Astron. Astrophys. 476
December(III) 2007

SGRs and AXPs proposed as ancestors of the Magnificent Seven.
Niebergal B.; Ouyed R.; Leahy D.
Linking the X-ray timing and spectral properties of the glitching AXP 1RXS J170849-400910.
Israel G.L. ; Goetz D. ; Zane S. ; Dall'Osso S. ; Rea N. ; Stella L.
HD 17156b: a transiting planet with a 21.2-day period and an eccentric orbit.
Barbieri M. ; Alonso R. ; Laughlin G. ; Almenara J.M. ; Bissinger R. ; Davies D. ; Gasparri D. ; Guido E. ; Lopresti C. ; Manzini F. ; Sostero G.
The Hanle effect. Decomposition of the Stokes parameters into irreducible components.
Frisch H.
Continuum emission in the 1-2000 Å range.
Landi E.
Molecular fluorine chemistry in the early Universe.
Puy D. ; Dubrovich V. ; Lipovka A. ; Talbi D. ; Vonlanthen P.
A new analysis of the Poincare dodecahedral space model.
Caillerie S. ; Lachieze-Rey M. ; Luminet J.-P. ; Lehoucq R. ; Riazuelo A. ; Weeks J.
The richest superclusters. I. Morphology.
Einasto M. ; Saar E. ; Liivamaegi L.J. ; Einasto J. ; Tago E. ; Martinez V.J. ; Starck J.-L. ; Mueller V. ; Heinaemaeki P. ; Nurmi P. ; Gramann M. ; Huetsi G.
The innermost region of AGN tori: implications from the HST/NICMOS type 1 point sources and near-IR reverberation.
Kishimoto M. ; Hoenig S.F. ; Beckert T. ; Weigelt G.
The stellar content of low redshift BL Lacertae host galaxies from multicolour imaging.
Hyvoenen T. ; Kotilainen J.K. ; Falomo R. ; Oerndahl E. ; Pursimo T.
IC 5063: AGN driven outflow of warm and cold gas.
Morganti R. ; Holt J. ; Saripalli L. ; Oosterloo T.A. ; Tadhunter C.N.
The chemical composition of planetary nebulae and HII regions in NGC3109.
Pena M. ; Stasinska G. ; Richer M.G.
2007A&A...476..759B – (Tables: J/A+A/476/759)
The soft X-ray properties of AGN from the CJF sample. A correlation analysis between soft X-ray and VLBI properties.
Britzen S. ; Brinkmann W. ; Campbell R.M. ; Gliozzi M. ; Readhead A.C.S. ; Browne I.W.A. ; Wilkinson P.
RR Lyrae stars in Galactic globular clusters. VI. The period-amplitude relation.
Bono G. ; Caputo F. ; Di Criscienzo M.
A spectral line survey of Orion KL in the bands 486-492 and 541-577 GHz with the Odin satellite. I. The observational data.
Olofsson A.O.H. ; Persson C.M. ; Koning N. ; Bergman P. ; Bernath P.F. ; Black J.H. ; Frisk U. ; Geppert W. ; Hasegawa T.I. ; Hjalmarson A. ; Kwok S. ; Larsson B. ; Lecacheux A. ; Nummelin A. ; Olberg M. ; Sandqvist A. ; Wirstroem E.S.
A spectral line survey of Orion KL in the bands 486-492 and 541-577 GHz with the Odin satellite. II. Data analysis.
Persson C.M. ; Olofsson A.O.H. ; Koning N. ; Bergman P. ; Bernath P. ; Black J.H. ; Frisk U. ; Geppert W. ; Hasegawa T.I. ; Hjalmarson A. ; Kwok S. ; Larsson B. ; Lecacheux A. ; Nummelin A. ; Olberg M. ; Sandqvist A. ; Wirstroem E.S.
Effects of photophoresis on the evolution of transitional circumstellar disks.
Herrmann F.; Krivov A.V.
The effect of clouds in a galactic wind on the evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies.
Recchi S. ; Hensler G.
A search for near-infrared molecular hydrogen emission in the CTTS LkHα 264 and the debris disk 49 Ceti.
Carmona A. ; van den Ancker M.E. ; Henning T. ; Goto M. ; Fedele D. ; Stecklum B.
Classical Cepheid pulsation models. XI. Effects of convection and chemical composition on the period-luminosity and period-Wesenheit relations.
Fiorentino G. ; Marconi M. ; Musella I. ; Caputo F.
2007A&A...476..881K – (Tables: J/A+A/476/881)
Study of FK Comae Berenices. V. Spot evolution and detection of surface differential rotation.
Korhonen H. ; Berdyugina S.V. ; Hackman T. ; Ilyin I.V. ; Strassmeier K.G. ; Tuominen I.
Evolution of massive AGB stars. II. model properties at non-solar metallicity and the fate of Super-AGB stars.
Siess L.
Late stages of the evolution of A-type stars on the main sequence: comparison between observed chemical abundances and diffusion models for 8 Am stars of the Praesepe cluster.
Fossati L. ; Bagnulo S. ; Monier R. ; Khan S.A. ; Kochukhov O. ; Landstreet J. ; Wade G. ; Weiss W.
A photometric study of Be stars located in the seismology fields of COROT.
Gutierrez-Soto J. ; Fabregat J. ; Suso J. ; Lanzara M. ; Garrido R. ; Hubert A.-M. ; Floquet M.
First stars. VIII. Enrichment of the neutron-capture elements in the early Galaxy.
Francois P. ; Depagne E. ; Hill V. ; Spite M. ; Spite F. ; Plez B. ; Beers T.C. ; Andersen J. ; James G. ; Barbuy B. ; Cayrel R. ; Bonifacio P. ; Molaro P. ; Nordstroem B. ; Primas F.
The statistical significance of the North-South asymmetry of solar activity revisited.
Carbonell M. ; Terradas J. ; Oliver R. ; Ballester J.L.
Bayesian inversion of Stokes profiles.
Asensio Ramos A. ; Martinez Gonzalez M.J. ; Rubino-Martin J.A.
Twisting flux tubes as a cause of micro-flaring activity.
Jess D.B. ; McAteer R.T.J. ; Mathioudakis M. ; Keenan F.P. ; Andic A. ; Bloomfield D.S.
Dust observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 at the time of the Deep Impact.
Tozzi G.P. ; Boehnhardt H. ; Kolokolova L. ; Bonev T. ; Pompei E. ; Bagnulo S. ; Ageorges N. ; Barrera L. ; Hainaut O. ; Kaeufl H.U. ; Kerber F. ; LoCurto G. ; Marco O. ; Pantin E. ; Rauer H. ; Saviane I. ; Sterken C. ; Weiler M.
Optical astrometric positions of 59 northern ICRF radio sources.
Assafin M. ; Nedelcu D.A. ; Badescu O. ; Popescu P. ; Andrei A.H. ; Camargo J.I.B. ; da Silva Neto D.N. ; Vieira Martins R.
Band profiles and band strengths in mixed H2O:CO ices.
Bouwman J. ; Ludwig W. ; Awad Z. ; Oeberg K.I. ; Fuchs G.W. ; van Dishoeck E.F. ; Linnartz H.
A scene model of exosolar systems for use in planetary detection and characterisation simulations.
Belu A. ; Thiebaut E. ; Ollivier M. ; Lagache G. ; Selsis F. ; Vakili F.
2007A&A...476.1019M – (Tables: J/A+A/476/1019)
The RMS survey: mid-infrared observations of candidate massive YSOs in the southern hemisphere.
Mottram J.C. ; Hoare M.G. ; Lumsden S.L. ; Oudmaijer R.D. ; Urquhart J.S. ; Sheret T.L. ; Clarke A.J. ; Allsopp J.
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