Astron. Astrophys. 613
May(I) 2018

A high-resolution VLT/FLAMES study of individual stars in the centre of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Corrigendum).
Letarte, B.; Hill, V.; Tolstoy, E.; Jablonka, P.; Shetrone, M.; Venn, K.A.; Spite, M.; Irwin, M.J.; Battaglia, G.; Helmi, A.; Primas, F.; Francois, P.; Kaufer, A.; Szeifert, T.; Arimoto, N.; Sadakane, K.
MASCARA-1 b. A hot Jupiter transiting a bright mV = 8.3 A-star in a misaligned orbit (Corrigendum).
Talens, G.J.J.; Albrecht, S.; Spronck, J.F.P.; Lesage, A.-L.; Otten, G.P.P.L.; Stuik, R.; Van Eylen, V.; Van Winckel, H.; Pollacco, D.; McCormac, J.; Grundahl, F.; Fredslund Andersen, M.; Antoci, V.; Snellen, I.A.G.
Subarcsecond international LOFAR radio images of Arp 220 at 150 MHz. A kpc-scale star forming disk surrounding nuclei with shocked outflows (Corrigendum).
Varenius, E.; Conway, J.E.; Marti-Vidal, I.; Aalto, S.; Barcos-Munoz, L.; Konig, S.; Perez-Torres, M.A.; Deller, A.T.; Moldon, J.; Gallagher, J.S.; Yoast-Hull, T.M.; Horellou, C.; Morabito, L.K.; Alberdi, A.; Jackson, N.; Beswick, R.; Carozzi, T.D.; Wucknitz, O.; Ramirez-Olivencia, N.
The evolution of the X-ray afterglow emission of GW 170817/ GRB 170817A in XMM-Newton observations.
D'Avanzo, P.; Campana, S.; Salafia, O.S.; Ghirlanda, G.; Ghisellini, G.; Melandri, A.; Bernardini, M.G.; Branchesi, M.; Chassande-Mottin, E.; Covino, S.; D'Elia, V.; Nava, L.; Salvaterra, R.; Tagliaferri, G.; Vergani, S.D.
Metals and dust in the neutral ISM: the Galaxy, Magellanic Clouds, and damped Lyman-α absorbers.
De Cia, A.
Excitation of vertical coronal loop oscillations by impulsively driven flows.
Kohutova, P.; Verwichte, E.
Rotation of the asymptotic giant branch star R Doradus.
Vlemmings, W.H.T.; Khouri, T.; De Beck, E.; Olofsson, H.; Garcia-Segura, G.; Villaver, E.; Baudry, A.; Humphreys, E.M.L.; Maercker, M.; Ramstedt, S.
2018A&A...613L...5H – (Tables: J/A+A/613/L5)
Searching for Hα emitting sources around MWC 758. SPHERE/ZIMPOL high-contrast imaging.
Huelamo, N.; Chauvin, G.; Schmid, H.M.; Quanz, S.P.; Whelan, E.; Lillo-Box, J.; Barrado, D.; Montesinos, B.; Alcala, J.M.; Benisty, M.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Mendigutia, I.; Bouy, H.; Merin, B.; de Boer, J.; Garufi, A.; Pantin, E.
New disk discovered with VLT/SPHERE around the M star GSC 07396-00759.
Sissa, E.; Olofsson, J.; Vigan, A.; Augereau, J.C.; D'Orazi, V.; Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Langlois, M.; Rigliaco, E.; Boccaletti, A.; Kral, Q.; Lazzoni, C.; Mesa, D.; Messina, S.; Sezestre, E.; Thebault, P.; Zurlo, A.; Bhowmik, T.; Bonnefoy, M.; Chauvin, G.; Feldt, M.; Hagelberg, J.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Janson, M.; Maire, A.-L.; Menard, F.; Schlieder, J.; Schmidt, T.; Szulagyi, J.; Stadler, E.; Maurel, D.; Delboulbe, A.; Feautrier, P.; Ramos, J.; Rigal, F.
VLTI-GRAVITY measurements of cool evolved stars. I. Variable photosphere and extended atmosphere of the Mira star R Peg.
Wittkowski, M.; Rau, G.; Chiavassa, A.; Hofner, S.; Scholz, M.; Wood, P.R.; de Wit, W.J.; Eisenhauer, F.; Haubois, X.; Paumard, T.
The VMC survey. XXX. Stellar proper motions in the central parts of the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Niederhofer, F.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Rubele, S.; Schmidt, T.; Bekki, K.; de Grijs, R.; Emerson, J.; Ivanov, V.D.; Marconi, M.; Oliveira, J.M.; Petr-Gotzens, M.G.; Ripepi, V.; van Loon, J.T.; Zaggia, S.
UVIT observations of the star-forming ring in NGC 7252: Evidence of possible AGN feedback suppressing central star formation.
George, K.; Joseph, P.; Mondal, C.; Devaraj, A.; Subramaniam, A.; Stalin, C.S.; Cote, P.; Ghosh, S.K.; Hutchings, J.B.; Mohan, R.; Postma, J.; Sankarasubramanian, K.; Sreekumar, P.; Tandon, S.N.
Infrared outbursts as potential tracers of common-envelope events in high-mass X-ray binary formation.
Oskinova, L.M.; Bulik, T.; Gomez-Moran, A.N.
Validity of abundances derived from spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey.
Pilyugin, L.S.; Grebel, E.K.; Zinchenko, I.A.; Nefedyev, Y.A.; Shulga, V.M.; Wei, H.; Berczik, P.P.
RAPTOR. I. Time-dependent radiative transfer in arbitrary spacetimes.
Bronzwaer, T.; Davelaar, J.; Younsi, Z.; Moscibrodzka, M.; Falcke, H.; Kramer, M.; Rezzolla, L.
2018A&A...613A...3Q – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A3)
Deep millimeter spectroscopy observations toward NGC 1068.
Qiu, J.; Wang, J.; Shi, Y.; Zhang, J.; Fang, M.; Li, F.
Caught in the rhythm. I. How satellites settle into a plane around their central galaxy.
Welker, C.; Dubois, Y.; Pichon, C.; Devriendt, J.; Chisari, N.E.
Super-luminous Type II supernovae powered by magnetars.
Dessart, L.; Audit, E.
Generalised model-independent characterisation of strong gravitational lenses. II. Transformation matrix between multiple images.
Wagner, J.; Tessore, N.
Scattering linear polarization of late-type active stars.
Yakobchuk, T.M.; Berdyugina, S.V.
Three-dimensional simulations of the interaction between the nova ejecta, accretion disk, and companion star.
Figueira, J.; Jose, J.; Garcia-Berro, E.; Campbell, S.W.; Garcia-Senz, D.; Mohamed, S.
2018A&A...613A...9M – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A9)
Optical-NIR dust extinction towards Galactic O stars.
Maiz Apellaniz, J.; Barba, R.H.
Generation and evolution of anisotropic turbulence and related energy transfer in drifting proton-alpha plasmas.
Maneva, Y.G.; Poedts, S.
2018A&A...613A..11W – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A11)
Gravity drives the evolution of infrared dark hubs: JVLA observations of SDC13.
Williams, G.M.; Peretto, N.; Avison, A.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fuller, G.A.
Spectroscopic and physical parameters of Galactic O-type stars. III. Mass discrepancy and rotational mixing.
Markova, N.; Puls, J.; Langer, N.
Spatially resolved star formation and dust attenuation in Mrk 848: Comparison of the integral field spectra and the UV-to-IR SED.
Yuan, F.-T.; Argudo-Fernandez, M.; Shen, S.; Hao, L.; Jiang, C.; Yin, J.; Boquien, M.; Lin, L.
Molecular abundances and C/O ratios in chemically evolving planet-forming disk midplanes.
Eistrup, C.; Walsh, C.; van Dishoeck, E.F.
Scale dependence of galaxy biasing investigated by weak gravitational lensing: An assessment using semi-analytic galaxies and simulated lensing data.
Simon, P.; Hilbert, S.
Consistency with synchrotron emission in the bright GRB 160625B observed by Fermi.
Ravasio, M.E.; Oganesyan, G.; Ghirlanda, G.; Nava, L.; Ghisellini, G.; Pescalli, A.; Celotti, A.
First analysis of solar structures in 1.21 mm full-disc ALMA image of the Sun.
Brajsa, R.; Sudar, D.; Benz, A.O.; Skokic, I.; Barta, M.; De Pontieu, B.; Kim, S.; Kobelski, A.; Kuhar, M.; Shimojo, M.; Wedemeyer, S.; White, S.; Yagoubov, P.; Yan, Y.
Knotty protostellar jets as a signature of episodic protostellar accretion?
Vorobyov, E.I.; Elbakyan, V.G.; Plunkett, A.L.; Dunham, M.M.; Audard, M.; Guedel, M.; Dionatos, O.
Orbit and intrinsic spin-up of the newly discovered transient X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124.
Doroshenko, V.; Tsygankov, S.; Santangelo, A.
2018A&A...613A..20D – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A20)
The optical properties of galaxies in the Ophiuchus cluster.
Durret, F.; Wakamatsu, K.; Adami, C.; Nagayama, T.; Omega Muleka Mwewa Mwaba, J.M.
Long-lasting injection of solar energetic electrons into the heliosphere.
Dresing, N.; Gomez-Herrero, R.; Heber, B.; Klassen, A.; Temmer, M.; Veronig, A.
IGR J17329-2731: The birth of a symbiotic X-ray binary.
Bozzo, E.; Bahramian, A.; Ferrigno, C.; Sanna, A.; Strader, J.; Lewis, F.; Russell, D.M.; di Salvo, T.; Burderi, L.; Riggio, A.; Papitto, A.; Gandhi, P.; Romano, P.
Solar wind temperature anisotropy constraints from streaming instabilities.
Vafin, S.; Lazar, M.; Fichtner, H.; Schlickeiser, R.; Drillisch, M.
Using the CIFIST grid of CO5BOLD 3D model atmospheres to study the effects of stellar granulation on photometric colours. II. The role of convection across the H-R diagram.
Kucinskas, A.; Klevas, J.; Ludwig, H.-G.; Bonifacio, P.; Steffen, M.; Caffau, E.
2018A&A...613A..25B – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A25)
A temperate exo-Earth around a quiet M dwarf at 3.4 parsec.
Bonfils, X.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Diaz, R.; Almenara, J.-M.; Forveille, T.; Bouchy, F.; Delfosse, X.; Lovis, C.; Mayor, M.; Murgas, F.; Pepe, F.; Santos, N. C; Segransan, D.; Udry, S.; Wunsche, A.
New nearby white dwarfs from Gaia DR1 TGAS and UCAC5/URAT.
Scholz, R.-D.; Meusinger, H.; Jahreiss, H.
Evolution of relative magnetic helicity. New boundary conditions for the vector potential.
Yang, S.; Buchner, J.; Skala, J.; Zhang, H.
Jovian electrons in the inner heliosphere. Proposing a new source spectrum based on 30 years of measurements.
Vogt, A.; Heber, B.; Kopp, A.; Potgieter, M.S.; Strauss, R.D.
2018A&A...613A..29V – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A29)
Imaging the water snowline in a protostellar envelope with H13CO.
van 't Hoff, M.L.R.; Persson, M.V.; Harsono, D.; Taquet, V.; Jorgensen, J.K.; Visser, R.; Bergin, E.A.; van Dishoeck, E.F.
A near-infrared, optical, and ultraviolet polarimetric and timing investigation of complex equatorial dusty structures.
Marin, F.; Rojas Lobos, P.A.; Hameury, J.M.; Goosmann, R.W.
Timescales of starspot variability in slow rotators.
Arkhypov, O.V.; Khodachenko, M.L.; Gudel, M.; Johnstone, C.; Luftinger, T.; Lammer, H.
Empirical models of Jupiter's interior from Juno data. Moment of inertia and tidal Love number k2.
Ni, D.
Detection of new eruptions in the Magellanic Clouds luminous blue variables R 40 and R 110.
Campagnolo, J.C.N.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Drake, N.A.; Kraus, M.; Guerrero, C.A.; Pereira, C.B.
ALMA view of RX J1131-1231: Sub-kpc CO (2-1) mapping of a molecular disk in a lensed star-forming quasar host galaxy.
Paraficz, D.; Rybak, M.; McKean, J.P.; Vegetti, S.; Sluse, D.; Courbin, F.; Stacey, H.R.; Suyu, S.H.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Fassnacht, C.D.; Koopmans, L.V.E.
Constraints on core-collapse supernova progenitors from explosion site integral field spectroscopy.
Kuncarayakti, H.; Anderson, J.P.; Galbany, L.; Maeda, K.; Hamuy, M.; Aldering, G.; Arimoto, N.; Doi, M.; Morokuma, T.; Usuda, T.
Exposed bright features on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: distribution and evolution.
Deshapriya, J.D.P.; Barucci, M.A.; Fornasier, S.; Hasselmann, P.H.; Feller, C.; Sierks, H.; Lucchetti, A.; Pajola, M.; Oklay, N.; Mottola, S.; Masoumzadeh, N.; Tubiana, C.; Guttler, C.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; Bodewits, D.; Boudreault, S.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; Davidsson, B.J.R.; Debei, S.; De Cecco, M.; Deller, J.; Fulle, M.; Groussin, O.; Gutierrez, P.J.; Hoang, H.V.; Hviid, S.F.; Ip, W.; Jorda, L.; Keller, H.U.; Knollenberg, J.; Kramm, R.; Kuhrt, E.; Kuppers, M.; Lara, L.; Lazzarin, M.; Lopez Moreno, J.J.; Marzari, F.; Naletto, G.; Preusker, F.; Shi, X.; Thomas, N.; Vincent, J.-B.
Interior structures and tidal heating in the TRAPPIST-1 planets.
Barr, A.C.; Dobos, V.; Kiss, L.L.
Properties of active galaxies at the extreme of Eigenvector 1.
Sniegowska, M.; Czerny, B.; You, B.; Panda, S.; Wang, J.-M.; Hryniewicz, K.; Wildy, C.
Horizontal flow below solar filaments.
Ambroz, P.; Potzi, W.
2018A&A...613A..40K – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A40)
Herschel-PACS photometry of faint stars for sensitivity performance assessment and establishment of faint FIR primary photometric standards.
Klaas, U.; Balog, Z.; Nielbock, M.; Muller, T.G.; Linz, H.; Kiss, C.
2018A&A...613A..41M – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A41)
The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XVI. Measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect of transiting planetary systems HAT-P-3, HAT-P-12, HAT-P-22, WASP-39, and WASP-60.
Mancini, L.; Esposito, M.; Covino, E.; Southworth, J.; Biazzo, K.; Bruni, I.; Ciceri, S.; Evans, D.; Lanza, A.F.; Poretti, E.; Sarkis, P.; Smith, A.M.S.; Brogi, M.; Affer, L.; Benatti, S.; Bignamini, A.; Boccato, C.; Bonomo, A.S.; Borsa, F.; Carleo, I.; Claudi, R.; Cosentino, R.; Damasso, M.; Desidera, S.; Giacobbe, P.; Gonzalez-Alvarez, E.; Gratton, R.; Harutyunyan, A.; Leto, G.; Maggio, A.; Malavolta, L.; Maldonado, J.; Martinez-Fiorenzano, A.; Masiero, S.; Micela, G.; Molinari, E.; Nascimbeni, V.; Pagano, I.; Pedani, M.; Piotto, G.; Rainer, M.; Scandariato, G.; Smareglia, R.; Sozzetti, A.; Andreuzzi, G.; Henning, T.
2018A&A...613A..42R – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A42)
Footpoints of the giant molecular loops in the Galactic center region.
Riquelme, D.; Amo-Baladron, M.A.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Mauersberger, R.; Martin, S.; Burton, M.; Cunningham, M.; Jones, P.A.; Menten, K.M.; Bronfman, L.; Gusten, R.
Spatially resolving the dust properties and submillimetre excess in M 33.
Relano, M.; De Looze, I.; Kennicutt, R.C.; Lisenfeld, U.; Dariush, A.; Verley, S.; Braine, J.; Tabatabaei, F.; Kramer, C.; Boquien, M.; Xilouris, M.; Gratier, P.
The contribution of faint AGNs to the ionizing background at z ∼ 4.
Grazian, A.; Giallongo, E.; Boutsia, K.; Cristiani, S.; Vanzella, E.; Scarlata, C.; Santini, P.; Pentericci, L.; Merlin, E.; Menci, N.; Fontanot, F.; Fontana, A.; Fiore, F.; Civano, F.; Castellano, M.; Brusa, M.; Bonchi, A.; Carini, R.; Cusano, F.; Faccini, M.; Garilli, B.; Marchetti, A.; Rossi, A.; Speziali, R.
Semidiurnal thermal tides in asynchronously rotating hot Jupiters.
Auclair-Desrotour, P.; Leconte, J.
Asteroseismology of ZZ Ceti stars with full evolutionary white dwarf models. II. The impact of AGB thermal pulses on the asteroseismic inferences of ZZ Ceti stars.
De Geronimo, F.C.; Althaus, L.G.; Corsico, A.H.; Romero, A.D.; Kepler, S.O.
2018A&A...613A..47A – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A47)
Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems (TAPAS) with HARPS-N. VI. HD 238914 and TYC 3318-01333-1: two more Li-rich giants with planets.
Adamow, M.; Niedzielski, A.; Kowalik, K.; Villaver, E.; Wolszczan, A.; Maciejewski, G.; Gromadzki, M.
NGC 4051: Black hole mass and photon index-mass accretion rate correlation.
Seifina, E.; Chekhtman, A.; Titarchuk, L.
Widespread HCN maser emission in carbon-rich evolved stars.
Menten, K.M.; Wyrowski, F.; Keller, D.; Kaminski, T.
Multi-band high resolution spectroscopy rules out the hot Jupiter BD+20 1790b. First data from the GIARPS Commissioning.
Carleo, I.; Benatti, S.; Lanza, A.F.; Gratton, R.; Claudi, R.; Desidera, S.; Mace, G.N.; Messina, S.; Sanna, N.; Sissa, E.; Ghedina, A.; Ghinassi, F.; Guerra, J.; Harutyunyan, A.; Micela, G.; Molinari, E.; Oliva, E.; Tozzi, A.; Baffa, C.; Baruffolo, A.; Bignamini, A.; Buchschacher, N.; Cecconi, M.; Cosentino, R.; Endl, M.; Falcini, G.; Fantinel, D.; Fini, L.; Fugazza, D.; Galli, A.; Giani, E.; Gonzalez, C.; Gonzalez-Alvarez, E.; Gonzalez, M.; Hernandez, N.; Diaz, M.H.; Iuzzolino, M.; Kaplan, K.F.; Kidder, B.T.; Lodi, M.; Malavolta, L.; Maldonado, J.; Origlia, L.; Ventura, H.P.; Puglisi, A.; Rainer, M.; Riverol, L.; Riverol, C.; Juan, J.S.; Scuderi, S.; Seemann, U.; Sokal, K.R.; Sozzetti, A.; Sozzi, M.
2018A&A...613A..51P – (Tables: VII/286)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Fourteenth data release.
Paris, I.; Petitjean, P.; Aubourg, E.; Myers, A.D.; Streblyanska, A.; Lyke, B.W.; Anderson, S.F.; Armengaud, E.; Bautista, J.; Blanton, M.R.; Blomqvist, M.; Brinkmann, J.; Brownstein, J.R.; Brandt, W.N.; Burtin, E.; Dawson, K.; de la Torre, S.; Georgakakis, A.; Gil-Marin, H.; Green, P.J.; Hall, P.B.; Kneib, J.-P.; LaMassa, S.M.; Le Goff, J.-M.; MacLeod, C.; Mariappan, V.; McGreer, I.D.; Merloni, A.; Noterdaeme, P.; Palanque-Delabrouille, N.; Percival, W.J.; Ross, A.J.; Rossi, G.; Schneider, D.P.; Seo, H.-J.; Tojeiro, R.; Weaver, B.A.; Weijmans, A.-M.; Yeche, C.; Zarrouk, P.; Zhao, G.-B.
Discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary IGR J06074+2205.
Reig, P.; Zezas, A.
The mass and age of the first SONG target: the red giant 46 LMi.
Frandsen, S.; Fredslund Andersen, M.; Brogaard, K.; Jiang, C.; Arentoft, T.; Grundahl, F.; Kjeldsen, H.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Weiss, E.; Palle, P.; Antoci, V.; Kjaergaard, P.; Sorensen, A.N.; Skottfelt, J.; Jorgensen, U.G.
Probing the use of spectroscopy to determine the meteoritic analogues of meteors.
Drouard, A.; Vernazza, P.; Loehle, S.; Gattacceca, J.; Vaubaillon, J.; Zanda, B.; Birlan, M.; Bouley, S.; Colas, F.; Eberhart, M.; Hermann, T.; Jorda, L.; Marmo, C.; Meindl, A.; Oefele, R.; Zamkotsian, F.; Zander, F.
Structure of the Balmer jump. The isolated hydrogen atom.
Calvo, F.; Belluzzi, L.; Steiner, O.
2018A&A...613A..56L – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A56)
Detailed abundance analysis of globular clusters in the Local Group. NGC 147, NGC 6822, and Messier 33.
Larsen, S.S.; Brodie, J.P.; Wasserman, A.; Strader, J.
Cometary ion dynamics observed in the close vicinity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during the intermediate activity period.
Bercic, L.; Behar, E.; Nilsson, H.; Nicolaou, G.; Wieser, G.S.; Wieser, M.; Goetz, C.
2018A&A...613A..58V – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A58)
Polarized point sources in the LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey: A preliminary catalog.
Van Eck, C.L.; Haverkorn, M.; Alves, M.I.R.; Beck, R.; Best, P.; Carretti, E.; Chyzy, K.T.; Farnes, J.S.; Ferriere, K.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Heald, G.; Horellou, C.; Iacobelli, M.; Jelic, V.; Mulcahy, D.D.; O'Sullivan, S.P.; Polderman, I.M.; Reich, W.; Riseley, C.J.; Rottgering, H.; Schnitzeler, D.H.F.M.; Shimwell, T.W.; Vacca, V.; Vink, J.; White, G.J.
Formation of terrestrial planets in eccentric and inclined giant planet systems.
Sotiriadis, S.; Libert, A.-S.; Raymond, S.N.
Magnetic field topology of the cool, active, short-period binary system σ2 Coronae Borealis.
Rosen, L.; Kochukhov, O.; Alecian, E.; Neiner, C.; Morin, J.; Wade, G.A.; (The BinaMIcS collaboration)
Coherent curvature radiation and fast radio bursts.
Ghisellini, G.; Locatelli, N.
Number density structures in the inner heliosphere.
Stansby, D.; Horbury, T.S.
2018A&A...613A..63B – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A63)
The lithium-rotation connection in the 125 Myr-old Pleiades cluster.
Bouvier, J.; Barrado, D.; Moraux, E.; Stauffer, J.; Rebull, L.; Hillenbrand, L.; Bayo, A.; Boisse, I.; Bouy, H.; DiFolco, E.; Lillo-Box, J.; Calderon, M.M.
Solid H2 in the interstellar medium.
Fuglistaler, A.; Pfenniger, D.
2018A&A...613A..65H – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A65)
The IACOB project. V. Spectroscopic parameters of the O-type stars in the modern grid of standards for spectral classification.
Holgado, G.; Simon-Diaz, S.; Barba, R.H.; Puls, J.; Herrero, A.; Castro, N.; Garcia, M.; Maiz Apellaniz, J.; Negueruela, I.; Sabin-Sanjulian, C.
Rotational broadening and conservation of angular momentum in post-extreme horizontal branch stars.
Fontaine, G.; Latour, M.
2018A&A...613A..67S – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A67)
Evolution of the cluster optical galaxy luminosity function in the CFHTLS: breaking the degeneracy between mass and redshift.
Sarron, F.; Martinet, N.; Durret, F.; Adami, C.
The nature of the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets.
Grimm, S.L.; Demory, B.-O.; Gillon, M.; Dorn, C.; Agol, E.; Burdanov, A.; Delrez, L.; Sestovic, M.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Turbet, M.; Bolmont, E.; Caldas, A.; de Wit, J.; Jehin, E.; Leconte, J.; Raymond, S.N.; Van Grootel, V.; Burgasser, A.J.; Carey, S.; Fabrycky, D.; Heng, K.; Hernandez, D.M.; Ingalls, J.G.; Lederer, S.; Selsis, F.; Queloz, D.
Observations of white-light flares in NOAA active region 11515: high occurrence rate and relationship with magnetic transients.
Song, Y.L.; Tian, H.; Zhang, M.; Ding, M.D.
2018A&A...613A..70S – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A70)
Study of a sample of faint Be stars in the exofield of CoRoT. II. Pulsation and outburst events: Time series analysis of photometric variations.
Semaan, T.; Hubert, A.M.; Zorec, J.; Gutierrez-Soto, J.; Fremat, Y.; Martayan, C.; Fabregat, J.; Eggenberger, P.
Supervised detection of exoplanets in high-contrast imaging sequences.
Gomez Gonzalez, C.A.; Absil, O.; Van Droogenbroeck, M.
2018A&A...613A..72G – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A72)
KMOS LENsing Survey (KLENS): Morpho-kinematic analysis of star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 2.
Girard, M.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Schaerer, D.; Cirasuolo, M.; Turner, O.J.; Cava, A.; Rodriguez-Munoz, L.; Richard, J.; Perez-Gonzalez, P.G.
Probing sunspots with two-skip time-distance helioseismology.
Duvall, T.L.Jr; Cally, P.S.; Przybylski, D.; Nagashima, K.; Gizon, L.
Broadband radio spectro-polarimetric observations of high-Faraday-rotation-measure AGN.
Pasetto, A.; Carrasco-Gonzalez, C.; O'Sullivan, S.; Basu, A.; Bruni, G.; Kraus, A.; Curiel, S.; Mack, K.-H.
Two-dimensional modeling of density and thermal structure of dense circumstellar outflowing disks.
Kurfurst, P.; Feldmeier, A.; Krticka, J.
2018A&A...613A..76J – (Tables: J/A+A/613/A76)
A hot Saturn on an eccentric orbit around the giant star K2-132.
Jones, M.I.; Brahm, R.; Espinoza, N.; Jordan, A.; Rojas, F.; Rabus, M.; Drass, H.; Zapata, A.; Soto, M.G.; Jenkins, J.S.; Vuckovic, M.; Ciceri, S.; Sarkis, P.
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