.; Suntzeff, N.B.; Contreras, C.; Drybye, S.; Galbany, L.; Holmbo, S.; Morrell, N.; Phillips, M.M.; Prieto, J.L.; Anais, J.; Ashall, C.; Baron, E.; Burns, C.R.; Hoeflich, P.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Karamehmetoglu, E.; Moriya, T.J.; Botticella, M.T.; Campillay, A.; Castellon, S.; Gonzalez, C.; Pumo, M.L.; Torres-Robledo, S.
The Carnegie Supernova Project II. Observations of the luminous red nova AT 2014ej.
Stritzinger, M.D.; Taddia, F.; Fraser, M.; Tauris, T.M.; Contreras, C.; Drybye, S.; Galbany, L.; Holmbo, S.; Morrell, N.; Pastorello, A.; Phillips, M.M.; Pignata, G.; Tartaglia, L.; Suntzeff, N.B.; Anais, J.; Ashall, C.; Baron, E.; Burns, C.R.; Hoeflich, P.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Karamehmetoglu, E.; Moriya, T.J.; Bock, G.; Campillay, A.; Castellon, S.; Inserra, C.; Gonzalez, C.; Marples, P.; Parker, S.; Reichart, D.; Torres-Robledo, S.; Young, D.R.
3D propagation of relativistic solar protons through interplanetary space.
Dalla, S.; de Nolfo, G.A.; Bruno, A.; Giacalone, J.; Laitinen, T.; Thomas, S.; Battarbee, M.; Marsh, M.S.
No universal connection between the vertical magnetic field and the umbra-penumbra boundary in sunspots.
Loptien, B.; Lagg, A.; van Noort, M.; Solanki, S.K.
Mineral snowflakes on exoplanets and brown dwarfs. Effects of micro-porosity, size distributions, and particle shape.
Samra, D.; Helling, C.; Min, M.
Evolution of binary black holes in AGN accretion discs: Disc-binary interaction and gravitational wave emission.
Ishibashi, W.; Grobner, M.
Three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of the upper atmosphere of π Men c: Comparison with Lyα transit observations.
Shaikhislamov, I.F.; Fossati, L.; Khodachenko, M.L.; Lammer, H.; Garcia Munoz, A.; Youngblood, A.; Dwivedi, N.K.; Rumenskikh, M.S.
Large-scale [C II] 158 µm emission from the Orion-Eridanus superbubble.
Abdullah, A.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.
2020A&A...639A.111S – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A111)
CHANG-ES. XXI. Transport processes and the X-shaped magnetic field of NGC 4217: off-center superbubble structure.
Stein, Y.; Dettmar, R.-J.; Beck, R.; Irwin, J.; Wiegert, T.; Miskolczi, A.; Wang, Q.D.; English, J.; Henriksen, R.; Radica, M.; Li, J.-T.
CHANG-ES. XXII. Coherent magnetic fields in the halos of spiral galaxies.
Krause, M.; Irwin, J.; Schmidt, P.; Stein, Y.; Miskolczi, A.; Mora-Partiarroyo, S.C.; Wiegert, T.; Beck, R.; Stil, J.M.; Heald, G.; Li, J.-T.; Damas-Segovia, A.; Vargas, C.J.; Rand, R.J.; West, J.; Walterbos, R.A.M.; Dettmar, R.-J.; English, J.; Woodfinden, A.
K-Stacker: an algorithm to hack the orbital parameters of planets hidden in high-contrast imaging. First applications to VLT/SPHERE multi-epoch observations.
Le Coroller, H.; Nowak, M.; Delorme, P.; Chauvin, G.; Gratton, R.; Devinat, M.; Bec-Canet, J.; Schneeberger, A.; Estevez, D.; Arnold, L.; Beust, H.; Bonnefoy, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Desgrange, C.; Desidera, S.; Galicher, R.; Lagrange, A.M.; Langlois, M.; Maire, A.L.; Menard, F.; Vernazza, P.; Vigan, A.; Zurlo, A.; Fenouillet, T.; Lambert, J.C.; Bonavita, M.; Cheetham, A.; D'orazi, V.; Feldt, M.; Janson, M.; Ligi, R.; Mesa, D.; Meyer, M.; Samland, M.; Sissa, E.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Dohlen, K.; Fusco, T.; Le Mignant, D.; Mouillet, D.; Ramos, J.; Rochat, S.; Sauvage, J.F.
Ultra-long and quite thin coronal loop without significant expansion.
Li, D.; Yuan, D.; Goossens, M.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Su, W.; Wang, Ya; Su, Y.; Ning, Z.
Interferometric imaging with LOFAR remote baselines of the fine structures of a solar type-IIIb radio burst.
Zhang, P.; Zucca, P.; Sridhar, S.S.; Wang, C.; Bisi, M.M.; Dabrowski, B.; Krankowski, A.; Mann, G.; Magdalenic, J.; Morosan, D.E.; Vocks, C.
2020A&A...639A.116Y – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A116)
Evolved massive stars at low metallicity. II. Red supergiant stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Yang, M.; Bonanos, A.Z.; Jiang, B.-W.; Gao, J.; Gavras, P.; Maravelias, G.; Wang, S.; Chen, X.-D.; Tramper, F.; Ren, Yi; Spetsieri, Z.T.; Xue, M.-Y.
Revisiting dual AGN candidates with spatially resolved LBT spectroscopy. The impact of spillover light contamination.
Husemann, B.; Heidt, J.; De Rosa, A.; Vignali, C.; Bianchi, S.; Bogdanovic, T.; Komossa, S.; Paragi, Z.
Vortices evolution in the solar atmosphere. A dynamical equation for the swirling strength.
Canivete Cuissa, J.R.; Steiner, O.
A search for supernova-like optical counterparts to ASKAP-localised fast radio bursts.
Marnoch, L.; Ryder, S.D.; Bannister, K.W.; Bhandari, S.; Day, C.K.; Deller, A.T.; Macquart, J.-P.; McDermid, R.M.; Xavier Prochaska, J.; Qiu, H.; Sadler, E.M.; Shannon, R.M.; Tejos, N.
The future of IMF studies with the ELT and MICADO. I. The local Universe as a resolved IMF laboratory.
Leschinski, K.; Alves, J.
2020A&A...639A.121F – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A121)
Annular substructures in the transition disks around LkCa 15 and J1610.
Facchini, S.; Benisty, M.; Bae, J.; Loomis, R.; Perez, L.; Ansdell, M.; Mayama, S.; Pinilla, P.; Teague, R.; Isella, A.; Mann, A.
Turnaround radius of galaxy clusters in N-body simulations.
Korkidis, G.; Pavlidou, V.; Tassis, K.; Ntormousi, E.; Tomaras, T.N.; Kovlakas, K.
Masses of double neutron star mergers.
Kruckow, M.U.
Stochastic re-acceleration and magnetic-field damping in Tycho's supernova remnant.
Wilhelm, A.; Telezhinsky, I.; Dwarkadas, V.V.; Pohl, M.
Constraining the abundance of dark matter in the central region of the galaxy cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 with a free-form strong lensing analysis.
Manjon-Garcia, A.; Diego, J.M.; Herranz, D.; Lam, D.
A strong neutron burst in jet-like supernovae of spinstars.
Choplin, A.; Tominaga, N.; Meyer, B.S.
2020A&A...639A.127C – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A127)
The Gaia-ESO survey: the non-universality of the age-chemical-clocks-metallicity relations in the Galactic disc.
Casali, G.; Spina, L.; Magrini, L.; Karakas, A.I.; Kobayashi, C.; Casey, A.R.; Feltzing, S.; Van der Swaelmen, M.; Tsantaki, M.; Jofre, P.; Bragaglia, A.; Feuillet, D.; Bensby, T.; Biazzo, K.; Gonneau, A.; Tautvaisiene, G.; Baratella, M.; Roccatagliata, V.; Pancino, E.; Sousa, S.; Adibekyan, V.; Martell, S.; Bayo, A.; Jackson, R.J.; Jeffries, R.D.; Gilmore, G.; Randich, S.; Alfaro, E.; Koposov, S.E.; Korn, A.J.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Smiljanic, R.; Franciosini, E.; Hourihane, A.; Monaco, L.; Morbidelli, L.; Sacco, G.; Worley, C.; Zaggia, S.
Cosmology with the submillimetre galaxies magnification bias: Proof of concept.
Bonavera, L.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Cueli, M.M.; Ronconi, T.; Migliaccio, M.; Dunne, L.; Lapi, A.; Maddox, S.J.; Negrello, M.
2020A&A...639A.129C – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A129)
The millimeter-wave spectrum and astronomical search for ethyl methyl sulfide.
Cabezas, C.; Bermudez, C.; Tercero, B.; Cernicharo, J.
Following the TraCS of exoplanets with Pan-Planets: Wendelstein-1b and Wendelstein-2b.
Obermeier, C.; Steuer, J.; Kellermann, H.; Saglia, R.P.; Henning, T.; Riffeser, A.; Hopp, U.; Stefansson, G.; Canas, C.; Ninan, J.; Mahadevan, S.; Isaacson, H.; Howard, A.W.; Livingston, J.; Koppenhoefer, J.; Bender, R.
Combined analysis of AMS-02 (Li,Be,B)/C, N/O, 3He, and 4He data.
Weinrich, N.; Genolini, Y.; Boudaud, M.; Derome, L.; Maurin, D.
Precise mass and radius of a transiting super-Earth planet orbiting the M dwarf TOI-1235: a planet in the radius gap?
Bluhm, P.; Luque, R.; Espinoza, N.; Palle, E.; Caballero, J.A.; Dreizler, S.; Livingston, J.H.; Mathur, S.; Quirrenbach, A.; Stock, S.; Van Eylen, V.; Nowak, G.; Lopez, E.D.; Csizmadia, S.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Schofer, P.; Lillo-Box, J.; Oshagh, M.; Gonzalez-Alvarez, E.; Amado, P.J.; Barrado, D.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Cale, B.; Chaturvedi, P.; Cifuentes, C.; Cochran, W.D.; Collins, K.A.; Collins, K.I.; Cortes-Contreras, M.; Diez Alonso, E.; El Mufti, M.; Ercolino, A.; Fridlund, M.; Gaidos, E.; Garcia, R.A.; Georgieva, I.; Gonzalez-Cuesta, L.; Guerra, P.; Hatzes, A.P.; Henning, T.; Herrero, E.; Hidalgo, D.; Isopi, G.; Jeffers, S.V.; Jenkins, J.M.; Jensen, E.L.N.; Kabath, P.; Kaminski, A.; Kemmer, J.; Korth, J.; Kossakowski, D.; Kurster, M.; Lafarga, M.; Mallia, F.; Montes, D.; Morales, J.C.; Morales-Calderon, M.; Murgas, F.; Narita, N.; Passegger, V.M.; Pedraz, S.; Persson, C.M.; Plavchan, P.; Rauer, H.; Redfield, S.; Reffert, S.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Ricker, G.R.; Rodriguez-Lopez, C.; Santos, A.R.G.; Seager, S.; Schlecker, M.; Schweitzer, A.; Shan, Y.; Soto, M.G.; Subjak, J.; Tal-Or, L.; Trifonov, T.; Vanaverbeke, S.; Vanderspek, R.; Wittrock, J.; Zechmeister, M.; Zohrabi, F.
Distance, magnetic field, and kinematics of the filamentary cloud LDN 1157.
Sharma, E.; Gopinathan, M.; Soam, A.; Lee, C.W.; Kim, S.; Ghosh, T.; Tej, A.; Kim, G.; Sharma, N.; Saha, P.
2020A&A...639A.134O – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A134)
The large trans-Neptunian object 2002 TC302from combined stellar occultation, photometry, and astrometry data.
Ortiz, J.L.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Sicardy, B.; Benedetti-Rossi, G.; Duffard, R.; Morales, N.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Fernandez-Valenzuela, E.; Nascimbeni, V.; Nardiello, D.; Carbognani, A.; Buzzi, L.; Aletti, A.; Bacci, P.; Maestripieri, M.; Mazzei, L.; Mikuz, H.; Skvarc, J.; Ciabattari, F.; Lavalade, F.; Scarfi, G.; Mari, J.M.; Conjat, M.; Sposetti, S.; Bachini, M.; Succi, G.; Mancini, F.; Alighieri, M.; Dal Canto, E.; Masucci, M.; Vara-Lubiano, M.; Gutierrez, P.J.; Desmars, J.; Lecacheux, J.; Vieira-Martins, R.; Camargo, J.I.B.; Assafin, M.; Colas, F.; Beisker, W.; Behrend, R.; Mueller, T.G.; Meza, E.; Gomes-Junior, A.R.; Roques, F.; Vachier, F.; Mottola, S.; Hellmich, S.; Campo Bagatin, A.; Alvarez-Candal, A.; Cikota, S.; Cikota, A.; Christille, J.M.; Pal, A.; Kiss, C.; Pribulla, T.; Komzik, R.; Madiedo, J.M.; Charmandaris, V.; Alikakos, J.; Szakats, R.; Farkas-Takacs, A.; Varga-Verebelyi, E.; Marton, G.; Marciniak, A.; Bartczak, P.; Butkiewicz-Bak, M.; Dudzinski, G.; Ali-Lagoa, V.; Gazeas, K.; Paschalis, N.; Tsamis, V.; Guirado, J.C.; Peris, V.; Iglesias-Marzoa, R.; Schnabel, C.; Manzano, F.; Navarro, A.; Perello, C.; Vecchione, A.; Noschese, A.; Morrone, L.
2020A&A...639A.135S – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A135)
Interstellar glycolamide: A comprehensive rotational study and an astronomical search in Sgr B2(N).
Sanz-Novo, M.; Belloche, A.; Alonso, J.L.; Kolesnikova, L.; Garrod, R.T.; Mata, S.; Muller, H.S.P.; Menten, K.M.; Gong, Y.
2020A&A...639A.136C – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A136)
The Fornax Deep Survey with VST. IX. Catalog of sources in the FDS area with an example study for globular clusters and background galaxies.
Cantiello, M.; Venhola, A.; Grado, A.; Paolillo, M.; D'Abrusco, R.; Raimondo, G.; Quintini, M.; Hilker, M.; Mieske, S.; Tortora, C.; Spavone, M.; Capaccioli, M.; Iodice, E.; Peletier, R.; Barroso, J.F.; Limatola, L.; Napolitano, N.; Schipani, P.; van de Ven, G.; Gentile, F.; Covone, G.
Linear dust polarization during the embedded phase of protostar formation. Synthetic observations of bridge structures.
Kuffmeier, M.; Reissl, S.; Wolf, S.; Stephens, I.; Calcutt, H.
2020A&A...639A.138L – (Tables: J/A+A/639/A138)
Resolving nearby dust clouds.
Leike, R.H.; Glatzle, M.; Ensslin, T.A.
How faculae and network relate to sunspots, and the implications for solar and stellar brightness variations.
Yeo, K.L.; Solanki, S.K.; Krivova, N.A.
The AMBRE Project: Spectrum normalisation influence on Mg abundances in the metal-rich Galactic disc.
Santos-Peral, P.; Recio-Blanco, A.; de Laverny, P.; Fernandez-Alvar, E.; Ordenovic, C.
First detection of ozone in the mid-infrared at Mars: implications for methane detection.
Olsen, K.S.; Lefevre, F.; Montmessin, F.; Trokhimovskiy, A.; Baggio, L.; Fedorova, A.; Alday, J.; Lomakin, A.; Belyaev, D.A.; Patrakeev, A.; Shakun, A.; Korablev, O.
First observation of the magnetic dipole CO2 absorption band at 3.3 µm in the atmosphere of Mars by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter ACS instrument.
Trokhimovskiy, A.; Perevalov, V.; Korablev, O.; Fedorova, A.F.; Olsen, K.S.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Patrakeev, A.; Shakun, A.; Montmessin, F.; Lefevre, F.; Lukashevskaya, A.
Simulating the circumstellar H2CO and CH3OH chemistry of young stellar objects using a spherical physical-chemical model.
Fuchs, G.W.; Witsch, D.; Herberth, D.; Kempkes, M.; Stanclik, B.; Chantzos, J.; Linnartz, H.; Menten, K.M.; Giesen, T.F.
Dust evolution across the Horsehead nebula.
Schirmer, T.; Abergel, A.; Verstraete, L.; Ysard, N.; Juvela, M.; Jones, A.P.; Habart, E.
Anisotropy of random motions of gas in Messier 33.
Chemin, L.; Braine, J.; Combes, F.; Kam, Z.S.; Carignan, C.
Experimental constraints on the ordinary chondrite shock darkening caused by asteroid collisions.
Kohout, T.; Petrova, E.V.; Yakovlev, G.A.; Grokhovsky, V.I.; Penttila, A.; Maturilli, A.; Moreau, J.-G.; Berzin, S.V.; Wasiljeff, J.; Danilenko, I.A.; Zamyatin, D.A.; Muftakhetdinova, R.F.; Heikkila, M.
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