Astron. Astrophys. 629
September(I) 2019

Constraining the properties of HD 206893 B. A combination of radial velocity, direct imaging, and astrometry data(Corrigendum).
Grandjean, A.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Beust, H.; Rodet, L.; Milli, J.; Rubini, P.; Babusiaux, C.; Meunier, N.; Delorme, P.; Aigrain, S.; Zicher, N.; Bonnefoy, M.; Biller, B.A.; Baudino, J.-L.; Bonavita, M.; Boccaletti, A.; Cheetham, A.; Girard, J.H.; Hagelberg, J.; Janson, M.; Lannier, J.; Lazzoni, C.; Ligi, R.; Maire, A.-L.; Mesa, D.; Perrot, C.; Rouan, D.; Zurlo, A.
Search for Galactic runaway stars using Gaia Data Release 1 and HIPPARCOS proper motions (Corrigendum).
Maiz-Apellaniz, J.; Pantaleoni Gonzalez, M.; Barba, R.H.; Simon-Diaz, S.; Negueruela, I.; Lennon, D.J.; Sota, A.; Trigueros Paez, E.
Close-in giant-planet formation via in-situ gas accretion and their natal disk properties.
Hasegawa, Y.; Yu, T.Y.M.; Hansen, B.M.S.
2019A&A...629L...2M – (Tables: J/A+A/629/L2)
Distance to the nearby dwarf galaxy [TT2009] 25 in the NGC 891 group using the tip of the red giant branch.
Muller, O.; Ibata, R.; Rejkuba, M.; Posti, L.
The mass-size plane of EAGLE galaxies.
Rosito, M.S.; Tissera, P.B.; Pedrosa, S.E.; Lagos, C.D.P.
The role of molecular filaments in the origin of the prestellar core mass function and stellar initial mass function.
Andre, P.; Arzoumanian, D.; Konyves, V.; Shimajiri, Y.; Palmeirim, P.
Imprint of the galactic acceleration scale on globular cluster systems.
Bilek, M.; Samurovic, S.; Renaud, F.
Gaia DR2 white dwarfs in the Hercules stream.
Torres, S.; Cantero, C.; Camisassa, M.E.; Antoja, T.; Rebassa-Mansergas, A.; Althaus, L.G.; Thelemaque, T.; Canovas, H.
Planet-planet scattering as the source of the highest eccentricity exoplanets.
Carrera, D.; Raymond, S.N.; Davies, M.B.
Probing X-ray emission in different modes of PSR J1023+0038 with a radio pulsar scenario.
Campana, S.; Miraval Zanon, A.; Coti Zelati, F.; Torres, D.F.; Baglio, M.C.; Papitto, A.
Effects of radiation in accretion regions of classical T Tauri stars. Pre-heating of accretion column in non-LTE regime.
Colombo, S.; Ibgui, L.; Orlando, S.; Rodriguez, R.; Espinosa, G.; Gonzalez, M.; Stehle, C.; de Sa, L.; Argiroffi, C.; Bonito, R.; Peres, G.
Fast-modulation imaging with the self-coherent camera.
Martinez, P.
2019A&A...629A...1S – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A1)
Mapping the stellar age of the Milky Way bulge with the VVV. II. Deep JKs catalog release based on PSF photometry.
Surot, F.; Valenti, E.; Hidalgo, S.L.; Zoccali, M.; Gonzalez, O.A.; Sokmen, E.; Minniti, D.; Rejkuba, M.; Lucas, P.W.
Very high-energy constraints on the infrared extragalactic background light.
Franceschini, A.; Foffano, L.; Prandini, E.; Tavecchio, F.
2019A&A...629A...3S – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A3)
The HST Key Project galaxies NGC 1326A, NGC 1425, and NGC 4548: New variable stars and massive star population.
Spetsieri, Z.T.; Bonanos, A.Z.; Yang, M.; Kourniotis, M.; Hatzidimitriou, D.
Using evolutionary algorithms to model relativistic jets. Application to NGC 1052.
Fromm, C.M.; Younsi, Z.; Baczko, A.; Mizuno, Y.; Porth, O.; Perucho, M.; Olivares, H.; Nathanail, A.; Angelakis, E.; Ros, E.; Zensus, J.A.; Rezzolla, L.
X-ray emission in the enigmatic CVSO 30 system.
Czesla, S.; Schneider, P.C.; Salz, M.; Klocova, T.; Schmidt, T.O.B.; Schmitt, J.H.M.M.
2019A&A...629A...6T – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A6)
ALMA view of the 12C/13C isotopic ratio in starburst galaxies.
Tang, X.D.; Henkel, C.; Menten, K.M.; Gong, Y.; Martin, S.; Muhle, S.; Aalto, S.; Muller, S.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Levshakov, S.; Aladro, R.; Spaans, M.; Viti, S.; Asiri, H.M.; Ao, Y.P.; Zhang, J.S.; Zheng, X.W.; Esimbek, J.; Zhou, J.J.
Redshift measurement through star formation.
Lindholmer, M.O.; Pimbblet, K.A.
2019A&A...629A...8T – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A8)
Spatio-kinematical model of the collimated molecular outflow in the water-fountain nebula IRAS 16342-3814.
Tafoya, D.; Orosz, G.; Vlemmings, W.H.T.; Sahai, R.; Perez-Sanchez, A.F.
Investigating the physical properties of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization with MIRI/JWST spectroscopy.
Alvarez-Marquez, J.; Colina, L.; Marques-Chaves, R.; Ceverino, D.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Caputi, K.; Garcia-Marin, M.; Labiano, A.; Le Fevre, O.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H.U.; Ostlin, G.; Perez-Gonzalez, P.G.; Pye, J.P.; Tikkanen, T.V.; van der Werf, P.P.; Walter, F.; Wright, G.S.
2019A&A...629A..10B – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A10)
Fragmentation, rotation, and outflows in the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23033+5951. A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE.
Bosco, F.; Beuther, H.; Ahmadi, A.; Mottram, J.C.; Kuiper, R.; Linz, H.; Maud, L.; Winters, J.M.; Henning, T.; Feng, S.; Peters, T.; Semenov, D.; Klaassen, P.D.; Schilke, P.; Urquhart, J.S.; Beltran, M.T.; Lumsden, S.L.; Leurini, S.; Moscadelli, L.; Cesaroni, R.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Palau, A.; Pudritz, R.; Wyrowski, F.; Longmore, S.
Calibration of quasi-static aberrations in exoplanet direct-imaging instruments with a Zernike phase-mask sensor. III. On-sky validation in VLT/SPHERE.
Vigan, A.; N'Diaye, M.; Dohlen, K.; Sauvage, J.-F.; Milli, J.; Zins, G.; Petit, C.; Wahhaj, Z.; Cantalloube, F.; Caillat, A.; Costille, A.; Le Merrer, J.; Carlotti, A.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Mouillet, D.
Properties of extragalactic thick discs recovered from ultra-deep Stripe82 imaging.
Martinez-Lombilla, C.; Knapen, J.H.
Multivariable statistical analysis of spectrophotometry and spectra of (162173) Ryugu as observed by JAXA Hayabusa2 mission.
Barucci, M.A.; Hasselmann, P.H.; Fulchignoni, M.; Honda, R.; Yokota, Y.; Sugita, S.; Kitazato, K.; Deshapriya, J.D.P.; Perna, D.; Tatsumi, E.; Domingue, D.; Morota, T.; Kameda, S.; Iwata, T.; Abe, M.; Ohtake, M.; Matsuura, S.; Matsuoka, M.; Hiroi, T.; Nakamura, T.; Kouyama, T.; Suzuki, H.; Yamada, M.; Sakatani, N.; Honda, C.; Ogawa, K.; Hayakawa, M.; Yoshioka, K.; Cho, Y.; Sawada, H.; Takir, D.; Vilas, F.; Hirata, N.; Tanaka, S.; Yamamoto, Y.; Yoshikawa, M.; Watanabe, S.; Tsuda, Y.
The XMM-Newton wide field survey in the COSMOS field: Clustering dependence of X-ray selected AGN on host galaxy properties.
Viitanen, A.; Allevato, V.; Finoguenov, A.; Bongiorno, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Gilli, R.; Miyaji, T.; Salvato, M.
High-sensitivity maps of molecular ions in L1544. I. Deuteration of N2H+ and HCO+ and primary evidence of N2D+ depletion.
Redaelli, E.; Bizzocchi, L.; Caselli, P.; Sipila, O.; Lattanzi, V.; Giuliano, B.M.; Spezzano, S.
X-ray spectral and eclipsing model of the clumpy obscurer in active galactic nuclei.
Buchner, J.; Brightman, M.; Nandra, K.; Nikutta, R.; Bauer, F.E.
Influence of macroclumping on type II supernova light curves.
Dessart, L.; Audit, E.
2019A&A...629A..18M – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A18)
The dwarf galaxy satellite system of Centaurus A.
Muller, O.; Rejkuba, M.; Pawlowski, M.S.; Ibata, R.; Lelli, F.; Hilker, M.; Jerjen, H.
HR 10: a main-sequence binary with circumstellar envelopes around both components. Discovery and analysis.
Montesinos, B.; Eiroa, C.; Lillo-Box, J.; Rebollido, I.; Djupvik, A.A.; Absil, O.; Ertel, S.; Marion, L.; Kajava, J.J.E.; Redfield, S.; Isaacson, H.; Canovas, H.; Meeus, G.; Mendigutia, I.; Mora, A.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Villaver, E.; Maldonado, J.; Henning, T.
Fundamental transverse vibrations of the active region solar corona.
Luna, M.; Oliver, R.; Antolin, P.; Arregui, I.
2019A&A...629A..21B – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A21)
Adaptive elliptical aperture photometry: A software package for high-cadence ground-based photometry. I. Application to rapid oscillators observed from SAAO.
Bowman, D.M.; Holdsworth, D.L.
Photospheric magnetic structure of coronal holes.
Hofmeister, S.J.; Utz, D.; Heinemann, S.G.; Veronig, A.; Temmer, M.
2019A&A...629A..23M – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A23)
Discovery of a giant and luminous Lyα+C IV+He II nebula at z = 3.326 with extreme emission line ratios.
Marques-Chaves, R.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Villar-Martin, M.; Gavazzi, R.; Riechers, D.; Rigopoulou, D.; Wardlow, J.; Cabrera-Lavers, A.; Clements, D.L.; Colina, L.; Cooray, A.; Farrah, D.; Ivison, R.J.; Jimenez-Angel, C.; Martinez-Navajas, P.; Nayyeri, H.; Oliver, S.; Omont, A.; Scott, D.; Shu, Y.
FIRTEZ-dz. A forward and inverse solver of the polarized radiative transfer equation under Zeeman regime in geometrical scale.
Pastor Yabar, A.; Borrero, J.M.; Ruiz Cobo, B.
Water masers in Compton-thick AGN. II. The high detection rate and EVN observations of IRAS 15480-0344.
Castangia, P.; Surcis, G.; Tarchi, A.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Della Ceca, R.
Signature of solar g modes in first-order p-mode frequency shifts.
Boning, V.G.A.; Hu, H.; Gizon, L.
New wavelength calibration of the HARPS spectrograph.
Coffinet, A.; Lovis, C.; Dumusque, X.; Pepe, F.
Formation of complex organic molecules in ice mantles: An ab initio molecular dynamics study.
Inostroza, N.; Mardones, D.; Cernicharo, J.; Zinnecker, H.; Ge, J.; Aria, N.; Fuentealba, P.; Cardenas, C.
Organic chemistry in the innermost, infalling envelope of the Class 0 protostar L483.
Jacobsen, S.K.; Jorgensen, J.K.; Di Francesco, J.; Evans, N.J.; Choi, M.; Lee, J.-E.
2019A&A...629A..30F – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A30)
Complex molecular gas kinematics in the inner 5 kpc of 4C12.50 as seen by ALMA.
Fotopoulou, C.M.; Dasyra, K.M.; Combes, F.; Salome, P.; Papachristou, M.
Iron abundance distribution in the hot gas of merging galaxy clusters.
Urdampilleta, I.; Mernier, F.; Kaastra, J.S.; Simionescu, A.; de Plaa, J.; Kara, S.; Ercan, E.N.
VLBI imaging of black holes via second moment regularization.
Issaoun, S.; Johnson, M.D.; Blackburn, L.; Moscibrodzka, M.; Chael, A.; Falcke, H.
Faint solar analogues at the limit of no reddening. Precise atmospheric parameters from moderate low-resolution spectra.
Giribaldi, R.E.; Porto de Mello, G.F.; Lorenzo-Oliveira, D.; Amores, E.B.; Ubaldo-Melo, M.L.
2019A&A...629A..34G – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A34)
Machine learning in APOGEE. Identification of stellar populations through chemical abundances.
Garcia-Dias, R.; Allende Prieto, C.; Sanchez Almeida, J.; Alonso Palicio, P.
2019A&A...629A..35C – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A35)
The millimeter-wave spectrum and astronomical search of succinonitrile and its vibrational excited states.
Cabezas, C.; Bermudez, C.; Gallego, J.D.; Tercero, B.; Hernandez, J.M.; Tanarro, I.; Herrero, V.J.; Domenech, J.L.; Cernicharo, J.
The shape of the photon transfer curve of CCD sensors.
Astier, P.; Antilogus, P.; Juramy, C.; Le Breton, R.; Le Guillou, L.; Sepulveda, E.; (The Dark Energy Science Collaboration)
Assembly of spheroid-dominated galaxies in the EAGLE simulation.
Rosito, M.S.; Tissera, P.B.; Pedrosa, S.E.; Rosas-Guevara, Y.
SRoll2: an improved mapmaking approach to reduce large-scale systematic effects in the Planck High Frequency Instrument legacy maps.
Delouis, J.-M.; Pagano, L.; Mottet, S.; Puget, J.-L.; Vibert, L.
HD 965: An extremely peculiar A star with an extremely long rotation period.
Mathys, G.; Romanyuk, I.I.; Hubrig, S.; Kudryavtsev, D.O.; Scholler, M.; Semenko, E.A.; Yakunin, I.A.
Detection of multiple stellar populations in extragalactic massive clusters with JWST.
Salaris, M.; Cassisi, S.; Mucciarelli, A.; Nardiello, D.
NAOMI: the adaptive optics system of the Auxiliary Telescopes of the VLTI.
Woillez, J.; Abad, J.A.; Abuter, R.; Aller Carpentier, E.; Alonso, J.; Andolfato, L.; Barriga, P.; Berger, J.-P.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Bonnet, H.; Bourdarot, G.; Bourget, P.; Brast, R.; Caniguante, L.; Cottalorda, E.; Darre, P.; Delabre, B.; Delboulbe, A.; Delplancke-Strobele, F.; Dembet, R.; Donaldson, R.; Dorn, R.; Dupeyron, J.; Dupuy, C.; Egner, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Fischer, G.; Frank, C.; Fuenteseca, E.; Gitton, P.; Gonte, F.; Guerlet, T.; Guieu, S.; Gutierrez, P.; Haguenauer, P.; Haimerl, A.; Haubois, X.; Heritier, C.; Huber, S.; Hubin, N.; Jolley, P.; Jocou, L.; Kirchbauer, J.-P.; Kolb, J.; Kosmalski, J.; Krempl, P.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Le Louarn, M.; Lilley, P.; Lopez, B.; Magnard, Y.; Mclay, S.; Meilland, A.; Meister, A.; Merand, A.; Moulin, T.; Pasquini, L.; Paufique, J.; Percheron, I.; Pettazzi, L.; Pfuhl, O.; Phan, D.; Pirani, W.; Quentin, J.; Rakich, A.; Ridings, R.; Riedel, M.; Reyes, J.; Rochat, S.; Santos Tomas, G.; Schmid, C.; Schuhler, N.; Shchekaturov, P.; Seidel, M.; Soenke, C.; Stadler, E.; Stephan, C.; Suarez, M.; Todorovic, M.; Valdes, G.; Verinaud, C.; Zins, G.; Zuniga-Fernandez, S.
Activity time series of old stars from late F to early K. III. Diagnosis from photometry.
Meunier, N.; Lagrange, A.-M.
Constraining the geometry and kinematics of the quasar broad emission line region using gravitational microlensing. II. Comparing models with observations in the lensed quasar HE0435-1223.
Hutsemekers, D.; Braibant, L.; Sluse, D.; Goosmann, R.
Nuclear angular momentum of early-type galaxies hosting nuclear star clusters.
Lyubenova, M.; Tsatsi, A.
Differences in the solar cycle variability of simple and complex active regions during 1996-2018.
Nikbakhsh, S.; Tanskanen, E.I.; Kapyla, M.J.; Hackman, T.
Breaking cosmic degeneracies: Disentangling neutrinos and modified gravity with kinematic information.
Hagstotz, S.; Gronke, M.; Mota, D.F.; Baldi, M.
The Hubble PanCET program: an extensive search for metallic ions in the exosphere of GJ 436 b.
dos Santos, L.A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Bourrier, V.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Lopez-Morales, M.; Sing, D.K.; Ballester, G.; Ben-Jaffel, L.; Buchhave, L.A.; Garcia Munoz, A.; Henry, G.W.; Kataria, T.; Lavie, B.; Lavvas, P.; Lewis, N.K.; Mikal-Evans, T.; Sanz-Forcada, J.; Wakeford, H.
Dynamics and connectivity of an extended arch filament system.
Diercke, A.; Kuckein, C.; Denker, C.
Modelling depletion by re-accretion of gas from a dusty disc in post-AGB stars.
Oomen, G.-M.; Van Winckel, H.; Pols, O.; Nelemans, G.
Characterisation of the continuum and kinematical properties of nearby NLS1.
Oio, G.A.; Vega, L.R.; Schmidt, E.O.; Ferreiro, D.
Spatially resolved X-ray study of supernova remnants that host magnetars: Implication of their fossil field origin.
Zhou, P.; Vink, J.; Safi-Harb, S.; Miceli, M.
Anatomy of a buckling galactic bar.
Lokas, E.L.
Horizontal branch morphology: A new photometric parametrization.
Torelli, M.; Iannicola, G.; Stetson, P.B.; Ferraro, I.; Bono, G.; Salaris, M.; Castellani, M.; Dall'Ora, M.; Fontana, A.; Monelli, M.; Pietrinferni, A.
2019A&A...629A..54U – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A54)
The coronal temperature of NGC 4388 and NGC 2110 measured with INTEGRAL.
Ursini, F.; Bassani, L.; Malizia, A.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A.J.; Stephen, J.B.; Ubertini, P.
Comparison of time-distance inversion methods applied to SDO/HMI Dopplergrams.
Korda, D.; Svanda, M.; Zhao, J.
Quasi-stellar object redshift estimates from optical, near-infrared, and ultraviolet colours.
Curran, S.J.; Moss, J.P.
2019A&A...629A..57M – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A57)
The extraplanar type II supernova ASASSN-14jb in the nearby edge-on galaxy ESO 467-G051.
Meza, N.; Prieto, J.L.; Clocchiatti, A.; Galbany, L.; Anderson, J.P.; Falco, E.; Kochanek, C.S.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Sanchez, S.F.; Brimacombe, J.; Holoien, T.W.-S.; Shappee, B.J.; Stanek, K.Z.; Thompson, T.A.
2019A&A...629A..58M – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A58)
Feedback from low-luminosity radio galaxies: B2 0258+35.
Murthy, S.; Morganti, R.; Oosterloo, T.; Schulz, R.; Mukherjee, D.; Wagner, A.Y.; Bicknell, G.; Prandoni, I.; Shulevski, A.
Galaxy disc scaling relations: A tight linear galaxy-halo connection challenges abundance matching.
Posti, L.; Marasco, A.; Fraternali, F.; Famaey, B.
Magnetohydrodynamic waves in braided magnetic fields.
Howson, T.A.; De Moortel, I.; Reid, J.; Hood, A.W.
Constrained transport and adaptive mesh refinement in the Black Hole Accretion Code.
Olivares, H.; Porth, O.; Davelaar, J.; Most, E.R.; Fromm, C.M.; Mizuno, Y.; Younsi, Z.; Rezzolla, L.
The Gaia-ESO survey: Calibrating a relationship between age and the [C/N] abundance ratio with open clusters.
Casali, G.; Magrini, L.; Tognelli, E.; Jackson, R.; Jeffries, R.D.; Lagarde, N.; Tautvaisiene, G.; Masseron, T.; Degl'Innocenti, S.; Prada Moroni, P.G.; Kordopatis, G.; Pancino, E.; Randich, S.; Feltzing, S.; Sahlholdt, C.; Spina, L.; Friel, E.; Roccatagliata, V.; Sanna, N.; Bragaglia, A.; Drazdauskas, A.; Mikolaitis, S.; Minkeviciute, R.; Stonkute, E.; Chorniy, Y.; Bagdonas, V.; Jimenez-Esteban, F.; Martell, S.; Van der Swaelmen, M.; Gilmore, G.; Vallenari, A.; Bensby, T.; Koposov, S.E.; Korn, A.; Worley, C.; Smiljanic, R.; Bergemann, M.; Carraro, G.; Damiani, F.; Prisinzano, L.; Bonito, R.; Franciosini, E.; Gonneau, A.; Hourihane, A.; Jofre, P.; Lewis, J.; Morbidelli, L.; Sacco, G.; Sousa, S.G.; Zaggia, S.; Lanzafame, A.C.; Heiter, U.; Frasca, A.; Bayo, A.
Synthetic observations of dust emission and polarisation of Galactic cold clumps.
Juvela, M.; Padoan, P.; Ristorcelli, I.; Pelkonen, V.-M.
Radial drift and concurrent ablation of boulder-sized objects.
Burn, R.; Marboeuf, U.; Alibert, Y.; Benz, W.
Effect of nucleation on icy pebble growth in protoplanetary discs.
Ros, K.; Johansen, A.; Riipinen, I.; Schlesinger, D.
Onset of planet formation in the warm inner disk. Colliding dust aggregates at high temperatures.
Demirci, T.; Krause, C.; Teiser, J.; Wurm, G.
2019A&A...629A..67S – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A67)
A study of accretion and disk diagnostics in the NGC 2264 cluster.
Sousa, A.P.; Alencar, S.H.P.; Rebull, L.M.; Espaillat, C.C.; Calvet, N.; Teixeira, P.S.
An extremely X-ray weak blazar at z = 5.
Belladitta, S.; Moretti, A.; Caccianiga, A.; Ghisellini, G.; Cicone, C.; Sbarrato, T.; Ighina, L.; Pedani, M.
Is spectral width a reliable measure of GRB emission physics?
Burgess, J.M.
The tilt of the velocity ellipsoid in the Milky Way with Gaia DR2.
Hagen, J.H.J.; Helmi, A.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Posti, L.
2019A&A...629A..71M – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A71)
Spectral and orbital survey of medium-sized meteoroids.
Matlovic, P.; Toth, J.; Rudawska, R.; Kornos, L.; Pisarcikova, A.
2019A&A...629A..72O – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A72)
Laboratory rotational spectroscopy of isotopic acetone, CH313C(O)CH3 and 13CH3C(O)CH3, and astronomical search in Sagittarius B2(N2).
Ordu, M.H.; Zingsheim, O.; Belloche, A.; Lewen, F.; Garrod, R.T.; Menten, K.M.; Schlemmer, S.; Muller, H.S.P.
2019A&A...629A..73Z – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A73)
Rotational spectroscopy of methyl mercaptan CH332SH at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths.
Zakharenko, O.; Ilyushin, V.V.; Lewen, F.; Muller, H.S.P.; Schlemmer, S.; Alekseev, E.A.; Pogrebnyak, M.L.; Armieieva, I.A.; Dorovskaya, O.; Xu, L.-H.; Lees, R.M.
The LUMBA UVES stellar parameter pipeline.
Gavel, A.; Gruyters, P.; Heiter, U.; Korn, A.J.; Lind, K.; Nordlander, T.
2019A&A...629A..75B – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A75)
First detections of H13CO+ and HC15N in the disk around HD 97048. Evidence for a cold gas reservoir in the outer disk.
Booth, A.S.; Walsh, C.; Ilee, J.D.
Model for Population III microquasars.
Sotomayor Checa, P.; Romero, G.E.
Warm gas in protostellar outflows. II. Extremely high-velocity emission jet and outflows from OMC-2/3.
Gomez-Ruiz, A.I.; Gusdorf, A.; Leurini, S.; Menten, K.M.; Takahashi, S.; Wyrowski, F.; Gusten, R.
X-ray extinction from interstellar dust. Prospects of observing carbon, sulfur, and other trace elements.
Costantini, E.; Zeegers, S.T.; Rogantini, D.; de Vries, C.P.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Waters, L.B.F.M.
Gas versus dust sizes of protoplanetary discs: effects of dust evolution.
Trapman, L.; Facchini, S.; Hogerheijde, M.R.; van Dishoeck, E.F.; Bruderer, S.
2019A&A...629A..80H – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A80)
Catalog for the ESPRESSO blind radial velocity exoplanet survey.
Hojjatpanah, S.; Figueira, P.; Santos, N.C.; Adibekyan, V.; Sousa, S.G.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Alibert, Y.; Cristiani, S.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Lanza, A.F.; Di Marcantonio, P.; Martins, J.H.C.; Micela, G.; Molaro, P.; Neves, V.; Oshagh, M.; Pepe, F.; Poretti, E.; Rojas-Ayala, B.; Rebolo, R.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.
Dynamics of cluster-forming hub-filament systems. The case of the high-mass star-forming complex Monoceros R2.
Trevino-Morales, S.P.; Fuente, A.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Kainulainen, J.; Didelon, P.; Suri, S.; Schneider, N.; Ballesteros-Paredes, J.; Lee, Y.-N.; Hennebelle, P.; Pilleri, P.; Gonzalez-Garcia, M.; Kramer, C.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Luna, A.; Goicoechea, J.R.; Tremblin, P.; Geen, S.
Exploring the multiphase medium in MKW 08: from the central active galaxy up to cluster scales.
Tumer, A.; Tombesi, F.; Bourdin, H.; Ercan, E.N.; Gaspari, M.; Serafinelli, R.
2019A&A...629A..83A – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A83)
Complexity of magnetic fields on red dwarfs.
Afram, N.; Berdyugina, S.V.
Cometary compositions compared with protoplanetary disk midplane chemical evolution. An emerging chemical evolution taxonomy for comets.
Eistrup, C.; Walsh, C.; van Dishoeck, E.F.
Baryon acoustic oscillations at z = 2.34 from the correlations of Lyα absorption in eBOSS DR14.
de Sainte Agathe, V.; Balland, C.; du Mas des Bourboux, H.; Busca, N.G.; Blomqvist, M.; Guy, J.; Rich, J.; Font-Ribera, A.; Pieri, M.M.; Bautista, J.E.; Dawson, K.; Le Goff, J.-M.; de la Macorra, A.; Palanque-Delabrouille, N.; Percival, W.J.; Perez-Rafols, I.; Schneider, D.P.; Slosar, A.; Yeche, C.
Baryon acoustic oscillations from the cross-correlation of Lyα absorption and quasars in eBOSS DR14.
Blomqvist, M.; du Mas des Bourboux, H.; Busca, N.G.; de Sainte Agathe, V.; Rich, J.; Balland, C.; Bautista, J.E.; Dawson, K.; Font-Ribera, A.; Guy, J.; Le Goff, J.-M.; Palanque-Delabrouille, N.; Percival, W.J.; Perez-Rafols, I.; Pieri, M.M.; Schneider, D.P.; Slosar, A.; Yeche, C.
Rotating baryonic dark halos.
De Paolis, F.; Gurzadyan, A.V.; Nucita, A.A.; Gurzadyan, V.G.; Qadir, A.; Kashin, A.; Amekhyan, A.; Sargsyan, S.; Jetzer, P.; Ingrosso, G.; Tahir, N.
Thermal evolution and quiescent emission of transiently accreting neutron stars.
Potekhin, A.Y.; Chugunov, A.I.; Chabrier, G.
Exploring helical dynamos with machine learning: Regularized linear regression outperforms ensemble methods.
Nauman, F.; Nattila, J.
Formation of rocky and icy planetesimals inside and outside the snow line: effects of diffusion, sublimation, and back-reaction.
Hyodo, R.; Ida, S.; Charnoz, S.
2019A&A...629A..91Y – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A91)
Evolved massive stars at low-metallicity. I. A source catalog for the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Yang, M.; Bonanos, A.Z.; Jiang, B.-W.; Gao, J.; Gavras, P.; Maravelias, G.; Ren, Yi; Wang, S.; Xue, M.-Y.; Tramper, F.; Spetsieri, Z.T.; Pouliasis, E.
Timing of PSR J2055+3829, an eclipsing black widow pulsar discovered with the Nancay Radio Telescope.
Guillemot, L.; Octau, F.; Cognard, I.; Desvignes, G.; Freire, P.C.C.; Smith, D.A.; Theureau, G.; Burnett, T.H.
Chemical evolution of elliptical galaxies with a variable IMF. A publicly available code.
Yan, Z.; Jerabkova, T.; Kroupa, P.; Vazdekis, A.
2019A&A...629A..94D – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A94)
Circumstellar envelopes of semi-regular long-period variables: mass-loss rate estimates and general model fitting of the molecular gas.
Diaz-Luis, J.J.; Alcolea, J.; Bujarrabal, V.; Santander-Garcia, M.; Castro-Carrizo, A.; Gomez-Garrido, M.; Desmurs, J.-F.
Chaos in the inert Oort cloud.
Saillenfest, M.; Fouchard, M.; Ito, T.; Higuchi, A.
Using Herschel and Planck observations to delineate the role of magnetic fields in molecular cloud structure.
Soler, J.D.
2019A&A...629A..97B – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A97)
COSMOGRAIL. XVIII. time delays of the quadruply lensed quasar WFI2033-4723.
Bonvin, V.; Millon, M.; Chan, J.H.-H.; Courbin, F.; Rusu, C.E.; Sluse, D.; Suyu, S.H.; Wong, K.C.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Marshall, P.J.; Treu, T.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Frieman, J.; Hempel, A.; Kim, S.; Lachaume, R.; Rabus, M.; Chao, D.C.-Y.; Chijani, M.; Gilman, D.; Gilmore, K.; Rojas, K.; Williams, P.; Anguita, T.; Kochanek, C.S.; Morgan, C.; Motta, V.; Tewes, M.; Meylan, G.
New insights on the central stellar population and gas outflow in NGC 1068 from YJH spectroscopy with SPHERE/VLT.
Vermot, P.; Clenet, Y.; Gratadour, D.
Solar image denoising with convolutional neural networks.
Diaz Baso, C.J.; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J.; Danilovic, S.
2019A&A...629A.100I – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A100)
MUSE library of stellar spectra.
Ivanov, V.D.; Coccato, L.; Neeser, M.J.; Selman, F.; Pizzella, A.; Dalla Bonta, E.; Corsini, E.M.; Morelli, L.
NuSTAR observations of wind-fed X-ray pulsar GX 301-2 during unusual spin-up event.
Nabizadeh, A.; Monkkonen, J.; Tsygankov, S.S.; Doroshenko, V.; Molkov, S.V.; Poutanen, J.
2019A&A...629A.102D – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A102)
Searching for intergalactic star forming regions in Stephan's Quintet with SITELLE. I. Ionised gas structures and kinematics.
Duarte Puertas, S.; Iglesias-Paramo, J.; Vilchez, J.M.; Drissen, L.; Kehrig, C.; Martin, T.
The eccentric behaviour of windy binary stars.
Saladino, M.I.; Pols, O.R.
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich detection of the galaxy cluster Cl J1449+0856 at z = 1.99: The pressure profile in uv space.
Gobat, R.; Daddi, E.; Coogan, R.T.; Le Brun, A.M.C.; Bournaud, F.; Melin, J.-B.; Riechers, D.A.; Sargent, M.; Valentino, F.; Hwang, H.S.; Finoguenov, A.; Strazzullo, V.
Properties and nature of Be stars. 31. The binary nature, light variability, physical elements, and emission-line changes of HD 81357.
Koubsky, P.; Harmanec, P.; Broz, M.; Kotkova, L.; Yang, S.; Bozic, H.; Sudar, D.; Fremat, Y.; Korcakova, D.; Votruba, V.; Skoda, P.; Slechta, M.; Ruzdjak, D.
Photophoresis in the circumjovian disk and its impact on the orbital configuration of the Galilean satellites.
Arakawa, S.; Shibaike, Y.
A telescope-ready approach for modal compensation of pyramid wavefront sensor optical gain.
Deo, V.; Gendron, E.; Rousset, G.; Vidal, F.; Sevin, A.; Ferreira, F.; Gratadour, D.; Buey, T.
HST spectra reveal accretion in MY Lupi.
Alcala, J.M.; Manara, C.F.; France, K.; Schneider, C.P.; Arulanantham, N.; Miotello, A.; Gunther, H.M.; Brown, A.
Remote sensing of exoplanetary atmospheres with ground-based high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy.
Shulyak, D.; Rengel, M.; Reiners, A.; Seemann, U.; Yan, F.
He Iλ 10 830 Å in the transmission spectrum of HD209458 b.
Alonso-Floriano, F.J.; Snellen, I.A.G.; Czesla, S.; Bauer, F.F.; Salz, M.; Lampon, M.; Lara, L.M.; Nagel, E.; Lopez-Puertas, M.; Nortmann, L.; Sanchez-Lopez, A.; Sanz-Forcada, J.; Caballero, J.A.; Reiners, A.; Ribas, I.; Quirrenbach, A.; Amado, P.J.; Aceituno, J.; Anglada-Escude, G.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Brinkmoller, M.; Hatzes, A.P.; Henning, T.; Kaminski, A.; Kurster, M.; Labarga, F.; Montes, D.; Palle, E.; Schmitt, J.H.M.M.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.
2019A&A...629A.111C – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A111)
Characterization of the L 98-59 multi-planetary system with HARPS. Mass characterization of a hot super-Earth, a sub-Neptune, and a mass upper limit on the third planet.
Cloutier, R.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Bonfils, X.; Jenkins, J.S.; Berdinas, Z.; Ricker, G.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D.W.; Seager, S.; Winn, J.; Jenkins, J.M.; Almenara, J.M.; Bouchy, F.; Delfosse, X.; Diaz, M.R.; Diaz, R.F.; Doyon, R.; Figueira, P.; Forveille, T.; Kurtovic, N.T.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Menou, K.; Morgan, E.; Morris, R.; Muirhead, P.; Murgas, F.; Pepe, F.; Santos, N.C.; Segransan, D.; Smith, J.C.; Tenenbaum, P.; Torres, G.; Udry, S.; Vezie, M.; Villasenor, J.
2019A&A...629A.112G – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A112)
Broadband spectroscopy of astrophysical ice analogues. I. Direct measurement of the complex refractive index of CO ice using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy.
Giuliano, B.M.; Gavdush, A.A.; Muller, B.; Zaytsev, K.I.; Grassi, T.; Ivlev, A.V.; Palumbo, M.E.; Baratta, G.A.; Scire, C.; Komandin, G.A.; Yurchenko, S.O.; Caselli, P.
Astrometric planet search around southern ultracool dwarfs. IV. Relative motion of the FORS2/VLT CCD chips.
Lazorenko, P.F.; Sahlmann, J.
2019A&A...629A.114C – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A114)
Stars and brown dwarfs in the σ Orionis cluster. IV. IDS/INT and OSIRIS/GTC spectroscopy and Gaia DR2 astrometry.
Caballero, J.A.; de Burgos, A.; Alonso-Floriano, F.J.; Cabrera-Lavers, A.; Garcia-Alvarez, D.; Montes, D.
The RWST, a comprehensive statistical description of the non-Gaussian structures in the ISM.
Allys, E.; Levrier, F.; Zhang, S.; Colling, C.; Regaldo-Saint Blancard, B.; Boulanger, F.; Hennebelle, P.; Mallat, S.
Linking planetesimal and dust content in protoplanetary disks via a local toy model.
Gerbig, K.; Lenz, C.T.; Klahr, H.
Stellar population astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. GIANO-B spectroscopy of red supergiants in Alicante 7 and Alicante 10.
Origlia, L.; Dalessandro, E.; Sanna, N.; Mucciarelli, A.; Oliva, E.; Cescutti, G.; Rainer, M.; Bragaglia, A.; Bono, G.
The influence of Hinode/SOT NFI instrumental effects on the visibility of simulated prominence fine structures in Hα.
Gunar, S.; Jurcak, J.; Ichimoto, K.
Mechanical properties of particles from the surface of asteroid 25143 Itokawa.
Tanbakouei, S.; Trigo-Rodriguez, J.M.; Sort, J.; Michel, P.; Blum, J.; Nakamura, T.; Williams, I.
Spot evolution on LQ Hya from 2006-2017: temperature maps based on SOFIN and FIES data.
Cole-Kodikara, E.M.; Kapyla, M.J.; Lehtinen, J.J.; Hackman, T.; Ilyin, I.V.; Piskunov, N.; Kochukhov, O.
Near-infrared polarimetric study of near-Earth object 252P/LINEAR: an implication of scattered light from the evolved dust particles.
Kwon, Y.G.; Ishiguro, M.; Kwon, J.; Kuroda, D.; Im, M.; Choi, C.; Tamura, M.; Nagayama, T.; Kawai, N.; Watanabe, J.-I.
Impacts into rotating targets: angular momentum draining and efficient formation of synthetic families.
Sevecek, P.; Broz, M.; Jutzi, M.
The s process in rotating low-mass AGB stars. Nucleosynthesis calculations in models matching asteroseismic constraints.
den Hartogh, J.W.; Hirschi, R.; Lugaro, M.; Doherty, C.L.; Battino, U.; Herwig, F.; Pignatari, M.; Eggenberger, P.
Mass discrepancy analysis for a select sample of Type II-Plateau supernovae.
Martinez, L.; Bersten, M.C.
Dynamo action of the zonal winds in Jupiter.
Wicht, J.; Gastine, T.; Duarte, L.D.V.; Dietrich, W.
Driving white dwarf metal pollution through unstable eccentric periodic orbits.
Antoniadou, K.I.; Veras, D.
Ensemble age inversions for large spectroscopic surveys.
Mints, A.; Hekker, S.; Minchev, I.
2019A&A...629A.128W – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A128)
Chlorine-bearing molecules in molecular absorbers at intermediate redshifts.
Wallstrom, S.H.J.; Muller, S.; Roueff, E.; Le Gal, R.; Black, J.H.; Gerin, M.
A model for high-mass microquasar jets under the influence of a strong stellar wind.
Molina, E.; del Palacio, S.; Bosch-Ramon, V.
Hyperfine excitation of CH and OH radicals by He.
Marinakis, S.; Kalugina, Y.; Klos, J.; Lique, F.
2019A&A...629A.131H – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A131)
New constraints on the physical conditions in H2-bearing GRB-host damped Lyman-α absorbers.
Heintz, K.E.; Bolmer, J.; Ledoux, C.; Noterdaeme, P.; Krogager, J.-K.; Fynbo, J.P.U.; Jakobsson, P.; Covino, S.; D'Elia, V.; De Pasquale, M.; Hartmann, D.H.; Izzo, L.; Japelj, J.; Kann, D.A.; Kaper, L.; Petitjean, P.; Rossi, A.; Salvaterra, R.; Schady, P.; Selsing, J.; Starling, R.; Tanvir, N.R.; Thone, C.C.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Vergani, S.D.; Watson, D.; Wiersema, K.; Zafar, T.
Final spin states of eccentric ocean planets.
Auclair-Desrotour, P.; Leconte, J.; Bolmont, E.; Mathis, S.
Compton-thick active galactic nuclei from the 7 Ms observation in the Chandra Deep Field South.
Corral, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Akylas, A.; Ranalli, P.
2019A&A...629A.134G – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A134)
The impact of stars stripped in binaries on the integrated spectra of stellar populations.
Gotberg, Y.; de Mink, S.E.; Groh, J.H.; Leitherer, C.; Norman, C.
Star formation activity and the spatial distribution and mass segregation of dense cores in the early phases of star formation.
Dib, S.; Henning, T.
2019A&A...629A.136S – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A136)
A rotating fast bipolar wind and disk system around the B[e]-type star MWC 922.
Sanchez Contreras, C.; Baez-Rubio, A.; Alcolea, J.; Castro-Carrizo, A.; Bujarrabal, V.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Tafoya, D.
September epsilon Perseids observed by the Czech Fireball Network.
Shrbeny, L.; Spurny, P.
Magnetic field vector ambiguity resolution in a quiescent prominence observed on two consecutive days.
Kalewicz, T.; Bommier, V.
2019A&A...629A.139T – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A139)
Galactic tide and local stellar perturbations on the Oort cloud: creation of interstellar comets.
Torres, S.; Cai, M.X.; Brown, A.G.A.; Zwart, S.P.
The optical and NIR spectrum of the Crab pulsar with X-shooter.
Sollerman, J.; Selsing, J.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Lundqvist, P.; Nyholm, A.
Constraining the detectability of water ice in debris disks.
Kim, M.; Wolf, S.; Potapov, A.; Mutschke, H.; Jager, C.
Fossil field decay due to nonlinear tides in massive binaries.
Vidal, J.; Cebron, D.; ud-Doula, A.; Alecian, E.
Towards mapping turbulence in the intra-cluster medium. I. Sample variance in spatially-resolved X-ray line diagnostics.
Clerc, N.; Cucchetti, E.; Pointecouteau, E.; Peille, P.
Towards mapping turbulence in the intra-cluster medium. II. Measurement uncertainties in the estimation of structure functions.
Cucchetti, E.; Clerc, N.; Pointecouteau, E.; Peille, P.; Pajot, F.
2019A&A...629A.145E – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A145)
Detection of new strongly variable brown dwarfs in the L/T transition.
Eriksson, S.C.; Janson, M.; Calissendorff, P.
2019A&A...629A.146V – (Tables: J/A+A/629/A146)
IRC + 10°216 mass loss properties through the study of λ3 mm emission. Large spatial scale distribution of SiO, SiS, and CS.
Velilla-Prieto, L.; Cernicharo, J.; Agundez, M.; Fonfria, J.P.; Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Marcelino, N.; Castro-Carrizo, A.
Multi-waveband detection of quasi-periodic pulsations in a stellar flare on EK Draconis observed by XMM-Newton.
Broomhall, A.-M.; Thomas, A.E.L.; Pugh, C.E.; Pye, J.P.; Rosen, S.R.
Heavy metal enrichment in the intermediate He-sdOB pulsator Feige 46.
Latour, M.; Dorsch, M.; Heber, U.
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