Astron. Astrophys. 625
May(I) 2019

Nowhere to Hide: Radio-faint AGN in GOODS-N field. I. Initial catalogue and radio properties (Corrigendum).
Radcliffe, J.F.; Garrett, M.A.; Muxlow, T.W.B.; Beswick, R.J.; Barthel, P.D.; Deller, A.T.; Keimpema, A.; Campbell, R.M.; Wrigley, N.
The co-existence of hot and cold gas in debris discs (Corrigendum).
Rebollido, I.; Eiroa, C.; Montesinos, B.; Maldonado, J.; Villaver, E.; Absil, O.; Bayo, A.; Canovas, H.; Carmona, A.; Chen, C.; Ertel, S.; Garufi, A.; Henning, T.; Iglesias, D.P.; Launhardt, R.; Liseau, R.; Meeus, G.; Moor, A.; Mora, A.; Olofsson, J.; Rauw, G.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and mass distribution of barium stars (Corrigendum).
Escorza, A.; Boffin, H.M.J.; Jorissen, A.; Van Eck, S.; Siess, L.; Van Winckel, H.; Karinkuzhi, D.; Shetye, S.; Pourbaix, D.
Observational evidence of third dredge-up occurrence in S-type stars with initial masses around 1 M.
Shetye, S.; Goriely, S.; Siess, L.; Van Eck, S.; Jorissen, A.; Van Winckel, H.
The origin of very massive stars around NGC 3603.
Kalari, V.M.; Vink, J.S.; de Wit, W.J.; Bastian, N.J.; Mendez, R.A.
Direct estimation of electron density in the Orion Bar PDR from mm-wave carbon recombination lines.
Cuadrado, S.; Salas, P.; Goicoechea, J.R.; Cernicharo, J.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Baez-Rubio, A.
First measurement of the cross-correlation between CMB weak lensing and X-ray emission.
Hurier, G.; Singh, P.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.
Terrestrial deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio in water in hyperactive comets.
Lis, D.C.; Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Gusten, R.; Biver, N.; Stutzki, J.; Delorme, Y.; Duran, C.; Wiesemeyer, H.; Okada, Y.
Unexpectedly strong effect of supergranulation on the detectability of Earth twins orbiting Sun-like stars with radial velocities.
Meunier, N.; Lagrange, A.-M.
7.1 keV sterile neutrino dark matter constraints from a deep Chandra X-ray observation of the Galactic bulge Limiting Window.
Hofmann, F.; Wegg, C.
2019A&A...625L...8P – (Tables: J/A+A/625/L8)
The evolution of luminous red nova AT 2017jfs in NGC 4470.
Pastorello, A.; Chen, T.-W.; Cai, Y.-Z.; Morales-Garoffolo, A.; Cano, Z.; Mason, E.; Barsukova, E.A.; Benetti, S.; Berton, M.; Bose, S.; Bufano, F.; Callis, E.; Cannizzaro, G.; Cartier, R.; Chen, P.; Dong, S.; Dyrbye, S.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Flors, A.; Fraser, M.; Geier, S.; Goranskij, V.P.; Kann, D.A.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Onori, F.; Reguitti, A.; Reynolds, T.; Losada, I.R.; Sagues Carracedo, A.; Schweyer, T.; Smartt, S.J.; Tatarnikov, A.M.; Valeev, A.F.; Vogl, C.; Wevers, T.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Izzo, L.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Maguire, K.; Smith, K.W.; Stalder, B.; Tartaglia, L.; Thone, C.C.; Valerin, G.; Young, D.R.
Gaia-assisted selection of a quasar reddened by dust in an extremely strong damped Lyman-α absorber at z = 2.226.
Geier, S.J.; Heintz, K.E.; Fynbo, J.P.U.; Ledoux, C.; Christensen, L.; Jakobsson, P.; Krogager, J.-K.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Moller, P.; Noterdaeme, P.
A geometric distance measurement to the Galactic center black hole with 0.3% uncertainty.
GRAVITY COLLABORATION; Abuter, R.; Amorim, A.; Baubock, M.; Berger, J.P.; Bonnet, H.; Brandner, W.; Clenet, Y.; Coude du Foresto, V.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Dexter, J.; Duvert, G.; Eckart, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; Forster Schreiber, N.M.; Garcia, P.; Gao, F.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gerhard, O.; Gillessen, S.; Habibi, M.; Haubois, X.; Henning, T.; Hippler, S.; Horrobin, M.; Jimenez-Rosales, A.; Jocou, L.; Kervella, P.; Lacour, S.; Lapeyrere, V.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Lena, P.; Ott, T.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Rabien, S.; Rodriguez-Coira, G.; Rousset, G.; Scheithauer, S.; Sternberg, A.; Straub, O.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L.J.; Vincent, F.; von Fellenberg, S.; Waisberg, I.; Widmann, F.; Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Woillez, J.; Yazici, S.
Mapping the structural diversity of C60 carbon clusters and their infrared spectra.
Dubosq, C.; Falvo, C.; Calvo, F.; Rapacioli, M.; Parneix, P.; Pino, T.; Simon, A.
Updated orbital ephemeris of the ADC source X 1822-371: a stable orbital expansion over 40 years.
Mazzola, S.M.; Iaria, R.; Di Salvo, T.; Gambino, A.F.; Marino, A.; Burderi, L.; Sanna, A.; Riggio, A.; Tailo, M.
2019A&A...625L..13Z – (Tables: J/A+A/625/L13)
Transiting exocomets detected in broadband light by TESS in the β Pictoris system.
Zieba, S.; Zwintz, K.; Kenworthy, M.A.; Kennedy, G.M.
2019A&A...625A...1B – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A1)
New near-infrared JHKs light-curve templates for RR Lyrae variables.
Braga, V.F.; Stetson, P.B.; Bono, G.; Dall'Ora, M.; Ferraro, I.; Fiorentino, G.; Iannicola, G.; Inno, L.; Marengo, M.; Neeley, J.; Beaton, R.L.; Buonanno, R.; Calamida, A.; Contreras Ramos, R.; Chaboyer, B.; Fabrizio, M.; Freedman, W.L.; Gilligan, C.K.; Johnston, K.V.; Lub, J.; Madore, B.F.; Magurno, D.; Marconi, M.; Marinoni, S.; Marrese, P.M.; Mateo, M.; Matsunaga, N.; Minniti, D.; Monson, A.J.; Monelli, M.; Nonino, M.; Persson, S.E.; Pietrinferni, A.; Sneden, C.; Storm, J.; Walker, A.R.; Valenti, E.; Zoccali, M.
The fourth data release of the Kilo-Degree Survey: ugri imaging and nine-band optical-IR photometry over 1000 square degrees.
Kuijken, K.; Heymans, C.; Dvornik, A.; Hildebrandt, H.; de Jong, J.T.A.; Wright, A.H.; Erben, T.; Bilicki, M.; Giblin, B.; Shan, H.-Y.; Getman, F.; Grado, A.; Hoekstra, H.; Miller, L.; Napolitano, N.; Paolilo, M.; Radovich, M.; Schneider, P.; Sutherland, W.; Tewes, M.; Tortora, C.; Valentijn, E.A.; Verdoes Kleijn, G.A.
Pulse-beam heating of deep atmospheric layers, their oscillations and shocks modulating the flare reconnection.
Jelinek, P.; Karlicky, M.
Thermal emission from bow shocks. I. 2D hydrodynamic models of the Bubble Nebula.
Green, S.; Mackey, J.; Haworth, T.J.; Gvaramadze, V.V.; Duffy, P.
Characterization and history of the Helmi streams with Gaia DR2.
Koppelman, H.H.; Helmi, A.; Massari, D.; Roelenga, S.; Bastian, U.
X-ray absorbing column densities of a complete sample of short gamma ray bursts.
Asquini, L.; Campana, S.; D'Avanzo, P.; Bernardini, M.G.; Covino, S.; Ghirlanda, G.; Ghisellini, G.; Melandri, A.; Nava, L.; Salafia, O.S.; Salvaterra, R.; Sbarufatti, B.; Tagliaferri, G.; Vergani, S.D.
The role of dissipative evolution for three-planet, near-resonant extrasolar systems.
Pichierri, G.; Batygin, K.; Morbidelli, A.
Red-skewed Kα iron lines in GX 13+1.
Maiolino, T.; Laurent, P.; Titarchuk, L.; Orlandini, M.; Frontera, F.
The difficulty of inferring progenitor masses from type-II-Plateau supernova light curves.
Dessart, L.; Hillier, D.J.
Towards open and reproducible multi-instrument analysis in gamma-ray astronomy.
Nigro, C.; Deil, C.; Zanin, R.; Hassan, T.; King, J.; Ruiz, J.E.; Saha, L.; Terrier, R.; Brugge, K.; Nothe, M.; Bird, R.; Lin, T.T.Y.; Aleksic, J.; Boisson, C.; Contreras, J.L.; Donath, A.; Jouvin, L.; Kelley-Hoskins, N.; Khelifi, B.; Kosack, K.; Rico, J.; Sinha, A.
Cool circumgalactic gas of passive galaxies from cosmological inflow.
Afruni, A.; Fraternali, F.; Pezzulli, G.
The habitability of stagnant-lid Earths around dwarf stars.
Godolt, M.; Tosi, N.; Stracke, B.; Grenfell, J.L.; Ruedas, T.; Spohn, T.; Rauer, H.
2019A&A...625A..13M – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A13)
New powerful outburst of the unusual young star V1318 Cygni S (LkHα 225).
Magakian, T.Y.; Movsessian, T.A.; Andreasyan, H.R.; Gevorgyan, M.H.
2019A&A...625A..14R – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A14)
Reclassification of Cepheids in the Gaia Data Release 2. Period-luminosity and period-Wesenheit relations in the Gaia passbands.
Ripepi, V.; Molinaro, R.; Musella, I.; Marconi, M.; Leccia, S.; Eyer, L.
Model-independent cosmic acceleration and redshift-dependent intrinsic luminosity in type-Ia supernovae.
Tutusaus, I.; Lamine, B.; Blanchard, A.
2019A&A...625A..16J – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A16)
HD 2685 b: a hot Jupiter orbiting an early F-type star detected by TESS.
Jones, M.I.; Brahm, R.; Espinoza, N.; Wang, S.; Shporer, A.; Henning, T.; Jordan, A.; Sarkis, P.; Paredes, L.A.; Hodari-Sadiki, J.; Henry, T.; Cruz, B.; Nielsen, L.D.; Bouchy, F.; Pepe, F.; Segransan, D.; Turner, O.; Udry, S.; Marmier, M.; Lovis, C.; Bakos, G.; Osip, D.; Suc, V.; Ziegler, C.; Tokovinin, A.; Law, N.M.; Mann, A.W.; Relles, H.; Collins, K.A.; Bayliss, D.; Sedaghati, E.; Latham, D.W.; Seager, S.; Winn, J.N.; Jenkins, J.M.; Smith, J.C.; Davies, M.; Tenenbaum, P.; Dittmann, J.; Vanderburg, A.; Christiansen, J.L.; Haworth, K.; Doty, J.; Furesz, G.; Laughlin, G.; Matthews, E.; Crossfield, I.; Howell, S.; Ciardi, D.; Gonzales, E.; Matson, R.; Beichman, C.; Schlieder, J.
2019A&A...625A..17D – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A17)
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XIV. A temperate (Teq ∼ 300 K) super-earth around the nearby star Gliese 411.
Diaz, R.F.; Delfosse, X.; Hobson, M.J.; Boisse, I.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Bonfils, X.; Henry, G.W.; Arnold, L.; Bouchy, F.; Bourrier, V.; Brugger, B.; Dalal, S.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O.; Dolon, F.; Dumusque, X.; Forveille, T.; Hara, N.; Hebrard, G.; Kiefer, F.; Lopez, T.; Mignon, L.; Moreau, F.; Mousis, O.; Moutou, C.; Pepe, F.; Perruchot, S.; Richaud, Y.; Santerne, A.; Santos, N.C.; Sottile, R.; Stalport, M.; Segransan, D.; Udry, S.; Unger, N.; Wilson, P.A.
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XV. A warm Neptune around the M dwarf Gl 378.
Hobson, M.J.; Delfosse, X.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Boisse, I.; Diaz, R.F.; Bouchy, F.; Bonfils, X.; Forveille, T.; Arnold, L.; Borgniet, S.; Bourrier, V.; Brugger, B.; Cabrera Salazar, N.; Courcol, B.; Dalal, S.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O.; Dumusque, X.; Hara, N.; Hebrard, G.; Kiefer, F.; Lopez, T.; Mignon, L.; Montagnier, G.; Mousis, O.; Moutou, C.; Pepe, F.; Rey, J.; Santerne, A.; Santos, N.C.; Stalport, M.; Segransan, D.; Udry, S.; Wilson, P.A.
2019A&A...625A..19Q – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A19)
Dense gas is not enough: environmental variations in the star formation efficiency of dense molecular gas at 100 pc scales in M 51.
Querejeta, M.; Schinnerer, E.; Schruba, A.; Murphy, E.; Meidt, S.; Usero, A.; Leroy, A.K.; Pety, J.; Bigiel, F.; Chevance, M.; Faesi, C.M.; Gallagher, M.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Glover, S.C.O.; Hygate, A.P.S.; Jimenez-Donaire, M.J.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Momjian, E.; Rosolowsky, E.; Utomo, D.
Solar p-mode damping rates: Insight from a 3D hydrodynamical simulation.
Belkacem, K.; Kupka, F.; Samadi, R.; Grimm-Strele, H.
2019A&A...625A..21B – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A21)
Two cold belts in the debris disk around the G-type star NZ Lupi.
Boccaletti, A.; Thebault, P.; Pawellek, N.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Galicher, R.; Desidera, S.; Milli, J.; Kral, Q.; Bonnefoy, M.; Augereau, J.-C.; Maire, A.L.; Henning, T.; Beust, H.; Rodet, L.; Avenhaus, H.; Bhowmik, T.; Bonavita, M.; Chauvin, G.; Cheetham, A.; Cudel, M.; Feldt, M.; Gratton, R.; Hagelberg, J.; Janin-Potiron, P.; Langlois, M.; Menard, F.; Mesa, D.; Meyer, M.; Peretti, S.; Perrot, C.; Schmidt, T.; Sissa, E.; Vigan, A.; Rickman, E.; Magnard, Y.; Maurel, D.; Moeller-Nilsson, O.; Perret, D.; Sauvage, J.-F.
Precise radial velocities of giant stars. XII. Evidence against the proposed planet Aldebaran b.
Reichert, K.; Reffert, S.; Stock, S.; Trifonov, T.; Quirrenbach, A.
Black hole mass and spin estimates of the most distant quasars.
Campitiello, S.; Celotti, A.; Ghisellini, G.; Sbarrato, T.
Modeling of interactions between supernovae ejecta and aspherical circumstellar environments.
Kurfurst, P.; Krticka, J.
Relation between winds and jets in radio-loud AGN.
Mehdipour, M.; Costantini, E.
X-ray analysis of the accreting supermassive black hole in the radio galaxy PKS 2251+11.
Ronchini, S.; Tombesi, F.; Vagnetti, F.; Panessa, F.; Bruni, G.
2019A&A...625A..27S – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A27)
Warm and cool starspots with opposite polarities. A high-resolution Zeeman-Doppler-Imaging study of II Pegasi with PEPSI.
Strassmeier, K.G.; Carroll, T.A.; Ilyin, I.V.
Solar activity: periodicities beyond 11 years are consistent with random forcing.
Cameron, R.H.; Schussler, M.
2019A&A...625A..29L – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A29)
Electron capture in slow collisions of O6+ ions with atomic hydrogen.
Lin, X.; Wu, Y.; Wang, J.G.; Shao, B.; Janev, R.K.
Modelling of Mg II lines in solar prominences.
Levens, P.J.; Labrosse, N.
Transit least-squares survey. I. Discovery and validation of an Earth-sized planet in the four-planet system K2-32 near the 1:2:5:7 resonance.
Heller, R.; Rodenbeck, K.; Hippke, M.
Study of gravitational fields and globular cluster systems of early-type galaxies.
Bilek, M.; Samurovic, S.; Renaud, F.
2019A&A...625A..33C – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A33)
First detection of oscillations in the Halo giant HD 122563: Validation of seismic scaling relations and new parameters.
Creevey, O.; Grundahl, F.; Thevenin, F.; Corsaro, E.; Palle, P.L.; Salabert, D.; Pichon, B.; Collet, R.; Bigot, L.; Antoci, V.; Andersen, M.F.
2019A&A...625A..34K – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A34)
HST/STIS analysis of the first main sequence pulsar CU Virginis.
Krticka, J.; Mikulasek, Z.; Henry, G.W.; Janik, J.; Kochukhov, O.; Pigulski, A.; Leto, P.; Trigilio, C.; Krtickova, I.; Luftinger, T.; Prvak, M.; Tichy, A.
Inference of magnetic field strength and density from damped transverse coronal waves.
Arregui, I.; Montes-Solis, M.; Asensio Ramos, A.
2019A&A...625A..36W – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A36)
Varied origins of up-bending breaks in galaxy disks.
Watkins, A.E.; Laine, J.; Comeron, S.; Janz, J.; Salo, H.
Can the long-term hemispheric asymmetry of solar activity result from fluctuations in dynamo parameters?
Nepomnyashchikh, A.; Mandal, S.; Banerjee, D.; Kitchatinov, L.
Modeling the e-APD SAPHIRA/C-RED ONE camera at low flux level. An attempt to count photons in the near-infrared with the MIRC-X interferometric combiner.
Lanthermann, C.; Anugu, N.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Monnier, J.D.; Kraus, S.; Perraut, K.
High-precision analysis of binary stars with planets. I. Searching for condensation temperature trends in the HD 106515 system.
Saffe, C.; Jofre, E.; Miquelarena, P.; Jaque Arancibia, M.; Flores, M.; Lopez, F.M.; Collado, A.
Additional fluorine abundance determinations in evolved stars.
Abia, C.; Cristallo, S.; Cunha, K.; de Laverny, P.; Smith, V.V.
Polyacenes and diffuse interstellar bands.
Omont, A.; Bettinger, H.F.; Tonshoff, C.
Lower atmosphere and pressure evolution on Pluto from ground-based stellar occultations, 1988-2016.
Meza, E.; Sicardy, B.; Assafin, M.; Ortiz, J.L.; Bertrand, T.; Lellouch, E.; Desmars, J.; Forget, F.; Berard, D.; Doressoundiram, A.; Lecacheux, J.; Oliveira, J.M.; Roques, F.; Widemann, T.; Colas, F.; Vachier, F.; Renner, S.; Leiva, R.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Benedetti-Rossi, G.; Camargo, J.I.B.; Dias-Oliveira, A.; Morgado, B.; Gomes-Junior, A.R.; Vieira-Martins, R.; Behrend, R.; Tirado, A.C.; Duffard, R.; Morales, N.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Jelinek, M.; Cunniffe, R.; Querel, R.; Harnisch, M.; Jansen, R.; Pennell, A.; Todd, S.; Ivanov, V.D.; Opitom, C.; Gillon, M.; Jehin, E.; Manfroid, J.; Pollock, J.; Reichart, D.E.; Haislip, J.B.; Ivarsen, K.M.; LaCluyze, A.P.; Maury, A.; Gil-Hutton, R.; Dhillon, V.; Littlefair, S.; Marsh, T.; Veillet, C.; Bath, K.-L.; Beisker, W.; Bode, H.-J.; Kretlow, M.; Herald, D.; Gault, D.; Kerr, S.; Pavlov, H.; Farago, O.; Klos, O.; Frappa, E.; Lavayssiere, M.; Cole, A.A.; Giles, A.B.; Greenhill, J.G.; Hill, K.M.; Buie, M.W.; Olkin, C.B.; Young, E.F.; Young, L.A.; Wasserman, L.H.; Devogele, M.; French, R.G.; Bianco, F.B.; Marchis, F.; Brosch, N.; Kaspi, S.; Polishook, D.; Manulis, I.; Ait Moulay Larbi, M.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Daassou, A.; El Azhari, Y.; Moulane, Y.; Broughton, J.; Milner, J.; Dobosz, T.; Bolt, G.; Lade, B.; Gilmore, A.; Kilmartin, P.; Allen, W.H.; Graham, P.B.; Loader, B.; McKay, G.; Talbot, J.; Parker, S.; Abe, L.; Bendjoya, P.; Rivet, J.-P.; Vernet, D.; Di Fabrizio, L.; Lorenzi, V.; Magazzu, A.; Molinari, E.; Gazeas, K.; Tzouganatos, L.; Carbognani, A.; Bonnoli, G.; Marchini, A.; Leto, G.; Sanchez, R.Z.; Mancini, L.; Kattentidt, B.; Dohrmann, M.; Guhl, K.; Rothe, W.; Walzel, K.; Wortmann, G.; Eberle, A.; Hampf, D.; Ohlert, J.; Krannich, G.; Murawsky, G.; Gahrken, B.; Gloistein, D.; Alonso, S.; Roman, A.; Communal, J.-E.; Jabet, F.; de Visscher, S.; Serot, J.; Janik, T.; Moravec, Z.; Machado, P.; Selva, A.; Perello, C.; Rovira, J.; Conti, M.; Papini, R.; Salvaggio, F.; Noschese, A.; Tsamis, V.; Tigani, K.; Barroy, P.; Irzyk, M.; Neel, D.; Godard, J.P.; Lanoiselee, D.; Sogorb, P.; Verilhac, D.; Bretton, M.; Signoret, F.; Ciabattari, F.; Naves, R.; Boutet, M.; De Queiroz, J.; Lindner, P.; Lindner, K.; Enskonatus, P.; Dangl, G.; Tordai, T.; Eichler, H.; Hattenbach, J.; Peterson, C.; Molnar, L.A.; Howell, R.R.
Pluto's ephemeris from ground-based stellar occultations (1988-2016).
Desmars, J.; Meza, E.; Sicardy, B.; Assafin, M.; Camargo, J.I.B.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Benedetti-Rossi, G.; Dias-Oliveira, A.; Morgado, B.; Gomes-Junior, A.R.; Vieira-Martins, R.; Behrend, R.; Ortiz, J.L.; Duffard, R.; Morales, N.; Santos Sanz, P.
A multi-scale exploration of a massive young stellar object. A transition disk around G305.20+0.21?
Frost, A.J.; Oudmaijer, R.D.; de Wit, W.J.; Lumsden, S.L.
Modeling of CoRoT and Spitzer lightcurves in NGC 2264 caused by an optically thick warp.
Nagel, E.; Bouvier, J.
2019A&A...625A..46H – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A46)
Long-term photometric monitoring of the dwarf planet (136472) Makemake.
Hromakina, T.A.; Belskaya, I.N.; Krugly, Y.N.; Shevchenko, V.G.; Ortiz, J.L.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Duffard, R.; Morales, N.; Thirouin, A.; Inasaridze, R.Y.; Ayvazian, V.R.; Zhuzhunadze, V.T.; Perna, D.; Rumyantsev, V.V.; Reva, I.V.; Serebryanskiy, A.V.; Sergeyev, A.V.; Molotov, I.E.; Voropaev, V.A.; Velichko, S.F.
Potential magnetic field calculator for solar physics applications using staggered grids.
Boocock, C.M.; Tsiklauri, D.
Single-mode interferometric field of view in partial turbulence correction. Application to the observation of the environment of Sgr A* with GRAVITY.
Perrin, G.; Woillez, J.
2019A&A...625A..49K – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A49)
Exploring the dimming event of RW Aurigae A through multi-epoch VLT/X-shooter spectroscopy.
Koutoulaki, M.; Facchini, S.; Manara, C.F.; Natta, A.; Lopez, R.G.; Fedriani, R.; Caratti o Garatti, A.; Coffey, D.; Ray, T.P.
2019A&A...625A..50F – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A50)
Single metal-poor ultra compact dwarf galaxy at one kiloparsec distance from the low-mass elliptical galaxy FCC 47.
Fahrion, K.; Georgiev, I.; Hilker, M.; Lyubenova, M.; van de Ven, G.; Alfaro-Cuello, M.; Corsini, E.M.; Sarzi, M.; McDermid, R.M.; de Zeeuw, T.
The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey: evidence for AGN feedback in galaxies with CIII]-λ1908 Å emission 10.8 to 12.5 Gyr ago.
Le Fevre, O.; Lemaux, B.C.; Nakajima, K.; Schaerer, D.; Talia, M.; Zamorani, G.; Cassata, P.; Garilli, B.; Maccagni, D.; Pentericci, L.; Tasca, L.A.M.; Zucca, E.; Amorin, R.; Bardelli, S.; Cimatti, A.; Giavalisco, M.; Guaita, L.; Hathi, N.P.; Marchi, F.; Vanzella, E.; Vergani, D.; Dunlop, J.
Elemental composition in quiescent prominences.
Parenti, S.; Del Zanna, G.; Vial, J.-C.
Average motion of emerging solar active region polarities. I. Two phases of emergence.
Schunker, H.; Birch, A.C.; Cameron, R.H.; Braun, D.C.; Gizon, L.; Burston, R.B.
Polarization of changing-look quasars.
Hutsemekers, D.; Agis Gonzalez, B.; Marin, F.; Sluse, D.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Acosta Pulido, J.-A.
The relation between 5780 and 5797 diffuse interstellar bands, CH/CH+molecules, and atomic or molecular hydrogen.
Weselak, T.
Quasi-stellar objects acting as potential strong gravitational lenses in the SDSS-III BOSS survey.
Meyer, R.A.; Delubac, T.; Kneib, J.-P.; Courbin, F.
The Galactic WN stars revisited. Impact of Gaia distances on fundamental stellar parameters.
Hamann, W.-R.; Grafener, G.; Liermann, A.; Hainich, R.; Sander, A.A.C.; Shenar, T.; Ramachandran, V.; Todt, H.; Oskinova, L.M.
High resolution observations with Artemis-JLS. II. Type IV associated intermediate drift bursts.
Bouratzis, C.; Hillaris, A.; Alissandrakis, C.E.; Preka-Papadema, P.; Moussas, X.; Caroubalos, C.; Tsitsipis, P.; Kontogeorgos, A.
2019A&A...625A..59J – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A59)
Constraining the orbit of the planet-hosting binary τ Bootis. Clues about planetary formation and migration.
Justesen, A.B.; Albrecht, S.
Evidence of two spectral breaks in the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts.
Ravasio, M.E.; Ghirlanda, G.; Nava, L.; Ghisellini, G.
Far-infrared continuum absorption of forsterite and enstatite at low temperatures.
Mutschke, H.; Mohr, P.
Six new supermassive black hole mass determinations from adaptive-optics assisted SINFONI observations.
Thater, S.; Krajnovic, D.; Cappellari, M.; Davis, T.A.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; McDermid, R.M.; Sarzi, M.
Comparative analysis of solar radio bursts before and during CME propagation.
Dididze, G.; Shergelashvili, B.M.; Melnik, V.N.; Dorovskyy, V.V.; Brazhenko, A.I.; Poedts, S.; Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Khodachenko, M.
Physical Bayesian modelling of the non-linear matter distribution: New insights into the nearby universe.
Jasche, J.; Lavaux, G.
A diversity of starburst-triggering mechanisms in interacting galaxies and their signatures in CO emission.
Renaud, F.; Bournaud, F.; Agertz, O.; Kraljic, K.; Schinnerer, E.; Bolatto, A.; Daddi, E.; Hughes, A.
2019A&A...625A..66D – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A66)
Consistent dust and gas models for protoplanetary disks. IV. A panchromatic view of protoplanetary disks.
Dionatos, O.; Woitke, P.; Gudel, M.; Degroote, P.; Liebhart, A.; Anthonioz, F.; Antonellini, S.; Baldovin-Saavedra, C.; Carmona, A.; Dominik, C.; Greaves, J.; Ilee, J.D.; Kamp, I.; Menard, F.; Min, M.; Pinte, C.; Rab, C.; Rigon, L.; Thi, W.F.; Waters, L.B.F.M.
Detection of intercluster gas in superclusters using the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect.
Tanimura, H.; Aghanim, N.; Douspis, M.; Beelen, A.; Bonjean, V.
2019A&A...625A..68S – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A68)
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Different roads to radii and masses of the target stars.
Schweitzer, A.; Passegger, V.M.; Cifuentes, C.; Bejar, V.J.S.; Cortes-Contreras, M.; Caballero, J.A.; del Burgo, C.; Czesla, S.; Kurster, M.; Montes, D.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Ribas, I.; Reiners, A.; Quirrenbach, A.; Amado, P.J.; Aceituno, J.; Anglada-Escude, G.; Bauer, F.F.; Dreizler, S.; Jeffers, S.V.; Guenther, E.W.; Henning, T.; Kaminski, A.; Lafarga, M.; Marfil, E.; Morales, J.C.; Schmitt, J.H.M.M.; Seifert, W.; Solano, E.; Tabernero, H.M.; Zechmeister, M.
2019A&A...625A..69C – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A69)
Analysis of full disc Ca II K spectroheliograms. II. Towards an accurate assessment of long-term variations in plage areas.
Chatzistergos, T.; Ermolli, I.; Krivova, N.A.; Solanki, S.K.
Resolving the distance controversy for Sharpless 269. A possible kink in the outer arm.
Quiroga-Nunez, L.H.; Immer, K.; van Langevelde, H.J.; Reid, M.J.; Burns, R.A.
2019A&A...625A..71R – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A71)
The CORALIE survey for southern extrasolar planets. XVIII. Three new massive planets and two low-mass brown dwarfs at greater than 5 AU separation.
Rickman, E.L.; Segransan, D.; Marmier, M.; Udry, S.; Bouchy, F.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; Santos, N.C.; Allart, R.; Bonvin, V.; Bratschi, P.; Cersullo, F.; Chazelas, B.; Choplin, A.; Conod, U.; Deline, A.; Delisle, J.-B.; Dos Santos, L.A.; Figueira, P.; Giles, H.A.C.; Girard, M.; Lavie, B.; Martin, D.; Motalebi, F.; Nielsen, L.D.; Osborn, H.; Ottoni, G.; Raimbault, M.; Rey, J.; Roger, T.; Seidel, J.V.; Stalport, M.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Triaud, A.; Turner, O.; Weber, L.; Wyttenbach, A.
Destruction of dimethyl ether and methyl formate by collisions with He+.
Ascenzi, D.; Cernuto, A.; Balucani, N.; Tosi, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; Martini, L.M.; Pirani, F.
Representation learning for automated spectroscopic redshift estimation.
Frontera-Pons, J.; Sureau, F.; Moraes, B.; Bobifn, J.; Abdalla, F.B.
Reaction of NH+, NH2+, and NH3+ ions with H2 at low temperatures. The pathway to ammonia production in the interstellar medium.
Rednyk, S.; Roucka, S.; Kovalenko, A.; Tran, T.D.; Dohnal, P.; Plasil, R.; Glosik, J.
Purveyors of fine halos: Re-assessing globular cluster contributions to the Milky Way halo buildup with SDSS-IV.
Koch, A.; Grebel, E.K.; Martell, S.L.
2019A&A...625A..76E – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A76)
The ultra-diffuse galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 with MUSE. I. Kinematics of the stellar body.
Emsellem, E.; van der Burg, R.F.J.; Fensch, J.; Jerabkova, T.; Zanella, A.; Agnello, A.; Hilker, M.; Muller, O.; Rejkuba, M.; Duc, P.-A.; Durrell, P.; Habas, R.; Lelli, F.; Lim, S.; Marleau, F.R.; Peng, E.; Sanchez-Janssen, R.
The ultra-diffuse galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 with MUSE. II. The population of DF2: stars, clusters, and planetary nebulae.
Fensch, J.; van der Burg, R.F.J.; Jerabkova, T.; Emsellem, E.; Zanella, A.; Agnello, A.; Hilker, M.; Muller, O.; Rejkuba, M.; Duc, P.-A.; Durrell, P.; Habas, R.; Lim, S.; Marleau, F.R.; Peng, E.W.; Sanchez Janssen, R.
2019A&A...625A..78A – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A78)
Excitation and charge transfer in low-energy hydrogen atom collisions with neutral carbon and nitrogen.
Amarsi, A.M.; Barklem, P.S.
2019A&A...625A..79H – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A79)
Starspot activity of HD 199178. Doppler images from 1994-2017.
Hackman, T.; Ilyin, I.; Lehtinen, J.J.; Kochukhov, O.; Kapyla, M.J.; Piskunov, N.; Willamo, T.
2019A&A...625A..80K – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A80)
Secondary eclipse of the hot Jupiter WASP-121b at 2 µm.
Kovacs, G.; Kovacs, T.
Photodissociation of CO in the outflow of evolved stars.
Saberi, M.; Vlemmings, W.H.T.; De Beck, E.
Core and stellar mass functions in massive collapsing filaments.
Ntormousi, E.; Hennebelle, P.
Uncertainties in gas kinematics arising from stellar continuum modeling in integral field spectroscopy data: the case of NGC 2906 observed with VLT/MUSE.
Bellocchi, E.; Ascasibar, Y.; Galbany, L.; Sanchez, S.F.; Ibarra-Medel, H.; Gavilan, M.; Diaz, A.
The Universe at extreme magnification.
Diego, J.M.
Simulating stellar winds in AMUSE.
van der Helm, E.; Saladino, M.I.; Portegies Zwart, S.; Pols, O.
Variability in X-ray line ratios in helium-like ions of massive stars: the wind-driven case.
Ignace, R.; Damrau, Z.; Hole, K.T.
2019A&A...625A..87C – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A87)
The evolution of ultra-massive white dwarfs.
Camisassa, M.E.; Althaus, L.G.; Corsico, A.H.; De Geronimo, F.C.; Miller Bertolami, M.M.; Novarino, M.L.; Rohrmann, R.D.; Wachlin, F.C.; Garcia-Berro, E.
Critical angular velocity and anisotropic mass loss of rotating stars with radiation-driven winds.
Gagnier, D.; Rieutord, M.; Charbonnel, C.; Putigny, B.; Espinosa Lara, F.
Evolution of rotation in rapidly rotating early-type stars during the main sequence with 2D models.
Gagnier, D.; Rieutord, M.; Charbonnel, C.; Putigny, B.; Espinosa Lara, F.
Inclination effects on the X-ray emission of Galactic black-hole binaries.
Reig, P.; Kylafis, N.D.
Isocyanogen formation in the cold interstellar medium.
Vastel, C.; Loison, J.C.; Wakelam, V.; Lefloch, B.
Spectral analysis of the dipping LMXB system XB 1916-053.
Gambino, A.F.; Iaria, R.; Di Salvo, T.; Mazzola, S.M.; Marino, A.; Burderi, L.; Riggio, A.; Sanna, A.; D'Amico, N.
Murchison Widefield Array and XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic supernova remnant G5.9+3.1.
Onic, D.; Filipovic, M.D.; Bojicic, I.; Hurley-Walker, N.; Arbutina, B.; Pannuti, T.G.; Maitra, C.; Urosevic, D.; Haberl, F.; Maxted, N.; Wong, G.F.; Rowell, G.; Bell, M.E.; Callingham, J.R.; Dwarakanath, K.S.; For, B.-Q.; Hancock, P.J.; Hindson, L.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Kapinska, A.D.; Lenc, E.; McKinley, B.; Morgan, J.; Offringa, A.R.; Porter, L.E.; Procopio, P.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Wayth, R.B.; Wu, C.; Zheng, Q.
2019A&A...625A..94H – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A94)
Young stellar populations in early-type dwarf galaxies. Occurrence, radial extent, and scaling relations.
Hamraz, E.; Peletier, R.F.; Khosroshahi, H.G.; Valentijn, E.A.; den Brok, M.; Venhola, A.
The Fornax 3D project: Thick disks in a cluster environment.
Pinna, F.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Martig, M.; Coccato, L.; Corsini, E.M.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Gadotti, D.A.; Iodice, E.; Leaman, R.; Lyubenova, M.; Martin-Navarro, I.; Morelli, L.; Sarzi, M.; van de Ven, G.; Viaene, S.; McDermid, R.M.
Using ALMA to resolve the nature of the early star-forming large-scale structure PLCK G073.4-57.5.
Kneissl, R.; del Carmen Polletta, M.; Martinache, C.; Hill, R.; Clarenc, B.; Dole, H.A.; Nesvadba, N.P.H.; Scott, D.; Bethermin, M.; Frye, B.; Giard, M.; Lagache, G.; Montier, L.
Gaia Data Release 2. All-sky classification of high-amplitude pulsating stars.
Rimoldini, L.; Holl, B.; Audard, M.; Mowlavi, N.; Nienartowicz, K.; Evans, D.W.; Guy, L.P.; Lecoeur-Taibi, I.; Jevardat de Fombelle, G.; Marchal, O.; Roelens, M.; De Ridder, J.; Sarro, L.M.; Regibo, S.; Lopez, M.; Clementini, G.; Ripepi, V.; Molinaro, R.; Garofalo, A.; Molnar, L.; Plachy, E.; Juhasz, A.; Szabados, L.; Lebzelter, T.; Teyssier, D.; Eyer, L.
Advanced aspects of Galactic habitability.
Dosovic, V.; Vukotic, B.; Cirkovic, M.M.
2019A&A...625A..99B – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A99)
Investigation of the WR 11 field at decimeter wavelengths.
Benaglia, P.; del Palacio, S.; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; De Becker, M.; Isequilla, N.L.; Saponara, J.
2019A&A...625A.100R – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A100)
Stellar cusp and warm dust at the heart of NGC 1068.
Rouan, D.; Grosset, L.; Gratadour, D.
A new radio molecular line survey of planetary nebulae. HNC/HCN as a diagnostic of ultraviolet irradiation.
Bublitz, J.; Kastner, J.H.; Santander-Garcia, M.; Bujarrabal, V.; Alcolea, J.; Montez, R.
2019A&A...625A.102K – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A102)
MUSE unravels the ionisation and origin of metal-enriched absorbers in the gas halo of a z = 2.92 radio galaxy.
Kolwa, S.; Vernet, J.; De Breuck, C.; Villar-Martin, M.; Humphrey, A.; Arrigoni-Battaia, F.; Gullberg, B.; Falkendal, T.; Drouart, G.; Lehnert, M.D.; Wylezalek, D.; Man, A.
2019A&A...625A.103V – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A103)
Multi-line Herschel/HIFI observations of water reveal infall motions and chemical segregation around high-mass protostars.
van der Tak, F.F.S.; Shipman, R.F.; Jacq, T.; Herpin, F.; Braine, J.; Wyrowski, F.
2019A&A...625A.104R – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A104)
Testing massive star evolution, star formation history, and feedback at low metallicity. Spectroscopic analysis of OB stars in the SMC Wing.
Ramachandran, V.; Hamann, W.-R.; Oskinova, L.M.; Gallagher, J.S.; Hainich, R.; Shenar, T.; Sander, A.A.C.; Todt, H.; Fulmer, L.
Revisiting long-standing puzzles of the Milky Way: the Sun and its vicinity as typical outer disk chemical evolution.
Haywood, M.; Snaith, O.; Lehnert, M.D.; Di Matteo, P.; Khoperskov, S.
Small iron meteoroids. Observation and modeling of meteor light curves.
Capek, D.; Koten, P.; Borovicka, J.; Vojacek, V.; Spurny, P.; Stork, R.
Exoplanet atmospheres with GIANO. II. Detection of molecular absorption in the dayside spectrum of HD 102195b.
Guilluy, G.; Sozzetti, A.; Brogi, M.; Bonomo, A.S.; Giacobbe, P.; Claudi, R.; Benatti, S.
Spontaneous ring formation in wind-emitting accretion discs.
Riols, A.; Lesur, G.
The luminosity-volume test for cosmological fast radio bursts.
Locatelli, N.; Ronchi, M.; Ghirlanda, G.; Ghisellini, G.
Hard and bright gamma-ray emission at the base of the Fermi bubbles.
Herold, L.; Malyshev, D.
The XXL Survey. XXXVI. Evolution and black hole feedback of high-excitation and low-excitation radio galaxies in XXL-S.
Butler, A.; Huynh, M.; Kapinska, A.; Delvecchio, I.; Smolcic, V.; Chiappetti, L.; Koulouridis, E.; Pierre, M.
The XXL Survey. XXXVII. The role of the environment in shaping the stellar population properties of galaxies at 0.1≤z≤0.5.
Guglielmo, V.; Poggianti, B.M.; Vulcani, B.; Maurogordato, S.; Fritz, J.; Bolzonella, M.; Fotopoulou, S.; Adami, C.; Pierre, M.
Correlation of the rate of Type Ia supernovae with the parent galaxy properties: Light and shadows.
Greggio, L.; Cappellaro, E.
2019A&A...625A.114J – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A114)
Radio continuum size evolution of star-forming galaxies over 0.35 < z < 2.25.
Jimenez-Andrade, E.F.; Magnelli, B.; Karim, A.; Zamorani, G.; Bondi, M.; Schinnerer, E.; Sargent, M.; Romano-Diaz, E.; Novak, M.; Lang, P.; Bertoldi, F.; Vardoulaki, E.; Toft, S.; Smolcic, V.; Harrington, K.; Leslie, S.; Delhaize, J.; Liu, D.; Karoumpis, C.; Kartaltepe, J.; Koekemoer, A.M.
2019A&A...625A.115O – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A115)
Ruprecht 147 DANCe. I. Members, empirical isochrone, luminosity, and mass distributions.
Olivares, J.; Bouy, H.; Sarro, L.M.; Miret-Roig, N.; Berihuete, A.; Bertin, E.; Barrado, D.; Huelamo, N.; Tamura, M.; Allen, L.; Beletsky, Y.; Serre, S.; Cuillandre, J.-C.
Rossby wave instability and high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in accretion discs orbiting around black holes.
Varniere, P.; Casse, F.; Vincent, F.H.
Constraining non-linear dynamo models using quasi-biennial oscillations from sunspot area data.
Inceoglu, F.; Simoniello, R.; Arlt, R.; Rempel, M.
Highly structured disk around the planet host PDS 70 revealed by high-angular resolution observations with ALMA.
Keppler, M.; Teague, R.; Bae, J.; Benisty, M.; Henning, T.; van Boekel, R.; Chapillon, E.; Pinilla, P.; Williams, J.P.; Bertrang, G.H.-M.; Facchini, S.; Flock, M.; Ginski, C.; Juhasz, A.; Klahr, H.; Liu, Y.; Muller, A.; Perez, L.M.; Pohl, A.; Rosotti, G.; Samland, M.; Semenov, D.
The strong gravitational lens finding challenge.
Metcalf, R.B.; Meneghetti, M.; Avestruz, C.; Bellagamba, F.; Bom, C.R.; Bertin, E.; Cabanac, R.; Courbin, F.; Davies, A.; Decenciere, E.; Flamary, R.; Gavazzi, R.; Geiger, M.; Hartley, P.; Huertas-Company, M.; Jackson, N.; Jacobs, C.; Jullo, E.; Kneib, J.-P.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Lanusse, F.; Li, C.-L.; Ma, Q.; Makler, M.; Li, N.; Lightman, M.; Petrillo, C.E.; Serjeant, S.; Schafer, C.; Sonnenfeld, A.; Tagore, A.; Tortora, C.; Tuccillo, D.; Valentin, M.B.; Velasco-Forero, S.; Verdoes Kleijn, G.A.; Vernardos, G.
Radial abundance gradients in the outer Galactic disk as traced by main-sequence OB stars.
Braganca, G.A.; Daflon, S.; Lanz, T.; Cunha, K.; Bensby, T.; McMillan, P.J.; Garmany, C.D.; Glaspey, J.W.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Oey, M.S.; Hubeny, I.
Influence of general-relativity effects, dynamical tides, and collisions on planet-planet scattering close to the star.
Marzari, F.; Nagasawa, M.
2019A&A...625A.122M – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A122)
CIELO-RGS: a catalog of soft X-ray ionized emission lines.
Mao, J.; Kaastra, J.S.; Guainazzi, M.; Gonzalez-Riestra, R.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Kretschmar, P.; Grinberg, V.; Kalfountzou, E.; Ibarra, A.; Matzeu, G.; Parker, M.; Rodriguez-Pascual, P.
SDSS-IV/SPIDERS: A catalogue of X-ray selected AGN properties. Spectral properties and black hole mass estimates for SPIDERS SDSS DR14 type 1 AGN.
Coffey, D.; Salvato, M.; Merloni, A.; Boller, T.; Nandra, K.; Dwelly, T.; Comparat, J.; Schulze, A.; Del Moro, A.; Schneider, D.P.
Simulations of imaging the event horizon of Sagittarius A* from space.
Roelofs, F.; Falcke, H.; Brinkerink, C.; Moscibrodzka, M.; Gurvits, L.I.; Martin-Neira, M.; Kudriashov, V.; Klein-Wolt, M.; Tilanus, R.; Kramer, M.; Rezzolla, L.
Nonconservative Rayleigh scattering. A perturbation approach.
Frisch, H.
The HADES RV programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XI. GJ 685 b: a warm super-Earth around an active M dwarf.
Pinamonti, M.; Sozzetti, A.; Giacobbe, P.; Damasso, M.; Scandariato, G.; Perger, M.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Lanza, A.F.; Maldonado, J.; Micela, G.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Toledo-Padron, B.; Affer, L.; Benatti, S.; Bignamini, A.; Bonomo, A.S.; Claudi, R.; Cosentino, R.; Desidera, S.; Maggio, A.; Martinez Fiorenzano, A.; Pagano, I.; Piotto, G.; Rainer, M.; Rebolo, R.; Ribas, I.
Low redshift constraints on energy-momentum-powered gravity models.
Faria, M.C.F.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Chiti, F.; Silva, B.S.A.
Spectropolarimetric analysis of an active region filament. I. Magnetic and dynamical properties from single component inversions.
Diaz Baso, C.J.; Martinez Gonzalez, M.J.; Asensio Ramos, A.
Spectropolarimetric analysis of an active region filament. II. Evidence of the limitations of a single-component model.
Diaz Baso, C.J.; Martinez Gonzalez, M.J.; Asensio Ramos, A.
Photometric redshift galaxies as tracers of the filamentary network.
Kruuse, M.; Tempel, E.; Kipper, R.; Stoica, R.S.
Source number counts at high energies: Swift versus NuSTAR.
Akylas, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.
2019A&A...625A.132S – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A132)
Constraining mixing in massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Schootemeijer, A.; Langer, N.; Grin, N.J.; Wang, C.
Spectroscopic and dynamical properties of comet C/2018 F4, likely a true average former member of the Oort cloud.
Licandro, J.; de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.; de Leon, J.; Serra-Ricart, M.; Cabrera-Lavers, A.
2019A&A...625A.134R – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A134)
Herschel-HOBYS study of the earliest phases of high-mass star formation in NGC 6357.
Russeil, D.; Figueira, M.; Zavagno, A.; Motte, F.; Schneider, N.; Men'shchikov, A.; Bontemps, S.; Andre, P.; Anderson, L.D.; Benedettini, M.; Didelon, P.; Di Francesco, J.; Elia, D.; Konyves, V.; Nguyen Luong, Q.; Nony, T.; Pezzuto, S.; Rygl, K.L.J.; Schisano, E.; Spinoglio, L.; Tige, J.; White, G.J.
2019A&A...625A.135L – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A135)
Gaia-2MASS 3D maps of Galactic interstellar dust within 3 kpc.
Lallement, R.; Babusiaux, C.; Vergely, J.L.; Katz, D.; Arenou, F.; Valette, B.; Hottier, C.; Capitanio, L.
2019A&A...625A.136A – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A136)
Climate of an ultra hot Jupiter. Spectroscopic phase curve of WASP-18b with HST/WFC3.
Arcangeli, J.; Desert, J.-M.; Parmentier, V.; Stevenson, K.B.; Bean, J.L.; Line, M.R.; Kreidberg, L.; Fortney, J.J.; Showman, A.P.
Confronting expansion distances of planetary nebulae with Gaia DR2 measurements.
Schonberner, D.; Steffen, M.
Planetesimal fragmentation and giant planet formation. II. Dependencies with planetesimal relative velocities and compositions.
San Sebastian, I.L.; Guilera, O.M.; Parisi, M.G.
2019A&A...625A.139M – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A139)
Thermal properties of slowly rotating asteroids: results from a targeted survey.
Marciniak, A.; Ali-Lagoa, V.; Muller, T.G.; Szakats, R.; Molnar, L.; Pal, A.; Podlewska-Gaca, E.; Parley, N.; Antonini, P.; Barbotin, E.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; Butkiewicz-Bak, M.; Crippa, R.; Duffard, R.; Ditteon, R.; Feuerbach, M.; Fauvaud, S.; Garlitz, J.; Geier, S.; Goncalves, R.; Grice, J.; Grzeskowiak, I.; Hirsch, R.; Horbowicz, J.; Kaminski, K.; Kaminska, M.K.; Kim, D.-H.; Kim, M.-J.; Konstanciak, I.; Kudak, V.; Kulczak, P.; Maestre, J.L.; Manzini, F.; Marks, S.; Monteiro, F.; Ogloza, W.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Pilcher, F.; Perig, V.; Polakis, T.; Polinska, M.; Roy, R.; Sanabria, J.J.; Santana-Ros, T.; Skiff, B.; Skrzypek, J.; Sobkowiak, K.; Sonbas, E.; Thizy, O.; Trela, P.; Urakawa, S.; Zejmo, M.; Zukowski, K.
High-energy ion impacts into the sulfur-bearing ice surface of Europa: an atomistic study of chemical transformations.
Anders, C.; Urbassek, H.M.
2019A&A...625A.141L – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A141)
Abundances of disk and bulge giants from high-resolution optical spectra. III. Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni.
Lomaeva, M.; Jonsson, H.; Ryde, N.; Schultheis, M.; Thorsbro, B.
NGTS-5b: a highly inflated planet offering insights into the sub-Jovian desert.
Eigmuller, P.; Chaushev, A.; Gillen, E.; Smith, A.; Nielsen, L.D.; Turner, O.; Csizmadia, S.; Smalley, B.; Bayliss, D.; Belardi, C.; Bouchy, F.; Burleigh, M.R.; Cabrera, J.; Casewell, S.L.; Chazelas, B.; Cooke, B.F.; Erikson, A.; Gansicke, B.T.; Gunther, M.N.; Goad, M.R.; Grange, A.; Jackman, J.A.G.; Jenkins, J.S.; McCormac, J.; Moyano, M.; Pollacco, D.; Poppenhaeger, K.; Queloz, D.; Raynard, L.; Rauer, H.; Udry, S.; Walker, S.R.; Watson, C.A.; West, R.G.; Wheatley, P.J.
The Fornax Deep Survey (FDS) with VST. VI. Optical properties of the dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster.
Venhola, A.; Peletier, R.; Laurikainen, E.; Salo, H.; Iodice, E.; Mieske, S.; Hilker, M.; Wittmann, C.; Paolillo, M.; Cantiello, M.; Janz, J.; Spavone, M.; D'Abrusco, R.; van de Ven, G.; Napolitano, N.; Verdoes Kleijn, G.; Capaccioli, M.; Grado, A.; Valentijn, E.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Limatola, L.
Wave modes excited by photospheric p-modes and mode conversion in a multi-loop system.
Riedl, J.M.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Santamaria, I.C.
Transit-period search from single-event space-based data: the role of wide-field surveys.
Kovacs, G.
Inner and outer rings are not strongly coupled with stellar bars.
Diaz-Garcia, S.; Diaz-Suarez, S.; Knapen, J.H.; Salo, H.
2019A&A...625A.147A – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A147)
A sensitive λ 3 mm line survey of L483. A broad view of the chemical composition of a core around a Class 0 object.
Agundez, M.; Marcelino, N.; Cernicharo, J.; Roueff, E.; Tafalla, M.
2019A&A...625A.148D – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A148)
M 31 circum-nuclear region: A molecular survey with the IRAM interferometer.
Dassa-Terrier, J.; Melchior, A.-L.; Combes, F.
The effects of numerical resolution, heating timescales and background heating on thermal non-equilibrium in coronal loops.
Johnston, C.D.; Cargill, P.J.; Antolin, P.; Hood, A.W.; De Moortel, I.; Bradshaw, S.J.
2019A&A...625A.150V – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A150)
EBLM Project. V. Physical properties of ten fully convective, very-low-mass stars.
von Boetticher A.; Triaud A.H.M.J.; Queloz D.; Gill S.; Maxted P.F.L.; Almleaky Y.; Anderson D. R.; Bouchy F.; Burdanov A.; Collier Cameron A.; Delrez L.; Ducrot E.; Faedi F.; Gillon M.; Gomez Maqueo Chew Y.; Hebb L.; Hellier C.; Jehin E.; Lendl M.; Marmier M.; Martin D.V.; McCormac J.; Pepe F.; Pollacco D.; Segransan D.; Smalley B.; Thompson S.; Turner O.; Udry S.; Van Grootel V.; West R.
2019A&A...625A.151B – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A151)
New type II Cepheids from VVV data towards the Galactic center.
Braga, V.F.; Contreras Ramos, R.; Minniti, D.; Ferreira Lopes, C.E.; Catelan, M.; Minniti, J.H.; Nikzat, F.; Zoccali, M.
2019A&A...625A.152B – (Tables: J/A+A/625/A152)
Light-curve models of black hole - neutron star mergers: steps towards a multi-messenger parameter estimation.
Barbieri, C.; Salafia, O.S.; Perego, A.; Colpi, M.; Ghirlanda, G.
Galactic cosmic ray hydrogen spectra and radial gradients in the inner heliosphere measured by the HELIOS Experiment 6.
Marquardt, J.; Heber, B.
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