Astron. Astrophys. 447
February(IV) 2006

Assisted stellar suicide in V617 Sagittarii.
Steiner J.E. ; Oliveira A.S. ; Cieslinski D. ; Ricci T.V.
Optical emission from GRB050709: a short/hard GRB in a star-forming galaxy.
Covino S. ; Malesani D. ; Israel G.L. ; D'Avanzo P. ; Antonelli L.A. ; Chincarini G. ; Fugazza D. ; Conciatore M.L. ; Della Valle M. ; Fiore F. ; Guetta D. ; Hurley K. ; Lazzati D. ; Stella L. ; Tagliaferri G. ; Vietri M. ; Campana S. ; Burrows D.N. ; D'Elia V. ; Filliatre P. ; Gehrels N. ; Goldoni P. ; Melandri A. ; Mereghetti S. ; Mirabel I.F. ; Moretti A. ; Nousek J. ; O'Brien P.T. ; Pellizza L.J. ; Perna R. ; Piranomonte S. ; Romano P. ; Zerbi F.M.
Evidence supporting the kinematic interpretation of water maser proper motions.
Goddi C. ; Moscadelli L. ; Torrelles J.M. ; Uscanga L. ; Cesaroni R.
High brightness temperatures and circular polarisation in extra-galactic radio sources.
Kirk J.G.; Tsang O.
The periods of the intermediate polar RX J0153.3+7446.
Norton A.J.; Tanner J.D.
VLT/UVES constraints on the carbon isotope ratio 12C/13C at z=1.15 toward the quasar HE 0515-4414.
Levshakov S.A. ; Centurion M. ; Molaro P. ; Kostina M.V.
Point source confusion in SZ cluster surveys.
Bartlett J.G. ; Melin J.-B.
From Hubble diagrams to scale factors.
Schuecker T. ; Tilquin A.
A fast method for computing strong-lensing cross sections: application to merging clusters.
Fedeli C. ; Meneghetti M. ; Bartelmann M. ; Dolag K. ; Moscardini L.
Large scale correlations in galaxy clustering from the two degree field galaxy redshift survey.
Vasilyev N.L. ; Baryshev Y.V. ; Sylos Labini F.
NGC 7679: an anomalous, composite Seyfert 1 galaxy whose X-ray luminous AGN vanishes at optical wavelengths.
Buson L.M. ; Cappellari M. ; Corsini E.M. ; Held E.V. ; Lim J. ; Pizzella A.
Bar instability in cosmological halos.
Curir A. ; Mazzei P. ; Murante G.
Large-scale magnetized outflows from the Virgo Cluster spiral NGC4569. A galactic wind in a ram pressure wind.
Chyzy K.T. ; Soida M. ; Bomans D.J. ; Vollmer B. ; Balkowski C. ; Beck R. ; Urbanik M.
2006A&A...447..473B – (Tables: J/A+A/447/473)
The C star population of DDO 190.
Battinelli P. ; Demers S.
HI absorption in 3C 49 and 3C 268.3. Probing the environment of compact steep spectrum and GHz peaked spectrum sources.
Labiano A. ; Vermeulen R.C. ; Barthel P.D. ; O'Dea C.P. ; Gallimore J.F. ; Baum S. ; de Vries W.
Atomic hydrogen in the one-sided ``compact double'' radio galaxy 2050+364.
Vermeulen R.C. ; Labiano A. ; Barthel P.D. ; Baum S.A. ; de Vries W.H. ; O'Dea C.P.
Slow and fast components in the X-ray light curves of gamma-ray bursts.
Vetere L. ; Massaro E. ; Costa E. ; Soffitta P. ; Ventura G.
VLBI phase-reference observations of the gravitational lens JVAS B0218+357.
Mittal R. ; Porcas R. ; Wucknitz O. (2) ; Biggs A. (3) ; Browne I.
Low frequency radio monitoring of CygnusX-1 and CygnusX-3.
Pandey M. ; Rao A.P. ; Pooley G.G. ; Durouchoux P. ; Manchanda R.K. ; Ishwara-Chandra C.H.
Molecular cloud shredding in the Galactic Bar.
Liszt H.S.
Broad band variability of SS433: accretion disk at work?
Revnivtsev M. ; Fabrika S. ; Abolmasov P. ; Postnov K. ; Bikmaev I. ; Burenin R. ; Pavlinsky M. ; Sunyaev R. ; Khamitov I. ; Sakhibullin N.
Composition and quantities of dust produced by AGB-stars and returned to the interstellar medium.
Ferrarotti A.S.; Gail H.-P.
Tracing the base of protostellar wind(s) towards the high-mass star forming region AFGL 5142: VLA continuum and VLBA H2O maser observations.
Goddi C. (1) ; Moscadelli L.
On the diffuse bands related to the C2 interstellar molecule.
Galazutdinov G.A. ; Gnacinski P. ; Han I. ; Lee B.-C. ; Kim K.-M. ; Krelowski J.
The ratio of N(C18O) and AV in Chamaeleon I and III-B. Using 2MASS and SEST.
Kainulainen J.; Lehtinen K.; Harju J.
2006A&A...447..609S – (Tables: J/A+A/447/609)
An unbiased search for the signatures of protostars in the ρ Ophiuchi molecular cloud. II. Millimetre continuum observations.
Stanke T. ; Smith M.D. ; Gredel R. ; Khanzadyan T.
The early star generations: the dominant effect of rotation on the CNO yields.
Meynet G.; Ekstroem S.; Maeder A.
The s-process weak component: uncertainties due to convective overshooting.
Costa V. ; Pumo M.L. ; Bonanno A. ; Zappala R.A.
The role of rotation on Petersen diagrams. The Π1/0(Ω) period ratios.
Suarez J.C. ; Garrido R. ; Goupil M.J.
Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the massive protostellar outflow source IRAS 23151+5912.
Weigelt G. ; Beuther H. ; Hofmann K.-H. ; Meyer M.R. ; Preibisch T. ; Schertl D. ; Smith M.D. ; Young E.T.
The massive eclipsing LMC Wolf-Rayet binary BAT99-129. I. Orbital parameters, hydrogen content and spectroscopic characteristics.
Foellmi C. ; Moffat A.F.J. ; Marchenko S.V.
Abundances of vanadium and bromine in 3 Centauri A. Additional odd-Z anomalies.
Cowley C.R. ; Wahlgren G.M.
2006A&A...447..685A – (Tables: J/A+A/447/685)
Elemental abundance analyses with DAO spectrograms. XXIX. The mercury-manganese stars 53 Tau, β Tau, γ Crv, and υ Her.
Adelman S.J. ; Caliskan H. ; Gulliver A.F. ; Teker A.
Quantitative spectroscopic analysis of and distance to SN1999em.
Dessart L. ; Hillier D.J.
Spectral energy distribution for GJ406.
Pavlenko Y.V. ; Jones H.R.A. ; Lyubchik Y. ; Tennyson J. ; Pinfield D.J.
Non-thermal broadening of coronal emission lines in the onset phase of solar flares and CMEs.
Kay H.R.M.; Matthews S.A.; Harra L.K.; Culhane J.L.
Inverse and normal coronal mass ejections: evolution up to 1 AU.
Chane E.; Van der Holst B.; Jacobs C.; Poedts S.; Kimpe D.
2006A&A...447..735T – (Tables: J/A+A/447/735)
Hemispheric sunspot numbers Rn and Rs from 1945-2004: catalogue and N-S asymmetry analysis for solar cycles 18-23.
Temmer M. ; Rybak J. ; Bendik P. ; Veronig A. ; Vogler F. ; Otruba W. ; Poetzi W. ; Hanslmeier A.
Thermal emission of spherical spinning ring particles. The standard model.
Ferrari C.; Leyrat C.
Benchmarking atomic data for astrophysics: FeXXIV.
Del Zanna G.
Calibration of the PRONAOS/SPM submillimeter photometer.
Pajot F. ; Stepnik B. ; Lamarre J.-M. ; Bernard J.-P. ; Dupac X. (3) ; Giard M. ; Lagache G. ; Leriche B. ; Meny C. ; Recouvreur G. ; Renault J.-C. ; Rioux C. ; Ristorcelli I. ; Serra G. ; Torre J.-P.
(Erratum) A catalog of bright calibrator stars for 200-m baseline near-infrared stellar interferometry.
Merand A. ; Borde P. ; Coude du Foresto V.
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